11 research outputs found

    Behavioural responses to manipulation of central monoamine sytems in the rat

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    la psychiatric illnesses, particularly in the affective disorders, and to a lesser extent in the schizophrenias, there are marked deviations from normal behaviour which have components which may be described, in psychological terms as aberrant, stereotyped, activity and as abnormalities in locomotor and exploratory drives. A hypothesis that a disturbance in one or more of the dopaminergic, noradrenergic or serotonergic neuronal systems in the brain may play a role in psychiatric illness has engendered much research into the functional roles of these systems in animals and man. The published work has been reviewed particularly that in relation to the behavioural abnormalities which may be induced in lower animals such as the rat and which appear to mimic to some degree the abnormalities in behaviours seen in psychiatric illness in man. The experimental work presented in this thesis is a further contribution to this investigation using an animal model. Previous reports in the literature had, when considered together, indicated that in animals dopaminergic systems played a major role in the mediation of all three types of behaviour monitored - exploratory, locomotor and stereotyped behaviour, with lesser roles being assigned to noradrenergic and serotonergic systems. Individually, the previous studies tended to depend on visual observation of one, or at most two, of these aspects of behaviour, with exploratory behaviour receiving much less attention than stereotyped or locomotor behaviour

    Avaliação das diferenças de gênero nas estratégias de enfrentamento da dor lombar

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    El dolor lumbar puede ser visto como un gran problema de salud pública. Las diferencias de género son importantes factores que influyen en los síntomas y en las respuestas del comportamiento. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar las diferencias de género en los comportamientos de dolor y en el manejo del dolor lumbar crónico. La muestra estuvo conformada por 158 participantes (66,5% mujeres), con edades entre los 30 y 88 años que fueron diagnosticados con artrosis lumbar. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: la Escala Visual Analógica, el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida y un cuestionario para evaluar las actividades de ocio y distracción del dolor. Los resultados del MANOVA demostraron que las mujeres presentaron mayor percepción del dolor que los hombres. También fue posible observar frecuencias más altas de actividades sociales en las mujeres, así como correlaciones significativas entre las actividades sociales y los dominios psicológicos, sociales y medio ambientales. En conclusión, las mujeres presentan un mayor número de estrategias de afrontamiento para el dolor, lo cual puede influir positivamente en su calidad de vida.A dor lombar pode ser vista como um grande problema de saúde pública. As diferenças de gênero são importantes fatores que influenciam nos sintomas e nas respostas do comportamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi pesquisar as diferenças de gênero nos comportamentos de dor e na gestão da dor lombar crônica. A amostra foi conformada por 158 participantes (66,5% mulheres), com idade entre 30 e 88 anos, que foram diagnosticadas com artrose lombar. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: a Escala Visual Analógica, o Questionário de Qualidade de Vida e um questionário para avaliar as atividades de lazer e distração da dor. Os resultados do MANOVA demonstraram que as mulheres apresentaram maior percepção da dor do que os homens. Também foi possível observar frequências mais altas de atividades sociais nas mulheres, bem como correlações significativas entre as atividades sociais e os domínios psicológicos, sociais e meio ambientais. Em conclusão, as mulheres apresentaram um maior número de estratégias de enfrentamento para a dor, o que pode influenciar positivamente em sua qualidade de vida.Low-back pain is considered a serious public health problem. Gender differences are important factors that influence symptoms and behavioral responses. This research aimed to investigate gender differences in pain behaviors and pain management of chronic low back pain. The sample consisted of 158 participants (66.5% female), aged 30-88 who were diagnosed with Lumbar Osteoarthritis. The instruments used were the Visual Analogue Scale, the Quality of Life Questionnaire and a questionnaire to assess leisure and distraction activities from pain. Results of MANOVA showed that women have significant greater pain perception than men. Higher frequencies of social activities were also observed for women as well as significant correlations between social activities and psychological, social and environmental domains. In conclusion, women presented a greater number of coping strategies for pain than men, which probably tend to have a positive influence in their life quality

    Effect of Edible Coatings from Aloe vera gel on Citrus sinensis during Ambient storage

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    Extension of the shelf life of orange fruits continues to be a challenge in Nigeria. The search for safe, healthy and environmental friendly treatments has led to increased interest in research into edible and biodegradable films and coatings. In this work, the use of Aloe vera gel as a coating to extend the shelf-life of orange fruits was investigated. The oranges were stored at ambient temperature (27+2oC) and at 50-60% relative humidity for five weeks. During ambient storage, uncoated fruits showed 43.11% and 60.63 % increases in total soluble solids and reducing sugar contents respectively. Rapid weight loss and loss of firmness were also observed. The above parameters which are related to post- harvest quality loss were however significantly controlled in the oranges coated with A. vera gel. Percent increase in total soluble solids 56.89% and reducingsugar contents 39.36% were observed. The storability of orange fruits was  extended by five weeks. It was concluded that A. vera gel used as a coating for orange could serve as an alternative to post-harvest chemical treatments

    Reverse diastolic flow of the fetal middle cerebral artery associated with placental chorangiomatosis and asymptomatic concealed placental abruption

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    Reverse diastolic flow of the fetal middle cerebral artery is a rare, yet ominous finding which has been associated with adverse perinatal outcomes including: intracranial hemorrhage, growth restriction, fetal-maternal hemorrhage, severe anemia, hydrops, hepatic anomaly, subsequent stillbirth, and early neonatal death. We report a case in which following notation of a nonreassuring fetal heart rate at 32 weeks’ gestation, sonographic documentation of persistent reverse diastolic flow of the fetal middle cerebral artery was noted in association with sonographic findings of vascular placental dysmorphology and an asymptomatic concealed placental abruption. Subsequent fetal heart rate tracing consistent with uteroplacental insufficiency led to immediate Cesarean birth of an anemic yet nonacidotic, nonhypoxic neonate, who did well following management of respiratory distress syndrome and partial exchange transfusion. Placental abruption was confirmed at delivery. Histopathology of the placenta confirmed the presence of localized chorangiomatosis (“wandering” chorangioma). The association of reverse diastolic flow of the fetal middle cerebral artery, placental chorangiomatosis and placental abruption has not been reported previously. We conclude that in the presence of prenatal sonographic findings of placental dysmorphology and or placental abruption, insonation of the fetal middle cerebral artery should be performed to assess the possibility of increased peak systolic velocity and possible reverse diastolic flow, both associated with fetal anemia and increased likelihood of an adverse perinatal outcome

    Innovative recruitment and clinical orientation programme to manage NHS junior doctor shortfall: A district hospital experience.

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    BACKGROUND: International medical graduates (IMGs) contribute significantly towards the NHS care provision. No standardised clinical orientation programme (COP) for IMGs new to the NHS exists. OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to describe recruitment and retention strategies for junior doctors (JDs) in general medicine and develop a framework to anticipate outcomes of these interventions using the realist evaluation methodology. METHODS: We performed quality improvement interventions of recruitment and COP for new entrant IMGs in our organisation employed between December 2017 and April 2019. RESULTS: Twenty-three IMGs were recruited, 96% successfully completed the COP with a mean contract duration of 13±5 months. From the academic year 2017/18 to 2018/19, mean JD post occupancy increased from 54±3 to 73±4 JDs (p<0.001) and JD locum spend fell by £1.9 million. CONCLUSION: Our structured COP provides a stable, trained and financially sustainable JD workforce. Application in broader NHS settings is recommended