3,175 research outputs found

    Analisa Kebutuhan Tenaga Kerja Berdasarkan Beban Kerja Pada Bagian Assembling RSUD Banjarnegara Tahun 2012

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    Program Studi DIII Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Fakultas Kesehatan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro Semarang 2012 ABSTRAK MANDALA ZAETUNOV Analisa Kebutuhan Tenaga Kerja Berdasarkan Beban Kerja Pada Bagian Assembling di RSUD Banjarnegara Tahun 2012 RSUD Banjarnegara adalah rumah sakit tipe C milik Pemerintah Kabupaten Banjarnegara yang jumlah pasiennya semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Petugas yang bekerja di bagian assembling adalah 1 orang. Petugas assembling tidak hanya terfokus melakukan pekerjaanya di bagian assembling tetapi juga harus membantu petugas filling. Sehingga waktu kerja petugas assembling menjadi berkurang, padahal masih banyak pekerjaan yang harus diselesaikan di bagian assembling. Maka dari itu DRM yang menumpuk di bagian assembling semakin hari semakin bertambah. Untuk itu, kesesuaian antara beban kerja dengan banyaknya petugas harus diperhatikan sehingga dalam penelitian ini dapat diketahui kebutuhan tenaga kerja berdasarkan beban kerja di bagian assembling RSUD Banjarnegara. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif, dengan metode penelitian observasi dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi studi dalam penelitian ini pekerjaan di bagian assembling. Dengan analisa data menggunakan analisa secara deskriptif. Kemudian mengambil kesimpulan tanpa melakukan uji statistik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian petugas assembling tidak hanya mengerjakan tugas pokoknya yaitu menerima DRM rawat inap, mengurutkan formulir, meneliti kelengkapan, mencatat ketidaklengkapan, memisahkan DRM lengkap dan tidak lengkap, mengembalikan DRM tidak lengkap ke bangsal. Akan tetapi ada pekerjaan lain yang harus dikerjakan yaitu membantu pekerjaan petugas filling. Jam kerja petugas assembling selama 1 tahun adalah 1124 jam, dengan hari kerja efektif pertahun 281hari. Jumlah standar beban kerja petugas assembling selama 1 tahun adalah 8723,05. Kuntitas kegiatan pokok petugas assembling dalam 1 tahun adalah 17141. Dengan metode perhitungan WISN dapat diketahui jumlah kebutuhan tenaga kerja di bagian assembling tahun 2012 adalah 2 petugas. Maka dari itu dari perhitungan di atas dapat diketahui penambahan tenaga kerja pada tahun 2012 adalah sebanyak 1 petugas. Diharapkan dengan adanya penambahan 1 orang petugas di bagian assembling maka pekerjaan di bagian assembling dapat terselesaikan dengan maksimal. Kunci : Beban Kerja, Tenaga Kerja, Assembling Kepustakaan : 7 (1989-2010

    Human Rights and Persons with Disabilities: Design of Buk-Smart-Logi Learning Media (Technology Smart Books) as an Islamic Education Learning Media Innovation

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    The success of a teaching and learning process, especially in religious learning is largely determined by the learning media used. However, a problem arises, which is namely the lack of inclusive system learning media in learning. Therefore, the equality of human rights to education has not been implemented. This is based on the author's observations regarding the analysis of inclusive learning media in schools in Indonesia. Thus, educational institutions need to have learning media that can be used for people with disabilities. Hence, children without disabilities can study together with those with disabilities in one educational institution. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate a new learning media Buk-Smart-Logi (Book Smart Technology) to improve student learning outcomes and to be utilized by all children in Indonesia. Considering that education is the right of every citizen, including people with disabilities. This research is research and development using the simplified Borg and Gall model. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of validity of the Buk-Smart-Logi media and to find out how what the role of the media is in supporting inclusive learning in Islamic Religious Education subjects, as well as being a human-friendly media

    Providing Event Notifications

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    An event notification system can be used to provide notifications to a user related to an event. The system can provide these notifications before, during, and after the event. The event notification system analyzes an upcoming event from a user’s calendar to determine a context information associated with the event. As an example, this context information can include location of the place where the event is scheduled, people attending the event, duration of the event, agenda associated with the event etc. Based on the determined context associated with the event, the system determines specific tasks associated with the event. For example, these tasks can include providing the user with a map with the coordinates of the location of the event, names of people who have not yet RSVP\u27d to the event etc. Subsequently, the system provides notifications to the user for the specific tasks associated with the event


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    Medicaid Expansion and closing of Emergency Departments (ED) like Earl K. Long, Baton Rouge General Mid-City ED, and Champion Medical Center changed the health care landscape in East Baton Rouge Parish (EBRP). In this research study, a Geographical Information System (GIS) is used to analyze the impact of the expansion of Medicaid and the inauguration of Our Lady of the Lake North Baton Rouge ED (OLOL NBR ED) over the utilization of Franciscan Missionaries of our Lady Health System (FMOLHS) for both emergency and non-emergency health care services. This study is performed across the 58 neighborhoods of EBRP. Overutilization of ED is another major issue faced by the health care providers. This research study also focusses on the impact of expansion of Medicaid on over-utilizers of FMOLHS ED facilities in EBRP. The patient data obtained from the Electronic Health Records (EHR) of Francis Missionaries of our Lady Health System (FMOLHS) is geocoded and mapped into ArcGIS software. The census information that is publicly available for EBRP as shape files is used to map and join geocoded patient data to form heat maps. After the expansion of Medicaid, there is a significant increase in patient visits in FMOLHS ED and non-ED facilities (primary care centers) due to an increase in the number (count) of patients to these facilities and not to an increased rate of visits per patient. More proportion of patients started visiting FMOLHS ED facilities from lower-income neighborhoods in EBRP and FMOLHS non-ED facilities from medium-income neighborhoods after the expansion of Medicaid. After the inauguration of OLOL NBR ED, there is a significant reduction in the number of patients to other FMOLHS ED facilities (OLOL RMC ED and Livingston ED). The highest reduction in patients count to OLOL RMC ED and Livingston ED is observed in the lower-income neighborhoods compared to the reduction in patients count in the medium and higher income neighborhoods after the inauguration of OLOL NBR E

    Tibial Shaft Fractures:incidence, costs and outcome after intramedullary nailing

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    ENST 494.02: Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture Education

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    A Study of Multiprocessor Systems using the Picoblaze 8-bit Microcontroller Implemented on Field Programmable Gate Arrays

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    As Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are becoming more capable of implementing complex logic circuits, designers are increasingly choosing them over traditional microprocessor-based systems for implementing digital controllers and digital signal processing applications. Indeed, as FPGAs are being built using state-of-the-art deep submicron CMOS processes, the increased amount of logic and memory resources allows such FPGA-based implementations to compete in terms of speed, complexity, and power dissipation with most custom-built chips, but at a fraction of the development costs. The modern FPGA is now capable of implementing multiple instances of configurable processors that are completely specified by a high-level descriptor language. Such arrays of soft processor cores have opened up new design possibilities that include complex embedded systems applications that were previously implemented by custom multiprocessor chips. As the FPGA-based multiprocessor system is completely configurable by the user, it can be optimized for speed and power dissipation to fit a given application. The goal of this thesis is to investigate design methods for implementing an array of soft processor cores using the Xilinx FPGA-based 8-bit microcontroller known as PicoBlaze. While development tools exist for the larger 32-bit processor from Xilinx known as MicroBlaze, no such resources are currently available for the PicoBlaze microcontroller. PicoBlaze benefits in applications that requires only less data bits (less than 8 bits). For example, consider the gene sequencing or DNA sequencing in which the processing requires only 2 to 5 bits. In such an application, PicoBlaze can be a simple processor to produce the results. Also, the PicoBlaze unit offers a finer level of granularity and hence consumes fewer resources than the larger 32-bit MicroBlaze processor. Hence, the former will find applications in embedded systems requiring a complex design to be partitioned over several processors but where only an 8-bit datapath is required

    ENST 494.01: Practicum in Sustainable Agriculture Education

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of the mechanism of Corporate Governance (CG) and the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to corporate value. This type of research used in this research is the empirical research. The population in this study are all mining companies listed on the Stock Exchange in 2011-2015. The sampling technique used was purposive sample and selected 8 companies unit of analysis.Data analysis tools in this test using panel data regression analysis, which wants to see the effect of Managerial Ownership, Institutional Ownership, Proportion of Independent Commissioner, Number of Audit Committee and CSR Disclosure of the value of the Company. The results of this study indicate that the Institutional Ownership positive effect on firm value. Proportion of Independent Commissioner negatively affect the value of the company. Managerial Ownership, Number of Audit Committee and Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has no effect on the value of the company
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