11 research outputs found

    Effect of different growth media on biometric parameter of brinjal and chilli seedlings under shade net house

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    The study was undertaken for two consecutive years (2017 and 2018) to evaluate the effect of different growth media on various growing parameters and incidence of insect pest on brinjal and chilli seedlings. Seedlings were grown in protray using six types of growing media. The highest germination percentage (71.11), plant height (11.05 cm), number of leaves (5.81) and percentage healthy seedlings (89.82) were observed with vermiculite + perlite + vermi- compost (1:1:2) during both the years in brinjal. Similarly in chilli, highest germination percentage (66.33), plant height (9.81 cm), number of leaves (5.62) and percentage healthy seedlings (87.61) were observed with vermiculite + perlite + vermi-compost (1:1:2). There was significantly low incidence of whitefly in brinjal (1.49 whitefly/leaf) and chilli (1.65 whitefly/ leaf) seedling grown in media with vermiculite + perlite + vermi-compost (1:1:2). Hence, vermiculite + perlite + vermi-compost (1:1:2) was found as optimum growth media for growing of chilli and brinjal seedlings. The findings of this study recommend the use of vermiculite + perlite + vermi-compost (1:1:2) as growth media for raising nursery by farmers as it had significant positively effect on plant growth parameters of seedlings that lead to increase production of chilli and brinjal

    Successful outcome of pregnancy in bicornuate uterus: a case report

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    Bicornuate uterus is a major cause of spontaneous abortion. The recurrent pregnancy loss has been reported to the range of 15% to 27%. There is different type of congenital uterine abnormalities like Bicornuate uterus, septate uterus, arcuate uterus, unicornuate uterus, didelphys uterus. It is important to consider this diagnosis in recurrent miscarriages, malpresentation, intra uterine growth restrictionand preterm deliveries. This report is about self at the age of 25-year-old pregnancy with a history of missed abortion. I was not diagnosing with a bicornuate uterus in my first pregnancy. However, I was diagnosed with a bicornuate uterus based on transvaginal ultrasound and hysterosalpingogram. A successful caesarean section was donein the 38th week of gestation. According to the results, successful outcome could be achieved with bicornuate uterus. The outcome of bicornuate uterus was successful

    Models of maternity care: a continuity of midwifery care

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    Pregnancy and birth are significant life events for women and their families and midwife supports a woman throughout pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. So, the demand for services that are family friendly, women focused, safe and accessible is increasing. Evidence has shown that midwifery care is associated with lower cost, higher satisfaction rates among women, and less intervention. Because pregnancy and childbirth involve every part of feelings, physical and practical needs, hopes, religious and spiritual beliefs can all affect pregnancy and birth. So, model of maternity care addresses all these aspects to help give birth safely, naturally and confidently. The aim of this review is how midwives working in different model care constructed their midwifery role in order to maintain a positive work-life balance. Evidence from high income countries found such models to be a cost-efficient way to improve health outcomes, reducing medical interventions and increasing satisfaction with care

    Effect of back massage on relieving pain during labour: a systemic review

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    Managing labour pain is a challenging concern for nurses who involved in care of mothers during labour and child birth. Massage is a primordial method that has been generally employed during labour, however, relatively little study has been assumed examining the effects of massage on women during labour. The study insistent pain allied with labour may negatively impact mother further transforming to foetus, frequently varying the childbirth course. The techniques of health care humanisation mention that women in labour should have the chance to relieve their pain with pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. The systemic review examines literature on effectiveness of back massage to relieve labour pain from 2013 to 2019. The electronic database reviewed for the systemic review included PubMed, Medline, nursing health journal, Google scholar etc by including relevant key words. Ten studies were included in the systemic review. The available literature on non-pharmacological method provides evidence as a back massage is effective to reduce labour pain. The aim of the present review is to examine the effect of back massage as a method to relieve labour pain and give comfort to mother. The experience of labour pain is different in women and it is affected by several psychological and physiological factors and its intensity may vary significantly. During labour majority of women need pain relief. Strategies of pain management include pharmacological and non-pharmacological intervention. Evidence suggests that non pharmacological methods are helpful to reduce labour pain. We identified 10 reviews out of 110 for inclusion within this review. All studies on back massages show that it is effective to relieve pain during labour

    Cumin (<em>Cuminium cyminium</em> L.): A Seed Spice Crop with Adopted Production Technology in Cumin Cultivated Regions

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    Cumin is a seed spice which finds its place in variety of global cuisines, especially in Indian context. India leads in the world in production of cumin with 70% of world’s production and consumes 90% of this produce. It is a high potential crop with great demand around the world due to changing food consumption behavior, and increasing demand for value-added products such as oil and powder. Cumin has a distinct flavor and aroma owing to presence of essential oils. Cumin has different biological and biomedical properties and finds use in various ayurvedic preparations in different forms. Cumin has been found in three types of colours: amber, white, and black. Among this amber is widely accepted and black also have unique flavor. Cumin is a crop of tropical and subtropical regions and suitable for cultivation on wide variety of soils. Cumin production can be easily done with very few hindrances such as frost injury, wilt and powdery mildew. There is a lot of scope and prospectus regarding its cultivation which can be exploited in other cumin suitable regions of the world through various agronomical innervations, crop improvement programs and biotechnological tools

    Pearl millet genome sequence provides a resource to improve agronomic traits in arid environments

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    Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br., syn. Cenchrus americanus (L.) Morrone], is a staple food for over 90 million poor farmers in arid and semi-arid regions of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. We report the ~1.79 Gb genome sequence of reference genotype Tift 23D2B1-P1-P5, which contains an estimated 38,579 genes. Resequencing analysis of 994 (963 inbreds of the highly cross-pollinated cultigen, and 31 wild accessions) provides insights into population structure, genetic diversity, evolution and domestication history. In addition we demonstrated the use of re-sequence data for establishing marker trait associations, genomic selection and prediction of hybrid performance and defining heterotic pools. The genome wide variations and abiotic stress proteome data are useful resources for pearl millet improvement through deploying modern breeding tools for accelerating genetic gains in pearl millet.publishersversionPeer reviewe


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    Objectives: In the current study the author evaluated the prevalence of low testosterone and its independent predictors among male patients with chronic SCI. Design: This descriptive type of observational study was conducted in department of PMR of SMS medical college. Method: In this cross-sectional study, 120 patients of chronic SCI were recruited, serum testosterone level was assessed and testosterone level below 300ng/dl was considered as low. The following eight suspected independent predictors for low testosterone level were assessed:- Age, body mass index (BMI), nicotine users, total lipid profile, level of injury, ASIA impairment scale, LTPA score (h/week) by LTPA questionnaire, AMS score by AMS questionnaire. Results: The mean age of patient’s was 33.2 ± 7.8 years. Patients with low testosterone exhibited a significant association with dorsal spinal cord injury (70.9%), motor complete (ASIA A &amp; B) SCI (76.4%), nicotine use (65.5%), higher&nbsp; triglyceride level (168.5mg/dl), higher total lipid level (712.9mg/dl), and higher AMS questionnaire score (35.7). Patients with low testosterone were found to be engaged in lower (9.4hour/week) LTPA. Significant negative correlation of total testosterone levels was observed with triglyceride (TG) (r=-0.184, p value= 0.044), total lipid (r= -0.570, p-value &lt;0.001), BMI (r= -0.504, p-value &lt; 0.001), and AMS Scores (r= -0.549, p-value &lt;0.001). Whereas there was a significant positive correlation observed between total testosterone and LTPA (r= 0.380, p-value &lt;0.001). Conclusion:&nbsp; The prevalence of low testosterone is found 45.8% and BMI, LPTA, AMS, and total lipids are identifies as an independent predictors of low testosterone. &nbsp