20 research outputs found


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    Društvene su mreže prodrle u različite društveno-političke sfere i učinile mogućim širenje idejnih konstrukata, uključujući dezinformiranje, virtualno zlostavljanje, lažno identificiranje, određivanje ciljeva i hibridno ratovanje. Hiperpersonalna komunikacija otvorila je pitanje sigurnosti i istaknula problem zaštite privatnosti. Društvene mreže postaju moderno oružje i otvara se pitanje u kojoj mjeri su korisnici društvenih mreža upoznati i svjesni opasnosti koje prijete iz virtualnog prostora. Cilj istraživanja bio je saznati što zaposleni u informacijsko-komunikacijskom i obrazovnom sektoru smatraju opasnostima na društvenim mrežama. Više od pola ispitanika je u okviru profila na jednoj ili više društvenih mreža izložilo slike i osobne podatke. Većina ispitanika smatra da je dovoljno informirana o opasnostima društvenih mreža. Također, većina njih koristi društvene mreže za informiranje, ali ih ne smatra vjerodostojnim. Više od pola ispitanika prikupljalo je preko društvenih mreža podatke o određenoj osobi ili događaju. Većina njih smatra da je profil na jednoj ili više društvenih mreža važan za privatne i poslovne svrhe, ali i da privatnost na društvenim mrežama ne postoji. Rezultati upućuju na potrebu za edukacijom o opasnostima društvenih mreža kao alata za širenje utjecaja i moći na svim obrazovnim razinama.Social media has penetrated into different sociopolitical spheres and made dissemination of conceptual constructs including disinformation, virtual abuse, false identification, targeting and finally hybrid warfare, possible. Hyper-personal communication has opened up numerous security issues and highlighted the problem of privacy protection. Social networks became a modern weapon and the question arises are the users familiar and aware of threats present in virtual space. The focus of this research was to examine what people employed in the information-communication or education sector think about threats on social media. More than half of respondents have exposed their images and personal data on social media. Most respondents think that they are sufficiently informed about social media threats. Majority of them use social media for informational usage but do not think that those publications are reliable. Moreover, more than half of them gather information about a particular person or event through social media. Most think that profile on social networks is important for private and business purposes, even though privacy on social networks does not exist. The results indicate the need to educate people further about threats on social networks as a tool for spreading influence and power on all educational levels

    An error analysis of hunters in estimating the target distance

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    U svakodnevnom lovnom gospodarenju pravilna procjena udaljenosti pojedine divljači, posebice vrsta krupne divljači, od odlučujućeg je značenja kod izvršavanja odstrela. Većina pušaka užljebljene cijevi koja se danas koristi za odstrel opremljena je optičkim nišanima koji se u pravilu upucavaju na 100 – 150 m. Zavisno o kalibru, visini optičkog nišana, težini zrna metka, udaljenosti i kutu pod kojim se gađa, kao i još nekim manje važnim parametrima ovisi uspješnost samog odstrela, odnosno točnost pogotka. Često puta razlog promašaja kod pokušaja odstrela treba tražiti upravo u pogrešno procijenjenoj udaljnosti divljači koja se cilja. U radu je analiziran utjecaj različitih čimbenika na pogreške kod procjene udaljenosti cilja. Procjena udaljenosti objekata u prirodi istraživana je na uzorku od 40 lovaca različite životne dobi, lovačkog staža i obrazovanja. Istraživanje je provedeno u reljefno tri tipa staništa, nizinskom (do 200 m.n.v.), brdskom (200 – 800 m.n.v.) i gorskom dijelu (preko 800 m.n.v.). Kako bi se otklonila pristranost svaki lovac je testiran na deset različito udaljenih objekata. Kontrolna mjerenja izvršena su laserskim daljinomjerom. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju kako je pogreška procjene udaljenosti samo donekle povezana s lovačkim iskustvom, te je u većoj mjeri ovisna o životnoj dobi. Najviše griješe najmlađi i najstariji lovci, dok je pogreška najmanja kod lovaca životne dobi 40 – 60 god. Gledano lovački staž najviše su griješili lovci sa lovačkim stažom 10 – 20 god. Analizom stupnja obrazovanja i pogrešaka procjene udaljenosti ustanovljeno je kako su najmanje pogreške zabilježene kod lovaca visokog obrazovanja. Svi lovci prosječno procjenjuju manju udaljenost od stvarno izmjerene. Porastom udaljenosti povećava se i pogreška procjenjene udaljenosti.Depth perception is the ability to see thre dimensional volume and special layout of objects in relation to one another as well as to the observer himself. This depth perception in humans is achieved by different signs in nature where the eyes or the brain relies on certain regularities in the environment (Watson & Enss 2012). Knowing the size of the object from previous experience our brain can calculate distance based on the size of the object on the retina (Abel 2014). For proper depth perception it is necessary that both eyes focus the object synchronously. This way, observing the object simultaneously from two different angles a plastic image of the object is create in the brain (Tran and ass., 2010), and all other information on the observed object is being given (Greene & Oliva 2009; Oliva & Schyns 2000; Rousselet i sur., 2005; Sanocki 2003). In everyday hunting management proper assessment of distance of wild game, especially of big game species, is of crucial significance in executing cull. Most rifles that are now used for cull are equipped with optical sights that are generally calibrated at 100 – 150 meters. Depending on the calibre, height of the optics, bullet weight, distance and angle from which you shoot, as well as some other less important parameters, depends the success of the cull itself and punctuality of the shot.Often is the case that the reason for missing in cull attempts should be looked for in the wrong assessment of distance of wild game. Distance assessment of objects in nature has been researched on the sample of 40 hunters of different age groups, hunting experience and education. Research has been conducted in three types of habitat, lowland (up to 200 a.s.l.), highland (200 – 800 a.s.l.) and mountain (over 800 a.s.l.).To eliminate biases each hunter has been tested in ten differently distanced objects. Measurement control has been conducted with laser telemeter. Conducted research was supposed to determine that the bias distance assessment depends on different factors. As expected, by increasing the distance of the object for which distance was assessed, the distance assessment error also increased. It was determined that age has influence on distance assessment and assessment error that occurs. In youngest and oldest hunters the biggest average error has been noticed, while somewhat smaller errors have been noticed in hunters in the age group of 40 to 60. It can be therefore assumed that the errors in the group of younger hunters is the result of insufficient experience, while in the group of hunters above 60 years of age this is the result of reduced functionality. Hunters that are older than 70 have shown on average smaller error than the ones in age category 60 – 70 years of age, however considering that it is a small sample and dissipation is far bigger this part of the sample should not be considered relevant. This situation does not correspond to the errors that were noticed in analysing errors in correlation with hunting experience, especially when you take into account that hunting experience increases proportionally with age. Most errors were done by hunters with hunting experience between 10 and 20 years. Hunters that were hunting for less than ten years made less mistakes on average and therefore these results are also in favour of the thesis that for distance assesment hunting experience is less important, and that sight functionality and life age are crucial. Analysis of level of education show that the hunters with higher education made less errors. All hunters on average estimate smaller distance that the measured one. By increasing the distance the error in distance estimation is also increased

    Energy and emission properties of burley tobacco stalk briquettes and its combinations with other biomass as promising replacement for coal

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    As a tobacco producer, Serbia has to deal with large amounts of leftover tobacco stalks after harvesting. One option for this type of biomass is to burn it, but burning is not encouraged in Serbia, since the levels of its combustion products have not been investigated yet. The aim of this study was therefore to determine the elemental composition, ash and nicotine content, heat values, and composition of gaseous combustion products of tobacco stalk briquettes and to see if their mixing with other types of biomass available in Serbia could improve their ecological profile. We made 11 different types of briquettes: six of pure raw materials, including burley tobacco stalks, sunflower head remains, wheat straw, corncob, soy straw, and beech sawdust and five by mixing tobacco stalks with these other raw materials in a 50:50 mass ratio. All briquettes meet the ecological criteria regarding the emission limits for nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. Nicotine content in flue gases (<10 mg/kg) is far below the maximum level allowed by the European Union. Heat values of all biomass samples are acceptable, although lower than those specified for solid biofuels (≥16.0 MJ/kg), save for corncob and beech sawdust and their mixtures with tobacco stalks. Our findings therefore encourage the use of tobacco stalks as a viable biofuel. © 2023 Maja Malnar et al., published by Sciendo

    Kroz prostor i vrijeme: Zbornik u čast Miri Menac-Mihalić

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    Zbornik Kroz prostor i vrijeme posvećen je prof. dr. sc. Miri Menac-Mihalić, dugogodišnjoj profesorici Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagreba te članici suradnici Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Prof. dr. sc. Mira Menac-Mihalić iznimno je plodna znanstvenica koja se, uz veliki broj radova iz dijalektologije, smatra i začetnicom hrvatske dijalektne frazeologije. U zborniku posvećenom njezinu radu i djelovanju objavljeni su prilozi koji su grupirani u dvije glavne tematske cjeline (dijalektologija/povijest jezika "O govorima kroz vrijeme" i frazeologija "Živost frazema"). Radovi predstavljaju izniman znanstveni doprinos hrvatskoj filologiji. Velikim su dijelom rezultat terenskih istraživanja kojima se prikupljala građa za obradu. Donose precizne rezultate o fonološkim/morfološkim/leksičkim značajkama hrvatskih mjesnih govora, a istražuju se i frazemi potvrđeni u hrvatskoj nacionalnoj ili dijalektnoj frazeologiji. Dio građe koji se opisuje ekscerpiran je iz postojeće literature te pomno i iscrpno analiziran

    Kroz prostor i vrijeme: Zbornik u čast Miri Menac-Mihalić

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    Zbornik Kroz prostor i vrijeme posvećen je prof. dr. sc. Miri Menac-Mihalić, dugogodišnjoj profesorici Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagreba te članici suradnici Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Prof. dr. sc. Mira Menac-Mihalić iznimno je plodna znanstvenica koja se, uz veliki broj radova iz dijalektologije, smatra i začetnicom hrvatske dijalektne frazeologije. U zborniku posvećenom njezinu radu i djelovanju objavljeni su prilozi koji su grupirani u dvije glavne tematske cjeline (dijalektologija/povijest jezika "O govorima kroz vrijeme" i frazeologija "Živost frazema"). Radovi predstavljaju izniman znanstveni doprinos hrvatskoj filologiji. Velikim su dijelom rezultat terenskih istraživanja kojima se prikupljala građa za obradu. Donose precizne rezultate o fonološkim/morfološkim/leksičkim značajkama hrvatskih mjesnih govora, a istražuju se i frazemi potvrđeni u hrvatskoj nacionalnoj ili dijalektnoj frazeologiji. Dio građe koji se opisuje ekscerpiran je iz postojeće literature te pomno i iscrpno analiziran

    Basic parameters of quality seeds and soybean oil

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    Soja, latinskog naziva Glycine max (L.) Merrill, vodeća je uljna i bjelančevinasta kultura. Cilj ovoga rada bilo je odrediti osnovne parametre sjemena soje i proizvodnog sirovog ulja. Za analizu sjemena smo koristili sortu Mira, uzgojenu na eksperimentalnom polju Agronomskog fakulteta 2013. Ulje smo proizveli postupkom hladnog prešanja i kondicioniranjem na temperaturi od 60 ±3⁰C u trajanju 30 min. Nakon odreĎivanja tehničko- tehnoloških parametara sjemena, udio proteina i ulja je odgovarao podacima navedenima u literaturi. Udio vode, masa 1000 sjemena i promjer sjemena bio je manji, a hektolitarska masa veća od podataka u literaturi. Hladno prešanom ulju smo odredili osnovne parametre kvalitete, udio slobodnih masnih kiselina je 0,06%, a peroksidni broj je 2,26 mmolO2kg-1. Udio slobodnih masnih kiselina nerafiniranog ulja je iznosio 0,17%, dok je peroksidni broj 2,83 mmolO2kg-1. Rezultati su pokazali da ulja zadovoljavaju uvjete Pravilnika o jestivim uljima i mastima.Soybeans, Latin name Glycine max (L.) Merrill is a leading oil and protein-rich crop. The aim of this study was to determine the basic parameters of soybean seeds and production of crude oil. For the analysis we used a variety of seeds of Mira, grown on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture in the year 2013. The oil was produced by cold pressing and conditioning at a temperature of 60 ± 3 ⁰ C for 30 min. After determining the technological parameters of seed, oil and protein content were in according to the data referred to in the literature. The water content, 1000 seed weight and seed diameter was smaller, and the test weight was greater than the data in the literature. For cold pressed oil, we determined the basic parameters of quality. The content of free fatty acids was 0,06%, and the peroxide value was 2,26 mmolO2kg-1. The free fatty acids of unrefined oil stood at 0,17%, while the peroxide value was at 2,83 mmolO2kg-1. The results showed that the oil met the Regulations on edible oils and fats

    The influence of the addition of different types of biomass on changes in energy and ecological characteristics of Berley type tobacco stalk briquettes

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    Stabljike duvana koje ostaju nakon berbe listova imaju značajan udeo u ukupnoj količini poljoprivredne biomase. Iako se u Srbiji sprovode sve ozbiljnija istraživanja, još uvek se ne promoviše njihova upotreba kao biogoriva, pre svega iz ekoloških razloga, jer još nisu istraženi proizvodi njihovog sagorevanja. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio, pre svega, utvrđivanje sastava produkata sagorevanja a zatim i elementarnog sastava, sadržaja pepela, nikotina i toplotne moći 5 vrsta briketa koji su napravljeni mešanjem stabljika duvana sa drugim vrstama biomase (ostaci glava suncokreta, pšenična slama, oklasak kukuruza, sojina stabljika i piljevina drveta bukve), u odnosu 50:50 po masi, bez dodavanja ikakvih vezivnih sredstava. Cilj je bio i ustanoviti može li mešanje duvanskih stabljika s drugim vrstama biomase poboljšati njihova tehnološka svojstva. Utvrđeno je da toplotna moć svih analiziranih briketa ima prihvatljive vrednosti prema standardu SRPS EN ISO 17225-2:2021. Svi briketi ispunjavaju ekološke kriterijume u pogledu ograničenja emisije azotnih oksida, sumpor-dioksida, ugljen-dioksida i ugljen-monoksida u skladu sa Uredbom o graničnim vrednostima zagađujućih materija u vazduhu. Osim toga, emisija policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika je smanjena kod mešanih briketa u odnosu na pojedinačne biomase. Sadržaj nikotina u produktima sagorevanja manji je od 10mg/kg, što je daleko ispod propisanih vrednosti Evropske unije. Analizom pepela nastalog sagorevanjem briketa utvrđen je sadržaj makro- i mikro-elemenata i zaključeno je da se pepeo može koristiti kao dodatak osnovnom đubrivu. Mešanje duvanskih stabljika s drugim vrstama biomase poboljšalo je njihov energetski i ekološki profil. Najbolje karakteristike pokazala je mešavina duvanska stabljika-piljevina drveta bukve.Tobacco stalks that remain after harvesting leaves represent a significant part of the total amount of agricultural biomass. Although serious investigations are conducted in Serbia to an increasing extent, the use of these remnants as biofuel is still not promoted, predominantly due to environmental issues, since their combustion products are insufficiently investigated. Thus the aim of this investigation was, in the first place, to establish the composition of the combustion products and then the elementary composition, the amount of ash, nicotine, and the calorific value of five kinds of briquettes, produced by mixing tobacco stalks with other kinds of biomass (remains of sunflower stovers, wheat straw, corncob, soy straw, and beech saw-dust) in the mass ratio 50:50, without adding any binding agents. The goal was to check if mixing tobacco stalks with other kinds of biomass can improve their technological properties. It was established that the calorific value of all of the analyzed briquettes exhibits acceptable values according to the SRPS EN ISO 17225-2:2021 standard. All the briquettes satisfy the environmental criteria with regard to emission limitations of nitrous oxides, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in accordance with the Regulation on Limiting Values of Polluting Substances in the Air. In addition, the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is reduced in mixed briquettes compared to individual biomasses. The amount of nicotine in combustion products is below 10 mg/kg, which is far below the mandatory values in the European Union. The analysis of ash remaining after the briquettes' combustion has shown that its contains macro and micro-elements which concluded that ash can be used as an admixture to the main fertilizer. Mixing tobacco stalks with other types of biomass has improved the energetic and environmental profile. The best characteristics were obtained by the mixture of tobacco stalks with beech saw-dust

    Basic parameters of quality seeds and soybean oil

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    Soja, latinskog naziva Glycine max (L.) Merrill, vodeća je uljna i bjelančevinasta kultura. Cilj ovoga rada bilo je odrediti osnovne parametre sjemena soje i proizvodnog sirovog ulja. Za analizu sjemena smo koristili sortu Mira, uzgojenu na eksperimentalnom polju Agronomskog fakulteta 2013. Ulje smo proizveli postupkom hladnog prešanja i kondicioniranjem na temperaturi od 60 ±3⁰C u trajanju 30 min. Nakon odreĎivanja tehničko- tehnoloških parametara sjemena, udio proteina i ulja je odgovarao podacima navedenima u literaturi. Udio vode, masa 1000 sjemena i promjer sjemena bio je manji, a hektolitarska masa veća od podataka u literaturi. Hladno prešanom ulju smo odredili osnovne parametre kvalitete, udio slobodnih masnih kiselina je 0,06%, a peroksidni broj je 2,26 mmolO2kg-1. Udio slobodnih masnih kiselina nerafiniranog ulja je iznosio 0,17%, dok je peroksidni broj 2,83 mmolO2kg-1. Rezultati su pokazali da ulja zadovoljavaju uvjete Pravilnika o jestivim uljima i mastima.Soybeans, Latin name Glycine max (L.) Merrill is a leading oil and protein-rich crop. The aim of this study was to determine the basic parameters of soybean seeds and production of crude oil. For the analysis we used a variety of seeds of Mira, grown on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture in the year 2013. The oil was produced by cold pressing and conditioning at a temperature of 60 ± 3 ⁰ C for 30 min. After determining the technological parameters of seed, oil and protein content were in according to the data referred to in the literature. The water content, 1000 seed weight and seed diameter was smaller, and the test weight was greater than the data in the literature. For cold pressed oil, we determined the basic parameters of quality. The content of free fatty acids was 0,06%, and the peroxide value was 2,26 mmolO2kg-1. The free fatty acids of unrefined oil stood at 0,17%, while the peroxide value was at 2,83 mmolO2kg-1. The results showed that the oil met the Regulations on edible oils and fats

    Tort liabilty for damage caused by the infringement of competition rules

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    Iako zabranjena ponašanja na tržištu uzrokuju velike gubitke, tužbe za naknadu štete u europskim su državama jako rijetke, što Komisija EU želi promijeniti. Upravo izašla Bijela knjiga nudi broj zakonodavnih rješenja kojima bi se poboljšao položaj tužitelja u postupku a sa ciljem poticanja tužbi za naknadu štete. Autorice u radu analiziraju opće pretpostavke odgovornosti za štetu i krivnju kod povreda pravila tržišnog natjecanja.U radu se detaljnije analiziraju pretpostavke odgovornosti u četiri europske države – Austriji, Njemačkoj, Francuskoj i Sloveniji u odnosu na Bijelu knjigu i uspoređuju s rješenjima prihvaćenim u našem pravu