192 research outputs found

    Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Differences in Initiation and Utilization of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services

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    Statement of the Problem. Adolescents and young adults underutilize sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, contributing to health disparities related to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. These SRH health outcomes are especially relevant to youth who do not identify as cisgender or heterosexual. Summary of the Literature. A review of the literature showed that receiving appropriate SRH care is crucial for young people, as health-care providers are in a vital position to screen for risk and to support health-promoting behaviors as teens grow into adulthood. Thesis Statement. The purpose of this study was to explore barriers and facilitators associated with early initiation of SRH services among Oklahoma emerging adults. The two groups examined were cisgender/heterosexual individuals and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or other sexual and gender minority individuals (LGBTQ+). The researcher hypothesized that compared to cisgender/heterosexual respondents (H1), LGBTQ+ respondents will initiate the utilization of SRH services at an older age; (H2) peers and partners will be stronger influencers on SRH service utilization for LGBTQ+ respondents; and (H3) LGBTQ+ respondents will report greater numbers of barriers to utilizing SRH services. Methodology. This retrospective cross-sectional study involved a 46-item online-administered questionnaire to assess young people’s experiences with initiating SRH services. Four-hundred adult participants with diverse sexual and gender identities were recruited to provide enough statistical power to find significance. Differences between the two groups were measured using independent t tests and variables were descriptively examined using crosstabulations tables. Analysis was completed using SPSS version 24.0 software. Results. The results of an independent t test showed the mean age at initiation of SRH services among LGBTQ+ participants (M = 16.92, SD = 2.39) was not statistically different from the mean age at initiation of SRH services among cisgender/heterosexual participants (M = 17.26, SD = 2.41; t(356) = 1.317, p = .189). The data violated one of the assumptions of chi-square analysis for the second research question, so influencers on the initiation of SRH services was only examined descriptively. These results showed that peers and partners were hardly influencers on participants initiating SRH services (1.4%), and personal responsibility (44.2%) and recommendations from a provider (27.0%) were the strongest influencers on initiation of SRH services, overall. Finally, the results of an independent t-test found that the mean number of barriers reported by cisgender/heterosexual participants (M = 2.32, SD = 1.84) was significantly less than the mean number of barriers reported by LGBTQ+ participants (M =3.08, SD = 2.25; t(279) = -3.117, p = .002). Because there was no statistically significant difference in the average age at initiation of SRH services overall between the two groups, the first null hypothesis was accepted. A descriptive examination of the second research question showed that the strongest influencers on initiation of SRH services vary slightly between the two groups. The final null hypothesis was rejected, and the results concluded that LGBTQ+ respondents report a greater number of barriers to utilizing SRH services compared to their cisgender/heterosexual peers. Significance of Findings. This study adds to the literature on adolescent SRH and factors shaping SRH service utilization among LGBTQ+ and cisgender/heterosexual youth. The findings demonstrate that SRH service utilization remains low for all youth and facilitating access to SRH services is especially important for LGBTQ+ individuals, who report significant barriers to care and poorer sexual health outcomes than their cisgender/heterosexual peers. Future Research. To address the limitations and gaps in these findings, future research should aim to recruit a more diverse sample and limit the number of measured influencers on SRH utilization to prevent violating assumptions of analysis

    Evolution of bovine Trypanosomosis by Trypanosoma vivax in Formosa (Argentina). Years 2007-2012 and its potential spread in the country

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    En base al diagnóstico parasitológico para para tripanosomas de bovinos, se describe la evolución de la onda epizoótica del T. vivax iniciada en Argentina hacia finales del año 2006. Analiza la frecuencia de animales infectados en los diferentes meses del año, a demás de las diferentes características clínicas y epidemiológicas de esta nueva enfermedad en el ganado de Argentina. En base al historial epidemiológico de esta tripanosomosis en países de la región se alerta sobre la propagación de la enfermedad a las principales regiones ganaderas de la Mesopotamia y de la Pampa Húmeda Argentina.This paper based on parasitological diagnosis made in cattle for tripanosomes, describes the evolution of the T. vivax epizootic wave started in Argentina at the end of 2006 year. Analyzes the frequency of infected animals in different months of the years, in addition to the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of this new disease in cattle in Argentina. Based on the epidemiological history of this tripanosomosis in neighbors countries it warns about the spread of the disease to the most important domestic livestock of Argentina, especially in the Mesopotamia and the Pampa Humeda regions.Fil: Monzon, Carlos Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro de Diagnóstico e Investigaciones Veterinarias Formosa (CEDIVEF); ArgentinaFil: Mancebo, Orlando Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro de Diagnóstico e Investigaciones Veterinarias Formosa (CEDIVEF); ArgentinaFil: Giménez, Juana Noemí. Centro de Diagnóstico e Investigaciones Veterinarias Formosa (CEDIVEF); ArgentinaFil: Russo, Ana Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro de Diagnóstico e Investigaciones Veterinarias Formosa (CEDIVEF); Argentin

    Variación estacional de la gastroenteritis verminosa y presentación de brotes clínicos, diagnosticados en caprinos en la provincia de Formosa, Argentina

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    Resumen Se describen brotes de presentación clínica de gastroenteritis verminosa (GEV) en caprinos de la Provincia de Formosa (Argentina), en todas las estaciones del año, recopilando los resultados obtenidos durante un período de 5 años, en una población de 2320 caprinos de 146 hatos. En el lustro fueron diagnosticados 72 brotes clínicos de la enfermedad confirmados por análisis coproparasitológicos(hpg), mientras se determinaron los géneros por coprocultivo. En el clima subtropical la enfermedad se presentó durante las 4 estaciones del año, pero los brotes tuvieron mayor prevalencia en otoño-invierno y en menor escala en primavera-verano. Los géneros de mayor prevalencia fueron Haemonchussp.; Trichostrongylussp.; Strongyloidessp.; Oesophagostomumsp.; Trichurissp., y Bunostomumsp. Hubo una relación directa de la presentación de la GEV con el aumento de la humedad ambiental proporcionada por lluvias en los 90 días anteriores a la aparición del brote. En cuanto a la relación del cuadro sintomático con los hpg, se observó en el 87.5% de los brotes que los recuentos de huevos por gramo fueron iguales o superiores a 1000, mientras que en el restante 12.5% los conteos fueron inferiores a este número, pero superando 700 hpg. No obstante estas variaciones, el hallazgo del cuadro sintomático fue similar y en los dos grupos hubo mortandad de animales. De la información obtenida de las encuestas efectuadas a los productores se desprende que el 82.4% desparasitan, de los cuales el 11.7 % efectúa un único tratamiento al año, el 39.5% dos, el 7.8% tres y el 11.7% cuatro tratamientos anuales. El restante 11.7% manifestaron desparasitar cuando observaban muertes, enflaquecimiento, diarreas o mal estado general de los animales. El 17.6% de los productores declararon no realizar ningún tratamiento. Con referencia a los criterios utilizados para decidir realizar él o los tratamientos antiparasitarios, la mayoría de los productores declararon proceder con él o los tratamientos cuando la enfermedad estaba en plena evolución clínica y aparecían casos de mortandad. Solo el 7% utiliza el servicio de diagnóstico coproparasitológico. Surgió de la encuesta que el 63% de los productores tratan la manifestación clínica de parasitosis en sus hatos con ivermectina, el 15.6% opta porbencimidazoles e ivermectina de manera alternada y el 7.8% administra solamente bencimidazoles. El 100% de los productores no realiza un control coproparasitológico postratamiento. Para optimizar el control de las parasitosis gastrointestinales en los hatos caprinos, en las condiciones de cría de Formosa, surge como muy necesario implementar un programa de extensión destinado a ofrecer y difundir mayores conocimientos a los productores de caprinos tendiente a lograr mayor productividad, mediante el desarrollo de un programa de control voluntario y eficiente de la enfermedad.Outbreaks of parasitic gastrointestinal enteritis are described in a population of 2320 goats from 146 caprine flocks, in the subtropical climate Province of Formosa, in the northeast of Argentina, during the four seasons of the year, summarizing the results obtained over a 5 year period. A total of 72 outbreaks were clinically diagnosed, and confirmed byf aecal examination (epg) and faecal cultures for the classification of parasite genera. Although the disease was present all 4 seasons of the year, the highest prevalence was in autumn-winter and to a lesser degree in spring-summer. The most prevalent genera wereHaemonchus sp.; Strongyloides sp.; Oesophagostomum sp.; Trichuris sp. and Bunostomum sp. A direct relation exists between the outbreaks and the increase of environmenta lhumidity from rainfalls, during the previous 90 days. With reference to clinical symptoms and epg counts, in 87,5% of the outbreaks epg counts were equale or higher than 1000, whilstin 12.5% failed to reach 1000 but were higher tan 700 epg; however symptomology in both groups were similar and mortality a constant feature. From the survey made with the caprine breeders who participated in the study, 82.4% treated their flocks, of which 11.7% treated once in the year, 39.5% twice, 7.8% three times and 11.7% gave a total of 4 treatments. The report indicated that 11.7% give treatment only when mortality, loss of condition and weight were apparent. A total of 17.6% of the surveyed owners do not submit their animals to any treatment. With reference to the criteria used to decide onthe momento to dose, it was clear that the mayority depended on the manifest clinical symptoms and deaths. Only 7% depended on a prior parasitological diagnosis. As to drug preference, 63% used ivermectin, 15.6% administered ivermectin and bencimidazoles alternatively and 7.8% only bencimidazoles. No owner used thea bailable post-treatment faecal analysis for control. To optimize the control of gastrointestinal parasites it is necessary to establish a Project whereby caprine breeders receive more and better knowledge, increase productivity and make any treatment programme a successFil: Mancebo, Orlando Antonio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa. Provincia de Formosa. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa. Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa; ArgentinaFil: Giménez, Juana Noemí. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa. Provincia de Formosa. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa. Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa; ArgentinaFil: Russo, Ana Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa. Provincia de Formosa. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa. Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa; ArgentinaFil: Monzon, Carlos Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa. Provincia de Formosa. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa. Universidad Nacional de Formosa. Centro de Investigaciones y Transferencia de Formosa; ArgentinaFil: Bulman, G. Mauricio. No especifica

    DisTecD, a journal for the dissemination of design and technology for development

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    DisTecD is a scientific journal ealing with design and technology for human development. Its principal objective is the dissemination of topics related to design and industrial and civil engineering that contribute in any sense to human development. Special emphasis is given to social technology. Every article published in this electronic journal is reviewed by at least two editors. The journal is freely accessible via the POLI-RED platform of the University Politechnic of Madrid

    Una contribución a la cooperación al desarrollo desde la universidad en agua y saneamiento

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    El creciente sector de las tecnologías aplicadas al desarrollo humano (a menudo llamadas tecnologías sociales), necesita de la colaboración entre los distintos actores y agentes implicados en el mismo, entre ellos la comunidad universitaria. Este universo cooperativo cambiante, se ha ido adaptando progresivamente, desde hace varias décadas, hasta haber alcanzado un apreciable grado de madurez, caracterizado por un buen número de evidencias de intervención y sus correspondientes indicadores. En este trabajo se presentan algunas de estas actividades, su integración en las distintas facetas de la actividad académica y parte de las evoluciones experimentadas. El estudio se centra en los trabajos en el sector agua y saneamiento para el desarrollo, en la actual Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial (ETSIDI, antes EUITI), aunque el alcance de intervenciones en red va mucho más allá de los límites del centro, incluso de la propia Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


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    Femto-to nanosecond photodynamics of Nile Red in metal-ion exchanged faujasites

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    [EN] We report on the photodynamics of Nile Red (NR) interacting with faujasite (NaY)-type zeolites having different Na/Al ratios and charge balancing metals (Li+, Mg2+, and Cs+) in dichloromethane (DCM) suspensions. The encapsulation of NR in these materials leads to the formation of different populations, reflected in H- and J-aggregates, monomers, and surface adsorbed species. Due to the interaction of the dye with both the Bronsted and Lewis sites of the zeolite, a bathochromic shift is observed in the steady-state diffuse transmittance and emission spectra. The relative contribution of each population is affected by the Na/Al ratio and the nature of the doping metal ion. These findings are further explored by femtoto nanosecond time-resolved emission experiments, where a multi-exponential behaviour is observed for the excited samples. The fluorescence lifetimes range from similar to 100 ps to similar to 2 ns. They are assigned to the emission from H- and J-aggregates and monomers. At low Na/Al ratios, we observed an increase in the fluorescence time constants which is explained in terms of H-bonds formation between NR and the zeolite framework, while the change in the emission lifetimes for the metal ion exchanged zeolites is due to the variation of the properties (size and polarization ability) of the exchanged cation. An ultrafast formation (similar to 200 fs) of a charge-separated state (CS) followed by a vibrational cooling (similar to 1-2 ps) are observed in the fluorescence up-conversion transients. These results indicate a strong interaction between NR and the studied zeolites and may help for the design of metal ion sensors and for a better understanding of nanocatalysis. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the JCCM and MINECO through projects: PEII-2014-003-P, Consolider Ingenio 2010 (CSD2009-0050, MULTICAT), and MAT2014-57646-P. A. Corma and M.T. Navarro thank the MINECO (Severo Ochoa program SEV-2012-0267 and MAT2015-71842-P) for financial support.Di Nunzio, MR.; Caballero-Mancebo, E.; Martin, C.; Cohen, B.; Navarro Villalba, MT.; Corma Canós, A.; Douhal, A. (2018). Femto-to nanosecond photodynamics of Nile Red in metal-ion exchanged faujasites. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 256:214-226. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micromeso.2017.08.011S21422625

    Tratamiento de bajo coste para aguas contaminadas por actividades de minería

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    (SPA) El suministro de agua que no provoque peligro en la salud de la población, constituye uno de los objetivos prioritarios al que deben aspirar todos los países y que se encuentra recogido en los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ONU, 2000, ODM Nº7, Meta 10). Para conseguir estos objetivos no sólo es necesaria una adecuada gestión de los recursos sino también el diseño y la aplicación de diferentes alternativas tecnológicas apropiadas según cada caso. El objetivo del presente trabajo es proponer y justificar una serie de tecnologías de bajo coste y fácil aplicación para el tratamiento de aguas contaminadas por actividades de minería en zonas con bajo Índice de Desarrollo Humano (IDH). Se ha centrado el estudio en Perú, donde una de las principales fuentes de riqueza es la minería y como consecuencia de ésta actividad se produce la contaminación del agua que conlleva un considerable riesgo para la salud de la población. También estas alternativas tecnológicas podrían ser utilizadas en otras zonas con análogos problemas. (ENG) Water supply, that doesn`t cause health problems for the population, must be one of the prime objectives for all countries. This aim is reflected in Millennium Development Goals (UN, 2000 MDG 7, target 10). The objective is reached not only by a suitable resource management, but also by the design and implementation of appropiate technological alternatives according to each case. The goal is to propose and justify the use of low-cost technologies, which have an easy application. They will be applied to the treatment of water contaminated ty mining activities in areas with low Human Development Index (HDI). This study is focused on Peru, where mining is one of the greatest sources of wealth. As a result of this activity, there is water pollution which brings about a considerable risk in the population ́s health. These proposal technologies could be used in other areas with similar problems

    Expansão da educação superior: balanço, perspectivas e desafios

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    Editorial do v. 32, n. 03, de 2016

    O trabalho na educação superior

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    This article presents the dossier, “Work in higher education”, composed of 10 articles and discusses the changes that have taken place in the Brazilian labor world since the parliamentary, media and judicial coup that took place in 2016. It considers the hypothesis that one of the central goals of the coup was precisely the attack on work, in distributive sense of income, and also in the organizational sense of social and workers movements. It analyzes the legislation approved in the period - Law 13.429/2017 and Law 13.467/2017 - which has led to a sharp setback in the rights enshrined in the 1988 Constitution, and critically lists the main consequences of this legislation for workers such as unemployment, increased turnover, decrease in wages, reduction of recourses to labor justice and, consequently, increased mockery of protective social legislation at work, weakening of trade union organization and greater suffering at work in general. In the end, it develops the impacts of these changes on the work carried out in higher education institutions.El texto presenta el dossier "El trabajo en la educación superior", compuesto por diez artículos y aborda los cambios ocurridos en el mundo del trabajo en Brasil, a partir del golpe parlamentario, mediático y jurídico que se instaló en 2016. Parte de la hipótesis de que una de las metas centrales del golpe fue justamente el ataque al trabajo, sea en el sentido distributivo de la renta, sea en el sentido organizativo de los movimientos sociales y de trabajadores. Se analiza la legislación aprobada en el período - Ley nº 13.429/2017 y Ley nº 13.467/2017 -, que ha acarreado un fuerte retroceso en los derechos inscritos en la Constitución de 1988, y enumera, críticamente, las principales consecuencias de esta legislación para los trabajadores como el desempleo, el aumento de la rotatividad, la reducción salarial, la disminución del recurso a la justicia del trabajo y, consecuentemente, el aumento de las burlas a la legislación social protectora del trabajo, el debilitamiento de la organización sindical y mayor sufrimiento en el trabajo, de una manera general. Al final, desarrolla los impactos de esos cambios en el trabajo desarrollado en las instituciones de educación superior.O texto apresenta o dossiê “O trabalho na educação superior”, composto de dez artigos e aborda as mudanças ocorridas no mundo do trabalho no Brasil, a partir do golpe parlamentar, midiático e jurídico que se instalou em 2016. Parte da hipótese de que uma das metas centrais do golpe foi justamente o ataque ao trabalho, seja no sentido distributivo da renda, seja no sentido organizativo dos movimentos sociais e de trabalhadores. Analisa a legislação aprovada no período – Lei nº 13.429/2017 e Lei nº 13.467/2017 –, que tem acarretado um forte retrocesso nos direitos inscritos na Constituição de 1988, e enumera, criticamente, as principais consequências dessa legislação para os trabalhadores como o desemprego, o aumento da rotatividade, a redução salarial, a diminuição do recurso à justiça do trabalho e, consequentemente, aumento das burlas à legislação social protetora do trabalho, o enfraquecimento da organização sindical e maior sofrimento no trabalho, de uma maneira geral. Ao final, desenvolve os impactos dessas mudanças no trabalho desenvolvido nas instituições de educação superior