9,192 research outputs found

    Molecular Gas in the Circumstellar Environment of Unusual Evolved Stars

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    As low- and intermediate mass stars (with masses up to 8-9 solar masses) age, they experience a series of evolutionary changes which culminate in the removal of nearly their entire envelope through extensive mass loss. The ejected material cools down, which allows for the formation of molecules and the nucleation of dust grains in the circumstellar environment (CSE) of the star. Much about the properties and composition of the gas and dust in these CSEs is not well understood. Here, we study the rich CSEs of two unusual evolved stars by analyzing spectral observations in the infrared and using molecular spectroscopy to determine the chemical and physical properties of the circumstellar gas. We first present the mid-infrared spectrum of the carbon-rich pre-planetary nebula SMP LMC 11. The spectrum is rich in molecular bands of a variety of species, including several polyynes and cyanopolyynes and unusually strong absorption from benzene. We also confirm the presence of propyne. We find that this molecular gas resides in a dense torus around the central object. A detailed comparison with results from chemical models indicates that important chemical pathways to benzene and other carbon-rich molecules are currently missing from the models. Next, we analyze the molecular gas in the mid- and near-infrared spectrum of the peculiar evolved binary HR 4049. This system is known to be surrounded by a long-lived circumbinary disk. We find that the disk is gas-rich, hot, massive and much more radially extended than previously thought. A recent and significant increase in CO2 emission may also point to ongoing processing in the disk. Given the column densities of especially CO2 and H2O in the disk, radiative trapping must be an important ingredient in determining the physical structure of the disk and its resulting spectrum. Such effects may well be important in many other circumstellar environments as well. Finally, we can also estimate the mass of the primary, and conclude that it may be too low for the star to have experienced a ``normal evolutionary path

    Poisson-Lie U-duality in exceptional field theory

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    Poisson-Lie duality provides an algebraic extension of conventional Abelian and non-Abelian target space dualities of string theory and has seen recent applications in constructing quantum group deformations of holography. Here we demonstrate a natural upgrading of Poisson-Lie to the context of M-theory using the tools of exceptional field theory. In particular, we propose how the underlying idea of a Drinfeld double can be generalised to an algebra we call an exceptional Drinfeld algebra. These admit a notion of "maximally isotropic subalgebras" and we show how to define a generalised Scherk-Schwarz truncation on the associated group manifold to such a subalgebra. This allows us to define a notion of Poisson-Lie U-duality. Moreover, the closure conditions of the exceptional Drinfeld algebra define natural analogues of the cocycle and co-Jacobi conditions arising in Drinfeld double. We show that upon making a further coboundary restriction to the cocycle that an M-theoretic extension of Yang-Baxter deformations arise. We remark on the application of this construction as a solution-generating technique within supergravity

    Isolation of keratinophilic fungi and aerobic actinomycetes from park soils in Gorgan, North of Iran

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    Background: Keratinophilic fungi are a group of fungi that colonize in various keratinous substrates and degrade them to the components with low molecular weight. This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of keratinophilic fungi and aerobic Actinomycetes in soil of city parks in Gorgan. Objectives: In this study, we surveyed the city park soils of Gorgan (a northern province of Iran) to determine the identities and diversity of soil aerobic Actinomycetes, keratinophilic and non-keratinophilic fungi. Materials and Methods: A total of 244 soil samples were collected from 22 diferent parks of Gorgan, North of Iran. The samples were collected from the superfcial layer with depth not exceeding than 0-10 cm in sterile polyethylene bags. We used hair bait technique for isolation keratinophilic fungi. The colonies identifed by macroscopic and microscopic characterization after slide culturing. Actinomycetes were isolated by antibiotic dilution methods and detected by using physiological tests such as Lysozyme, Casein, Xanthine, Hypoxanthine, Gelatin, Urea Broth, and modifed acid-fast stain. Results: Totally, 75 isolates of aerobic Actinomycetes were detected that Actinomadura madurae and Nocardia asteroides were the most prevalent strains, with 14.66 and 28% prevalence respectively. Microsporum gypseum was more frequent than other keratinophilic fungi (22.96%) and Aspergillus spp. was the most species of saprophyte fungi (15.92%). Conclusions: This study showed that the collected soil from studied areas was rich of keratinophilic fungi and Actinomycetes, therefore hygiene protocol should be taken to prevent the spread of pathogenic and saprophytes fungi in the environment of susceptible person. © 2013, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences

    Dusty Universe viewed by AKARI far infrared detector

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    We present the results of the analysis of multiwavelength Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs) of far-infrared galaxies detected in the AKARI Deep Field-South (ADF--S) Survey. The analysis uses a carefully selected sample of 186 sources detected at the 90 μ\mum AKARI band, identified as galaxies with cross-identification in public catalogues. For sources without known spectroscopic redshifts, we estimate photometric redshifts after a test of two independent methods: one based on using mainly the optical -- mid infrared range, and one based on the whole range of ultraviolet -- far infrared data. We observe a vast improvement in the estimation of photometric redshifts when far infrared data are included, compared with an approach based mainly on the optical -- mid infrared range. We discuss the physical properties of our far-infrared-selected sample. We conclude that this sample consists mostly of rich in dust and young stars nearby galaxies, and, furthermore, that almost 25% of these sources are (Ultra)Luminous Infrared Galaxies. Average SEDs normalized at 90 μ\mum for normal galaxies (138 sources), LIRGs (30 sources), and ULIRGs (18 galaxies) a the significant shift in the peak wavelength of the dust emission, and an increasing ratio between their bolometric and dust luminosities which varies from 0.39 to 0.73.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, published in Earth, Planets and Spac

    E6(6) exceptional Drinfel’d algebras

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    The exceptional Drinfel'd algebra (EDA) is a Leibniz algebra introduced to provide an algebraic underpinning with which to explore generalised notions of U-duality in M-theory. In essence it provides an M-theoretic analogue of the way a Drinfel'd double encodes generalised T-dualities of strings. In this note we detail the construction of the EDA in the case where the regular U-duality group is E6(6)E_{6(6)}. We show how the EDA can be realised geometrically as a generalised Leibniz parallelisation of the exceptional generalised tangent bundle for a six-dimensional group manifold GG, endowed with a Nambu-Lie structure. When the EDA is of coboundary type, we show how a natural generalisation of the classical Yang-Baxter equation arises. The construction is illustrated with a selection of examples including some which embed Drinfel'd doubles and others that are not of this type

    Textile Diamond Dipole and Artificial Magnetic Conductor Performance under Bending, Wetness and Specific Absorption Rate Measurements

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    Textile diamond dipole and Artificial Magnetic Conductor (AMC) have been proposed and tested under wearable and body centric measurements. The proposed antenna and AMC sheet are entirely made of textiles for both the substrate and conducting parts, thus making it suitable for wearable communications. Directive radiation patterns with high gain are obtained with the proposed AMC sheet, hence minimizing the radiation towards the human body. In this study, wearable and body centric measurements are investigated which include bending, wetness and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR). Bending is found not to give significant effect to the antenna and AMC performance, as opposed to wetness that yields severe performance distortion. However, the original performance is retrieved once the antenna and AMC dried. Moreover, notable SAR reduction is achieved with the introduction of the AMC sheet, which is appropriate to reduce the radiation that penetrates into human flesh

    Coherent current states in mesoscopic four-terminal Josephson junction

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    A theory is offered for the ballistic 4-terminal Josephson junction. The studied system consists of a mesoscopic two-dimensional normal rectangular layer which is attached in each side to the bulk superconducting banks (terminals). The relation between the currents through the different terminals, which is valid for arbitrary temperatures and junction sizes, is obtained. The nonlocal coupling of the supercurrents leads to a new effect, specific for the mesoscopic weak link between two superconducting rings; an applied magnetic flux through one of the rings produces a magnetic flux in the other ring even in the absence of an external flux through the other one. The phase dependent distributions of the local density of Andreev states, of the supercurrents and of the induced order parameter are obtained. The "interference pattern" for the anomalous average inside the two dimensional region can be regulated by the applied magnetic fluxes or the transport currents. For some values of the phase differences between the terminals, the current vortex state and the two dimensional phase slip center are appeared.Comment: 17 pages in Latex and 6 ps Figures. Will be published in Low Temp.Phy

    Predicting Intermediate Storage Performance for Workflow Applications

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    Configuring a storage system to better serve an application is a challenging task complicated by a multidimensional, discrete configuration space and the high cost of space exploration (e.g., by running the application with different storage configurations). To enable selecting the best configuration in a reasonable time, we design an end-to-end performance prediction mechanism that estimates the turn-around time of an application using storage system under a given configuration. This approach focuses on a generic object-based storage system design, supports exploring the impact of optimizations targeting workflow applications (e.g., various data placement schemes) in addition to other, more traditional, configuration knobs (e.g., stripe size or replication level), and models the system operation at data-chunk and control message level. This paper presents our experience to date with designing and using this prediction mechanism. We evaluate this mechanism using micro- as well as synthetic benchmarks mimicking real workflow applications, and a real application.. A preliminary evaluation shows that we are on a good track to meet our objectives: it can scale to model a workflow application run on an entire cluster while offering an over 200x speedup factor (normalized by resource) compared to running the actual application, and can achieve, in the limited number of scenarios we study, a prediction accuracy that enables identifying the best storage system configuration