3,190 research outputs found

    InGaAsP/InP laser development for single-mode, high-data-rate communications

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    Materials studies as well as general and specific device development were carried out in the InGaAsP system. A comparison was made of three standard methods of evaluating substrate quality by means of dislocation studies. A cause of reduced yield of good wafers, the pullover of melt from one bin to the next, has been analyzed. Difficulties with reproducible zinc acceptor doping have been traced to segregation of zinc in the In/Zn alloy used for the doping source. Using EBIC measurments, the pn junction was shown to drift in location depending on factors not always under control. An analysis of contact structures by SIMS showed that the depth to which the sintered Au/Zn contact penetrates into the structure is typically 0.13 microns, or well within the cap layer and out of the p-type cladding and thus not deleterious to laser prformance. The problem of single-mode laser development was investigated and it was shown to be related to the growth habit over four different possible substrate configurations. The fabrication of constricted double heterojunctions, mesa stripe buried heterostructures, and buried heterostructures was discussed, and measurements were presented on the device properties of single-mode buried heterostructure lasers. Results include single spectral line emission at 3 mW and a threshold current of 60 mA

    Aerosol physical properties in the stratosphere (APPS) radiometer design

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    The measurement concepts and radiometer design developed to obtain earth-limb spectral radiance measurements for the Aerosol Physical Properties in the Stratosphere (APPS) measurement program are presented. The measurements made by a radiometer of this design can be inverted to yield vertical profiles of Rayleigh scatterers, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, aerosol extinction, and aerosol physical properties, including a Junge size-distribution parameter, and a real and imaginary index of refraction. The radiometer design provides the capacity for remote sensing of stratospheric constituents from space on platforms such as the space shuttle and satellites, and therefore provides for global measurements on a daily basis

    The Lennard-Jones-Devonshire cell model revisited

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    We reanalyse the cell theory of Lennard-Jones and Devonshire and find that in addition to the critical point originally reported for the 12-6 potential (and widely quoted in standard textbooks), the model exhibits a further critical point. We show that the latter is actually a more appropriate candidate for liquid-gas criticality than the original critical point.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Mol. Phy

    Identifying gravitationally lensed supernovae within the Zwicky Transient Facility public survey

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    Strong gravitational lensing of supernovae is exceedingly rare. To date, only a handful of lensed supernovae are known. Despite their rarity, lensed supernovae have emerged as one of the most promising methods for measuring the current expansion rate of the Universe and breaking the Hubble tension. We present an extensive search for gravitationally lensed supernovae within the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) public survey, covering 12,524 transients with good light curves discovered during four years of observations. We crossmatch a catalogue of known and candidate lens galaxies with our transient sample and find only one coincident source, which was due to chance alignment. To search for supernovae magnified by unknown lens galaxies, we test multiple methods that have been suggested in the literature, for the first time on real data. This includes selecting objects with extremely red colours and those that appear inconsistent with the host galaxy redshift. In both cases, we find a few hundred candidates, most of which are due to contamination from activate galactic nuclei, bogus detections, or unlensed supernovae. The false positive rate from these methods presents significant challenges for future surveys. In total, 65 unique transients were identified across all of our selection methods that required detailed manual rejection, which would be infeasible for larger samples. Overall, we do not find any compelling candidates for lensed supernovae, which is broadly consistent with previous estimates for the rate of lensed supernovae in the ZTF public survey and the number expected to pass the selection cuts we apply.Comment: Submitte

    Data-driven approach to optimum wavelength selection for diffuse optical imaging

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    The production of accurate and independent images of the changes in concentration of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin by diffuse optical imaging is heavily dependent on which wavelengths of near-infrared light are chosen to interrogate the target tissue. Although wavelengths can be selected by theoretical methods, in practice the accuracy of reconstructed images will be affected by wavelength-specific and system-specific factors such as laser source power and detector sensitivity. We describe the application of a data-driven approach to optimum wavelength selection for the second generation of University College London's multichannel, time-domain optical tomography system (MONSTIR II). By performing a functional activation experiment using 12 different wavelengths between 690 and 870 nm, we were able to identify the combinations of 2, 3, and 4 wavelengths which most accurately reproduced the results obtained using all 12 wavelengths via an imaging approach. Our results show that the set of 2, 3, and 4 wavelengths which produce the most accurate images of functional activation are [770, 810], [770, 790, 850], and [730, 770, 810, 850] respectively, but also that the system is relatively robust to wavelength selection within certain limits. Although these results are specific to MONSTIR II, the approach we developed can be applied to other multispectral near-infrared spectroscopy and optical imaging systems

    Failure of interpolation in the intuitionistic logic of constant domains

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    This paper shows that the interpolation theorem fails in the intuitionistic logic of constant domains. This result refutes two previously published claims that the interpolation property holds.Comment: 13 pages, 0 figures. Overlaps with arXiv 1202.1195 removed, the text thouroughly reworked in terms of notation and style, historical notes as well as some other minor details adde

    Inductive learning spatial attention

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    This paper investigates the automatic induction of spatial attention from the visual observation of objects manipulated on a table top. In this work, space is represented in terms of a novel observer-object relative reference system, named Local Cardinal System, defined upon the local neighbourhood of objects on the table. We present results of applying the proposed methodology on five distinct scenarios involving the construction of spatial patterns of coloured blocks

    The Environment of M85 optical transient 2006-1: constraints on the progenitor age and mass

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    M85 optical transient 2006-1 (M85 OT 2006-1) is the most luminous member of the small family of V838 Mon-like objects, whose nature is still a mystery. This event took place in the Virgo cluster of galaxies and peaked at an absolute magnitude of I~-13. Here we present Hubble Space Telescope images of M85 OT 2006-1 and its environment, taken before and after the eruption, along with a spectrum of the host galaxy at the transient location. We find that the progenitor of M85 OT 2006-1 was not associated with any star forming region. The g and z-band absolute magnitudes of the progenitor were fainter than about -4 and -6 mag, respectively. Therefore, we can set a lower limit of ~50 Myr on the age of the youngest stars at the location of the progenitor that corresponds to a mass of <7 solar mass. Previously published line indices suggest that M85 has a mean stellar age of 1.6+/-0.3 Gyr. If this mean age is representative of the progenitor of M85 OT 2006-1, then we can further constrain its mass to be less than 2 solar mass. We compare the energetics and mass limit derived for the M85 OT 2006-1 progenitor with those expected from a simple model of violent stellar mergers. Combined with further modeling, these new clues may ultimately reveal the true nature of these puzzling events.Comment: 4 pages, accepted to Ap

    Characterization of hedgehog acyltransferase inhibitors identifies a small molecule probe for hedgehog signaling by cancer cells

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    The Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway plays a critical role during embryonic development and cancer progression. N-terminal palmitoylation of Shh by Hedgehog acyltransferase (Hhat) is essential for efficient signaling, raising interest in Hhat as a novel drug target. A recently identified series of dihydrothienopyridines has been proposed to function via this mode of action; however, the lead compound in this series (RUSKI-43) was subsequently shown to possess cytotoxic activity unrelated to canonical Shh signaling. To identify a selective chemical probe for cellular studies, we profiled three RUSKI compounds in orthogonal cell-based assays. We found that RUSKI-43 exhibits off-target cytotoxicity, masking its effect on Hhat-dependent signaling, hence results obtained with this compound in cells should be treated with caution. In contrast, RUSKI-201 showed no off-target cytotoxicity, and quantitative whole-proteome palmitoylation profiling with a bioorthogonal alkyne-palmitate reporter demonstrated specific inhibition of Hhat in cells. RUSKI-201 is the first selective Hhat chemical probe in cells and should be used in future studies of Hhat catalytic function