379 research outputs found

    Multilingual and Multi-Generational Italian Identity in a Netflix Series: Subtitling Generazione56k (2021) into English

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    This article reports on an investigation into the representation of “Italianness” in the recent Netflix Italian series Generazione 56k, which was exported to Englishspeaking countries. The series deals with characters from different generations and displays regional varieties. This qualitative study examined the macro- and microstrategies used in the creation of English subtitles for the first season. The focus is on key functions of telecinematic discourse, i.e., characterisation, realism, and humour, which is realised through the use of (a) multilingualism in the broadest sense, including geographical dialects, and (b) multi-generational language (colloquialisms, “unconventional language”, particularly, teenage and youth language, and taboo). Findings reveal a tendency towards neutralisation strategies in the English subtitles. Even considering the constraints inherent in the subtitling mode, these strategies do not successfully represent “Italianness” with its local geographical diversity, and only partially convey the representation of multi-generational language, also affecting humour. The themes which engage millennials, however, are expressed and might be appreciated by an international audience. Our analysis and conclusions suggest it may be interesting to understand whether younger generations, increasingly accustomed to “multilingualism” especially in Netflix programmes, would also envisage a different subtitling experience

    Molecular targeting and development of a new radioreceptor therapeutic strategy for non-iodophil epithelial follicular thyroid and neuroendocrine-like tumors.

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    Introduction: Interest in SST-analogue-based treatments is increasing, largely because of the success in vivo targeting of SSTRs in neuroendocrine and neuroendocrine-like tumors. The main factor limiting therapeutic efficacy of such SST-analogs is their selectivity for particular SSTRs. In this study, it was evaluated the binding properties and biodistribution profile of a new SST-analogue (Peptide 1) recently prepared, retaining high selectivity for SSTR-2 Materials and methods: Among the DOTA-SST analogues synthesized DOTA-Peptide 1 was selected based on affinity profile. The 177Lu/111In-DOTA-Peptide1 was tested both in vitro, on different cell line expressing human SSTR2, in vivo in tumor xenografts-bearing nude mice and balc-c health mice. Immunofluorescence studies were performed for determination of the peptide-receptor complex internalisation. Results: Internalisation studies demonstrated that the uptake of 177Lu/111In-DOTA-Peptide1 is time-dependent, with a high specific internalisation after 4-24 hr of incubation (177LuDOTA-Peptide1: 38.23%±3.2; 57.68%±3 respectively. 111In-DOTA-Peptide1:6.59%±0.92 27.23%±1.6). Efflux studies exhibited a time-dependent pattern, with more than 50% retention of 177Lu/111In-DOTA-Peptide 1 after 4 hr of incubation. Pharmacokinetic studies performed in nude mice bearing tumor showed high radioligand accumulation in the tumors at 1 and 4 hr post injection (22.69±5.36 and 23.69±1.74 %ID/g, respectively). The other organs demonstrated low uptake with the exception of the kidneys (physiologic site of accumulation). At the 24 hr a good clearance was observed for all non-tumor and non-specific tissues (the only exception being the kidney, where the uptake remained high at 6.69±0.70%ID/g). Immunofluorescence studies demonstrate that the intenalisation of the complex is time dependent. Conclusion: DOTA-Peptide 1 was characterized pharmacologically. These preliminary results indicate that 177Lu/111In-DOTA-Peptide 1 is a promising new SST-based radioligand for possible diagnosis and PRRT of tumors specifically expressing SSTR2

    Gardella/l’esporre: Il museo e la mostra.

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    abstractI disegni e i documenti di Ignazio Gardella conservati presso il centro CSAC dell’Università di Parma permettono di indagare anche quei progetti, realizzati durante tutta la carriera del maestro milanese, relativi ad allestimenti temporanei e collezioni museali, fino al progetto dell’edificio museale. Attraverso questi materiali è possibile costruire un dialogo tra spazi differenti, per destinazione e momento storico, ma sempre riconducibili ad un tema e ad un metodo unitario di lavoro, attento al processo progettuale, all’occasione e al contesto. A partire dagli allestimenti per la Triennale di Milano, realizzati fin dagli anni Trenta, dal Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea di Milano concluso negli anni Cinquanta, fino all’Expo di Tsukuba del 1985, l’opera di Gardella si distingue attraverso i numerosi disegni presenti nell’archivio per un’idea del progetto espositivo come luogo della sperimentazione. La ricerca in corso presso il CSAC, di cui qui si presenta una prima nota work in progress introduce una possibile analisi trasversale sull’opera di Gardella a partire da queste occasioni di progetto

    Multilingual and Multi-Generational Italian Identity in a Netflix Series: Subtitling Generazione 56k (2021) into English

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    This paper reports an investigation into the representation of “Italianness” in the recent Netflix Italian series Generazione 56k, which was exported to English-speaking countries. This series deals with characters from different generations and displays regional varieties. This qualitative study examined the macro- and micro-strategies used in the creation of English subtitles for the first season. The focus is on key functions of telecinematic discourse, i.e., characterisation, realism, and humour, realised through the use of (a) multilingualism in the broadest sense, including geographical dialects, and (b) multi-generational language (colloquialisms, “unconventional language”, particularly, teenage and youth language, and taboo). Findings reveal a tendency towards neutralisation strategies in the English subtitles. Even considering the constraints inherent in the subtitling mode, these strategies do not successfully represent “Italianness” with its local geographical diversity, and only partially convey the representation of multi-generational language, also affecting humour. The themes engaging millennials, however, are expressed and might be appreciated by an international audience. In the light of our analysis and conclusions, it may be interesting to understand whether younger generations, increasingly accustomed to “multilingualism” especially in Netflix programmes, would also envisage a different subtitling experience

    Distribution and some biological parameters of the red gurnard, Chelidonichthys cuculus (Actinopterygii, Scorpaeniformes, Triglidae) in the north-central Adriatic Sea

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    Background. Red gurnard, Chelidonichthys cuculus (Linnaeus, 1758), is distributed in the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, and in the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Norway to Mauritania, although it is rarely found in the North Sea and on the Norwegian shelf. The aim of this work was to conduct a comprehensive study of red gurnard in the Adriatic Sea on selected aspects the population biology and some of its environmental implications . Materialsandmethods. The sampling covered the entire subdivision GSA17 (north-central Adriatic Sea) and it was based on several bottom trawl surveys of MEDITS and GRUND projects from 2000 through 2009. Biometric parameters, as well as the spatial- and depth distributions were analyzed. The parameters such as the length–weight relation, sex, gonad maturity stage, and the stomach content were determined on a subsample of 539 specimens collected seasonally (summer and autumn–winter) within 2007–2009. The data were processed statistically . Results. Chelidonichthys cuculus was mainly distributed in the central Adriatic. Juveniles showed a distribution in shallower waters while adults tended to migrate towards the Croatian coast at greater depths. The total length of the fish sampled ranged from 40 to 303 mm (TL). We assumed the length of 100 mm as a threshold separat ing juveniles from adults and the length range of 170–190 mm as the maturity size for females and males. Isometric- and allometric growth patterns were showed for the juveniles and the adults, respectively. The diet was based almost exclusively on crustaceans (IRI% > 98%) and it did not change upon reaching the sexual maturity. Chelidonichthys cuculus should be considered a specialist predator feeding mostly on necto-benthic lophogastrids (IRI% > 72%) . Conclusion. This work constitutes an attempt to summarize some environmental and biology aspects of the red gurnard in Adriatic population: differences in depth distribution and growth were found between juveniles and adults but not in diet. Males and females showed differences in growth parameters. Extending the studied area and collecting data of red gurnard in the main areas of production should help in better understanding the biolo gy and dynamics of this species

    Test on the effects of reconstituted soil on emergency speed and root growth in maize

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    Summary Reconstitution is a pedotechnique to counter land degradation and desertification. The reconstitution, patented by the research laboratory m.c.m. Ecosistemi, applies chemical-mechanical actions to a mixture of degraded soil and matrices (such as waste sludge) in order to produce reconstituted soil, a very high fertility soil. This paper is about a pot study in a greenhouse to investigate how reconstituted soil affects emergence speed and seminal roots development of Zea mays L. seedlings, in comparison with a Technosol. 200 seedlings are monitored up to the 16th day after the seeding. The emergence percentage is 98% on reconstituted soil and 91% on Technosol. Average length and weight of fresh seminal roots are higher on reconstituted soil

    Novi nalazi crne voline Dipturus nidarosiensis (Storm, 1881) (Pisces: Rajidae) iz Jadranskoga mora

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    Additional records of the Norwegian skate Dipturus nidarosiensis (Storm, 1881)from the Adri-atic Sea are reported. Two specimens were collected in the southern Adriatic Pit in 2008 and 2010, respectively. The records reported herein improve our knowledge on the distribution of a rarely encountered, deep water species D. nidarosiensis, whose presence has only recently been confirmed in the Mediterranean Sea.U radu su opisani novi nalazi crne voline Dipturus nidarosiensis (Storm, 1881) iz Jadran-skoga mora. Dva primjerka ulovljena su na području Južnojadranske kotline 2008. odnosno 2010. godine. Ovi nalazi proširuju saznanja o distribuciji ove rijetke dubokomorske vrste čija je prisutnost u Sredozemnom moru tek nedavno utvrđena

    The reconstitution: environmental restoration assessment by means of LCC and FCC

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    The reconstitution is a pedotecnique producing environmental proper and fertile Technosols, applying chemical-mechanical treatment to alluvial sediments, degraded soils and pedomaterials included waste by different productive processes. By means of reconstitution, the environmental restoration of the covering degraded soil of a closed landfill near Piacenza is made (LIFE10 ENV/IT/000400 NEW LIFE). In order to assess this environmental restoration, LCC and FCC are calculated on 5 soil samples before and after reconstitution. The results, which highlight the transition from worst to best LCC and FCC classes show how reconstitution was able to convert the environmental and agronomic conditions from soil have very severe limitations that restrict the choice of plants or require very careful management, and that limit or restrict its use mainly to pasture, range, forestland, or wildlife food and cover, to soil have moderate limitations that restrict the choice of plants or that require moderate conservation practices or have optimum fertility

    Application of the floristic-vegetational indexes system for the evaluation of the environmental quality of a semi-natural area of the Po Valley (Piacenza, Italy)

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    The floristic-vegetational indexes proposed by Taffetani and Rismondo (2009) and updated by Rismondo et al. (2011) were used to assess the environmental quality of a semi-natural located on the outskirts of Piacenza (Emilia Romagna, Italy), the site of a closed landfill of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). This method was created and perfected to analyze the ecological functionality of afro-ecosystem and permits simp and rapid measurement of the ecological characteristics and grade of dynamic evolution of then phtocoenoses. These indexes were applied to the vegetation of the different sectors that make up the study area ad from the results obtained t was possible to identify those with the worst environmental quality and to formulate some proposes for action aimed at improving them environmentally. In particular an interruption in the evolution of the landfill vegetation was found, due to the chemical-physical characteristics of the cover sol which is compacted and of limited depth. The application of the Taffetani and Rismondo (2009) indexes to a real case has also allowed evaluation of their practicality and the information content obtained

    Using beef-breed semen in seropositive dams for the control of bovine neosporosis

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    A program for controlling bovine neosporosis based only on the use of beef semen, without culling seropositive animals, was evaluated in a closed dairy cattle herd over a 5 -year period (2013-2017). The program was based on individual and periodic serological screenings to identify seropositive breeders. Seropositive cows were inseminated with beef-breed semen, thus excluding their descendants from the remount in order to prevent the vertical transmission of the disease. Seronegative animals, as well as heifers at first insemination, were tested before each insemination.Sera of 1097 cattle were examined by a commercial indirect ELISA for the detection of antibodies anti-Neospora caninum. To verify the difference in seropositivity values among years of sampling, statistical analysis through generalized estimation equations (GEEs) was performed, also considering the effects of age, lineages, and occurrence of abortion. A seroprevalence of 33.8% was found in the first screening. The prevalence and incidence of the infection within the herd decreased significantly in 2017 (P = 28.9%, I = 1.4%) (p-value = 0.0001). The family line investigation detected a higher risk of being seropositive for a cow born to a seropositive dam (p-value = 0.0001) than to a seronegative dam, decreasing both the apparently vertical and horizontal transmissions. The number of spontaneous abortions decreased after the first year of the study (23 in 2013 to 6 in 2017). Seropositive animals were associated with abortion events (p-value = 0.0001).Although an eradication of N. caninum was not achieved at the end of the study period, a significant reduction in prevalence and incidence of neosporosis in the herd and a reduction of the abortion rate was achieved with the application of this control plan in five years, without culling a high number of seropositive potential milk-producing animals
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