154 research outputs found

    Investigating Intrinsic and Extrinsic Variables During Simulated Internet Search

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    Using an eye tracker we examined decision-making processes during an internet search task. Twenty experienced homebuyers and twenty-five undergraduates from Old Dominion University viewed homes on a simulated real estate website. Several of the homes included physical properties that had the potential to negatively impact individual perceptions. These negative externalities were either easy to change (Level 1) or impossible to change (Level 2). Eye movements were analyzed to examine the relationship between participants\u27 stated preferences [verbalized preferences], revealed preferences [actual decisions[, and experience. Dwell times, fixation durations/counts, and saccade counts/amplitudes were analyzed. Results revealed that experienced homebuyers demonstrated a more refined search pattern than novice searchers. Experienced homebuyers were also less impacted by negative externalities. Furthermore, stated preferences were discrepant from revealed preferences; although participants initially stated they liked/disliked a graphic, their eye movement patterns did not reflect this trend. These results have important implications for design of user-friendly web interfaces

    Status of Aqua MODIS Instrument On-Orbit Operation and Calibration

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    The Aqua MOderate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) has successfully operated for nearly a decade, since its launch in May 2002. MODIS was developed and designed with improvements over its heritage sensors in terms of its overall spectral, spatial, and temporal characteristics, and with more stringent calibration requirements. MODIS carries a set of on-board calibrators that can be used to track and monitor its on-orbit radiometric, spectral, and spatial performance. Since launch, extensive instrument calibration and characterization activities have been scheduled and executed by the MODIS Characterization Support Team (MCST). These efforts are made to assure the quality of instrument calibration and L 1B data products, as well as support all science disciplines (land, ocean, and atmospheric) for continuous improvements of science data product quality. MODIS observations from both Terra and Aqua have significantly contributed to the science and user community over a wide range of research activities and applications. This paper provides an overview of Aqua MODIS on-orbit operation and calibration activities, instrument health status, and on-board calibrators (OBC) performance. On-orbit changes of key sensor parameters, such as spectral band radiometric responses, center wavelengths, and bandwidth, are illustrated and compared with those derived from its predecessor, Terra MODIS. Lessons and challenges identified from Aqua MODIS performance are also discussed in this paper. These lessons are not only critical to future improvements of Aqua MODIS on-orbit operation and calibration but also beneficial to its follow-on instrument, the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) to be launched on NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) spacecraft

    Behavior During Tethered Kicking in Infants with Periventricular Brain Injury

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    Purpose: To describe behavior of children with periventricular brain injury (PBI) in a tethered-kicking intervention. Methods: Sixteen infants with PBI were randomly assigned to exercise or no-training in a longitudinal pilot study. Frequencies of leg movements and interlimb coordination were described from videos at 2 and 4 months\u27 corrected age (CA). Results: Eight of the 13 children (62%) with longitudinal data increased the frequency of leg movements while tethered to a mobile between 2 and 4 months\u27 CA. Movement frequency was correlated with scores on the Test of Infant Motor Performance, but no differences between experimental groups were found. Children with typical development at 12 months\u27 CA increased the proportion of leg movements that were synchronous between 2 and 4 months, as did a child with cerebral palsy in the experimental group. Conclusions: The tethered-kicking intervention facilitates movement in infants with PBI, but effects on development remain to be demonstrated

    Identification of antigens presented by MHC for vaccines against tuberculosis

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) is responsible for more deaths globally than any other pathogen. The only available vaccine, bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), has variable efficacy throughout the world. A more effective vaccine is urgently needed. The immune response against tuberculosis relies, at least in part, on CD4+ T cells. Protective vaccines require the induction of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells via mycobacterial peptides presented by MHC class-II in infected macrophages. In order to identify mycobacterial antigens bound to MHC, we have immunoprecipitated MHC class-I and class-II complexes from THP-1 macrophages infected with BCG, purified MHC class-I and MHC class-II peptides and analysed them by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. We have successfully identified 94 mycobacterial peptides presented by MHC-II and 43 presented by MHC-I, from 76 and 41 antigens, respectively. These antigens were found to be highly expressed in infected macrophages. Gene ontology analysis suggests most of these antigens are associated to membranes and involved in lipid biosynthesis and transport. The sequences of selected peptides were confirmed by spectral match validation and immunogenicity evaluated by IFN-gamma ELISpot against peripheral blood mononuclear cell from volunteers vaccinated with BCG, M.tb latently infected subjects or patients with tuberculosis disease. Three antigens were expressed in viral vectors, and evaluated as vaccine candidates alone or in combination in a murine aerosol M.tb challenge model. When delivered in combination, the three candidate vaccines conferred significant protection in the lungs and spleen compared with BCG alone, demonstrating proof-of-concept for this unbiased approach to identifying new candidate antigens

    Corn Yield Potential and Optimal Soil Productivity in Irrigated Corn/Soybean Systems

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    In 1999, an interdisciplinary research team at the University of Nebraska established a field experiment to (1) quantify and understand the yield potential of corn and soybean under irrigated conditions, (2) identify efficient crop management practices to achieve yields that approach potential levels, and (3) determine the energy use efficiency, global warming and soil C-sequestration potential of intensively managed corn systems. The experiment compares systems that represent different levels of management intensity expressed as combinations of crop rotation (continuous corn, corn-soybean), plant density (low, medium, high) and nutrient management (recommended best management vs. intensive management). Detailed measurements include soil nutrient dynamics and C balance, crop growth and development, nutrient uptake and components of yield of corn and soybean, radiation use efficiency, soil surface fluxes of greenhouse gases, root biomass, C inputs through crop residues, translocation of non-structural carbohydrates, and amount, composition and activity of the microbial biomass. Selected results for corn are presented

    Do brokers act in the best interests of their clients? New evidence from electronic trading systems

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    Prior research suggests brokers do not always act in the best interests of clients, although morally obligated to do so. We empirically investigated this issue focusing on trades executed at best execution price, before and after the introduction of electronic limit-order trading, on the London Stock Exchange. As a result of limit-order trading, the proportion of trades executed at the best execution price for the customer significantly increased. We attribute this to a sustained increase in the liquidity of stocks as a result of limit-order trading, regardless of market capitalisation. We discuss the ethical implications of our findings and conclude that market structures that enhance market competitiveness may help reconcile broker and client interests

    Corn Yield Potential and Optimal Soil Productivity in Irrigated Corn/Soybean Systems

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    In 1999, an interdisciplinary research team at the University of Nebraska established a field experiment to (1) quantify and understand the yield potential of corn and soybean under irrigated conditions, (2) identify efficient crop management practices to achieve yields that approach potential levels, and (3) determine the energy use efficiency, global warming and soil C-sequestration potential of intensively managed corn systems. The experiment compares systems that represent different levels of management intensity expressed as combinations of crop rotation (continuous corn, corn-soybean), plant density (low, medium, high) and nutrient management (recommended best management vs. intensive management). Detailed measurements include soil nutrient dynamics and C balance, crop growth and development, nutrient uptake and components of yield of corn and soybean, radiation use efficiency, soil surface fluxes of greenhouse gases, root biomass, C inputs through crop residues, translocation of non-structural carbohydrates, and amount, composition and activity of the microbial biomass. Selected results for corn are presented

    Phase I Evaluation of Intravenous Ascorbic Acid in Combination with Gemcitabine and Erlotinib in Patients with Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

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    Preclinical data support further investigation of ascorbic acid in pancreatic cancer. There are currently insufficient safety data in human subjects, particularly when ascorbic acid is combined with chemotherapy.14 subjects with metastatic stage IV pancreatic cancer were recruited to receive an eight week cycle of intravenous ascorbic acid (three infusions per week), using a dose escalation design, along with standard treatment of gemcitabine and erlotinib. Of 14 recruited subjects enrolled, nine completed the study (three in each dosage tier). There were fifteen non-serious adverse events and eight serious adverse events, all likely related to progression of disease or treatment with gemcitabine or erlotinib. Applying RECIST 1.0 criteria, seven of the nine subjects had stable disease while the other two had progressive disease.These initial safety data do not reveal increased toxicity with the addition of ascorbic acid to gemcitabine and erlotinib in pancreatic cancer patients. This, combined with the observed response to treatment, suggests the need for a phase II study of longer duration.Clinicaltrials.gov NCT00954525

    A Cytochrome P450 Conserved in Insects Is Involved in Cuticle Formation

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    The sequencing of numerous insect genomes has revealed dynamic changes in the number and identity of cytochrome P450 genes in different insects. In the evolutionary sense, the rapid birth and death of many P450 genes is observed, with only a small number of P450 genes showing orthology between insects with sequenced genomes. It is likely that these conserved P450s function in conserved pathways. In this study, we demonstrate the P450 gene, Cyp301a1, present in all insect genomes sequenced to date, affects the formation of the adult cuticle in Drosophila melanogaster. A Cyp301a1 piggyBac insertion mutant and RNAi of Cyp301a1 both show a similar cuticle malformation phenotype, which can be reduced by 20-hydroxyecdysone, suggesting that Cyp301a1 is an important gene involved in the formation of the adult cuticle and may be involved in ecdysone regulation in this tissue

    Preconditioning Shields Against Vascular Events in Surgery (SAVES), a multicentre feasibility trial of preconditioning against adverse events in major vascular surgery: study protocol for a randomised control trial.

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    Patients undergoing vascular surgery procedures constitute a 'high-risk' group. Fatal and disabling perioperative complications are common. Complications arise via multiple aetiological pathways. This mechanistic redundancy limits techniques to reduce complications that target individual mechanisms, for example, anti-platelet agents. Remote ischaemic preconditioning (RIPC) induces a protective phenotype in at-risk tissue, conferring protection against ischaemia-reperfusion injury regardless of the trigger. RIPC is induced by repeated periods of upper limb ischaemia-reperfusion produced using a blood pressure cuff. RIPC confers some protection against cardiac and renal injury during major vascular surgery in proof-of-concept trials. Similar trials suggest benefit during cardiac surgery. Several uncertainties remain in advance of a full-scale trial to evaluate clinical efficacy. We propose a feasibility trial to fully evaluate arm-induced RIPC's ability to confer protection in major vascular surgery, assess the incidence of a proposed composite primary efficacy endpoint and evaluate the intervention's acceptability to patients and staff
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