25 research outputs found

    The effect of preheating of composite resin on its color stability after immersion in tea and coffee solutions : an in-vitro study

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    One of the concerns in using composite resins is color change. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of preheating on color stability of composite resins when immersed in coffee and tea. This experimental study included 60 composite disks. The samples were divided into 2 groups, one group prepared at room temperature and the other prepared at 68 °C. After curing, the samples were placed in 37 °C distilled water for 24 hours. The color of the samples was measured (t0) using spectrophotometer according to CIE-L*a*b* system. The samples of each group were then divided into 3 subgroups and respectively immersed in distillated water, coffee and tea for 30 days and the final color (t1) was measured. The difference between the measured colors was calculated (?E) and the results were analyzed using version 21.0 of SPSS software, Paired t-test, ANOVA, Tukey?s test, and Dunnett t-test. The preheated composites showed significantly lower staining in the coffee solution than the room temperature composites (p<0.0001). In contrast, no statistically significant difference was observed for the tea solution (p =0.317). The staining of the preheated composites in distillated water was higher than those in the room temperature, however, the difference was not significant (p =0.99). Within the limits of this study, preheating was effective to improve color stability of composite resin after long time immersion in coffee solution

    MAL2 and tumor protein D52 (TPD52) are frequently overexpressed in ovarian carcinoma, but differentially associated with histological subtype and patient outcome

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    Background: The four-transmembrane MAL2 protein is frequently overexpressed in breast carcinoma, and MAL2 overexpression is associated with gain of the corresponding locus at chromosome 8q24.12. Independent expression microarray studies predict MAL2 overexpression in ovarian carcinoma, but these had remained unconfirmed. MAL2 binds tumor protein D52 (TPD52), which is frequently overexpressed in ovarian carcinoma, but the clinical significance of MAL2 and TPD52 overexpression was unknown. Methods: Immunohistochemical analyses of MAL2 and TPD52 expression were performed using tissue microarray sections including benign, borderline and malignant epithelial ovarian tumours. Inmmunohistochemical staining intensity and distribution was assessed both visually and digitally. Results: MAL2 and TPD52 were significantly overexpressed in high-grade serous carcinomas compared with serous borderline tumours. MAL2 expression was highest in serous carcinomas relative to other histological subtypes, whereas TPD52 expression was highest in clear cell carcinomas. MAL2 expression was not related to patient survival, however high-level TPD52 staining was significantly associated with improved overall survival in patients with stage III serous ovarian carcinoma (log-rank test, p < 0.001; n = 124) and was an independent predictor of survival in the overall carcinoma cohort (hazard ratio (HR), 0.498; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.34-0.728; p < 0.001; n = 221), and in serous carcinomas (HR, 0.440; 95% CI, 0.294-0.658; p < 0.001; n = 182). Conclusions: MAL2 is frequently overexpressed in ovarian carcinoma, and TPD52 overexpression is a favourable independent prognostic marker of potential value in the management of ovarian carcinoma patients.11 page(s

    Effect of Intermediate-Dose vs Standard-Dose Prophylactic Anticoagulation on Thrombotic Events, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Treatment, or Mortality among Patients with COVID-19 Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: The INSPIRATION Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Importance: Thrombotic events are commonly reported in critically ill patients with COVID-19. Limited data exist to guide the intensity of antithrombotic prophylaxis. Objective: To evaluate the effects of intermediate-dose vs standard-dose prophylactic anticoagulation among patients with COVID-19 admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). Design, Setting, and Participants: Multicenter randomized trial with a 2 � 2 factorial design performed in 10 academic centers in Iran comparing intermediate-dose vs standard-dose prophylactic anticoagulation (first hypothesis) and statin therapy vs matching placebo (second hypothesis; not reported in this article) among adult patients admitted to the ICU with COVID-19. Patients were recruited between July 29, 2020, and November 19, 2020. The final follow-up date for the 30-day primary outcome was December 19, 2020. Interventions: Intermediate-dose (enoxaparin, 1 mg/kg daily) (n = 276) vs standard prophylactic anticoagulation (enoxaparin, 40 mg daily) (n = 286), with modification according to body weight and creatinine clearance. The assigned treatments were planned to be continued until completion of 30-day follow-up. Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary efficacy outcome was a composite of venous or arterial thrombosis, treatment with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or mortality within 30 days, assessed in randomized patients who met the eligibility criteria and received at least 1 dose of the assigned treatment. Prespecified safety outcomes included major bleeding according to the Bleeding Academic Research Consortium (type 3 or 5 definition), powered for noninferiority (a noninferiority margin of 1.8 based on odds ratio), and severe thrombocytopenia (platelet count &lt;20 �103/µL). All outcomes were blindly adjudicated. Results: Among 600 randomized patients, 562 (93.7) were included in the primary analysis (median interquartile range age, 62 50-71 years; 237 42.2% women). The primary efficacy outcome occurred in 126 patients (45.7%) in the intermediate-dose group and 126 patients (44.1%) in the standard-dose prophylaxis group (absolute risk difference, 1.5% 95% CI,-6.6% to 9.8%; odds ratio, 1.06 95% CI, 0.76-1.48; P =.70). Major bleeding occurred in 7 patients (2.5%) in the intermediate-dose group and 4 patients (1.4%) in the standard-dose prophylaxis group (risk difference, 1.1% 1-sided 97.5% CI,-� to 3.4%; odds ratio, 1.83 1-sided 97.5% CI, 0.00-5.93), not meeting the noninferiority criteria (P for noninferiority &gt;.99). Severe thrombocytopenia occurred only in patients assigned to the intermediate-dose group (6 vs 0 patients; risk difference, 2.2% 95% CI, 0.4%-3.8%; P =.01). Conclusions and Relevance: Among patients admitted to the ICU with COVID-19, intermediate-dose prophylactic anticoagulation, compared with standard-dose prophylactic anticoagulation, did not result in a significant difference in the primary outcome of a composite of adjudicated venous or arterial thrombosis, treatment with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or mortality within 30 days. These results do not support the routine empirical use of intermediate-dose prophylactic anticoagulation in unselected patients admitted to the ICU with COVID-19. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04486508. © 2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved

    LiBRI Journal - On The Effect of Recast in Task-based Grammar Instruction Across Two Age Groups: Adolescents vs. Adults

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    <i>Abstract</i><div><br></div><div>In order to address the issue of age differences in feedback reception, this study investigated the effect of recast in task-based grammar instruction on Iranian adolescent and adult EFL learners’ learning of conditionals and relatives. The data were collected from 114 adolescent (aged 15-18) and adult (aged 30-35) EFL learners. Of the two adolescent classes, one class was assigned as the experimental and the other as the control group and the same procedure was followed for the two adult classes. The two experimental groups were provided with recast. The analysis of the participants' performance on the posttest demonstrated that the experimental groups outperformed the control groups, and adults more than adolescents benefited from recast. As a result, the efficacy of recast in establishing new grammatical knowledge was proved. Further, the age of the learners did affect the degree of the utility of recasts in developing grammar knowledge.<br></div><div><b><br></b></div><div><b>Find out more here:</b></div><div><b>https://www.edusoft.ro/brain/index.php/libri/article/view/205</b><br></div

    Ендоскопічні дані та наслідки кровотечі з верхніх відділів шлунково-кишкового тракту в пацієнтів у північній частині Ірану, яких направили у відділення невідкладної допомоги

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    Gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the reasons that patients referred to the emergency department. In the majority of these patients, the bleeding stops spontaneously but some of them are high risk patients who may experience complications and may need endoscopic and surgical treatment. Mismanagement of these cases leads to high mortality. Different studies evaluated the causes of Upper GI bleeding but there is not any information about the distribution of these reasons in north of Iran.Methods and material. This prospective study included patients with history of upper gastrointestinal bleeding between January 2017 and December 2018. A total of 224 patients underwent endoscopy for UGIB and the data were studied. Follow up was done for occurrence of re-bleeding or mortality.Results. Our study revealed that the most common cause of upper GI bleeding was duodenal ulcer and gastric ulcer. Antrum was the main anatomical site for gastric ulcer. After the 15 days follow up in 17 (6.8 %) patients mortality existed and rebleeding was found in 11 (4.4 %) patients and the need for surgery in 3 (1.2 %) patients.Conclusions. Like many parts of the world the most common source of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in our study was peptic ulcer diseases. Our study revealed that despite all diagnostic and treatment procedures still there is mortality (6.8 % mortality existed) due to GI bleeding. Желудочно-кишечные кровотечения – одна из причин, по которой пациенты обращаются в отделение неотложной помощи. У большинства кровотечение прекращается самостоятельно, но некоторые из них являются пациентами высокого риска, у которых могут возникнуть осложнения и, возможно, потребуется эндоскопическое и хирургическое лечение. Неправильное ведение в этих случаях приводит к высокой смертности. Различные исследования оценивали причины кровотечений из верхней части желудочно-кишечного тракта, но нет информации о распространении этих причин на севере Ирана.Материалы и методы. Проспективное исследование включало пациентов с анамнезом желудочно-кишечного кровотечения в период с января 2017 по декабрь 2018 г. Изучили данные 224 пациентов, прошедших эндоскопию по поводу желудочно-кишечного кровотечения. Последующее исследование касалось возникновения повторного кровотечения или смертности.Результаты. Установили, что наиболее частой причиной кровотечений из верхней части желудочно-кишечного тракта были язва двенадцатиперстной кишки и язва желудка. Антрум – основной анатомический участок при язвенной болезни желудка. После 15 дней зафиксировали 17 (6,8 %) летальных исходов, у 11 (3,4 %) пациентов обнаружено повторное кровотечение, у 3 (1,2 %) – необходимость хирургического вмешательства.Выводы. Как и во многих странах мира, наиболее распространенным источником кровотечений из верхних отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта в нашем исследовании были язвенные болезни. Исследование показало, что, несмотря на все диагностические и лечебные процедуры, все еще существует смертность (6,8 %) от кровотечений в желудочно-кишечном тракте.Шлунково-кишкові кровотечі є однією з причин, через яку пацієнти звертаються у відділення невідкладної допомоги. У більшості цих осіб кровотеча припиняється самостійно, але деякі з них є пацієнтами високого ризику, в них можуть виникнути ускладнення і, можливо, буде необхідне ендоскопічне та хірургічне лікування. Неправильне ведення в цих випадках призводить до високої смертності. Різні дослідження оцінювали причини кровотеч із верхньої частини шлунково-кишкового тракту, але немає інформації щодо поширення цих причин на півночі Ірану.Матеріали та методи. Проспективне дослідження включало пацієнтів з анамнезом шлунково-кишкової кровотечі в період від січня 2017 до грудня 2018 р. Вивчили дані 224 пацієнтів, яким виконали ендоскопію з приводу шлунково-кишкової кровотечі. Надалі здійснили дослідження щодо виникнення повторної кровотечі або смертності.Результати. З’ясували, що найбільш частою причиною кровотеч із верхньої частини шлунково-кишкового тракту були виразка дванадцятипалої кишки та виразка шлунка. Антрум – основна анатомічна ділянка при виразковій хворобі шлунка. Після 15 днів спостереження зафіксували 17 (6,8 %) летальних випадків, у 11 (3,4 %) пацієнтів виявили повторну кровотечу, у 3 (1,2 %) – необхідність хірургічного втручання.Висновки. Як і в багатьох країнах світу, найбільш поширеним джерелом кровотеч із верхніх відділів шлунково-кишкового тракту у виконаному дослідженні були виразкові хвороби. З’ясували, що, незважаючи на всі діагностичні й лікувальні процедури, все ще є смертність (6,8 %) від кровотеч у шлунково-кишковому тракті.

    Predicting the effect of factors affecting economic growth of Iran with the approach of time-varying parameters -dynamic model averaging

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    One of the most important goals of economic policymakers in every country is to achieve high economic growth. For this purpose, this study aims to identify the most important variables affecting Iran's economic growth in the period of 1981 - 2021 using the dynamic averaging model. The results showed that in Iran's economy, the variables of current government expenditures, tax revenues, income inequality, household consumption expenditures, and domestic investment are the most important variables affecting economic growth. Also, the results showed that the manner and probability of these variables influencing economic growth over time are not constant and are subject to exogenous impulses such as revolution, war, oil price shocks, applied economic policies, structural changes, and sanctions. The results showed that in Iran's economy, the variables of current government expenditures, tax revenues, income inequality, household consumption expenditures, and domestic investment are the most important variables affecting economic growth respectively

    Temporospatial variation and health risk assessment of trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water (northwest Iran)

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    Trihalomethanes (THMs) are one of the most common classes of disinfection by-products. In this study, the temporospatial trends and health risks due to exposure to THMs in the Tabriz water distribution network were investigated. THM series were analyzed using gas chromatography equipped with electron capture detector. The non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risks due to exposure to THMs were calculated using Monte Carlo simulations. Mean concentrations of THMs in winter and spring were 10.2 ± 9.3 μg/l and 252 ± 185.9 μg/l, respectively. More than 80% of THMs identified were bromodichloromethane. The mean values of lifetime cancer risk (LTCR) of THMs were calculated as 4.23E−06 and 2.38E−04 for winter and spring, respectively. This study showed that there were noticeable levels of THMs in Tabriz water distribution network, especially in the center of the city. Although the non-cancer risk through THMs was below permissible recommended levels, the cancer risk likely remains due to high levels of THMs in some locations

    Cardioprotective effect of methanolic extract of <i>Marrubium vulgare </i><span style="mso-bidi-font-style:italic">L<i>.</i> on isoproterenol-induced acute myocardial infarction in rats<span style="font-size: 13.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:10.0pt" lang="EN-GB"> </span></span>

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    653-660Isoproterenol injection (100 mg/kg; sc) produced changes in ECG pattern including ST-segment elevation and suppressed R-amplitude. The methanolic extract of M. vulgare at doses of 10, 20, and 40 mg/kg significantly amended the ECG changes. A severe myocardial necrosis and edematous along with a sharp reduction in the arterial blood pressure, left ventricular contractility (LVdP/dtmax or min), but a marked increase in the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) were seen in the isoproterenol group. All parameters were significantly improved by the extract treatment. The <span style="mso-bidi-font-size: 9.0pt" lang="EN-GB">extract (10 mg/kg) strongly increased LVdP/dtmax. Similarly, treatment with 40 mg/kg of M. vulgare lowered the elevated LVEDP and the heart to body weight ratio. In addition to in vitro antioxidant activity, the extract suppressed markedly the elevation of malondialdehyde levels both in serum and in myocardium. The results demonstrate that M. vulgare protects myocardium against isoproterenol-induced acute myocardial infarction and suggest that the effects could be related to antioxidant activities. </span