46 research outputs found

    Emakumeen boto-eskubidea Espainiako II. Errepublika garaian

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    Euskaraz eginiko lan honetan, Espainian emakumeen boto-eskubidearen inguruan, 1931ean, gertaturiko auziak landuko dira iturri idatzien bidez. Horrela izanik, diputatuen artean sorturiko debatea azalduko dugu. Hala ere, horren aurretik, Parlamentuan lehenagotik emakumeen boto-eskubidearen inguruan emandako auziak ikusiko ditugu. Horrekin batera, garrantzikoa da 1931ko emakumeen boto-eskubidearen inguruko auzia ulertzeko emakumeen inguruan gauzatzen ziren mugimenduen jabe egitea. Behin 1931. Urtean kokatuz, Espainiako II. Errepublikan, Konstituzioko artikuluak onartzeko orduan emakumeen boto-eskubidearen inguruan gertaturiko auzian finkatuko dugu lana. Diputatuen artean sorturiko debatean, bi ikuspuntu nabarmen gauzatu zirelarik; boto-eskubidearen alde edota emakumeen sufragioa atzeratzearen alde. Horrela, Clara Campoamorren defentsa ikusiko dugu gertutik, eta berak erabilitako argumentuak ere kaleratuko ditugu. Honek, emakumeen boto-eskubidearen aldeko defentsa irmo bat eraman baitzuen aurrera. Defentsa honen aurrean eginiko argudioak ere agertuko ditugularik

    Behor esnearen ezaugarritze nutrizionala: gantz azidoen profila

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    22 p. : il.-- Bibliogr.: p. 20-22Egun, elikadura osasuntsua eta ingurumena errespetatzeko joera ugari daude, eta behor esnea bezalako elikagai batek garrantzi handia izan dezake arlo horretan. Behor esnearen karakterizazio nutrizionala aztertzeak eta, zehazki, gantz azidoen profila zehazteak abantaila ugari dakartza, ikerketa esparruan ibilbide urria duen gaia baita. Horiek horrela, Euskal Herriko Mendiko Zaldi arrazako behorretatik eratorritako esnearen azterketa nutrizionala, aldakortasun faktoreak eta ingurumeneko eragina aztertzen da lan honetan. Gantz azidoen profila zehazteko gas kromatografia erabili da Aldai et al., (2012)-k proposatutako metodoaren arabera. Gantz azidoen analisiak zehaztu du behor esnean aurkitzen diren gantz azido nagusiak, azido kaprikoa (% 6,38; 10:0), azido laurikoa (% 6,93; 12:0), azido miristikoa (% 7,02; 14:0), azido palmitoleikoa (% 6,00; 9cis-16:1), azido oleikoa (% 16,95; 9cis-18:1), azido linoleiko (% 8,94; LA, 18:2 n-6) eta linolenikoak (% 16,19; LNA, 18:3 n-3) direla. Bestalde, aldakortasun faktorea gantz azido aseetan laktazio fasea da eta asegabeetan ustiapen sistema desberdinak. Analisi honen bitartez, laktazio faseak eta ustiapen motak gantz azidoen profilean eragina dutela zehaztu da

    Cambios en la estructura urbana y territorial facilitados por la alta velocidad ferroviaria. La linea Madrid-Sevilla a su paso por la provincia de Ciudad Real

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    Desde hace décadas se han fortalecido corredores de transporte de alta velocidad entre grandes regiones urbanas discurriendo a menudo por territorios a los que no sirven adecuadamente, ya que no se desvían de la mínima distancia entre dichas regiones y no se acercan a algunas ciudades de pequeño tamaño, no tan relevantes a nivel nacional pero muchas veces muy relevantes a nivel regional. El ejemplo más característico se produce con las líneas del TGV en Francia. Las nuevas redes de alta velocidad ferroviaria están favoreciendo la conexión de algunas de estas ciudades, dando lugar a un nuevo prototipo de articulación territorial, caracterizada por varios aspectos: estar alejadas de las metrópolis (unos 200 km), encontrarse rodeadas de un territorio poco poblado y estar tradicionalmente ubicadas lejos de los principales corredores nacionales de transporte. Esta investigación parte de estas primeras consideraciones, y analiza un territorio concreto, Ciudad Real y su provincia, donde la primera empieza a ocupar una posición intermedia entre la capital nacional y el territorio provincial. La materialización de esta centralidad en la estructura urbana de la provincia y su posible cuantificación y cualificación, lleva al análisis de los cambios más o menos permanentes de la estructura urbana del territorio. Además, la tesis propone una segunda hipótesis relacionada con el papel de la estación de alta velocidad en la estructura urbana de Ciudad Real capital, equipamiento que se convierte para una parte significativa de la población (inmigrantes, commuters, etc.) en la "puerta de entrada" de la ciudad y puede constituir un nuevo factor de localización residencial para la población de la capital. El objetivo final de la tesis consiste en conocer cómo ha cambiado la estructura territorial y urbana de Ciudad Real tras la construcción y puesta en funcionamiento del AVE Madrid-Sevilla. Se trata en definitiva, de entender los procesos urbanos y territoriales que facilita o fomenta esta infraestructura de alta velocidad en un territorio relativamente aislado antes de su construcción y poco polarizado, así como de conocer su interacción con otras infraestructuras bien en términos de competencia o bien de sinergia

    Carreteras-planeamiento: algunas claves de la evolución histórica de una relación imperfecta

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    El artículo revisa de manera general, la evolución de la forma de trazar carreteras desde las antiguas carreteras construidas antes de la aparición del automóvil hasta las modernas autopistas de acceso restringido. Los efectos de las carreteras son muy diversos, variables en el tiempo y diferentes para cada tipo de carretera. Si antes de la aparición del automóvil las carreteras tenían efectos de pequeña escala, el nuevo modo de locomoción revolucionará su papel en el territorio. La accesibilidad se convertirá en un factor esencial y las carreteras en lugares donde edificar. En este contexto, aparecen las primeras propuestas orientadas a ordenar las carreteras y los usos contiguos: la Town/ess Highway de Benton Mackaye y la autopista colonizadora de Hilarión González del Castillo. El desarrollo imparable del automóvil y las técnicas de trazado de carreteras harán que la concepción de éstas se convierta en una actividad exclusiva de los ingenieros de carreteras, bendecida por el movimiento moderno que segregará de este tipo de vías de los desarrollos urbanos. Las carreteras someterán entonces a las ciudades existentes, convirtiendo incluso sus verdes bulevares en vías urbanas de alta capacidad En la actualidad, las carreteras tienden a alejarse de los núcleos de población, con la intención de evitar verse superadas por su crecimiento. Por su parte, los planificadores tienden a considerarlas como límites u objetivos a alcanzar, integrándolas en el planeamiento, y convirtiendo en ley urbanística decisiones de trazado tomadas por ingenieros de carreteras.The article reviews the evolution on the highway design criteria from the first roads built before the automobile age till the modem access controlled motorways. The effects of the roads are very diverse, time-varying and different for each type of rood. If before the advent of automobile roads used to have small-scale effects, the new mode of locomotion would revolutionize its role in the territory. The accessibility became a key factor and, as a consequence, road adjacent land were colonised by urban activities and buildings (ribbon development). In this context, first proposals aimed at managing roads and adjacent uses appeared: Benton's Mackay Townless Highway and Hilarion González del Castillo's Colonising Highway. With the unstoppable growth of the automobile and the evolution of the highway techniques, its design became an activity exclusive of traffic engineers, as modem movement urbanism segregated such infrastructures from urban developments. The motorways where introduced in the existing cities trough the construction of expressways and by converting green boulevards into high-capacity urban streets. At present, new highways tend to move away from populated areas, trying to escape from being involved in their growth. On the other hand, urban planners tend to regard them as limits or targets to achieve, by integrating them into the planning schemes. In this way, design decisions taken by road engineers become urban law

    Catchment areas of high-speed rail stations: a model based on spatial analysis using ridership surveys

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    This paper focuses on the spatial influence of High-Speed Rail stations, based on the notion of catchment area. Given the features of High-Speed Rail, its operations can and must serve a role beyond the station and the city in which it is located. Using a spatial systemic approach, this paper proposes a method to analyse the factors that may affect the size and shape of the catchment areas according to the relationship between distance and ridership. This study employs data from surveys of six stations of the Spanish high-speed rail system to apply the model and demonstrates that the context is crucial for regional use. The outcome also proves that other relevant factors should be considered in addition to the network to extend the use of highspeed services and increase its profits, which is a potential approach for future research

    Carreteras – planeamiento. Algunas claves de la evolución histórica de una relación imperfecta

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    The article reviews the evolution on the highway design criteria from the first roads built before the automobile age till the modern access controlled motorways. The effects of the roads are very diverse, timevarying and different for each type of road. If before the advent of automobile roads used to have small-scale effects, the new mode of locomotion would revolutionize its role in the territory. The accessibility became a key factor and, as a consequence, road adjacent land were colonised by urban activities and buildings (ribbon development). In this context, first proposals aimed at managing roads and adjacent uses appeared: Benton’s Mackay Townless Highway and Hilarion Gonzalez del Castillo’s Colonising Highway.With the unstoppable growth of the automobile and the evolution of the highway techniques, its design became an activity exclusive of traffic engineers, as modern movement urbanism segregated such infrastructures from urban developments. The motorways where introduced in the existing cities trough the construction of expressways and by converting green boulevards into high-capacity urban streets. At present, new highways tend to move away from populated areas, trying to escape from being involved in their growth. On the other hand, urban planners tend to regard them as limits or targets to achieve, by integrating them into the planning schemes. In this way, design decisions taken by road engineers become urban law.El artículo revisa de manera general, la evolución de la forma de trazar carreteras desde las antiguas carreteras construidas antes de la aparición del automóvil hasta las modernas autopistas de acceso restringido. Los efectos de las carreteras son muy diversos, variables en el tiempo y diferentes para cada tipo de carretera. Si antes de la aparición del automóvil las carreteras tenían efectos de pequeña escala, el nuevo modo de locomoción revolucionará su papel en el territorio. La accesibilidad se convertirá en un factor esencial y las carreteras en lugares donde edificar. En este contexto, aparecen las primeras propuestas orientadas a ordenar las carreteras y los usos contiguos: la Townless Highway de Benton Mackaye y la autopista colonizadora de Hilarión González del Castillo.El desarrollo imparable del automóvil y las técnicas de trazado de carreteras harán que la concepción de éstas se convierta en una actividad exclusiva de los ingenieros de carreteras, bendecida por el movimiento moderno que segregará de este tipo de vías de los desarrollos urbanos. Las carreteras someterán entonces a las ciudades existentes, convirtiendo incluso sus verdes bulevares en vías urbanas de alta capacidad. En la actualidad, las carreteras tienden a alejarse de los núcleos de población, con la intención de evitar verse superadas por su crecimiento. Por su parte, los planificadores tienden a considerarlas como límites u objetivos a alcanzar, integrándolas en el planeamiento, y convirtiendo en ley urbanística decisiones de trazado tomadas por ingenieros de carreteras

    Modelling runoff from permeable pavements: a link to the Curve Number method

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    [EN] Permeable Pavement (PP) models are valuable tools for studying the implementation of PPs in urban environments. However, the runoff simulated by traditional models such as the Curve Number (CN) is different from that created with PP models, as infiltration is computed differently. However, many investigations compare the runoff created by both models to extract broader conclusions without considering how the two models are related. Hence, this research explores the relation between runoff simulated by one general model, selecting the widespread CN model as a baseline, and the PP model provided in the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). Correlation was set using the hydrograph created with the CN in a single event as a baseline and obtaining the best pavement permeability value from the PP model by calibration. The influence of storm depth, pavement slope, catchment shape, and PP type was also analysed. Calibration was conducted based on the Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient, but peak and volume performances were also studied. The results show that it is possible to link runoff hydrographs computed with the PP model to those created with the CN method, although that relation is not useful for the entire CN range. That relation is practical for CNs higher than 88 and shall be helpful for urban planners and researchers to compare several pervious/impervious scenarios in urban drainage models more robustly. One direct application is to compare the runoff computed by both models without changing the method that simulates runoff. It shall be enough to change a unique parameter that can be linked to a certain imperviousness by the CN.This research was funded by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU grant number US22/10.Madrazo-Uribeetxebarria, E.; Garmendia Antín, M.; Almandoz-Berrondo, J.; Andrés-Doménech, I. (2023). Modelling runoff from permeable pavements: a link to the Curve Number method. Water. 15(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/w1501016015

    Modelling Runoff from Permeable Pavements: A Link to the Curve Number Method

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    Permeable Pavement (PP) models are valuable tools for studying the implementation of PPs in urban environments. However, the runoff simulated by traditional models such as the Curve Number (CN) is different from that created with PP models, as infiltration is computed differently. However, many investigations compare the runoff created by both models to extract broader conclusions without considering how the two models are related. Hence, this research explores the relation between runoff simulated by one general model, selecting the widespread CN model as a baseline, and the PP model provided in the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). Correlation was set using the hydrograph created with the CN in a single event as a baseline and obtaining the best pavement permeability value from the PP model by calibration. The influence of storm depth, pavement slope, catchment shape, and PP type was also analysed. Calibration was conducted based on the Nash–Sutcliffe coefficient, but peak and volume performances were also studied. The results show that it is possible to link runoff hydrographs computed with the PP model to those created with the CN method, although that relation is not useful for the entire CN range. That relation is practical for CNs higher than 88 and shall be helpful for urban planners and researchers to compare several pervious/impervious scenarios in urban drainage models more robustly. One direct application is to compare the runoff computed by both models without changing the method that simulates runoff. It shall be enough to change a unique parameter that can be linked to a certain imperviousness by the CN.This research was funded by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU grant number US22/1

    Regional high-speed rail services typology, demand and spatial implications

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    The paper focuses on the role of HSR services in the regional framework and connection between intermediate cities along the line. The purpose is making a contribution in the interesting field of research related with spatial impacts of HSR in the regional networks and cities besides big agglomerations. First, the paper draws a typology of regional high-speed services in Europe, based on relevant factors interesting for analyze the usefulness and possibilities of the HSR for the cities. Specifically it looks at mid-run services in Great Britain, France and Spain and analyses cities along the lines regarding population, station location, type of services, destinies and frequencies as key factors to distinguish between models. Then the paper goes through passenger data to acknowledge how links between these cities are being working and have a better understanding about real collaboration between nodes by looking at the demand and flows in the regional high-speed services. The last part of the research deepens in the air-rail coordination analyzing the relation between modes in the European cases where a HSR station is available in an airport: Lyon-Saint Exupéry, Paris-Charles de Gaule and Frankfurt-Airrail Center. The aim is also introduce the Spanish paradigmatic case of the Ciudad Real-Central Airport, which is the first country's private airport and its creation probably responds to the HSR network proximity and the direct link to a newly created station. The paper wants to reflect on the role of the HSR in regional cities and the increasing importance of this infrastructure in these areas trying to learn about similarities and differences and introducing the increasing complexity of transport networks