81 research outputs found

    Vision-based interaction within a multimodal framework

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    Our contribution is to the field of video-based interaction techniques and is integrated in the home environment of the EMBASSI project. This project addresses innovative methods of man-machine interaction achieved through the development of intelligent assistance and anthropomorphic user interfaces. Within this project, multimodal techniques represent a basic requirement, especially considering those related to the integration of modalities. We are using a stereoscopic approach to allow the natural selection of devices via pointing ges-tures. The pointing hand is segmented from the video images and the 3D position and orientation of the forefinger is calculated. This modality has a subsequent integration with that of speech, in the context of a multimodal interaction infrastructure. In a first phase, we use semantic fusion with amodal input, considering the modalities in a so-called late fusion state

    Intuitive Interaktion durch videobasierte Gestenerkennung

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    Hinter der Forschung an videobasierter Handgestenerkennung steht die Vision, Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Computer losgelöst von klassischen Eingabegeräten wie Maus und Tastatur zu realisieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von echtzeitfähigen Verfahren, die eine robuste und fehlerarme Erkennung menschlicher Handgesten realisieren und so die Bedienung eines Computersystems auch für technisch unerfahrene Anwender nutzbar machen. In dieser Arbeit werden vier Verfahren entwickelt, die unterschiedliche Arten der Interaktion durch videobasierte Handgestenerkennung realisieren.The vision behind research on video based hand gesture recognition is to realise a new kind of interaction between humans and computer beyond the classical input devices such as mouse and keyboard. The aim of this thesis is to develop new video based realtime algorithms, which enable a robust and accurate recognition of human hand gestures and allow interaction with the computer even for technically unversed users. In this thesis four different algorithms are developed that can be used for intuitive interaction purposes depending on the demands and needs of different scenario applications

    Immunogenicity of Simulated PCECV Postexposure Booster Doses 1, 3, and 5 Years after 2-Dose and 3-Dose Primary Rabies Vaccination in Schoolchildren

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    Objectives. To assess the immunogenicity of intradermal (ID) booster doses of Purified Chick Embryo Cell rabies vaccine (PCECV, Rabipur) administered to Thai schoolchildren one, three and five years after a primary ID pre-exposure (PrEP) vaccination series. Methods. In this follow-up study of a randomized, open-label, phase II clinical trial, two simulated post-exposure booster doses of PCECV were administered on days 0 and 3 intradermally to 703 healthy schoolchildren, one, three or five years after primary vaccination with either two or three ID doses of 0.1 mL PCECV. Blood was drawn immediately before and 7, 14 and 365 days after the first booster dose to determine rabies virus neutralizing antibody (RVNA) concentrations. Results. An anamnestic response of approximately 30-fold increase in RVNA concentrations was demonstrated within 14 days after booster. All children (100%) developed adequate RVNA concentrations above 0.5 IU/mL. No vaccine related serious adverse events were seen in any of the vaccinees. Conclusion. ID rabies PrEP with PCECV is safe and immunogenic in schoolchildren and the anamnestic response to a two booster dose vaccination series was found to be adequate one, three, and five years after a two- or three-dose primary PrEP vaccination series

    Effects of Sulfonylureas on Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ Activity and on Glucose Uptake by Thiazolidinediones

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    BackgroundSulfonylurea primarily stimulates insulin secretion by binding to its receptor on the pancreatic β-cells. Recent studies have suggested that sulfonylureas induce insulin sensitivity through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), one of the nuclear receptors. In this study, we investigated the effects of sulfonylurea on PPARγ transcriptional activity and on the glucose uptake via PPARγ.MethodsTranscription reporter assays using Cos7 cells were performed to determine if specific sulfonylureas stimulate PPARγ transactivation. Glimepiride, gliquidone, and glipizide (1 to 500 µM) were used as treatment, and rosiglitazone at 1 and 10 µM was used as a control. The effects of sulfonylurea and rosiglitazone treatments on the transcriptional activity of endogenous PPARγ were observed. In addition, 3T3-L1 adipocytes were treated with rosiglitazone (10 µM), glimepiride (100 µM) or both to verify the effect of glimepiride on rosiglitazone-induced glucose uptake.ResultsSulfonylureas, including glimepiride, gliquidone and glipizide, increased PPARγ transcriptional activity, gliquidone being the most potent PPARγ agonist. However, no additive effects were observed in the presence of rosiglitazone. When rosiglitazone was co-treated with glimepiride, PPARγ transcriptional activity and glucose uptake were reduced compared to those after treatment with rosiglitazone alone. This competitive effect of glimepiride was observed only at high concentrations that are not achieved with clinical doses.ConclusionSulfonylureas like glimepiride, gliquidone and glipizide increased the transcriptional activity of PPARγ. Also, glimepiride was able to reduce the effect of rosiglitazone on PPARγ agonistic activity and glucose uptake. However, the competitive effect does not seem to occur at clinically feasible concentrations

    Intuitive Interaktion durch videobasierte Gestenerkennung

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    Hinter der Forschung an videobasierter Handgestenerkennung steht die Vision, Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Computer losgelöst von klassischen Eingabegeräten wie Maus und Tastatur zu realisieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von echtzeitfähigen Verfahren, die eine robuste und fehlerarme Erkennung menschlicher Handgesten realisieren und so die Bedienung eines Computersystems auch für technisch unerfahrene Anwender nutzbar machen. In dieser Arbeit werden vier Verfahren entwickelt, die unterschiedliche Arten der Interaktion durch videobasierte Handgestenerkennung realisieren. The vision behind research on video based hand gesture recognition is to realise a new kind of interaction between humans and computer beyond the classical input devices such as mouse and keyboard. The aim of this thesis is to develop new video based realtime algorithms, which enable a robust and accurate recognition of human hand gestures and allow interaction with the computer even for technically unversed users. In this thesis four different algorithms are developed that can be used for intuitive interaction purposes depending on the demands and needs of different scenario applications

    Interactive Museum Exhibit Using Pointing Gesture Recognition

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    This paper describes a Mixed Reality-supported interactive museum exhibit. Using an easy and intuitive pointing gesture recognition system, the museum visitor is able to create his/her own exhibit choosing between different painters, artistic topics or just between different images. The usage of a video-based gesture tracking system ensures a seamless integration of Mixed Reality technologies into the environment of a traditional museum. Furthermore, it addresses even technically unversed users due to the fact that no physical devices need to be used and even no training phase is necessary for the interaction. The display of digitised paintings on an interactive screen is usable e.g. in museums that do not have the space to present all of their paintings in the traditional ways. Furthermore, direct interaction with art pieces leads to a deeper involvement with and understanding of the art pieces, whereas the manipulation of original paintings is obviously prohibited. Exploration of the paintings is achieved by giving the user the possibility of looking at details of paintings, which he/she normally can only see using tools like a magnifying glass

    Interactive museum exhibit using pointing gesture recognition

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    This paper describes a Mixed Reality-supported interactive museum exhibit. Using an easy and intuitive pointing gesture recognition system, the museum visitor is able to create his/her own exhibit choosing between different painters, artistic topics or just between different images. The usage of a video-based gesture tracking system ensures a seamless integration of Mixed Reality technologies into the environment of a traditional museum. Furthermore, it addresses even technically unversed users due to the fact that no physical devices need to be used and even no training phase is necessary for the interaction. The display of digitised paintings on an interactive screen is usable e.g. in museums that do not have the space to present all of their paintings in the traditional ways. Furthermore, direct interaction with art pieces leads to a deeper involvement with and understanding of the art pieces, whereas the manipulation of original paintings is obviously prohibited. Exploration of the paintings is achieved by giving the user the possibility of looking at details of paintings, which he/she normally can only see using tools like a magnifying glass

    Dynamic Gestural Interaction with Immersive Environments

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    This paper describes our ongoing research work on deviceless interaction using hand gesture recognition with a calibrated stereo system. Video-based interaction is one of the most intuitive kinds of Human-Computer- Interaction with Virtual-Reality applications due to the fact that users are not wired to a computer. This kind of interaction should therefore be considered as the preferred kind of interaction especially for technically unversed users. Especially, if interaction with three-dimensional environments is considered, pointing is one of the most intuitive kind of interaction used by humans. Nevertheless, using a pointing posture solely lacks of some classical interaction metaphors like moving objects in 3D space. As the most important additional gestures beside the recognition of a pointing gesture, 'grab' and 'release' gestures has been identified to enable an interactive movement of 3D objects in virtual worlds. This paper describes our video-based gesture recognition system that uses two calibrated cameras observing the user in front of a large displaying screen, identifying three different hand gestures in real time and determining 3D information like the 3D position of the user's hand or the pointing direction if performed. Different scenario applications like a virtual chess game against the computer or an industrial scenario (placing filters to an air pump system in 3D space) were developed and tested

    Intuitive Interaktion durch videobasierte Gestenerkennung

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    The vision behind research on video based hand gesture recognition is to realise a new kind of interaction between humans and computer beyond the classical input devices such as mouse and keyboard. The aim of this thesis is to develop new video based realtime algorithms, which enable a robust and accurate recognition of human hand gestures and allow interaction with the computer even for technically unversed users. In this thesis four different algorithms are developed that can be used for intuitive interaction purposes depending on the demands and needs of different scenario applications

    Comparison of specificity of bacterial enzymes towards protein substrates

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    Specyficzność substratową proteaz określa się z uwzględnieniem hydrolizowanego wiązania peptydowego w sekwencji rozważanego substratu oraz reszt aminokwasowych to wiązanie otaczających. Na parametr ten ma też wpływ środowisko, w którym reakcja zachodzi, w tym takie jego cechy jak pH czy siła jonowa. W pracy tej podjęto się wstępnej analizy specyficzności substratowej dwóch enzymów bakteryjnych, korzystając z białek fuzyjnych o sekwencji łączników rozpoznawanej jako miejsce cięcia wspomnianych proteaz. Scharakteryzowano również w sposób ogólny wpływ siły jonowej i pH na aktywność obu enzymów.Substrate specificity of a protease is defined by the peptide bond hydrolysed within the given substrate’s sequence, as well as the amino acid residues surrounding the bond in question. Additionally, certain parameters of the reaction’s environment, such as pH or ionic strength, may have an impact, too. In this work, an effort was made to preliminarily analyse the substrate specificity of two bacterial proteases using fusion proteins with linkers’ sequence recognized as the cleavage site by the aforementioned proteases. In addition, the effect of pH and ionic strength on both enzymes’ activity was assessed