The influence of the addition of different types of biomass on changes in energy and ecological characteristics of Berley type tobacco stalk briquettes


Stabljike duvana koje ostaju nakon berbe listova imaju značajan udeo u ukupnoj količini poljoprivredne biomase. Iako se u Srbiji sprovode sve ozbiljnija istraživanja, još uvek se ne promoviše njihova upotreba kao biogoriva, pre svega iz ekoloških razloga, jer još nisu istraženi proizvodi njihovog sagorevanja. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio, pre svega, utvrđivanje sastava produkata sagorevanja a zatim i elementarnog sastava, sadržaja pepela, nikotina i toplotne moći 5 vrsta briketa koji su napravljeni mešanjem stabljika duvana sa drugim vrstama biomase (ostaci glava suncokreta, pšenična slama, oklasak kukuruza, sojina stabljika i piljevina drveta bukve), u odnosu 50:50 po masi, bez dodavanja ikakvih vezivnih sredstava. Cilj je bio i ustanoviti može li mešanje duvanskih stabljika s drugim vrstama biomase poboljšati njihova tehnološka svojstva. Utvrđeno je da toplotna moć svih analiziranih briketa ima prihvatljive vrednosti prema standardu SRPS EN ISO 17225-2:2021. Svi briketi ispunjavaju ekološke kriterijume u pogledu ograničenja emisije azotnih oksida, sumpor-dioksida, ugljen-dioksida i ugljen-monoksida u skladu sa Uredbom o graničnim vrednostima zagađujućih materija u vazduhu. Osim toga, emisija policikličnih aromatičnih ugljovodonika je smanjena kod mešanih briketa u odnosu na pojedinačne biomase. Sadržaj nikotina u produktima sagorevanja manji je od 10mg/kg, što je daleko ispod propisanih vrednosti Evropske unije. Analizom pepela nastalog sagorevanjem briketa utvrđen je sadržaj makro- i mikro-elemenata i zaključeno je da se pepeo može koristiti kao dodatak osnovnom đubrivu. Mešanje duvanskih stabljika s drugim vrstama biomase poboljšalo je njihov energetski i ekološki profil. Najbolje karakteristike pokazala je mešavina duvanska stabljika-piljevina drveta bukve.Tobacco stalks that remain after harvesting leaves represent a significant part of the total amount of agricultural biomass. Although serious investigations are conducted in Serbia to an increasing extent, the use of these remnants as biofuel is still not promoted, predominantly due to environmental issues, since their combustion products are insufficiently investigated. Thus the aim of this investigation was, in the first place, to establish the composition of the combustion products and then the elementary composition, the amount of ash, nicotine, and the calorific value of five kinds of briquettes, produced by mixing tobacco stalks with other kinds of biomass (remains of sunflower stovers, wheat straw, corncob, soy straw, and beech saw-dust) in the mass ratio 50:50, without adding any binding agents. The goal was to check if mixing tobacco stalks with other kinds of biomass can improve their technological properties. It was established that the calorific value of all of the analyzed briquettes exhibits acceptable values according to the SRPS EN ISO 17225-2:2021 standard. All the briquettes satisfy the environmental criteria with regard to emission limitations of nitrous oxides, sulfur oxides, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide in accordance with the Regulation on Limiting Values of Polluting Substances in the Air. In addition, the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons is reduced in mixed briquettes compared to individual biomasses. The amount of nicotine in combustion products is below 10 mg/kg, which is far below the mandatory values in the European Union. The analysis of ash remaining after the briquettes' combustion has shown that its contains macro and micro-elements which concluded that ash can be used as an admixture to the main fertilizer. Mixing tobacco stalks with other types of biomass has improved the energetic and environmental profile. The best characteristics were obtained by the mixture of tobacco stalks with beech saw-dust

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