41 research outputs found

    Gender differences in the interoceptive awareness: a pilot study on Italian people

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    Background: Bodily self-recognition requires the individual to be able to refer to himself through a reflexive representation, typically a schema or an image of one’s own body. Body ownership results from an interplay between exteroception and interoception (i.e., the ability to perceive one’s own body from the inside). It has been demonstrated that perceiving sensations inside the body could be associated with better regulation of emotions. Also, it has been reported that interoceptive awareness may be affected by gender. Therefore, this pilot study aimed to investigate gender differences in the interoceptive awareness among Italian people. Methods: 114 Italian volunteers (57 males and 57 females) completed the 32-item Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA) questionnaire to measure the multiple dimensions of interoceptive awareness. Results: The findings showed higher scores among females than among males for the ability to notice interoceptive input and the awareness of the relationship between bodily sensations and emotional states. Conclusions: Results suggested that women could be more inclined to notice and focus on internal cues. Also, the gender differences could be related to physical and hormonal changes that women experience during development. Future research on the relationship between gender and physiological responses (e.g., heartbeat, skin conductance) for a specific ethnographic sample is recommended

    I am mind, therefore I am map. Mapping as extended spatio-temporal process

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    Abstract: The multifaceted nature of the map animates a wide range of debates that reveal its interdisciplinary nature. Our goal is to overcome classical cognitivism harmonizing the fields of neuroscience, geography, and enactivism to promote a holistic view not only of the map, but also of human beings and, more specifically, of the dynamic subject-world relationship. We have retraced the spatiality of the body and described the spatial dimension of implicit and explicit bodily skills and properties involved in the exploration of – and engagement with – the world. We believe that maps, which present space in isolation, cannot grasp the global quality of subjective experience: space and time are not separable concepts for a cognitive agent engaged in the world. Finally, going beyond the theory of the extended mind to extended consciousness, we argue that ecological mapping, mental mapping, and practical mapping are closely interrelated.Keywords: Mapping; Enactivism; Image; Perception; Extended Consciousness Sono una mente, quindi sono una mappa. La costruzione di mappe come processo spazio-temporale estesoRiassunto: La natura poliedrica della mappa anima una vasta gamma di dibattiti che rivelano la sua natura interdisciplinare. Nostro scopo è quello di superare il cognitivismo classico, armonizzando campi quali la neuroscienza, la geografia e l’enattivimo, per promuovere una visione olistica non solo della mappa, ma anche dell’essere umano e, più specificamente, del rapporto dinamico tra soggetto e mondo. Intendiamo ripercorrere la spazialità del corpo e descrivere la dimensione spaziale delle abilità e delle proprietà corporee implicite ed esplicite implicate nell’esplorazione del – e nel coinvolgimento con – il mondo. Crediamo che le mappe, che presentano lo spazio in maniera isolata, non possono cogliere la qualità globale dell’esperienza soggettiva: lo spazio e il tempo non sono concetti separabili per un agente cognitivo coinvolto nel mondo. Infine, passando dalla teoria della mente estesa a quella della coscienza estesa, intendiamo sostenere che la creazione di mappe ecologiche, mentali e pratiche sia un’attività profondamente interconnessa.Parole chiave: Mappatura; Enattivismo; Immagine; Percezione; Coscienza estes

    Cryopreservation of the Kidney: A Feasibility Study Based on Cooling Rates

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    This project models the cryopreservation of a kidney submerged in liquid nitrogen. Attempts to cryopreserve whole organs have been unsuccessful in the past due to the formation of ice crystals in the intracellular fluid, which cause damage to the cells. Damage can be avoided if cells are vitrified, which causes the intracellular fluid to form a glassy solid rather than ice crystals. The vitrification process is hard to achieve because it generally requires very high cooling rates, but it is aided by the addition of cryoprotectants. This study used Gambit TM and FidapTM software to model cooling rates using different concentrations of glycerol as a cryoprotectant. The concentrations of glycerol were varied to maximize vitrification, and thus cell survival. The results of this study show that the addition of cryoprotectant does alter the cooling rate. Cells closest to the surface of the kidney would likely have been vitrified while cells closer to the center had a slower cooling rate and would most likely have formed ice crystals. Cell survival is predicted to be highest for the 2M concentration of glycerol; however, higher concentrations should be avoided to prevent cell toxicity

    “I Feel like I Am in That Place and I Would like to See More”: Aesthetic and Embodiment Components of Tourist Destination Image

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    Photographs of places are cognitive sources that provide the observer with a first, essential impression of a potential tourist destination, before the observer visits that place. Recent evidence suggests that aesthetic qualities of a tourist destination may affect tourists’ experience and satisfaction, contributing to their loyalty toward a destination and intention to return. Drawing upon the literature on sensorimotor processes of aesthetic experience of arts, here, we investigated whether embodiment and aesthetic qualities of landscape photos might play a role in people’s aesthetic preference and willingness to visit a tourist destination. One-hundred twenty-one participants (Mage = 22.17, SD = 6.25) completed an online survey, which asked to evaluate a series of landscapes according to subjective ratings of presence, exploration, and completion, that is the intention to explore beyond the represented place (embodiment dimensions), as well as of symmetry. Furthermore, participants rated how much they liked each destination (Liking) and how much they would like to visit that place (Tourist judgment). Convolutional neural networks (CNN) of image features (Symmetry, Variance and Self-similarity) were also analyzed to rule out the effects of these features on the 2 types of judgment. Results showed that embodiment components predicted both Liking and Tourist judgements. In contrast, neither subjective Symmetry nor CNN measures predicted any of the 2 Liking and Tourist judgements. Overall, our findings support a novel theoretical framework of tourist aesthetic judgment, whereby sensorimotor mechanisms might play a role in tourist destination choice

    Is the <i>projected</i> landscape also <i>perceived</i>? A proposed research plan on Etna Park's conflicting destination image

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    With the advent of social media, the online Destination Image (DI) is focal for destination development as well as a comprehensive promotion strategy. However, it has been demonstrated that the official projected destination image could not respect the tourist perceived image, generating a case of a "conflict landscape". Such a conflict could be critical for destination promotion, especially in the actual, prominent use of social media in tourist approach and experience. Social media has, in fact, a pivotal impact upon the online user's perception and destination development. Thus, electronic word-of-mouth content strongly influences the will to visit a destination, forcing Destination Management Organizations (DMOs) to update their image often. In the present work, we aim to present an in-progress-research on Etna Park (in Italy), a Regional Nature Park since 1987. More precisely, a web/social media analysis strategy on Etna Park's naturalistic pathways is exposed, highlighting tourists' feedback and perceived image. The results suggested managing any policy differences among actors (e.g., residents, Local Action Groups) engaged in Etna Park's DI, also investigating disagreements in all the viewpoints. The results obtained in this preliminary phase of research will be the basis for planning future research, which is intended to develop a positive relationship between nature-based tourism and Etna Park as a resilient destination, recommending a coherent place storytelling

    Tendencia y características principales del mercado laboral de Mar del Plata (2004-2010)

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    El siguiente trabajo forma parte de una adscripción que realizamos en la cátedra Metodología Cuantitativa II a cargo del profesor Jorge Vujosevich en la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Con el objetivo de indagar acerca de la temática del mercado laboral y utilizar por primera vez la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (EPH), decidimos tomar como unidad geográfica de observación el aglomerado de Mar del Plata-Batán durante los períodos 2004, 2006, 2008 y 2010, ya que no se cuenta con aproximaciones investigativas a partir de dichos períodos. Además al trabajar con la EPH, es necesario aclarar que se tomaran el primer y tercer trimestre de cada año, lo cual nos permitirá registrar si las actividades de la ciudad se rigen por la estacionalidad.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    “I feel like I am in that place and I would like to see more”: Aesthetic and embodiment components of tourist destination image.

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    Photographs of places are cognitive sources that provide the observer with a first, essential impression of a potential tourist destination, before the observer visits that place. Recent evidence suggests that aesthetic qualities of a tourist destination may affect tourists’ experience and satisfaction, contributing to their loyalty toward a destination and intention to return. Drawing upon the literature on sensorimotor processes of aesthetic experience of arts, here, we investigated whether embodiment and aesthetic qualities of landscape photos might play a role in people’s aesthetic preference and willingness to visit a tourist destination. One-hundred twenty-one participants (Mage = 22.17, SD = 6.25) completed an online survey, which asked to evaluate a series of landscapes according to subjective ratings of presence, exploration, and completion, that is the intention to explore beyond the represented place (embodiment dimensions), as well as of symmetry. Furthermore, participants rated how much they liked each destination (Liking) and how much they would like to visit that place (Tourist judgment). Convolutional neural networks (CNN) of image features (Symmetry, Variance and Self-similarity) were also analyzed to rule out the effects of these features on the 2 types of judgment. Results showed that embodiment components predicted both Liking and Tourist judgements. In contrast, neither subjective Symmetry nor CNN measures predicted any of the 2 Liking and Tourist judgements. Overall, our findings support a novel theoretical framework of tourist aesthetic judgment, whereby sensorimotor mechanisms might play a role in tourist destination choice

    Membranous Nephropathy (MN) Recurrence after Renal Transplantation

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    Primary membranous nephropathy (MN) is a frequent cause of NS in adults. In native kidneys the disease may progress to ESRD in the long term, in some 40-50% of untreated patients. The identification of the pathogenic role of anti-podocyte autoantibodies and the development of new therapeutic options has achieved an amelioration in the prognosis of this disease. MN may also develop in renal allograft as a recurrent or a de novo disease. Since the de novo MN may have some different pathogenetic and morphologic features compared to recurrent MN, in the present paper we will deal only with the recurrent disease. The true incidence of the recurrent form is difficult to assess. This is mainly due to the variable graft biopsy policies in kidney transplantation, among the different transplant centers. Anti-phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) autoantibodies are detected in 70-80% of patients. The knowledge of anti-PLA2R status before transplant is useful in predicting the risk of recurrence. In addition, the serial survey of the anti-PLA2R titers is important to assess the rate of disease progression and the response to treatment. Currently, there are no established guidelines for prevention and treatment of recurrent MN. Symptomatic therapy may help to reduce the signs and symptoms related to the nephrotic syndrome. Anecdotal cases of response to cyclical therapy with steroids and cyclophosphamide have been published. Promising results have been reported with rituximab in both prophylaxis and treatment of recurrence. However, these results are based on observational data, and prospective controlled trials are still missing

    Multiple Epidermoid Cysts Arising from the Extratesticular Scrotal, Spermatic Cord and Perineal Area

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    An extratesticular scrotal epidermoid cyst is a relatively very rare condition, and an epidermoid cyst arising from the spermatic cord area is extremely rare. We report a case of multiple epidermoid cysts arising from the extratesticular scrotum, spermatic cord, and lower extremities. To our best knowledge, concomitant occurrence of these lesions has not been reported previously in the literature

    Bitti (Sardaigne) : du risque nul à l’urgence nationale

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    peer reviewedLe 28 novembre 2020, en pleine pandémie de Covid-19, une pluie initialement ‘banale’ estimée à 50-60 mm va mettre les quelque 3.000 habitants de la commune de Bitti (province de Nuoro, en Sardaigne) sous des torrents d’eau et une couche de boue pouvant atteindre jusqu’à trois mètres d’épaisseur. Les dégâts sont nombreux sur les infrastructures publiques et les biens privés – rapidement évalués à plus de 40 millions d’euros – et trois victimes sont à déplorer. Dans les heures qui suivent la catastrophe, le désastre est reconnu – fait rare – comme une « urgence nationale de la protection civile ». Cet article raconte comment une bourgade « sans histoire » classée au début du 21e siècle par la Région autonome de Sardaigne comme à « risque nul » face à l’exposition aux risques naturels – tous stress confondus – a été très sévèrement impactée à deux reprises en moins d’une décennie (2013 et 2020) ; jusqu’à devenir un exemple national en termes de gestion de crise, de reconstruction post-catastrophe et de mitigation des risques naturels. Pour ce faire, une série de données ont été collectées – depuis les relevés pluviométriques jusqu’à un très long entretien avec le maire de la commune de Bitti, Giuseppe Ciccolini – pour caractériser quantitativement et qualitativement l’exposition aux risques naturels, les perceptions et la gestion de crise.13. Climate actio