2,563 research outputs found

    On the competitive effects of divisionalization

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    In this paper, we assume that firms can create independent divisions which compete in quantities in a homogeneous good market. Assuming identical firms and constant returns to scale, we prove that the strategic interaction of firms yields Perfect Competition if the number of firms is beyond some critical level. Assuming a fixed cost per firm and an upper bound on the maximum number of divisions, we show that when this upper bound tends to infinity and the fixed cost tends to zero, market equilibrium may yield either Perfect Competition or a Natural Oligopoly.Publicad

    Second Best Trade Policies in Cournot Oligopoly

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    In this paper we study the optimal import policy in an oligopolistic market with a given number of quantity-setting firms. In the absence of fixed costs, we show that if the policy instrument is an import quota, the optimal policy is either free trade or autarky, while if the instrument is a tariff the optimal policy is neither free trade nor autarky. In the case of fixed costs, we show that contrary to the traditional protectionist argument, a restrictive import policy might increase domestic welfare by increasing domestic consumers’ surplus, instead of increasing domestic profits.Publicad

    On the Comparison of Stochastic Model Predictive Control Strategies Applied to a Hydrogen-based Microgrid

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    In this paper, a performance comparison among three well-known stochastic model predictive control approaches, namely, multi-scenario, tree-based, and chance-constrained model predictive control is presented. To this end, three predictive controllers have been designed and implemented in a real renewable-hydrogen-based microgrid. The experimental set-up includes a PEM electrolyzer, lead-acid batteries, and a PEM fuel cell as main equipment. The real experimental results show significant differences from the plant components, mainly in terms of use of energy, for each implemented technique. Effectiveness, performance, advantages, and disadvantages of these techniques are extensively discussed and analyzed to give some valid criteria when selecting an appropriate stochastic predictive controller.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2013-46912-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad DPI2013-482443-C2-1-

    Sistema de detección de atacantes enmascarados basado en técnicas de alineamiento de secuencias

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    Los ataques enmascarados constituyen la actividad malintencionada perpetrada a partir de robos de identidad, entre la que se incluye la escalada de privilegios o el acceso no autorizados a activos del sistema. Este trabajo propone un sistema de detección de atacantes enmascarados mediante la observación de las secuencias de acciones llevadas a cabo por los usuarios legítimos del sistema. La clasificación de la actividad monitorizada es modelada y clasificada en base a algoritmos de alineamiento de secuencias locales. Para la validación del etiquetado se incorpora la prueba estadística no paramétrica de Mann-Whitney. Esto permite el análisis de secuencias en tiempo real. La experimentación realizada considera los conjuntos de muestras de Schonlau. La tasa de acierto al detectar ataques enmascarados es 98,3% y la tasa de falsos positivos es 0,77 %

    Effect of Sky Discretization for Shading Device Calculation on Building Energy Performance Simulations

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    The calculation of sunlit surfaces in a building has always been a relevant aspect in building energy simulation programs. Due to the high computational cost, some programs use algorithms for shading calculation for certain solar positions after discretization of hemispherical sky. The influence of the level of discretization on the estimation of incident direct radiation on building surfaces, as well as on the required computational times, are studied in this work. The direct solar energy on a window for a year, with simulation time steps of five minutes, has been simulated by using an algorithm based on Projection and Clipping Methods. A total of 6144 simulations have been carried out, varying window sizes, window orientations, typologies of shading devices, latitudes and discretization levels of the hemispherical sky. In terms of annual incident solar energy, the results show that maximum error values are about 5% for a low level of angular discretization. Errors up to 22% in hourly incident solar energy have been estimated for some of the configurations analysed. Furthermore, a great number of configurations show errors of shading factor on a window of up to 30%, which could be most relevant in studies of natural lighting. The study also shows that the improvement achieved by the most accurate discretization level implies an increase in computational cost of about 30 times

    Validación de un método de detección y cuantificación de Pseudomonas aeruginosa en muestras ambientales

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    La identificación rápida de Pseudomonas aeruginosa en muestras de agua de piscina es un objetivo fundamental en los laboratorios de análisis de calidad de aguas debido a la importante patogenicidad de este microorganismo. Con el fin de agilizar este proceso se realizó este trabajo para estudiar la posibilidad de usar el método Pseudalert® frente a los métodos de la norma ISO en el laboratorio de microbiología de la empresa LABAQUA. Pseudalert® es capaz de presentar resultados sin necesidad de comprobación en 24h, con un tiempo de detección menor al método ISO. El estudio se realizó sobre muestras de agua de piscina y sobre muestras de arena de playa. Los resultados muestran la eficacia igual o mejor de Pseudalert® frente al método ISO para determinación de Pseudomonas aeruginosa en las muestras de agua de piscina. Sin embargo, nuestros resultados determinan que Pseudalert® no es útil en muestras de arena de playa

    Introduction of organic solvent solutions into inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry using a microwave assisted sample introduction system

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    A microwave assisted sample introduction system based on the use of a TM010 cavity (MWDS2) has been employed for the introduction of 10% w/w organic solvent solutions in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Ethanol, propan-2-ol, formic and acetic acids have been used. Firstly, the effect of the incident microwave power and the sample uptake rate on the emission signal was evaluated. For all matrices tested, the higher emission signals were obtained when operating at the highest microwave power (i.e., 290 W) and sample uptake rate (400 mL/min). Results with the MWDS2 were compared with those afforded by a desolvation system based on the use of a domestic microwave oven (MWDS) and by a conventional sample introduction system (CS). The MWDS2 provides the highest emission signals (up to 7 and 17 times higher than those with the MWDS and the CS, respectively). As regards the matrix effects originated by the organic solutions, results demonstrate that the use of a microwave-based sample introduction system, mainly the MWDS2, affords a noticeable reduction in the matrix effects originated by the use of organic solvent solutions in ICP-AES with a conventional sample introduction system. This behaviour can be explained by taking into account the solution transport rates afforded by the different sample introduction systems. For all the analytical lines and matrices tested and operating at 400 mL/min, the MWDS2 gives rise to signal values that are, on average, 1.2 times the signal obtained with water. For the MWDS and the CS, this factor takes values of 1.6 and 2.0, respectively. Transient matrix effects have been observed operating with the MWDS2 when switching between water and an organic matrix solution. These transient effects result in a drift time about 4.5 times higher than those with a CS

    State and Nation in Spain, Mexico and Argentina. A Comparative Perspective, 1808-1880

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    RESUMEN: El colapso de la Monarquía española a comienzos del siglo XIX provocó el fraccionamiento geopolítico de los territorios del rey. A partir de entonces, la construcción de los respectivos Estado-nación de Argentina, México y España se puede resumir en la lucha entre las distintas culturas políticas, que, a través de diferentes modelos de organización, quisieron dar respuesta a los problemas que fueron surgiendo tras la caída del modelo absoluto. El análisis de este transitar no se realiza desde una visión diferenciada de los casos seleccionados, sino a través del método comparado, que es el verdadero motor de la investigación y de sus conclusiones. En función de ello, en la presente tesis se comparan las soluciones teórico-prácticas que se dieron a cuestiones como la forma de gobierno, el encaje político-jurídico que debían tener las periferias con respecto a los centros administrativos, la extensión o constricción de los derechos políticos y civiles de sus habitantes, la propia conformación e integración de sus altos poderes públicos o la muy intrincada cuestión religiosa. Asimismo, en ella se cotejan las particulares lecturas que se hiciera del liberalismo político o del poder soberano en todas sus variables (único e indivisible, particionado entre territorios, compartido entre instituciones o absolutamente regio).ABSTRACT: The collapse of the Spanish monarchy at the beginning of the XIX century brought about the geopolitical fragmentation of the king’s territories. From then onwards, the Nation-state building of Argentina, Mexico and Spain can be summed up as the struggle between the different political cultures which intended to give a response to the emerging problems after the fall of the absolute monarchy through different organisational models. The analysis of this historical transition is not done from a compartimentalised approach of the selected cases, but through the comparative method. This is the real driver of this investigation and its conclusions. Accordingly, this thesis seeks to compare the theoretical and practical solutions provided to resolve issues such as the best form of government, the political and legal relationships between the peripheral areas and the center, the extension or the constriction of civil and political rights of the citizens, the integration of differents public authorities or the very sensitive issues surrounding the Religious Question. Additionally, we have compared the varied interpretations around political liberalism or sovereignty at every level (unique and indivisible, partitioned among territories, shared between institutions or under the absolute power of the monarch).Hubiese sido improbable culminar el proyecto de tesis Estado y nación en España, México y Argentina. Una perspectiva comparada, 1808-1880, sin la financiación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España, sin el amparo de la Universidad de Cantabria a través de su Escuela de Doctorado (EDUC) y sin los proyectos de investigación Federalismo, Estado y nación en Europa del Sur y América Latina en la época liberal. Una perspectiva comparada (HAR2012-35245), y Estado, nación y nacionalización en la Europa del Sur y América Latina (1850-1930). Una perspectiva comparada (HAR2015-64419)

    Apuntes sobre el proceso de entrega de bien inmueble arrendado iniciado en virtud del incumplimiento de un acta de conciliación

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    The present article tries to explain succinctly what is the process of commission of delivery of leased real estate, its benefits and advantages compared to the declarative process of restitution of real estate.El presente artículo pretende explicar de manera sucinta en que consiste el proceso de comisión de entrega de bien inmueble arrendado, sus beneficios y ventajas frente al proceso declarativo de restitución de inmueble

    Arponeado por las culpas

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