10 research outputs found

    Postawa ciała a wybrane zmienne stabilometryczne u chorych na depresję

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    Wstęp: Pionowa postawa ciała wyróżnia człowieka spośród innych istot żywych. Wyznacza również specyficzne warunki dla ruchu. Elementem łączącym zarówno postawę, jak i ruch jest stabilność. Polega ona na statycznym i dynamicznym równoważeniu destabilizujących sił grawitacji oraz bezwładności przez pobudzenie odpowiednich grup mięśniowych. Zakłócenia kontroli posturalnej mogą być uwarunkowane różnymi czynnikami. Wśród nich wymieniany jest udział czynnika psychicznego. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była analiza wybranych zmiennych charakteryzujących stabilność posturalną osób z depresją. Materiał i metody: W badaniach wzięło udział 54 osoby, które przydzielono do dwóch grup. Do pierwszej grupy zakwalifikowano 28 pacjentów ze zdiagnozowaną depresją. Średnia wieku badanych wynosiła 37,25 +/- 3,88 lat. Do drugiej grupy zakwalifikowano 26 osób. Osoby te były w pełni zdrowe, rekrutowane z ogólnej populacji, u których wykluczono depresję i obniżenie nastroju. Średnia wieku badanych wynosiła 33,31 +/- 5,19 lat. Do badań oceniających stabilność wykorzystano platformę PEL 38 i oprogramowanie komputerowe TWIN 99. Wyniki: Uzyskane wyniki różniły się istotnie między grupami w zakresie pięciu zmiennych: zmian oscylacji środka ciężkości w płaszczyźnie czołowej i strzałkowej, średniego odchylenia w płaszczyźnie czołowej oraz w parametrach niestabilności: pola powierzchni i stosunku długości do powierzchni. Grupa z depresją w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną uzyskała wyższe wartości 4 z 5 ocenianych parametrów. Wnioski: Osoby z depresją cechuje zmniejszenie stabilności ciała w porównaniu do osób bez depresji.Introduction: A vertical posture distinguishes humans from other living beings. It also determines the specific conditions for movement. The element which connects body posture and movement is stability. It is based on the static and dynamic balancing of the destabilising forces of gravity and inertia through stimulating the appropriate muscle groups. A disruption of postural control may be conditioned by various factors, among which the literature mentions mental health. The purpose of this study wasa comparative analysis of selected variables characterising the postural stability of persons with depression. Material and methods: The study involved fifty-four persons who were divided into two groups. The first group comprised 28 patients diagnosed with depression. The mean age of the participants was 37.25 +/- 3.88. The second group consisted of 26 completely healthy persons who were recruited from the general population, excluding persons with depression ora low mood. The mean age of the participants was 33.31 +/- 5.19 years. The postural stability was assessed usinga PEL 38 posturographic platform and TWIN 99 computer software. Results: The results differed significantly between the two groups with regard to five variables: oscillations of the centre of gravity in the frontal and the sagittal planes, average deviation in the frontal plane, and deviations in the parameters of instability (the surface area and the ratio of length to the surface area). It was observed that the group witha diagnosis of depression displayed higher values in 4 out of 5 the evaluated parameters when compared to the control group. Conclusions: Persons with depression are characterised bya reduced body stability compared to those who do not suffer from depression

    Radiation chemistry of solid-state carbohydrates using EMR

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    We review our research of the past decade towards identification of radiation-induced radicals in solid state sugars and sugar phosphates. Detailed models of the radical structures are obtained by combining EPR and ENDOR experiments with DFT calculations of g and proton HF tensors, with agreement in their anisotropy serving as most important criterion. Symmetry-related and Schonland ambiguities, which may hamper such identification, are reviewed. Thermally induced transformations of initial radiation damage into more stable radicals can also be monitored in the EPR (and ENDOR) experiments and in principle provide information on stable radical formation mechanisms. Thermal annealing experi-ments reveal, however, that radical recombination and/or diamagnetic radiation damage is also quite important. Analysis strategies are illustrated with research on sucrose. Results on dipotassium glucose-1-phosphate and trehalose dihydrate, fructose and sorbose are also briefly discussed. Our study demonstrates that radiation damage is strongly regio-selective and that certain general principles govern the stable radical formation

    A study of stable isotope composition of chosen foodstuffs from the Polish market

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    In the present work the carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of food products bought in the retail trade in Warsaw is demonstrated. The research was carried out using meat (pork, chicken), hen eggs and honey. These products originated from the conventional and ecological farms. The values of the isotopic ratios are expressed as δ notation and correspond to the international standards (V-PDB for δ13C, and air for δ15N) according to the following general formula: δ(‰) = [(R sample / R standard) – 1] × 1000, where R represents the ratio between the less abundant and more abundant isotopes, in particular 13C/12C and 15N/14N. The results received in our laboratory, were compared with results presented in the literature for similar products. The results of the study show that the N and C stable isotope ratios in the tested products can be applied to verify their authenticity

    Detection of irradiated components in flavour blends composed of non-irradiated spices, herbs and vegetable seasonings by thermoluminescence method

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    The results of experiments on the detection of irradiated component in commercial flavour blends composed of a mixture of non-irradiated spices, herbs and seasonings are presented. A method based on the thermoluminescence measurements on silicate minerals isolated from blends has been adapted. It has been proved that by applying this technique it is possible to detect 0.05% by weight of paprika, irradiated earlier with a dose of 7 kGy, which was a minor component of nonirradiated flavour blends

    Detection of radiation treatment of dry plant extracts by thermoluminescence and pulsed photostimulated luminescence. Comparative study

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    Results of the examination of the variety of dry plant extracts (Thyme extract, Celery seed extract, Artichoke extract, Citrus aurantium extract and others) by two different detection methods are described. Both PSL and TL methods are presented and discussed. Comparative study based on the analysis of the results obtained by thermoluminescence (TL) and photostimulated luminescence (PSL) measurements delivered the arguments that preselection of detection methods based on model studies is rational to be adapted in analytical laboratories specialized in the detection of irradiated foods