528 research outputs found

    Slab proposal for one and two story housing with a lightweight constructive system: Static vertical load evaluation and finite elements modeling

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    Resumen Como alternativa de entrepiso para las viviendas del sistema constructivo liviano, se desarrolló una propuesta basada en el trabajo en conjunto de materiales y elementos livianos ya existentes, logrando una respuesta adecuada ante las solicitaciones de carga estática. Este sistema se fundamentó en la utilización de perfiles livianos de acero rolados en frío, adosados a una loseta de ferrocemento a través de conectores de cortante. Inicialmente, se ensayaron a flexión dos propuestas del sistema para determinar las cargas últimas y las deflexiones causadas por carga de servicio. Empleando los resultados obtenidos y la metodología de elementos finitos con el programa Ansys Ins., se realizó un modelo computacional para simular el ensayo a flexión realizado en una de las probetas estudiadas, llevando a cabo un análisis estático tridimensional no lineal de acuerdo a las propiedades de los materiales empleados en la probeta, a las condiciones de apoyo del ensayo y a la carga aplicada. Este modelo, fue posteriormente ajustado según los resultados del ensayo, identificando los parámetros que incidían en la respuesta estática del sistema, lo cual servirá para predecir el comportamiento a flexión de losas de este tipo con diferentes configuraciones geométricas. Abstract As an alternative slab system for lightweight housing construction, a composite slab was developed based on the combined work of existing materials and lightweight elements, achieving a good static load behavior. In this system cold formed steel joists were used linked to ferrocement slab through shear connectors. Initially, two system assemblies were tested to flexural load in order to determinate ultimate loads and deflection caused by service loads. A computational model was produced using the finite element method with the Ansys Ins. program to calibrate the experimental tests. It was used to simulate the flexural tests made on the studied specimens; a static three-dimensional nonlinear analysis was elaborated in accordance to the materials properties used in the specimen, the support conditions and the applied load. Then this model was adjusted in accordance to the test´s results, identifying the parameters that influence the static behavior of the system which will be useful to predict the behavior to flexion of this type of slabs for different geometric configurations

    Evaluación agronómica de diez híbridos de sorgo en la costa sur de Puerto Rico en 1993 y 1994

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    Annually, Puerto Rico imports close to 220,000 t of feed grain from the United States and other countries at a cost of 16.0million,foruseaslivestockandchickenfeed.Previousstudieshaveshownthatsorghum[Sorghumbicolor(L.)Moench]canbesuccessfullygrowninareasofthesoutherncoastofPuertoRico,allofwhichmeansanalternatecropandawaytoreducegrainimports.Grainyieldpotentialsof10hybridsofsorghum,includingsevenredandthreewhiteseededtypes,wereevaluatedatJuanaDıˊazonthesouthcoastoftheisland.Thetestwasplanted5May1993and23May1994followingasplitplotexperimentaldesignwiththreereplications.Threerowswereplantedperplot.Themiddlerowwasusedforyieldandotheragronomictraitevaluations.Meangrainyieldsofthetestwere5,020kg/ha.TopyieldingCargiltMaCau90(6,240kg/ha)significantlyexceededyieldsofallotherhybridsexceptDK65.Meanvaluesofotheragronomiccharacteristicsweredaystoanthesis,63.9;plantheight,150.4cm;100seedweight,3.44g;harvestindex,3116.0 million, for use as livestock and chicken feed. Previous studies have shown that sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] can be successfully grown in areas of the southern coast of Puerto Rico, all of which means an alternate crop and a way to reduce grain imports. Grain yield potentials of 10 hybrids of sorghum, including seven red and three white-seeded types, were evaluated at Juana Díaz on the south coast of the island.The test was planted 5 May 1993 and 23 May 1994 following a split-plot experimental design with three replications. Three rows were planted per plot. The middle row was used for yield and other agronomic trait evaluations. Mean grain yields of the test were 5,020 kg/ha. Top-yielding Cargilt Ma Cau 90 (6,240 kg/ha) significantly exceeded yields of all other hybrids except DK-65. Mean values of other agronomic characteristics were days to anthesis, 63.9; plant height, 150.4 cm; 100-seed weight, 3.44 g; harvest index, 31%. Only plant height was significantly and positively correlated with grain yield (r = 0.34). These high yield potentials have implications for lessening Puerto Rico's heavy dependence on imported feed grains.Estudios previos han demostrado que el sorgo [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] se puede cultivar a escala comercial con éxito en áreas de la costa sur de Puerto Rico. Esto significa que puede ser un cultivo altemo y una manera de reducir la importación de grano para concentrado, que sobrepasa las 200,000 toneladas anuales, provenientes de los Estados Unidos y otros países con un valor de 16.0 millones. Se determinó el potencial de rendimiento y comportamiento agronómico de 10 híbridos de sorgo (siete de grano rojo y tres de grano blanco) en la subestación Experimental Agrícola de Fortuna, municipalidad de Juana Díaz. El experimento se sembró el 5 de mayo de 1993 y 23 de mayo de 1994 utilizando un diseño de bloques al azar con parcelas divididas con tres replicaciones. La parcela experimental consistió de tres hileras donde la hilera central se utilizó para obtener datos de rendimiento y de otras características. En promedio los 10 híbridos produjeron 5,020 kg/ha. El híbrido de mayor rendimiento fue el Cargill Ma Cau 90 con una producción de 6,240 kg/ha, significativamente mayor que la de los demás híbridos, excepto DK-65. El híbrido Cargill Appolo fue el de menor rendimiento. Los valores promedio para otros caracteres agronómicos fueron días a mitad de florecida, 63.9 días; altura de la planta, 150.4 cm; peso de 100 semillas, 3.44 g; índice de cosecha, 31%. Además, se encontró una correlación significativa (r = 0.34) entre altura de la planta y rendimiento de grano. El rendimiento demuestra que algunos de estos híbridos tienen potencial para ser sembrados a escala comercial y ayudar a reducir la dependencia de Puerto Rico en la importación de granos para concentrado de animales

    Sanitización de biosólidos de plantas de tratamiento primario avanzado: ¿compostaje o estabilización alcalina?

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    Este estudio tuvo como propósito evaluar dos alternativas de reducción de patógenos; Compostaje y tratamiento alcalino en los biosólidos generados en la Planta de Tratamiento de Aguas Residuales de Cañaveralejo (PTAR-C), de Cali, Colombia. Para el compostaje se utilizó: Biosólidos; Biosólidos (B) + cachaza (C)+ residuos de poda (P); Biosolido (B) + Residuos Organicos de mercado (ROPM) + residuos de poda (P), por 61 días. El tratamiento alcalino se desarrollo por 13 días. Cal apagada y ceniza de carbón fue aplicada a: Biosólidos y al producto final del compostaje. Fueron 8, 15 y 30 % (peso/peso) las concentraciones aplicadas de ambos tipos de alcalinizantes. pH, humedad, temperatura, demanda química de Oxigeno (DQO, Nitrogeno Total Kjeldahl (NTK), Nitrogeno amoniacal (N- NH , huevos de helmintos y coliformes fecales (CF) se 4) monitorearon en ambos experimentos. Los resultados mostraron que la mejor mezcla de compost fue (B + C + P), eliminado patógenos, manteniendo la clasificación del material como Clase B, con una media geométrica para CF de 4x10-3 UFC g-1, indicando que el proceso no alcanza la clase A. La estabilización alcalina mostró que la ceniza para todas las dosis aplicadas produjo una calidad microbiológica de CF similar al compost, mostrando cierta debilidad de este material en su poder higienizante desde el punto de vista costo-eficiencia. Cal apagada al 15 y 30% produjo mejor calidad microbiológica con cero UFC g-1 de CF, alcanzando el estándar de clase A según la Agencia de Proteccion Ambiental. Esta situación puede estar asociada al incremento de pH. Para el 8% (peso/peso) la calidad fue menor a las dos anteriores y no alcanzó el estándar de clase A

    Google Web Toolkit application solution for mild aphasia therapy

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    Aphasia is a disorder that results from damage to the parts of the brain that contain language. It typically occurs after a stroke, brain tumors, head injuries, infections or degenerative diseases leading to damage in areas of the brain cells. Aphasia causes problems with any or all of the following: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Thousands of people of all ages and gender suffer from this disease and the trend is growing with the longevity of population. This article describes the design and development of specific software that can be useful for treatment of mild aphasia. This software is based on a Google Web Toolkit (GWT) application. GWT is an open source framework that allows developing a user friendly interface. The web application can be accessible to speech and language therapists (SLT) professionals and patients at different contexts and learning situations.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Google Web Toolkit application solution for mild aphasia therapy

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    Aphasia is a disorder that results from damage to the parts of the brain that contain language. It typically occurs after a stroke, brain tumors, head injuries, infections or degenerative diseases leading to damage in areas of the brain cells. Aphasia causes problems with any or all of the following: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Thousands of people of all ages and gender suffer from this disease and the trend is growing with the longevity of population. This article describes the design and development of specific software that can be useful for treatment of mild aphasia. This software is based on a Google Web Toolkit (GWT) application. GWT is an open source framework that allows developing a user friendly interface. The web application can be accessible to speech and language therapists (SLT) professionals and patients at different contexts and learning situations.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Google Web Toolkit application solution for mild aphasia therapy

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    Aphasia is a disorder that results from damage to the parts of the brain that contain language. It typically occurs after a stroke, brain tumors, head injuries, infections or degenerative diseases leading to damage in areas of the brain cells. Aphasia causes problems with any or all of the following: speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Thousands of people of all ages and gender suffer from this disease and the trend is growing with the longevity of population. This article describes the design and development of specific software that can be useful for treatment of mild aphasia. This software is based on a Google Web Toolkit (GWT) application. GWT is an open source framework that allows developing a user friendly interface. The web application can be accessible to speech and language therapists (SLT) professionals and patients at different contexts and learning situations.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Value of Travel-Time Reliability: Commuters’ Route-Choice Behavior in the Twin Cities

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    Travel-time variability is a noteworthy factor in network performance. It measures the temporal uncertainty experienced by users in their movement between any two nodes in a network. The importance of the time variance depends on the penalties incurred by the users. In road networks, travelers consider the existence of this journey uncertainty in their selection of routes. This choice process takes into account travel-time variability and other characteristics of the travelers and the road network. In this complex behavioral response, a feasible decision is spawned based on not only the amalgamation of attributes, but also on the experience travelers incurred from previous situations. Over the past several years, the analysis of these behavioral responses (travelers’ route choices) to fluctuations in travel-time variability has become a central topic in transportation research. These have generally been based on theoretical approaches built upon Wardropian equilibrium, or empirical formulations using Random Utility Theory. This report focuses on the travel behavior of commuters using Interstate 394 (I-394) and the swapping (bridge) choice behavior of commuters crossing the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. The inferences of this report are based on collected Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking data and accompanying surveys. Furthermore, it also employs two distinct approaches (estimation of Value of Reliability [VOR] and econometric modeling with travelers’ intrapersonal data) in order to analyze the behavioral responses of two distinct sets of subjects in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul (Twin Cities) area

    L andfill leachate treatment by technological coupling of High Rate Anaerobic Pond - BLAAT ® and Subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetlands

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    (Spa) El lixiviado de relleno sanitario (LX), es un líquido con un gran potencial eco-toxicológico que se genera como producto de la mezcla de agua lluvia que percola por el relleno y tiene contacto con el residuo sólido (RS) allí depositado, agua producida de la biodegradación de los residuos y el agua propia que contienen los residuos. El uso de eco-tecnologías (humedales construidos, lagunas algales) por las grandes ventajas ecológicas y ambientales exhibidas, han comenzado a emplearse en el tratamiento de LX con resultados bastante alentadores. En este sentido, la presente investigación desarrollada en el relleno sanitario de Presidente, municipio de San Pedro, Valle del Cauca, Colombia en el 2015, estuvo orientada a evaluar a escala piloto el uso del acople eco-tecnológico Biorreactor Laguna Anaerobia de Alta Tasa BLAAT® + humedal construido (HC) sembrado con policultivos de las especies tropicales Colocasia esculenta-Ce, Heliconia psittacorum-He y Gynerium sagittatum-Gs, para el tratamiento de LX bajo condiciones del trópico americano. Este trabajo coloca a disposición una serie de datos de campo sobre la calidad del lixiviado crudo y del efluente de cada unidad de tratamiento, mostrando el desempeño del acople, lo que puede contribuir al establecimiento de condiciones y escenarios para el tratamiento de este en poblaciones que dispongan condiciones cultural y ambiental similares a la zona del presente estudio.(Eng) Landfill leachate is a residual liquid with a great eco - toxicological potential that is generated as a product of the mixture of rainwater that is infiltrated in the buried solid waste, of assisted water by biochemical processes inside the landfill and of water content from the waste itself. Eco - technologies (constructed wetlands, algae ponds) have been used for la ndfill leachate treatment due to ecological and environmental advantages with quite promising results. In this sense, the present research carried out in 2015 in Presidente Landfill, San Pedro municipality, Valle del Cauca, Colombia, was oriented to evalua te at pilot scale the coupling technology Biorreactor High Rate Anaerobic Pond - BLAAT ® + constructed wetlands planted with polyculture of tropical species Colocasia, esculenta - Ce , Heliconia psittacorum - He y Gynerium sagittatum - Gs , for the treatment of land fill leachate under American tropical conditions. This work makes available a series of field data on the quality of raw leachate and effluent from each treatment technology, showing the performance of the coupling, which may contribute to the establishmen t of conditions and scenarios for the treatment of this in populations that have cultural and environmental conditions similar to the area of this study

    Use of the Functioning Assessment Short Test (FAST) in defining functional recovery in bipolar I disorder. Post-hoc analyses of long-term studies of aripiprazole once monthly as maintenance treatment

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    Purpose: There is growing agreement that definitions of "recovery" in bipolar-I disorder (BP-I) should include functional outcomes beyond sustained symptomatic remission. In this post-hoc analysis, we assessed functional recovery rates according to the validated Functioning Assessment Short Test (FAST) in participants with BP-I after 52 weeks of maintenance treatment with aripiprazole once monthly (AOM). Patients and methods: Rates offunctional recovery with AOM 400 were investigated in two 52-week studies. NCT01567527 was a placebo-controlled, double-blind, randomized-withdrawal study and NCT01710709 was an open-label study. Functional recovery, assessed at the end of the respectivemaintenancephases,wasdefinedasatotal FASTscoreof ≤11for8consecutive weeks. Results: Post-hoc analyses included 229 patients from the randomized-withdrawal study (AOM 400 n=116; placebo n=113). The open-label study included 402 patients (including 321 de novo patients and 81 rollover patients who had completed the randomized-withdrawal study). In the randomized-withdrawal study, functional recovery was achieved by 30.2% (n=35) of the AOM 400 group compared with 24.8% (n=28) in the placebo group. The difference was not statistically significant (p=0.39). In the open-label study, 36% (n=116) of de novo patients and 43% (n=35) of rollover patients had functionally recovered after 52 weeks of AOM 400 treatment. Conclusion: These data highlight the utility of a sustained FAST total score of ≤11 as a definition of recovery and emphasize the possibility of achieving this ambitious treatment goal with effective long-term treatment

    Reúso de aguas residuales: impacto en los atributos químicos y macronutricionales en un suelo inceptisol irrigado con aguas residuales domésticas tratadas

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    (Eng) This study aimed to estimate the potential impact of wastewater reuse on the chemical and macronutritional attributes of an inceptisol cropped with sugarcane. The experimental design was in three randomized blocks, in split-plot design (three replicates per treatment), with three different irrigation treatments: treated wastewater (TWW) from Cañaveralejo wastewater treatment plant (WWTP-C); groundwater without any fertilizer (GW); and groundwater with chemical fertilizer (GW+CF). At the end of the study, plots with treated wastewater irrigation improved slightly Ca/Mg, Mg/K, and Ca+Mg/K ratios, increased OM, Na, P, and K contents and decreased pronouncedly inorganic nitrogen (N-NH4, N-NO3) of an inceptisol. Besides, we found that the type of treatment did not influence the variation of chemical attributes in soil, since statistically differences were no found in comparison among treatments. Therefore, our results suggest no adverse impact on chemical soil attributes due to wastewater reuse on sugarcane irrigation.(Spa) Este estudio tuvo como objetivo estimar el potencial impacto en los atributos químicos y macronutricionales de un suelo inceptisol sembrado con caña de azúcar y sometido a tres diferentes tratamientos de riego: Efluente de la PTAR-C (T1), Agua de Pozo (T2) y Agua de Pozo más fertilización química (T3). Se instaló un experimento en bloques completos al alzar con parcelas divididas con tres repeticiones. Al final del estudio se encontró que las relaciones de bases químicas (Ca/Mg, Mg/K, Ca+Mg/K) mejoraron en todas las parcelas, en todos los tratamientos, situación que se ratifica al no encontrarse diferencias estadísticas significativas entre los tratamientos. Así mismo, se encontró que el tipo de tratamiento no influyó en la variación en los contenidos de los macronutrientes (N, P, K) del suelo. Los contenidos de materia orgánica, P, Na y K aumentaron; y disminuyeron los de nitrógeno inorgánico (N-NH4, N-NO3) independientemente del tratamiento, lo que permite inferir la no asociación de impactos adversos en el suelo por el reúso de agua residual tratada en riego de caña de azúcar