12 research outputs found

    How to identify groundwater-caused thermal anomalies in lakes based on multi-temporal satellite data in semi-arid regions

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    The deduction by conventional means of qualitative and quantitative information about groundwater discharge into lakes is complicated. Nevertheless, at least for semi-arid regions with limited surface water availability, this information is crucial to ensure future water availability for drinking and irrigation purposes. <br><br> Overcoming this lack of discharge information, we present a satellite-based multi-temporal sea-surface-temperature (SST) approach. It exploits the occurrence of thermal anomalies to outline groundwater discharge locations using the example of the Dead Sea. Based on a set of 19 Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) images 6.2 (high gain), recorded between 2000 and 2002, we developed a novel approach which includes (i) an objective exclusion of surface-runoff-influenced data which would otherwise lead to erroneous results and (ii) a temporal SST variability analysis based on six statistical measures amplifying thermal anomalies caused by groundwater. <br><br> After excluding data influenced by surface runoff, we concluded that spatial anomaly patterns of the standard deviation and range of the SST data series spatially fit best to in situ observed discharge locations and, hence, are most suitable for detecting groundwater discharge sites

    Das Verbundprojekt StaPlaRes: N-Stabilisierung und wurzelnahe Platzierung als innovative Technologien zur Optimierung der Ressourceneffizienz bei der Harnstoff-Düngung

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    Das F&E-Verbundvorhaben StaPlaRes entwickelt, untersucht und bewertet neuartige Technologien im Rahmen der Harnstoff (HS)-Düngung mit dem Ziel größtmöglicher Ressourceneffizienz und Umweltschonung

    New perspectives on interdisciplinary earth science at the Dead Sea: The DESERVE project

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    The Dead Sea region has faced substantial environmental challenges in recent decades, including water resource scarcity, ~ 1 m annual decreases in the water level, sinkhole development, ascending-brine freshwater pollution, and seismic disturbance risks. Natural processes are significantly affected by human interference as well as by climate change and tectonic developments over the long term. To get a deep understanding of processes and their interactions, innovative scientific approaches that integrate disciplinary research and education are required. The research project DESERVE (Helmholtz Virtual Institute Dead Sea Research Venue) addresses these challenges in an interdisciplinary approach that includes geophysics, hydrology, and meteorology. The project is implemented by a consortium of scientific institutions in neighboring countries of the Dead Sea (Israel, Jordan, Palestine Territories) and participating German Helmholtz Centres (KIT, GFZ, UFZ). A new monitoring network of meteorological, hydrological, and seismic/geodynamic stations has been established, and extensive field research and numerical simulations have been undertaken. For the first time, innovative measurement and modeling techniques have been applied to the extreme conditions of the Dead Sea and its surroundings. The preliminary results show the potential of these methods. First time ever performed eddy covariance measurements give insight into the governing factors of Dead Sea evaporation. High-resolution bathymetric investigations reveal a strong correlation between submarine springs and neo-tectonic patterns. Based on detailed studies of stratigraphy and borehole information, the extension of the subsurface drainage basin of the Dead Sea is now reliably estimated. Originality has been achieved in monitoring flash floods in an arid basin at its outlet and simultaneously in tributaries, supplemented by spatio-temporal rainfall data. Low-altitude, high resolution photogrammetry, allied to satellite image analysis and to geophysical surveys (e.g. shear-wave reflections) has enabled a more detailed characterization of sinkhole morphology and temporal development and the possible subsurface controls thereon. All the above listed efforts and scientific results take place with the interdisciplinary education of young scientists. They are invited to attend joint thematic workshops and winter schools as well as to participate in field experiments

    Spatial upscaling of CO2 emissions from exposed river sediments of the Elbe River during an extreme drought

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    Droughts lead to falling river water levels and consequently expose river sediments. It is well known that from these exposed aquatic sediments, CO2 emits to the atmosphere, but upscaling of CO2 measurements from discrete point measurements to an entire river system remains challenging. Naturally occurring heterogeneous processes must be accounted for to obtain an overall CO2 flux and to assess its significance. We contribute to this challenge by incorporating a two stage scaling approach using in situ CO2 fluxes and remote sensing data. First, by combining optical airborne data with closed chamber measurements at a representative model site during a first scaling stage, we derive land cover type specific CO2 fluxes and identify distance to the water as the most suitable proxy for further upscaling. Second, we upscale derived spatial relations from the first scaling stage to the entire river system of the Elbe River using a satellite-based analysis. In this way, we derived area-weighted CO2 emissions from exposed river sediments of 56.6 ± 64.8 tC day−1 (corrected distance proxy) and 52.9 ± 44.6 tC day−1 (land cover proxy), respectively, for 1 day during the 2018 extreme drought. Given the intensification of droughts in terms of length and reoccurrence frequency, this result not only highlights the importance of drought-induced exposition of river sediment as a source of atmospheric CO2 but also underscores the ability to monitor CO2 emissions over an entire river system on a regular basis using remote sensing

    Challenges to estimate surface- and groundwater flow in arid regions: The Dead Sea catchment

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    The overall aim of the this study, which was conducted within the framework of the multilateral IWRM project SUMAR, was to expand the scientific basement to quantify surface- and groundwater fluxes towards the hypersaline Dead Sea. The flux significance for the arid vicinity around the Dead Sea is decisive not only for a sustainable management in terms of water availability for future generations but also for the resilience of the unique ecosystems along its coast. Coping with different challenges interdisciplinary methods like (i) hydrogeochemical fingerprinting, (ii) satellite and airborne-based thermal remote sensing, (iii) direct measurement with gauging station in ephemeral wadis and a first multilateral gauging station at the river Jordan, (iv) hydro-bio-geochemical approach at submarine and shore springs along the Dead Sea and (v) hydro(geo)logical modelling contributed to the overall aim. As primary results, we deduce that the following: (i) Within the drainage basins of the Dead Sea, the total mean annual precipitation amounts to 300 mm a(-1) west and to 179 mm a(-1) east of the lake, respectively. (ii) The total mean annual runoff volumes from side wadis (except the Jordan River) entering the Dead Sea is approximately 58-66 x 10(6) m(3) a(-1) (western wadis: 7-15 x 10(6) m(3) a(-1); eastern wadis: 51 x 10(6) m(3) a(-1)). (iii) The modelled groundwater discharge from the upper Cretaceous aquifers in both flanks of the Dead Sea towards the lake amounts to 177 x 106 m(3) a(-1). (iv) An unexpected abundance of life in submarine springs exists, which in turn explains microbial moderated geo-bio-chemical processes in the Dead Sea sediments, affecting the highly variable chemical composition of on- and offshore spring waters. The results of this work show a promising enhancement of describing and modelling the Dead Sea basin as a whole. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    European long-term field experiments : knowledge gained about alternative management practices

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    Alternative management practices such as no-tillage compared to conventional tillage are expected to recover or increase soil quality and productivity, even though all of these aspects are rarely studied together. Long-term field experiments (LTEs) enable analysis of alternative management practices over time. This study investigated a total of 251 European LTEs in which alternative management practices such as crop rotation, catch crops, cover crops/green manure, no-tillage, non-inversion tillage and organic fertilization were applied. Response ratios of indicators for soil quality, climate change and productivity between alternative and reference management practices were derived from a total of 260 publications. Both positive and negative effects of alternative management practices on the different indicators were shown and, as expected, no alternative management practice could comply with all objectives simultaneously. Productivity was hampered by non-inversion tillage, FYM amendments and incorporation of crop residues. SOC contents were increased significantly following organic fertilizers and non-inversion tillage. GHG emissions were increased by slurry application and incorporation of crop residues. Our study showed that alternative management practices beneficial to one group of indicators (e.g. organic fertilizers for biological soil quality indicators) are not necessarily beneficial to other indicators (e.g. increase of crop yields). We conclude that LTEs are valuable for finding ways forward in protecting European soils as well as finding evidence-based alternative management practices for the future; however, experiments should focus more on biological soil quality indicators as well as GHG emissions to enable better evaluation of trade-offs and mutual benefits of management practices

    Ideas and perspectives: Land-ocean connectivity through groundwater

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    For millennia humans have gravitated towards coastlines for their resource potential and as geopolitical centres for global trade. A basic requirement ensuring water security for coastal communities relies on a delicate balance between the supply and demand of potable water. The interaction between freshwater and saltwater in coastal settings is, therefore, complicated by both natural and human-driven environmental changes at the land-sea interface. In particular, ongoing sea level rise, warming and deoxygenation might exacerbate such perturbations. In this context, an improved understanding of the nature and variability of groundwater fluxes across the land-sea continuum is timely, yet remains out of reach. The flow of terrestrial groundwater across the coastal transition zone as well as the extent of freshened groundwater below the present-day seafloor are receiving increased attention in marine and coastal sciences because they likely represent a significant, yet highly uncertain component of (bio)geochemical budgets, and because of the emerging interest in the potential use of offshore freshened groundwater as a resource. At the same time, “reverse” groundwater flux from offshore to onshore is of prevalent socio-economic interest as terrestrial groundwater resources are continuously pressured by overpumping and seawater intrusion in many coastal regions worldwide. An accurate assessment of the land-ocean connectivity through groundwater and its potential responses to future anthropogenic activities and climate change will require a multidisciplinary approach combining the expertise of geophysicists, hydrogeologists, (bio)geochemists and modellers. Such joint activities will lay the scientific basis for better understanding the role of groundwater in societal-relevant issues such as climate change, pollution and the environmental status of the coastal oceans within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Here, we present our perspectives on future research directions to better understand land-ocean connectivity through groundwater, including the spatial distributions of the essential hydrogeological parameters, highlighting technical and scientific developments, and briefly discussing its societal relevance in rapidly changing coastal oceans