108 research outputs found

    Quantification of urea-spray non-uniformity effects on the H2-assisted NO reduction and NH3 slip over an Ag/Al2O3 catalyst

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    Selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) with ammonia (NH3-SCR) is an efficient technology for lean NOx removal in automotive applications. In the current work, a kinetic model for hydrogen-assisted NH3-SCR over a silver-alumina (Ag/Al2O3) monolith catalyst is adapted to the corresponding experimental results. The degree of non-uniformity in the NH3 dose to individual catalyst channels during operation of a urea-SCR system is also investigated and the NH3 dose probability distribution functions are derived. The effects of NH3 non-uniformity on the NO conversion and NH3 slip are studied over an otherwise optimal Ag/Al2O3 system. Above the stoichiometric point, the NH3 slip is shown to increase almost linearly with increasing NH3 dosage. Channels that receive significantly lower NH3 dose than the stoichiometric one exhibit low NO conversion, whereas there is no discernable increase in the NO conversion above an NH3 dose four times the average. These results highlight the importance of the interaction between the design of the NH3 dosing system and the performance of the catalytic system

    Diffusion Estimation Over Cooperative Multi-Agent Networks With Missing Data

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    In many fields, and especially in the medical and social sciences and in recommender systems, data are gathered through clinical studies or targeted surveys. Participants are generally reluctant to respond to all questions in a survey or they may lack information to respond adequately to some questions. The data collected from these studies tend to lead to linear regression models where the regression vectors are only known partially: some of their entries are either missing completely or replaced randomly by noisy values. In this work, assuming missing positions are replaced by noisy values, we examine how a connected network of agents, with each one of them subjected to a stream of data with incomplete regression information, can cooperate with each other through local interactions to estimate the underlying model parameters in the presence of missing data. We explain how to adjust the distributed diffusion strategy through (de)regularization in order to eliminate the bias introduced by the incomplete model. We also propose a technique to recursively estimate the (de)regularization parameter and examine the performance of the resulting strategy. We illustrate the results by considering two applications: one dealing with a mental health survey and the other dealing with a household consumption survey

    Konfigurerbar systembrygga mellan Jourhavande bibliotekarie och Fråga biblioteket: slutrapport

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    Arbetet med att utveckla en systembrygga för en fördjupad samverkan inom området virtuell referenstjänst inom och mellan bibliotek och bibliotekarier i olika bibliotekstyper, innebär att en infrastruktur finns för att ta hand om alla frågor på ett systematiskt sätt. Möjligheterna för en samordning av en virtuell referenstjänst på nationell nivå ger inte bara kostnadseffektivitet utan också driftsäkerhet samt möjlighet att utveckla en kunskapsbank för att tillvarata och återanvända den kunskap som skapas vid referenssamtalen. Fråga biblioteket har med sin nuvarande kunskapsbank visat att det går att bygga upp en mycket omfattande sådan inom en rimlig tidsperiod. En nationell lösning med systembryggan som grund gör det möjligt att arbeta lokalt, regionalt och nationellt i ett gränsöverskridande samarbete mellan olika biblioteksorganisationer. En referenstjänst på webben bidrar också till att öka tillgängligheten till bibliotekens tjänster. Att delta i ett arbete med virtuella referenstjänster, där samverkan på olika nivåer mellan bibliotek och bibliotekarier är möjlig, kan också bidra till en kompetensutveckling inom området. En referenstjänst på webben bidrar också till att öka tillgängligheten till bibliotekens tjänster. Att delta i ett arbete med virtuella referenstjänster, där samverkan på olika nivåer mellan bibliotek och bibliotekarier är möjlig, kan också bidra till en kompetensutveckling inom området. Systembryggan i en kort sammanfattning: Ett flexibelt system för hantering av alla e-frågor En kollaborativ lösning som även innebär fristående tjänster lokalt Möjlighet att skapa helt nya tjänster för samverkan En väl utvecklad managementdel med bl.a. uttag av rapporter på lokal, regional och nationell nivå och möjlighet att skapa enkäter på olika nivåer Full frihet att själv skräddarsy layout och texter med exempelvis egna loggor Möjlighet till uppföljning av alla frågor när som helst Funktioner för back office mellan samtliga bibliotek av alla bibliotekstype

    Acetylations of Ftz-F1 and histone H4K5 are required for the fine-tuning of ecdysone biosynthesis during Drosophila metamorphosis

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    The molting during Drosophila development is tightly regulated by the ecdysone hormone. Several steps of the ecdysone biosynthesis have been already identified but the regulation of the entire process has not been clarified yet. We have previously reported that dATAC histone acetyltransferase complex is necessary for the steroid hormone biosynthesis process. To reveal possible mechanisms controlled by dATAC we made assumptions that either dATAC may influence directly the transcription of Halloween genes involved in steroid hormone biosynthesis or it may exert an indirect effect on it by acetylating the Ftz-F1 transcription factor which regulates the transcription of steroid converting genes. Here we show that the lack of dATAC complex results in increased mRNA level and decreased protein level of Ftz-F1. In this context, decreased mRNA and increased protein levels of Ftz-F1 were detected upon treatment of Drosophila S2 cells with histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A. We showed that Ftz-F1, the transcriptional activator of Halloween genes, is acetylated in S2 cells. In addition, we found that ecdysone biosynthetic Halloween genes are transcribed in S2 cells and their expression can be influenced by deacetylase inhibitors. Furthermore, we could detect H4K5 acetylation at the regulatory regions of disembodied and shade Halloween genes, while H3K9 acetylation is absent on these genes. Based on our findings we conclude that the dATAC HAT complex might play a dual regulatory role in Drosophila steroid hormone biosynthesis through the acetylation of Ftz-F1 protein and the regulation of the H4K5 acetylation at the promoters of Halloween genes

    Comorbidity and Sex-Related Differences in Mortality in Oxygen-Dependent Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Background: It is not known why survival differs between men and women in oxygen-dependent chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The present study evaluates differences in comorbidity between men and women, and tests the hypothesis that comorbidity contributes to sex-related differences in mortality in oxygen-dependent COPD. Methods: National prospective study of patients aged 50 years or older, starting long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) for COPD in Sweden between 1992 and 2008. Comorbidities were obtained from the Swedish Hospital Discharge Register. Sex-related differences in comorbidity were estimated using logistic regression, adjusting for age, smoking status and year of inclusion. The effect of comorbidity on overall mortality and the interaction between comorbidity and sex were evaluated using Cox regression, adjusting for age, sex, Pa O2 breathing air, FEV 1, smoking history and year of inclusion. Results: In total, 8,712 patients (55 % women) were included and 6,729 patients died during the study period. No patient was lost to follow-up. Compared with women, men had significantly more arrhythmia, cancer, ischemic heart disease and renal failure, and less hypertension, mental disorders, osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis (P,0.05 for all odds ratios). Comorbidity was an independent predictor of mortality, and the effect was similar for the sexes. Women had lower mortality, which remained unchanged even after adjusting for comorbidity; hazard ratio 0.73 (95 % confidence interval, 0.68–0.77; P,0.001)

    Hur designas en SOA-tjänst? – Argument för val av processer som skall understödjas av tjänster.

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    Idag möts företag av en ständigt föränderlig marknad. För att möta detta krävs det att företagen är flexibla så verksamheten kan förändras allt eftersom nya krav uppstår. Ett relativt nytt begrepp är SOA – Service Oriented Architecture. SOA är ett designkoncept som i korthet innebär att skapa återanvändbara tjänster utifrån identifierade processer i en organisation. Inom ämnet SOA så har hittills inte så mycket forskningslitteratur presenterats. Litteraturen vi har funnit grundar sig främst på erfarenheter på den amerikanska marknaden. Syftet med studien är att bidra till ökad kunskap om SOA samt förståelse för hur design av SOA-tjänster går till i Sverige. Frågeställningen innebar att utröna hur en SOA-tjänst designas och vilka argument som finns för val av processer som skall understödjas av tjänster. Ett antal djupgående intervjuer med anställda på Skanska och Zystems har ägt rum och insamlat empiriskt material har legat till grund för den jämförelse som gjorts mellan intervjumaterial och presenterad teori. En del faktorer som har betydelse för hur en SOA-tjänst designas har framkommit under studien. När det gäller hur valet av processer som skall understödjas av tjänster är svaren tvetydiga, men rådande behov verkar vara en avgörande faktor.Vårterminen 200

    Effektivt flöde inom gruvindustrin : En fallstudie vid Boliden Mineral AB

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    The competitive situation within the process industry has increased due to the global industrialization. Companies operative within the industry are being forced to develop more efficient supply chains in order to sustain their competitive advantage on the market. An efficient supply chain is characterized by a combination of material and information flow where the objective is to reduce costs via reduced throughput times and material that arrives when needed. The purpose of this study is to obtain an understanding concerning factors that characterize an efficient supply chain within the mining industry with focus on reducing costs associated with material handling. Furthermore, this study aims to design a cost-effective supply chain within the mining industry. A case study is conducted at Boliden Mineral AB, where focus has been on the total supply chain from the mines to the concentrator within the Boliden area. Boliden Mineral AB is operative within the mining industry, belonging to the process industry, with their core competence ore mining where the minerals mainly consist of copper, zinc, lead, gold, and silver. The data has been gathered through interviews, observations, and written materials in both literature and from Boliden Mineral ABs intranet. This method has created conditions for the authors of this study to obtain an understanding about affecting factors on an efficient supply chain within the mining industry. The collected data has been summarized in a description of the current situation which has been the main source of information to identify the factors that negatively affect the material flow between mines and concentrator within the studied company. The most important thing for the company to take into account is to reduce the variations in the system in order to increase the availability. In order to reduce the variations this study has resulted in a template for reporting any unforeseen blockages that affects the material flow. Based on a summary of the reported data, target areas for improvement can be identified. Furthermore, a recommendation has been given about changing the shift form of ore transports. This would result in more leveled out material flows that leads to lowered storage levels due to that material is arriving when needed. The recommended shift form concludes that the total amount of trucks needed can be reduced which leads to a safer traffic situation. This recommendation would generate a cost reduction for Boliden Mineral AB because of a reduced amount of material handling and less bound capital in storage. Additionally, an efficient supply chain needs a material flow that is supported by an information flow. Thereby, the authors of this study have developed activities along with responsibilities that are needed in order to achieve efficiency in the information flow. These recommendations would generate an increased control and a capacity to manage the material flow within the company. This will result in shorter throughput times since material is arriving when needed and reduced storage levels, which will lead to a cost reduction.Validerat; 20130604 (global_studentproject_submitter