287 research outputs found

    Pemikiran Emha Ainun Nadjib Tentang Pendidikan Islam

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    Emha Ainun Nadjib or Cak Nun is an Indonesian Muslim intellectual who has produced many religious works, both in the form of books, essays, and poetry. Cak Nun often lectures at home and abroad. This study focuses on Emha Ainun Nadjib's thoughts on Islamic education. EmhaAinunNadjib gave birth to the idea of ​​Islamic education which he did consistently in society. Uniquely, there is a deconstruction of value understanding, communication patterns, relationship methods, ways of thinking and seeking solutions that arise in society. Emha Ainun Nadjib's thoughts on Islamic education include the first media, the second Islamic education materials, namely: monotheism, morals and spiritual purification, and third evaluation. What is unique about Emha Ainun Nadjib's Islamic educational thought is the Thousand Doors, One Bear. Emha Ainun Nadjib likens a big house that has thousands of doors, but cumin has one large room, which is then interpreted by various Islamic disciplines such as the first door of jurisprudence, the second monotheism, the third history, the fourth logic, the fifth Sufism, the six interpretations and so on. Keyword: Islamic education, Emha Ainun Nadji


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    This monograph presents as a respond of the writer’s care to (1) the multicultural realm of society that has been arousing various opinions in the social elites, and (2) the existence of pesantren (Islamic traditional boarding school) with it’s long history in the stage of educational and religious system in Indonesia has been “shaken” by a blame from many observers as a breeding ground of radicalism. The explanation of this monograph book affirms that the multicultural reality and the existence of pesantren are not two opposite matters, because the pesantren obviously has contributed in pushing affirmative efforts for facing any cultural variety and social diversity

    Antologi Pendidikan Islam

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    Pendidikan Islam dalam Perspektif Historis: Dinamika Pemikiran dan Kelembagaan Pendidikan Islam pada Masa Keemasa

    A Mosque in a Thousand Temple Island: Local Wisdom of Pegayaman Muslim Village in Preserving Harmony in Bali

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    There are some scholars, such as Clifford Geertz, Geoffrey Robinson and Miquel Covarubbias who pay much attention to the patterns of the religious and cultural life of Balinese. They show various perspectives on Balinese religious and cultural lives, those that are generally closely related to Hinduism and tourism. For this reason, a study on the religious life of the Muslim communities in Bali is interesting because it represents various viewpoints while revealing another side of Balinese exoticism. Pegayaman Muslim village of Buleleng regency is an old village inhabited by Muslims amidst strong Hindu influences. This village is unique and recognized as one of the oldest Muslim villages in Bali. In general, the people in this village are able to live side by side peacefully with the adherents of other religions through local wisdom by building harmony with puri(castle), pura (temple), and Balinese customs, like actualization of Menyama Beraya in daily life and Sokok Base that are presented at procession of Maulid festival every year


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    Especially after the first age of Hijra, Muslims have been merely concerning with the issues of Qur’anic spelling, the rules of reciting the Qur’an correctly, and has just been giving attention to memorising Qur’anic verses. They paid a little attention to the dialogical aspect of the Qur’an so that they left behind. Qur’anic revelation that has proceeded gradually was one of apparent evidence for the meaning of dialogical aspect characterising “progressive revelation” of the Holy Book. Such revelation mode has reflected the existence of creative interaction among the Will of God, the empirical reality of life, and the demand of receiver society. The other evidence of its’ dialogical aspect was the first revelation to the Prophet containing instruction of reading. Based on this spirit, naturally, the Qur’an has been named with “the Book of education”. Like a living text, the Qur’an has positioned the receiver community of revelation as a partner of communication to open dialogue and communication occurring as in education rooms. In this matter, the relevance of educational Qur’anic interpretation can be elaborated. Educational perspective is a part of intellectual efforts to find out and to formulate prescriptions of education in the Qur’an, and a part of endeavours to position it as a source of knowledge and civilisation without neglecting the meaning of empirical realm and human intellectual capability as prime sources of science and civilisation. In educational perspective, the miracle of the Qur’an is more depicted from its’ transformative influences to mentality and mindset of Muslims, so at the first period of Islamic history in the past time, they have succeeded gaining the preeminent cultural achievements

    Evaluation of computer aided instruction: Assessing the value and effectiveness of operational systems

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    This thesis investigated a number of performance measures for computer-aided instruction (CAI) systems. These "evaluation metrics" are intended to assess the worth and value of teaching systems. An operational accounting tutor (which teaches marginal costing) was used to develop the metrics and a replication study was conducted on Application Program Tutor (a tutoring system designed to teach courses). Although, CAI is a mature technology which has evolved in a variety of fields and forms since the 1950s, its potential remains untapped. Factors attributed to this include resistance from teachers, lack of student involvement in design, and insufficient imagination in curriculum design. Inadequate system standards and a deficiency of good software tools, lack of documentation, maintenance and education value have also been key limiting factors. The overall picture seems akin to a cottage industry than a co-ordinated enterprise. Evaluation is significant, to developers and users in this field, because in the short-term it improves the usability and life-span of the numerous systems that have been developed and in the long-term it focuses attention (away from the impetus to deliver) towards issues of appropriateness and quality in system design. Different traditions of evaluation are explored, including the selection criteria used in educational technology and the impact of the quality philosophy on software engineering. This research was conducted using the Before-after Two-group design on forty-two accountancy students, where a conventionally taught group was compared with the accountancy tutor group. Performance on a number of marginal (or variable) costing problems was measured before and after both groups were taught. Moreover, the experimental group was given a questionnaire to complete (which was designed to capture their assessment of the system). The results derived from the well- crafted questionnaire were indicative of the systems strengths and weaknesses and supplied useful criteria for future research

    Realm of Malay Civilization: Ethnoparenting, Habitus, and Cultural Contestation in Early Childhood Education of Sambas Malay Society

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    This article discusses how Sambas Malay parents carry out ethnoparenting and early childhood education to early childhood. Sambas Malay society are relatively traditional who still maintain the value system embraced by the local community. Ethnoparenting in this paper has the meaning of parenting performed by a particular ethnicity or tribe through the culture adopted. This research was conducted by the qualitative method through a sociological approach to education. The data was obtained through interviews and in-depth observations in Batu Makjage Village, Tebas District, Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan Province. Some habitus in ethnoparenting Sambas Malay society in educating early childhood include tunjuk ajar, pantang larang, kemponan and any tradition. Obstacles in ethnoparenting in the form of contestation of the value of Sambas Malay culture with modernity. The contestation that occurred experienced dislocation and resulted in the social change of Sambas Malay society and changed the habitus and urban lifestyle that has dominated in the ethnoparenting of Sambas Malay society


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    Abstract: Dr. Ali Abdul Halim Mahmoud is one of the contemporary Muslim intellectuals who believes that there are noble tools in his book. Noble tools, The main source of human moral education is the Qur'an and the Sunnah. An Nur: 47-53 The concept of Islamic education in the letter of Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud aims to emphasize various aspects of Aqeedah (Tawhid), Shari'ah and Islamic Morality. The aspects of education contained in Surat An Nur: 47-53 are: the educator is Allah Subhanallahu Ta'ala and the Messenger of Allah Shollahu alaihi wassalam, and the learners are believers, hypocrites and Jews. Moral education, the way of education includes information, conditions, commands, and suggestions for understanding the form. Ali Abdul Halim Mahmud was a modern Sufi figure, even known as Al Ghozali in the 14th century. He suggested how to coordinate and integrate general education and Islamic religious education towards Allah Subhanallahu Ta'ala (Allah Subhanallahu Ta'ala). Keywords: Ali Abdul Halim Mahmoud, Contemporary Islamic Educatio


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    Worship gives peace of mind to its adherents, worship also makes the distance between God and humans close. Indonesian people in performing religious rituals or what is commonly referred to as worship have their own way, usually, there is a sector sect in Islam that makes Muslims worship different ways according to the guidelines held, although they have differences in practising worship, Muslims still within the established scope of the law. This study aims to find out how Muslims pray and the differences. This research uses the literature review method. The results in this study, praying in a way that is believed by each individual according to the guidelines they hold respectively. The differences in performing these worship procedures exist and do not make Muslims divided because both have a foundation in doing so

    Filsafat Pendidikan Islam : Telaah Keberagaman Radikal

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    This article aims to present material related to the study of radical diversity currently developing in Indonesia. As we know, Bhineka Tunggal Ika is an ideology adopted by the Indonesian State, because the State of Indonesia has various cultural and religious differences. Even so, this understanding is considered to have not been able to show its seriousness in reducing radical ideas that are rife for some religious circles. For the west, radicalism is claimed as a terrorist force that wants to destroy political power but pretends to be jihad. Therefore, this article also aims to examine the objects that cause various conflicts, which in fact not only affect the peace of the country, but also trigger unfavorable perceptions from various parts of the world
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