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    Container terminal efficiency and productivity is important issues since productivity of container terminal in Indonesia is the low but the total handling charge is relatively high compared in ASEAN. When productivity low while total handling charge is high, it reflects the inefficiency of input in production process, so the efficiency could be improved to meet the international requirements. This study was using Cobb-Douglas Production Function to analyze efficiency of Koja container terminal in the period 2010-2014, and Herfindahl-Hierschman Index (HH Index) and Shift Share Analysis to analyze the output share of Koja container terminal to Tanjung Priok Port. The results of this study shows that the inconsistent the assumption of Cobb-Douglas Production Function in Koja container terminal. This study also finds out that technological progress is a main contributor in container throughput growth. Finally, the market structure is oligopoly which concentrated in two terminals. The conclusion of this study is technological has an important role to increase the efficiency of the container terminal in order to compete in market. Terminal operator is advised to improve the quality service in handling process and necessary creates good governance to develop the port activities. The limitation of this study is the lack of data that makes this variable using proxy so it can not explain the overall situation. Moreover, using ordinary least square can not accommodate to decompose the total factor productivity, the best methods to decompose TFP is using Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA)


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    ABSTRACT Maharani Dyah Megawati. C9306072. Perception of the Customers Upon Services Provided by the Division of GRO in Lor In Business Resort and Spa. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, UNS. The objective of this study is to describe, evaluate, and suggest an improvement for the negative perception of the customers upon the services provided by GRO of Lor In Business Resort and Spa. In this report, a descriptive qualitative method is utilized. The techniques of collecting data were conducted based on observation, interview, and library studies. The observation was done by observing the subjects directly. The interviews were conducted by asking some questions to the external public of Lor In Business Resort and Spa. The library studies were carried out by searching some information from books, newspapers and the internet. The data were analyzed to identify the perception of the customers upon the services provided by GRO of Lor In Business Resort and Spa. The interviews result showed that most customers feel satisfied and comfortable with services or facilities provided by Lor In Busines Resort and Spa. They found the services were complete and all the staffs gave good services to the customers. On the other hand, some of them still felt less satisfied with some of the services and facilities such as: Lor In is far from the downtown; technical problems such as room facilities, water faucet, was out of order; the concierge and the reception made the guests wait to be served because of the peak session. Lor In Business Resort and Spa gave some other solutions to serve them better such as giving them discounts for some certain facilities and more welcome drink to the guests and transportation services like taxi, to take them to the downtown quickly


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    Air merupakan kebutuhan mutlak bagi kehidupan manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Kebutuhan air dapat diatasi dengan mengembangkan usaha air minum isi ulang. Departemen Kesehatan sudah melakukan pengujian secara laboratorium contoh air hasil pengolahan DAMIU di Jakarta dan diperoleh gambaran cemaran bakteri Coliform berkisar 10 % - 20 %. Idealnya air minum tidak mengandung bakteri patogen, oleh karena itu pengujian bakteriologis air minum isi ulang merupakan upaya untuk mengetahui keamanan air minum sebelum dikonsumsi. Indikator yang digunakan adalah bakteri Coliform dan Fecal coli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi air baku, kondisi peralatan, proses pengolahan, kondisi higiene dan sanitasi depot serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang di Kabupaten Jepara. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode Explanatory Research dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh depot air minum isi ulang yang ada di Kabupaten Jepara sebanyak 46 (empat puluh enam) DAMIU dan sampel yang digunakan adalah 28 sampel. Depot air minum isi ulang menggunakan sumber air baku dari mata air gunung Ungaran sebanyak 4 depot, mata air gunung Muria Kudus 10 depot, sumur artesis 13 depot dan PAM sebanyak 1 depot. Hasil pemeriksaan air baku yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 14,3 % atau 4 depot dan kualitas bakteriologis air minum yang tidak memenuhi syarat sebanyak 21,4 % atau 6 depot. Data tersebut kemudian dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan uji chi square didapatkan tidak ada hubungan antara kondisi air baku dengan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang (p value = 0,173 dan RP = 0,231), tidak ada hubungan antara kondisi peralatan dengan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang (p value = 0,648 dan RP = 2,00), tidak ada hubungan antara proses pengolahan dengan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang (p value = 0,655 dan RP = 1,733) dan ada hubungan antara kondisi higiene dan sanitasi depot dengan kualitas bakteriologis air minum isi ulang (p value = 0,022 dan RP = 7,727). Inspeksi terhadap depot air minum isi ulang lebih ditingkatkan frekuensinya yaitu rutin memeriksakan air baku setiap tiga bulan sekali dan air yang siap diminum setiap satu bulan sekali. Kata Kunci: Kualitas bakteriologis, air minum isi ulang FACTORS RELATED TO BACTERIOLOGICAL QUALITY OF REFILL DRINKING WATER AT JEPARA REGENCY Water is an absolute needs for human being's life and other creatures. The needs of water may be fulfilled by developing refill drinking water business. The Health Department has carried out an experiment in the laboratory following the sample of water as the product of DAMIU at Jakarta and it is known that the Coliform bacteria contained in the water ranges from 10 % - 20 %. Ideally, drinking water doesn't contain pathogen bacteria, therefore the bacteriological experiment upon refill drinking water is an effort to find out the safety of drinking water before being consumed. The Indicator used in the experiment is the Coliform and Fecal coli bacteria. The aim of the research is to identify the condition of standard water, equipments condition, processing activity, hygiene condition and depot sanitation and to analyze some factors with the bacteriological quality of refill drinking water at Jepara Regency. The research is a kind of an Explanatory Research with cross sectional approach. The population of this research is all refill drinking water depots at Jepara Regency it's 46 (fourty six) of DAMIU and sample used in research is 28 samples. Refilled drinking water depot whom used raw water source from Ungaran Mount wellspring were 4 depots, Muria Kudus Mount wellspring were 10 depots, artesian well were 13 depots and PAM was 1 depot. The treatment result of bacteriological examination of raw water indicated 14,3 % or 4 depots was not comply to standard and bacteriological quality or drinking water which not comply to standard was 21,4 % or 6 depots. Then, the data was statistically analyzed using chi square test, and got there no a association between standard water condition with the bacteriological quality of refill drinking water (p value = 0,173 and RP = 0,231), there no a association between equipments condition with the bacteriological quality of refill drinking water (p value = 0,648 and RP = 2,00), there no a association between processing activity with the bacteriological quality of refill drinking water (p value = 0,655 and RP = 1,733) and there was a association between hygiene condition and depots sanitation with bacterilogical quality of refill drinking water ( p value = 0,022 and RP = 7,727). The inspection upon refill drinking water depot should be increased by routinely checking the standard water every three months and drinking water once a month. Keyword : Coliform, Fecal coliBacteriological quality, refill drinking water, Coliform, Fecal col

    The Language Maintenance of Mother Tongue in Tourism Area, Ubud

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    This study entitled "The Language Maintenance of Mother Tongue in Tourism Area, Ubud". The background of this study is departed from having seen the phenomenon of a rapid tourism development in Ubud. The arrival of tourists, both domestics and foreigners, would have an impact on the interaction be-tween tourists and local communities. The interaction is not merely the culture, but also in terms of commu-nication of how the language is being used. The use of language in daily communication is definitely become an interesting aspect to be discussed because Ubud is known as a multicultural region; some people may think that Ubud is a bule village similar to Kuta. The objective of this study is to determine whether mother tongue is still being used in Ubud, Gian-yar or had it replaced by the foreign language. In addition, this research conducted to find out the strategies used by the people of Ubud to maintain the sustainability of mother-tongue language in the region. The method used for this research is a field research. The research conducted by a non-participatory observation; researchers act to make observations and not directly involved in the interaction at the time of the study. Research techniques that used are documentations, records and depth interviews. The results ana-lyzed by approach which was proposed by Fasold (1972). It is also supported by Fishman's approach; both concern with language maintenance. The interview results are expected to answer strategies used by speakers of the local community in preserving the language. The presentation of the data described in qualitative de-scriptive method. Keywords: Language Maintenance, mother tongue, Tourism area, Ubu

    Sistem Pembelajaran Aljabar Abstrak Menggunakan Software Gap

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    Aljabar abstrak merupakan mata kuliah yang isinya menekankan pada teori – teori dasar dan pembuktian teorema, meskipun ada juga sedikit aspek perhitungannya. Sebagian besar mahasiswa yang mengambil matakuliah ini merasa kurang berminat, hal ini terlihat dari keaktifan mereka di dalam kelas yang kurang, dan terlihat juga dari nilai akhir yang mereka peroleh yang tidak memuaskan para pengampu mata kuliah ini. Kurangnya minat terhadap matakuliah aljabar abstrak dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, satu diantaranya adalah karena kurangnya software pendukung matakuliah tersebut. Software yang dimaksud merupakan suatu program komputer yang memuat fungsi – fungsi tertentu sehingga memudahkan suatu perhitungan. Makalah ini membahas pengalaman penulis dalam memberikan pembelajaran aljabar abstrak menggunakan software GAP sebagai pendukung matakuliah ini. Walaupun hasil yang diperoleh belum tampak (karena penggunaan Software GAP baru diperkenalkan semester ini), namun rasa ketertarikan terhadap mata kuliah ini sudah kelihatan, hal ini ditandai dengan antusiasnya mahasiswa bertanya tentang materi yang diberikan. Mahasiswa merasa mempunyai pengalaman baru dalam mempelajari aljabar abstrak menggunakan software GAP. Software GAP menyediakan beberapa fungsi , operasi, dan struktur aljabar, sehingga mahasiswa dapat dengan mudah melakukan perhitungan yang melibatkan aljabar. Mahasiswa juga dapat membuat suatu algoritma komputer yang sederhana dalam GAP ini, satu algoritma saja dapat membuat mahasiswa memahami secara utuh dari suatu konsep baru. Mahasiswa dapat bereksplorasi terhadap konsep – konsep dasar grup dan ring. Sistem pembelajaran dengan menggunakan software GAP juga bermanfaat agar mahasiswa dapat bekerja secara berkelompok sehingga tercipta kelompok diskusi yang membuat suasana kelas menjadi hidup. Kata kunci : sistem pembelajaran, software GAP, aljabar abstra


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    Penelitian yang bertujuan (i) untuk mengetahui pola perubahan interaksi pada Siswa SLTP di Kecamatan Binuang Kabupaten Polewali Mandar; (ii) untuk mengetahui dampak media sosial facebook pada perubahan pola interaksi pada siswa SLTP di Kecamatan Binuang Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Jenis penelitian adalah kualitatif dengan fokus penelitian siswa SLTP pengguna facebook di Kecamatan Binuang Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Teknik penentuan informan porpusive sampling dengan jumlah informan 24 orang. Metode pengumpulan data adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (i) kemunculam facebook, sangat memberi kemudahan bagi siswa untuk saling berinteraksi dengan sesamanya. Tak hanya itu dengan tampilan-tampilan yang ada di facebook mempermudah siswa untuk berinteraksi secara personal kepada teman barunya, apalagi dengan ditampilkannya fitur-fitur yang mumudahkan siswa berinteraksi; (ii) Dampak positif yang dapat dirasakan bagi para siswa antara lain semakin eratnya tali silaturahmi antara teman yang sudah terjalin di dunia nyata, memberikan berbagai macam informasi yang menarik, sarana untuk saling menyapa dan berinteraksi dengan teman, juga sebagai sarana untuk merileksakan fikiran. Sedangkan dampak negatif facebook yaitu siswa cenderung lupa waktu sehingga banyak waktu mereka yag terbuang sia-sia, tidak ada batasan ranah pribadi dan public karena hal-hal yang harusnya tidak terungkap dapat terungkap di facebook. Kata Kunci :Media Sosial Facebook, Perubahan interaks

    The Effect of Corporate Sustainability Disclosure on Cost of Capital in ASEAN Banking Sector: The Moderating Role of Financial Performance

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of overall and partial sustainability disclosure to corporate cost of capital, and also examine the moderating effect of financial performance on the relationship. This research adopted the GRI G3.1 indeces to measure sustainability disclosures. The cost of capital was calculated by weighting all source of cost of capital in WACC method, while financial performance is measured by three proxies; CAR, ROE, and NIM. Population of this research was all listed banks in ASEAN countries’ stock exchange market for the year of 2011-2014. Partial Least Squares (PLS) Analysis on SmartPLS 3.0 was used to examine the data. This research indicated that banks with more sustainability disclosure attracts lower cost of capital. However, if it examined partially, the economic aspects tend to increase the cost of capital. Furthermore, better financial performance is shown to have no effect on the relationship between overall sustainability aspects disclosure and cost of capital. Nevertheless, partially investigation found that a better financial performance strengthen the effect of social aspect diclosure in lowering cost of capital

    Pengaruh Model Children Learning in Science Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Tentang Kalor Di SMP

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    This study aims to determine the differences of learning outcome of students studying science at using CLIS model and students who learn using conventional learning models. The research method which is used is quasi experimental with Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Samples were selected based on purposive sampling. Data was analyzed using Man Whitney U-test with α 5% and it is obtained > or 1,96) or (-4,65 < - 1,96). It shows that there are differences in learning outcomes between students taught by CLIS model and conventional learning models. The effectiveness of learning by using CLIS model is still in the low category with the value of the effect size is 0,30

    Restarting from Specific Points to Cure Breakdown in Lanczos-type Algorithms

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    Breakdown in Lanczos-type algorithms is a common phenomenon which is due to the non-existence of some orthogonal polynomials. It causes the solution process to halt. It is, therefore, important to deal with it to improve the resilience of the algorithms and increase their usability. In this paper, we consider restarting from a number of different approximate solutions that seem to be attractive starting points. They are: (a) the last iterate preceding breakdown, (b) the iterate with minimum residual norm found so far, and (c) the approximate solution whose entries are the median values of entries of all iterates generated by the Lanczos-type algorithm considered. Although it has been shown theoretically in the context of Arnoldi-type algorithms as well as Lanczos-type algorithms that restarting mitigates breakdown and allows the iterative process to continue and converge to good solutions, here we give an alternative theorem to that effect and a proof of it. However, emphasis is on the quality of the restarting points. Numerical results are included
