11 research outputs found

    Treatments in Alzheimer's disease

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    SPATA: Strong Pseudonym based AuthenTicAtion in Intelligent Transport System

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    Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is generally deployed to improve road safety, comfort, security, and traffic efficiency. A robust mechanism of authentication and secure communication is required to protect privacy and conditional resolution of pseudonyms to revoke malicious vehicles. In a typical ITS framework, a station can be a vehicle, Road Side Unit (RSU), or a server that can participate in communication. During authentication, the real identity of an Intelligent Transport System-Station (ITSS), referred to as a vehiclečň should not be revealed in order to preserve its privacy. In this paper, we propose a Strong Pseudonym based AutenTicAtion (SPATA) framework for preserving the real identity of vehicles. The distributed architecture of SPATA allows vehicles to generate pseudonyms in a very private and secure way. In the absence of a distributed architecture, the privacy cannot be preserved by storing information regarding vehicles in a single location. Therefore, the concept of linkability of certificates based on single authority is eliminated. This is done by keeping the real identity to pseudonym mappings distributed. Furthermore, the size of the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) is kept small, as only the most recent revoked communication pseudonyms are kept in the CRL. The privacy of the vehicle is preserved during the revocation and resolution phase through the distributed mechanism. Empirical results show that SPATA is a lightweight framework with low computational overhead, average latency, overhead ratio, and stable delivery ratio, in both sparse and dense network scenarios

    Pakistan 1993

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    Issues, Challenges, and Research Opportunities in Intelligent Transport System for Security and Privacy

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    Intelligent transport system (ITS), owing to their potential to enhance road safety and improve traffic management, have attracted attention from automotive industries and academia in recent years. The underlying technology—i.e., vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs)—provide a means for vehicles to intelligently exchange messages regarding road and traffic conditions to enhance safety. The open nature of ITS as wireless communication technology leads to many security and privacy challenges. These challenges pertain to confidentiality, authentication, integrity, non-repudiation, location privacy, identity privacy, anonymity, certificate revocation, and certificate resolution. This article aims to propose a novel taxonomy of security and privacy issues and solutions in ITS. Furthermore, categorization of security and privacy schemes in ITS and their limitations are discussed with various parameters—scalability, privacy, computational cost, communication overhead, latency—and various types of security attacks has been analyzed. This article leverages new researchers for challenges and opportunities related to security and privacy in ITS

    The prevalence of neuromyelitis optica in South East Wales

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    Background and purpose: Neuromyeltis optica (NMO) is a neuroinflammatory disorder considered rare in Caucasian populations. However, accurate population-based epidemiological data for NMO and NMO spectrum disorder (NMO-SD) from Western populations employing validated diagnostic criteria remain limited. We sought therefore to estimate the prevalence and clinical features of NMO in a north European Caucasian population in South East Wales. Methods: Patients were identified by a comprehensive, multistage ascertainment strategy employing a regional neuroinflammatory disease register, hospital diagnostic databases personal physician referrals and regional requests for anti-aquaporin-4 antibodies (anti-AQP4). Results: Fourteen Caucasian patients (11 patients with NMO and three with NMO-SD) were identified in a population of 712 572 (19.6/million; 95% CIs: 12.2–29.7). There was an excess of females (female:male 12:2), 11/14 were anti-AQP4 positive and 5/14 had disease onset under the age of 20 years. Conclusion: This study suggests that NMO and related spectrum disorders are at least as frequent in Northern European populations as in non-Caucasian populations and that the demographic profile of prevalent patients differs from clinic-based cohorts

    Pakistan 1996

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    Achieving cybersecurity in blockchain-based systems: A survey

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