1,009 research outputs found

    Introdución á química de coordinación

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    Titulación: Grao en Enxeñaría Técnica Industrial. Especialidade en Química Industrial -- Materia: Química Inorgánica IIEsta unidade didáctica pecha un conxunto de temas destinados a conceptos básicos da materia, encadrados no Bloque I, e abórdase despois de estudar algunhas xeneralidades dos metais de transición e de ver cales son os métodos de beneficio dos metais a escala industrial. Nesta unidade iníciase o estudo da química de coordinación, que é unha parte fundamental da química dos metais de transición. Deste xeito, en todos os temas seguintes do programa do curso farase uso dos coñecementos aprendidos nesta unidade. Ademais, debemos sinalar que moitos procesos industriais e analíticos utilizan compostos de coordinación. Así, estes teñen grande interese en moi diversas áreas, entre as cales se pode destacar a modo de exemplo a medicina, dado que moitos tratamentos anticanceríxenos son en realidade terapias con compostos de coordinación. En canto á temporización desta unidade didáctica, está deseñada para ser desenvolvida nunhas 12-13 horas.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Significados encontrados : Las representaciones sociales en torno al Programa Argentina Trabaja en el conurbano bonaerense

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    La constitución de los estados modernos es compleja. Ésta se asienta tanto en las modalidades específicas de articulación de un proyecto emancipatorio resumido en las consignas de libertad, igualdad y fraternidad como en las instituciones que posibilitan la explotación socioeconómica y la separación entre dirigentes y dirigidos. Uno de los aspectos que tornó plausible la articulación de estas matrices en tensión fue la institución de la ciudadanía. Los ciclos de acción colectiva, frecuentemente, anteceden los procesos de democratización, evidenciando la matriz sociocéntrica de los mismos; sin embargo la particular forma de institución de los mismos expresa modos diversos de instauración. En ciertos momentos históricos estos procesos fueron ampliando y profundizando –no sin contradicciones- algunos aspectos de la promesa emancipatoria de la modernidad. Las conquistas de derechos sociales plasmaron elementos igualatorios que, con todo, sólo cristalizaron aspectos que no se contrapusieran a la matriz capitalista que coconstituye las sociedades modernas. El estatuto del trabajo como un valor social y del trabajador como una clase social con derechos específicos fue una construcción sólida para mediados del siglo XX.Mesa 15: Pobres ciudadanos. Las clases populares en la Argentina democráticaFacultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Anàlisi de les accions a pilota aturada en el futbol d’alt rendiment: serveis de córner, tirs lliures indirectes. Un intent d’identificació de variables explicatives

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    El present treball va ser plantejat amb el propòsit d’arribar a un coneixement més profund de dos tipus concrets d’accions a pilota aturada d’enorme transcendència en el futbol de màxim rendiment, com són els serveis de córner i els tirs lliures indirectes. Aquest estudi pretén analitzar l’eficàcia d’aquest tipus d’accions, així com identificar les variables més rellevants per conduir a l’èxit (rematada, rematada entre els tres pals i gol) aquestes accions i proposar un model de servei de córner i de tir lliure indirecte reeixit .Després del registre de 1139 córners i 783 tirs lliures indirectes executats en els 124 partits analitzats corresponents a la FIFA World Cup 2010, Fase Final de la Lliga de Campions 2010-2011 i UEFA Euro 2012, i de realitzar anàlisis a nivell univariada, bivariada i multivariada, els resultats indiquen una baixa eficàcia en la rematada, rematada entre els tres pals i gol en aquest tipus d’accions. Entre les conclusions més rellevants de les dues investigacions destaquen: 1) L’eficàcia d’aquest tipus d’accions és molt limitada, ja que es necessiten 4 córners i 5 tirs lliures indirectes perquè es produeixi rematada; 10 i 11 respectivament perquè es produeixi una rematada entre els tres pals; i 50 córners i 36 tirs indirectes perquè es produeixi un gol; 2) Tot i ser accions d’eficàcia molt reduïda, el 76% i el 64% dels gols que procedeixen de córners i de tirs indirectes respectivament han donat la victòria o sumat punts per als equips; 3) Lluny de les pràctiques habituals dels equips quant a la manera d’execució d’aquest tipus d’accions, basades en enviaments directes, trajectòries aèries i amb únicament intervenció de sacador i rematador, els resultats empírics obtinguts justifiquen, per contra, l’alternativa tàctica d’aquells equips que opten per dotar aquest tipus d’accions d’un mínim d’elaboració, basat en enviaments indirectes, amb intervenció de tres o quatre jugadors i amb organitzacions ofensives dinàmiques, com la millor manera d’arribar al gol o aconseguir una rematada; 4) La regressió logística ha servit per destacar el paper clau de tres variables concretes en el cas dels córners. Aquestes variables fan referència a l’organització ofensiva, al nombre d’atacants que intervenen sobre la pilota i a la zona de finalització. Quant als trets indirectes, tornen a ser tres les variables que formen part del model explicatiu. Així, l’organització ofensiva, la trajectòria de la pilota i el nombre d’atacants que intervenen sobre aquesta s’erigeixen com les variables que de manera reiterada entren en el model

    Development of a detrital garnet geochronometer and the search for Earth's oldest garnet

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    Due to Earth’s efficient crustal recycling through plate tectonics, the remaining physical record of Earth’s first two billion years consists of mineral fragments and heavily metamorphosed rocks in isolated Archean cratons. Characterization of Earth’s earliest tectonic processes requires investigation of all available records; the mineral garnet has been largely overlooked. The major element chemistry and samarium-neodymium (Sm-Nd) isotope ratios preserved in fragmented detrital garnet and Archean metamorphic garnet record the timing and conditions of early tectonic events. This work presents detailed methodology for a new detrital garnet geochronometer unlocking age information from previously undateable detrital garnet surviving recycling in sediment, sedimentary rocks, and metasedimentary rocks. The new method’s utility is demonstrated by dating garnet from a Scottish sedimentary rock and nineteen individual garnet grains from a tributary to the French Broad River in the southern Appalachians. In the southern Appalachians, garnet and existing monazite ages overlap (though the mean garnet age is slightly younger) to record the most recent metamorphic event and both are younger than inherited zircon ages. Proof-of-concept testing demonstrating protocol development for blank-correction and routine analysis of samples smaller than 1 ng advances small Sm-Nd analysis. Additionally, this work applies existing Sm-Nd garnet geochronology methods to search for garnet older than 2.5 Ga and provide age constraints on the complicated metamorphic histories of two Archean cratons. A search for detrital garnet in a sample from the Jack Hills metasedimentary belt of Western Australia hosting the Earth’s oldest known terrestrial materials (ca. 4.3 Ga) failed to produce garnet. Instead, two samples collected ~4 km south of the Jack Hills belt in the Narryer Terrane were dated to confirm Narryer regional metamorphism at ca. 2.6 Ga. The Acasta gneiss of northern Canada, arguably Earth’s oldest known cohesive rock outcrop (ca. 4.0 Ga), produced one of the Earth’s oldest known garnet ages. Garnet ages of ca. 2.95 Ga constrain the timing of Archean metamorphism and the data also indicate potential for preservation of even older garnet. Finally, a compilation of published garnet ages in the literature is presented to summarize the community’s progress in the search for Earth’s oldest garnet.2017-12-06T00:00:00

    Gender Differences in Technical-Tactical Behaviour of la Liga Spanish Football Teams

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    [Abstract] The aim of this study was to identify differences in technical-tactical behaviour between the men and women first division football teams of the Spanish league, to this end 68 matches corresponding to 2016/17 season were analysed. A comparative analysis of the medians was carried out using the Mann-Whitney U-tests were conducted as post hoc tests. The size effect of this test was calculated and, finally, we performed a grouping of the variables through the clustering bootstrapping technique in both groups. We have detected statistically significant differences (p <0.01) regarding all accurate passes, in favour of men, as well as a greater number of yellow cards. In female football, a greater number of picking up free balls, interceptions, lost balls, recoveries and challenges are produced. Finally, in women's football a greater number of attacks are also carried out, both positional and counterattacks than in men. The clustering analysis allowed us to identify that in male football, the circumstance of receiving a red card is closely related to the number of goals conceded and most of the shots on goal are achieved by positional attacks. In the case of women's football, ball possession on own half is closely related to the number of losses. Data proves the existence of technicaltactical differences between male and female football of the La Liga teams. Such detailed analysis could be useful for gender-specific training information for optimal preparation. However, more research is warranted to establish the main gender differences and characterize women's football.We gratefully acknowledge the support of Generalitat Valenciana proyect: Análisis observacional de la acción de juego en el fútbol de élite (Consellería d´Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport) during the period: 2017-2019 (GV2017/044). We also acknowledge the support of Universidad Católica de Valencia “San Vicente Mártir” project: Estudios en el deporte de élite desde los Mixed Methods: técnicas de análisis de estudios comparativos, during the period 2018 [Grant UCV2017/230-002]Generalitat Valenciana; GV2017/044Universidad Católica de Valencia; UCV2017/230-00

    Dismissals in times of crisis. Assessment of recent Spanish modifications

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    Effects of the crisis on the Spanish economy have led to increased flexibility of working conditions and specifically, in requirements for dismissal and termination of work contracts. This flexibility has increased since 2010, with the onset of the crisis, and is currently even higher. Reforms have focused on direct and indirect cost reductions resulting from contract terminations, particularly from dismissals. Paradoxically, the main legal reforms that were agreed upon in the area of disciplinary dismissal did not attempt to reduce the number of dismissals, but to lower their cost. Thus, reforms focused on two principal elements: the elimination of procedural salaries and the reduction of compensation costs for unfair dismissal

    Mainero and Smoller: The GOP is Self-Destructing

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    The Republican Party is self destructing. Donald Trump is proudly marching the national and local GOP off a cliff by exploiting America’s racial divide and by rejecting science. The failure of virtually all GOP office holders–Mitt Romney is a notable exception–to challenge the president, emboldens him and deprives the country of needed true two-party balance. We come to this conclusion from much different political perspectives: one of us (Mainero) is a conservative law professor who was Chief of Staff for Senator John Moorlach (R) when Moorlach was a County Supervisor and the other (Smoller) is a progressive political science professor. Both of us believe a viable two-party system is essential to good governance

    Convergence culture : an approach to Peter Pan, by J. M. Barrie through "the fandom"

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    Traballo Fin de Grao en Lingua e Literatura Galegas. Curso 2017-2018The aim of this research paper is the comparison between the original book of Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie with the narrative of fan phenomenon through online web pages such as Archive of Our Own, and FanFiction, among others. The reason why I decided to select Peter Pan is because it has an influence not only in English narrative but also in youth literature and culture. Moreover, these web pages are chosen because of the amount of different fanfictions that are published regarding this particular English novel. The main idea of this TFG is to constitute how the notions for instance of appropiation and remediation, that was coined by Jay David Bolter, work in these new narratives. Furthermore, how the fandom uses the original book not only in Order to create a new story but also to rewrite the relevant aspects (i.e. setting, characters behavior and appearance, crossovers and so on) for the community. Therefore, there would be not only a close reading of Barrie's novel, but also throughout my research paper several notions that I consider meaningful to my analysis will appear, such as participatory culture or fandom. I would also like to cover the core concept of my TFG, that is, convergence culture which was introduced by Henry Jenkins. lf I succeed, the result of this convergence culture would also be connected to the impact of I prosumers in the contemporary world

    Mainero and Smoller: Response to Wagner

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    Supervisor Don Wagner quibbles with typos and minor details, but fails to acknowledge the big picture about race relations and the Covid-19 crisis

    Study of the conformational rearrangement of a tetradentate hydrazone ligand

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    We report herein the first example of a tetradentate hydrazone structurally studied. The analysis of the conformations of this molecule together with the hydrogen bonding interactions allowed us to investigate the changes experienced by this ligand upon coordination to metal center