Basic parameters of quality seeds and soybean oil


Soja, latinskog naziva Glycine max (L.) Merrill, vodeća je uljna i bjelančevinasta kultura. Cilj ovoga rada bilo je odrediti osnovne parametre sjemena soje i proizvodnog sirovog ulja. Za analizu sjemena smo koristili sortu Mira, uzgojenu na eksperimentalnom polju Agronomskog fakulteta 2013. Ulje smo proizveli postupkom hladnog prešanja i kondicioniranjem na temperaturi od 60 ±3⁰C u trajanju 30 min. Nakon odreĎivanja tehničko- tehnoloških parametara sjemena, udio proteina i ulja je odgovarao podacima navedenima u literaturi. Udio vode, masa 1000 sjemena i promjer sjemena bio je manji, a hektolitarska masa veća od podataka u literaturi. Hladno prešanom ulju smo odredili osnovne parametre kvalitete, udio slobodnih masnih kiselina je 0,06%, a peroksidni broj je 2,26 mmolO2kg-1. Udio slobodnih masnih kiselina nerafiniranog ulja je iznosio 0,17%, dok je peroksidni broj 2,83 mmolO2kg-1. Rezultati su pokazali da ulja zadovoljavaju uvjete Pravilnika o jestivim uljima i mastima.Soybeans, Latin name Glycine max (L.) Merrill is a leading oil and protein-rich crop. The aim of this study was to determine the basic parameters of soybean seeds and production of crude oil. For the analysis we used a variety of seeds of Mira, grown on the experimental field of the Faculty of Agriculture in the year 2013. The oil was produced by cold pressing and conditioning at a temperature of 60 ± 3 ⁰ C for 30 min. After determining the technological parameters of seed, oil and protein content were in according to the data referred to in the literature. The water content, 1000 seed weight and seed diameter was smaller, and the test weight was greater than the data in the literature. For cold pressed oil, we determined the basic parameters of quality. The content of free fatty acids was 0,06%, and the peroxide value was 2,26 mmolO2kg-1. The free fatty acids of unrefined oil stood at 0,17%, while the peroxide value was at 2,83 mmolO2kg-1. The results showed that the oil met the Regulations on edible oils and fats

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