112 research outputs found

    Het rendement van een stage in de huisartspraktijk vergeleken met een stage in een academisch ziekenhuis

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    This article analyses how ‘eco-certified children’ are constructed as desirable subjects in teaching materials addressing education for sustainable development. We are interested in how discourses structure this cherished practice and how this practice has become ‘natural’ and obvious for us. A discourse analysis is carried out by looking at the material through the lens of Foucault’s notion of pastoral power. The analysis departs from teaching material addressing issues on sustainable development: (1) textbooks for primary and secondary school; (2) games targeted at preschool and school children; and (3) children’s books about sustainable development. The results show that the discourse of education for sustainable development is characterized by scientific and mathematical objectiv- ity and faith in technological development. It emphasizes the right of the individ- ual and the obligation to make free, however ‘correct’, choices. In the teaching materials, the eco-certified child therefore emerges as knowing, conscious, rational, sacrificing and active. This child is constructed through knitting together personal guilt with global threats, detailed individual activities with rescuing the flock and the planet. In a concluding discussion, we discuss how ESD is framed in a neoliberal ideology. With the help of ESD, an economic discourse becomes dressed in an almost poetic language

    FoderjÀst som profylax mot spÀdgrisdiarré

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    Möjligheten att anvĂ€nda foderjĂ€st i ett profylaktiskt syfte mot spĂ€dgrisdiarrĂ© för att minska antibiotikabehandlingar i grisbesĂ€ttningar undersöktes under en grisningsomgĂ„ng vilken löpte under en period av tvĂ„ veckor och innefattade 631 stycken spĂ€dgrisar. Vid grisningsomgĂ„ngens början indelades suggorna i tvĂ„ grupper, en försöks- och en kontrollgrupp. I direkt anslutning efter grisningen gavs foderjĂ€st genom ströning av detta pĂ„ suggans juver, till de nyfödda spĂ€dgrisarna i försöksgruppen. Vidare skedde administreringen av foderjĂ€st omkring tre gĂ„nger dagligen under spĂ€dgrisarnas tvĂ„ första levnadsveckor. SpĂ€dgrisarna, vilka ingick i kontrollgruppen, tilldelades inte nĂ„got motsvarande fodertillskott. Under undersökningen registrerades antalet spĂ€dgrisar som insjuknade i och blev behandlade mot spĂ€dgrisdiarrĂ©, behandlingsperiodernas lĂ€ngd samt antalet döda spĂ€dgrisar pĂ„ grund av diarrĂ© eller annan pĂ„verkan. Det sĂ„gs en skillnad mellan försöks- och kontrollgruppen för sĂ„vĂ€l antalet spĂ€dgrisar som insjuknade i diarrĂ© som lĂ€ngden av behandlingsperioderna. Kullar som fick foderjĂ€st hade ett fĂ€rre antal smĂ„grisar som insjuknade i diarrĂ© och behandlingstiden var kortare. Antalet smĂ„griskullar var dock för fĂ„ för att sĂ€kerstĂ€lla en statistisk sĂ€ker skillnad och fler vetenskapliga undersökningar bör göras för att vidare utvĂ€rdera foderjĂ€stens profylaktiska inverkan mot spĂ€dgrisdiarrĂ©.The possibility of using feed-yeast as a prophylactice against piglet diarrhea to reducing antibiotic-treatments in pig herds was tested during one farrowing round during two weeks including 631 piglets. By the start of the farrowing round the sows were divided into two groups, one test-group and one control-group. With immediate accession after farrowing the newborn piglets in the test-group, were given feed-yeast by sprinkling this on the sow’s udder. Furthermore the administration went on for about three times per day in a two-week period. The control-group piglets, which were not included in the test-group, didnÂŽt receive any feed-supplement. Within the investigation the number of piglets affected by and treated against piglet diarrhea, the length of each period of treatment and the mortality were recorded. Differences of the numbers of piglets affected by diarrhea as well as the length of the treatment periods between the both groups were shown. Litters which received feed-yeast had fewer piglets getting diarrhea and the treatment time with antibiotics were shorter. The investigation is however considered too short to ensure a statistically significant result. More investigations are needed to further scientifically proof if feed-yeast has a prophylactic impact against piglet diarrhea

    Er det forskjell pÄ oppgavene og introduksjonen av oppgavene som lÊrerne bruker i nivÄdelt undervisning i homogene grupper i matematikk?

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    FormÄlet med denne studien har vÊrt Ä undersÞke om lÊreren bruker og introduserer de samme oppgavene pÄ lavt, middels og hÞyt nivÄ i matematikk. Datamaterialet baserer seg pÄ observasjon av tre ulike trinn med tre ulike lÊrere pÄ en barneskole. Grunnlaget for oppgavens resultater bygger pÄ ni ulike observasjon gjort pÄ tre ulike trinn ved tre ulike nivÄgrupper, altsÄ elevgrupper fordelt i lavt, middels og hÞyt nivÄ i matematikk. Oppgaven tar for seg nivÄdeling ved Ä se pÄ hvilke oppgaver som brukes og hvordan lÊrer introduserer disse oppgavene pÄ de ulike nivÄgruppene i matematikk. For Ä undersÞke dette har det blitt gjennomfÞrt en kvalitativ studie, hvor ni observasjoner ble gjennomfÞrt. For Ä sikre god nok data ble observasjonen dokumentert gjennom strukturert observasjon med forankring i et strukturert observasjonsskjema inspirert av Christoffersen & Johannessen (2012), og tokolonnenotat inspirert av Postholm og Jacobsen (2018). Videre ble dataene analysert etter Johannessen og Rafoss (2020) sin tematiske analyse, for sÄ drÞftet i lys av relevant teori. Oppgaven tar for seg ulike faktorer knyttet til nivÄdelt undervisning. Forskning gjort pÄ nivÄdeling har kommet med motstridende funn. Slavin (1987) fant i sine metaanalyser at lÊringseffekten pÄ alle klassetrinn var ubetydelig (Slavin, 1987b). Oakes (2005) mente at nivÄdeling skapte klasseskiller og ikke likestilte elevene (Oakes, 2005). Kulik og Kulik (1992) fant i sin metaanalyse at elever i den laveste og hÞyeste nivÄgruppen hadde stÞrre lÊringsutbytte nÄr de var homogent gruppert (Kulik & Kulik, 1992). Hattie (2008) sÄ i sine funn at nivÄdeling i seg selv ikke er en entydig faktor til Ä bedre elevenes lÊring. Hattie (2008) fant ogsÄ at elevsamarbeid er et viktig aspekt i klasseromspraksisen om det funker som tiltenkt (Hattie, 2008; Slavin, 1987b). Liljedahl (2020) har i sin forskning kommet frem til at best effekt var bruk av tilfeldige grupper (Liljedahl, 2020). Forskning fant ogsÄ at pÄ barneskoler ble det brukt strategisk gruppering hvor lÊrere forsiktig arrangerte homogene eller heterogene grupper for Ä oppnÄ et sosialt eller kunnskapsmessig mÄl i klassen (Dweck & Leggett, 1988). Mine funn viser at nivÄdeling har en minimal pÄvirkning pÄ lÊrens undervisning pÄ de ulike nivÄgruppene. Dette da den stÞrste forskjellen pÄ undervisningen i gruppene var i stor grad hvor lenge de arbeidet med fagrelaterte oppgaver gjennom timen og pÄ hvilket faglig nivÄ startoppgaven lÄ pÄ. Det var lÊreren i seg selv som i stÞrst grad pÄvirket lÊringen, og ikke homogene nivÄdelte grupper som ensbetydende faktor. Avslutningsvis pekes det pÄ oppgavens mest relevante funn, feilkilder og svakheter, samt forslag til videre forskning.The purpose of this study has been to investigate whether the teacher uses and introduces the same tasks at low, medium and high level-groups in mathematics. The data material is based on observation of three different stages with three different teachers at a primary school. The basis for the results of the assignment is based on nine different observations made at three different stages at three different level groups, i.e. student groups divided into low, medium and high levels in mathematics. The assignment deals with level division by looking at which tasks are used and how the teacher introduces these tasks at the different level groups in mathematics. To investigate this, a qualitative study has been carried out, where nine observations were done. To ensure sufficient data, the observation was documented through structured observation based on a structured observation form inspired by Christoffersen & Johannessen (2012), and two-column notes inspired by Postholm and Jacobsen (2018). Furthermore, the data was analyzed according to Johannessen and Rafoss' (2020) thematic analysis, and then discussed in the light of relevant theory. The assignment deals with various factors related to level-based teaching. Research done on level sharing has come up with conflicting findings. Slavin (1987) found in his meta-analyses that the learning effect at all grade levels was insignificant (Slavin, 1987b). Oakes (2005) believed that level division created class differences and did not equalize the students (Oakes, 2005). Kulik and Kulik (1992) found in their meta-analysis that pupils in the lowest and highest level-groups had greater learning outcomes when they were homogeneously grouped (Kulik & Kulik, 1992). Hattie (2008) saw in his findings that level division in itself is not a clear factor in improving pupils' learning. Hattie (2008) also found that student collaboration is an important aspect in classroom practice if it works as intended (Hattie, 2008; Slavin, 1987b). Liljedahl (2020) has concluded in his research that the best effect was the use of random groups (Liljedahl, 2020). Research also found that strategic grouping was used in primary schools where teachers carefully arranged homogeneous or heterogeneous groups to achieve a social or knowledge-based goal in the class (Dweck & Leggett, 1988). My findings show that level division has a minimal impact on teaching at the various level groups. The biggest difference in the teaching in the different groups was to a large extent how long they worked on subject-related tasks throughout the lesson, and at what academic level the initial task was. It was the teacher himself who influenced the learning to the greatest extent, and not homogenous level-divided groups as a significant factor by it self. In conclusion, the thesis' most relevant findings, sources of error and weaknesses are pointed out, as well as suggestions for further research

    VÄga satsa, vÄga misslyckas

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    Ett misslyckande kan definieras pĂ„ mĂ„nga olika sĂ€tt, beroende pĂ„ lokala omstĂ€ndigheter och traditioner samt personliga vĂ€rderingar. Det kan variera mellan total konkurs av ett företag eller en person, till enstaka uteblivna inbetalningar. Gemensamt för mĂ„nga definitioner Ă€r dock en stark sammankoppling med negativitet och felaktighet. TvĂ„ bidragande orsaker till ett misslyckande kan, enligt litteraturen, vara bristande ledarkunskaper hos företagsledaren eller otillrĂ€ckliga finansiella tillgĂ„ngar. De bakomliggande orsakerna till misslyckandet tros Ă€ven ha stor betydelse för företagarens Ă„terhĂ€mtning samt huruvida företagaren lĂ€r sig av misslyckandet. En stor del av svenska lantbruksföretag drivs idag som enskilda nĂ€ringsverksamheter och ofta Ă€ven som familjeföretag. I en enskild nĂ€ringsverksamhet Ă€r företagaren personligt ansvarig för sĂ„vĂ€l skulder som tillgĂ„ngar. Detta, tillsammans med faktumet att företagen ofta drivs som en familjeverksamhet, bidrar till en ökad risk för subjektiv syn pĂ„ företaget i helhet, vilket kan ge negativa konsekvenser och försvĂ„ra exempelvis en avveckling av företaget. I genomgĂ„ngen litteratur finns vĂ€ldigt lite forskning gjord pĂ„ hur lantbruksföretagare pĂ„verkas av att genomgĂ„ ett misslyckande. För att öka förstĂ„elsen kring detta Ă€mne har vi utfört intervjuer med sju lantbruksföretagare vilka tidigare genomgĂ„tt misslyckanden. I resultatet syns stor skillnad pĂ„ respondenternas attityd till misslyckanden, beroende pĂ„ den bakomliggande orsaken till deras misslyckanden. Majoriteten av respondenterna har upplevt kĂ€nslor av stigmatisering och brist pĂ„ acceptans i samhĂ€llet. Detta till trots, har respondenterna dragit lĂ€rdomar av sina misslyckanden i form av bland annat hur viktig familjen Ă€r, hur viktigt det Ă€r att tro pĂ„ sin egen kapacitet samt vikten av att vĂ„ga satsa, men ocksĂ„ att vĂ„ga misslyckas. Efter intervjuerna har slutsatserna dragits att lantbruksföretagare pĂ„verkas vĂ€ldigt olika beroende pĂ„ den bakomliggande orsaken till misslyckandet;; en djurproduktion vilken tvingats avvecklas pĂ„ grund av lönsamhetsbrist, lansering av en ny produkt vilken inte generade nĂ„gon vinst eller avveckling av hela företaget pĂ„ grund av Ă„terkommande sjukdom pĂ„ produktionsdjuren. SĂ„vĂ€l psykologisk som ekonomisk pĂ„verkan ter sig vĂ€ldigt olika, dĂ„ en del av respondenterna hamnat i insolvens och andra Ă„stadkommit en förbĂ€ttrad ekonomisk situation. Psykologiskt sett har en del av respondenterna dominerats av negativa tankegĂ„ngar, medan en annan del valt att inte ens se misslyckandet som ett misslyckande. GĂ€llande social pĂ„verkan har alla respondenter förĂ€ndrat sitt umgĂ€nge och valt att helt avstĂ„ frĂ„n umgĂ€nge med tidigare branschkollegor och inte heller deltaga i branschtillstĂ€llningar. Respondenternas attityd och syn pĂ„ sitt eget misslyckande verkar vara avgörande för deras attityd till fortsatta satsningar och ett fortsatt lĂ€rande. Sammanfattningsvis har vi sett ett stort behov frĂ„n respondenterna att fĂ„ delge sina historier om misslyckanden. Vi anser att det krĂ€vs mer forskning pĂ„ omrĂ„det för att kunna dra nytta av olika typer av misslyckanden och skapa möjligheter att föra denna kunskap vidare. För att öka möjligheter att göra detta krĂ€vs en, frĂ„n samhĂ€llets sida, förĂ€ndrad syn pĂ„ misslyckanden och företagare vilka har misslyckats. Detta, tror vi, forskningen kan bidra till och pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt sĂ„ smĂ„ningom lĂ„ta ett misslyckande ses som en vĂ€g till ökad kunskap och nya möjligheter inom lantbruksföretagandet i Sverige.A failure can be defined in different ways depending on local circumstances and traditions, or personal valuations. The definition of failure can vary between total bankruptcies to lateness of separate payments. Common to many definitions are a strong connection with negativity and inaccuracy. To contributing factors to a failure could, according to the literature, be the lack of leadership skills from the company manager or insufficient financial assets. The underlying causes to a failure seem to have a big impact on the recovering and the possibility of learning from the failure. A large part of Swedish agricultural businesses is today run as individual businesses and often also as family businesses. In an individual business, the company owner has personal responsibility over liabilities and assets. This, combined with the fact that the business are often run with the whole family engaged, contributes to an increased risk of a subjective vision towards the company, which may cause negative consequences and aggravate for example a liquidation of the company. The reviewed literature contains a small amount of research done on how agricultural business owners are affected when going through a failure. To increase the understanding around this subject, we have performed interviews with seven agricultural business owners who have earlier gone through a failure. The result shows a great difference between the respondents attitude towards their failures, depending on the underlying cause of their failure; The majority of the respondents have experienced emotions of stigmatization and a lack of acceptance from the society. Despite this, the respondents have been learning from their mistakes. They learned, amongst other things, the real importance of their families, the weight of believing in their own capacity and the importance of taking a chance, but also the importance of actually failing. After the interviews the conclusions are made that agricultural business owners are affected in many different ways, depending on the underlying cause of the failure; an animal production which had to be phased out due to lack of profitability, launching a new product which has not generated any profit or settlement of the entire company because of recurrent disease on livestock. Psychological as well as economic effects appears differently, a part of the respondents have been put in insolvency and others have gained a better economic situation than before the failure. Psychological effects showed that a part of the respondents feelings were dominated by negative thoughts, whereas a different part of the respondents chose to not even think of their failure as a failure. According to social impacts, all the respondents have changed their social lives and are no longer participating in industry events. The respondents’ attitude and view of their own failure seems to be crucial for the outcome of continuous investments and perceptive. To summarize we have noticed a great necessity from the respondents to tell their story about failure without being judged. We consider that more research within the area of failure is necessary to be able to taking advantage of the processes of failure and carrying this knowledge forward. To increase the possibility of this there has to be a change in the way society sees failure and business owners whom have failed. We believe that academic research can contribute to this, and eventually allow a failure to be seen as a way of increasing knowledge and providing new possibilities

    High temperature borehole thermal energy storage - A case study

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    Combining High-Temperature Borehole Thermal Energy Storages (HT-BTES) with existing Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems running on waste fuels seems to be a promising approach to increase the energy efficiency of district heating systems through recovery of excess heat summertime from the waste-to-energy operation. This paper presents a case study from Sweden where the potential for charging and discharging waste heat at 95°C from a CHP-plant in summer into and from a HT-BTES is investigated. The interaction between the HT-BTES and the CHP-plant has been simulated with the software tool TRNSYS using the DST (Duct Ground Heat Storage Model) and a number of other TRNSYS tools. The aim of the study has been to design the size and operation of the HT-BTES with regard to energy and power coverage. Several different potential system configurations are presented in this paper, with 1 300 to 1 500 boreholes of 300 m depth. The result shows that it is possible to retrieve around 93 GWh/year of stored heat winter time, with the use of heat pumps using ammoniac as refrigerant. The discharge temperatures from the BTES range between 40-60°C, and up to 70°C in the initial discharge period

    Development of a thermal conductivity map of Stockholm

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    New methods have been suggested to spatially extend in situ thermal response test (TRT) assessments based on geostatistical analysis. These methods can be used to determine a stochastic distribution of the subsurface thermal conductivity beyond the test borehole on larger scales by interpolating the data with geostatistics, including sequential Gaussian simulations (SGS) used in the present study. This paper presents a simulated thermal conductivity map for Greater Stockholm in Sweden, based on the SGS method with input data from in situ measurements (TRT and DTRT). The geology of Stockholm is used as a background raster in the simulations, based on bedrock maps from the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU). The resulting maps are compared with a point map of punctual ground thermal conductivity of Greater Stockholm earlier derived by SGU, compiled from laboratory data that were obtained by thermal conductivity scanning and modal analysis of surface rock specimens of the area

    Fiskaren och fisken

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    Fiskaren och fisken InnehĂ„llsförteckning – Inledaren: Ett försvinnande kulturarv av Pia Prost – VĂ€lmĂ„ende skĂ€rgĂ„rd tack vare strömmingen av Anne Bergström – Vinternotdragningen – sörjd, saknad av Nina Söderlund – Nationella och internationella bestĂ€mmelser kring fiske av Kaj Mattsson – 130 Ă„r av fiskerirĂ„dgivning av Malin Lönnroth – Sista Sibbofiskaren satsar pĂ„ förĂ€dling av Thure Malmberg – Fisket i SkĂ€rgĂ„rdshavet i konstant förĂ€ndring av Pekka Salmi, Kristina Svels och Jari SetĂ€lĂ€ – Ett arbetsliv i fiskenĂ€ringens tjĂ€nst – Kari Ranta-aho gĂ„r i pension av Pia Prost – Inhemskt fiskfoder bra för bĂ„de fiskerinĂ€ringen och havet av Pia Prost – Vasa fick sitt Fiskets hus av Guy SvanbĂ€ck – Förlorar vi en primĂ€rnĂ€ring? av Kaj Mattsson – Konkurrens om fisken – mĂ€nniska, sĂ€l och skarv av Sture Hansson – Allt hĂ€nger pĂ„ en god fiskeförvaltning av Cecilia Lundberg – Aktuell fiskforskning vid Åbo Akademi av Martin Snickars och Tom Wiklund – Historiska hamnplatser och fiskelĂ€gen kartlĂ€ggs av Tapani Tuovinen och Riikka Tevali – GrĂ„sĂ€len Ă€r kustfiskets gissel av Mia Henriksson – Hur uppfattar fiskarna sin omvĂ€rld? av Marina Saanila Bokhörnan: – GĂ€ddan, Nordens krokodil av Nalle Valtiala – Ålevangeliet: berĂ€ttelsen om vĂ€rldens mest gĂ„tfulla fisk av Cecilia Lundberg – Är Åland skĂ€rgĂ„rdssamhĂ€llenas paradis? av John Wrede – SkĂ€rgĂ„rden diskuterade FN:s hĂ„llbarhetsmĂ„l av Pia Prost – SkĂ€rinytt – Sista bilde

    Robust T cell immunity in convalescent individuals with asymptomatic or mild COVID-19

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    SARS-CoV-2-specific memory T cells will likely prove critical for long-term immune protection against COVID-19. Here, we systematically mapped the functional and phenotypic landscape of SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell responses in unexposed individuals, exposed family members, and individuals with acute or convalescent COVID-19. Acute-phase SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells displayed a highly activated cytotoxic phenotype that correlated with various clinical markers of disease severity, whereas convalescent-phase SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells were polyfunctional and displayed a stem-like memory phenotype. Importantly, SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells were detectable in antibody-seronegative exposed family members and convalescent individuals with a history of asymptomatic and mild COVID-19. Our collective dataset shows that SARS-CoV-2 elicits broadly directed and functionally replete memory T cell responses, suggesting that natural exposure or infection may prevent recurrent episodes of severe COVID-19

    Visual Brand Identity in the HR Business : The process behind creating a logotype and graphic profile for Dala HR Partner

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    Föreliggande undersökning genomförs i samarbete med uppdragsgivaren och HR-företaget Dala HR Partner. Syftet med undersökningen Àr att ta reda pÄ hur logotyp och grafisk profil bör se ut för att pÄ bÀsta sÀtt förmedla företagets mÄl och vÀrderingar, seriös, kompetent, effektiv och trygg. En visuell innehÄllsanalys utfördes med syftet att fÄ en bÀttre förstÄelse för hur andra HR-företag profilerar sig. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer utfördes med Dala HR Partners mÄlgrupp samt en kompletterande enkÀtundersökning med personer med erfarenhet inom grafisk design för att fÄ Äsikter bÄde frÄn lekmÀn och yrkeserfarna. De olika materialinsamlingsmetoderna gav oss bra underlag till framtagningen av logotyp och grafisk profil som pÄ bÀsta sÀtt skulle förmedla Dala HR Partners mÄl och vÀrderingar, samt uppfylla de komponenter som utgör en fullstÀndig grafisk identitet. FrÄn undersökningen har det framgÄtt att det Àr viktigt med en tanke bakom det visuella materialet för att egenskaperna ska förmedlas pÄ bÀsta sÀtt. Valet av exempelvis fÀrg och form har betydelse i hur företagets vÀrderingar kommuniceras. Resultat av den slutgiltiga logotypen och grafiska profilen visar att de i stor utstrÀckning förmedlar Dala HR Partners vÀrderingar och mÄl, seriös, kompetent, effektiv och trygg, vilket var mÄlet med den hÀr undersökningen och vÄrt examensarbete.This survey is conducted in collaborati on with the client and HR company Dala HR Partner. The purpose of the survey is to find out how the logo and graphic profile should be designed to best convey the company's goals and values, serious, competent, efficient and safe. A visual content analysis was performed with the aim to get a better understanding of how other HR companies graphic profiles look like. Semistructured interviews were conducted with Dala HR Partners target audience and a complementary survey of people with experience in graphic design to get opinions both from laymen and experienced professionals. The different data collection methods gave us good basis for the development of the logo and graphic identity that would best convey Dala HR Partners goals and values, and comply with the components that make up a complete graphic identity. From the survey, it has emerged that it is important with an idea to the visual material for the properties to be conveyed in the best way. The choice of, for example, color and shape are important in how the company values are communicated. Results of the final logo and graphic profile shows that they largely conveys Dala HR Partners values and goals, serious, competent, efficient and safe, which was the goal of this study and our thesis
