134 research outputs found

    Is voice therapy an effective treatment for dysphonia? A randomised controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the overall efficacy of voice therapy for dysphonia. DESIGN: Single blind randomised controlled trial. SETTING: Outpatient clinic in a teaching hospital. Participants: 204 outpatients aged 17-87 with a primary symptom of persistent hoarseness for at least two months. INTERVENTIONS: After baseline assessments, patients were randomised to six weeks of either voice therapy or no treatment. Assessments were repeated at six weeks on the 145 (71%) patients who continued to this stage and at 12-14 weeks on the 133 (65%) patients who completed the study. The assessments at the three time points for the 70 patients who completed treatment and the 63 patients in the group given no treatment were compared. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Ratings of laryngeal features, Buffalo voice profile, amplitude and pitch perturbation, voice profile questionnaire, hospital anxiety and depression scale, clinical interview schedule, SF-36. RESULTS: Voice therapy improved voice quality as assessed by rating by patients (P=0.001) and rating by observer (P<0.001). The treatment effects for these two outcomes were 4.1 (95% confidence interval 1.7 to 6.6) points and 0.82 (0.50 to 1.13) points. Amplitude perturbation showed improvement at six weeks (P=0.005) but not on completion of the study. Patients with dysphonia had appreciable psychological distress and lower quality of life than controls, but voice therapy had no significant impact on either of these variables. CONCLUSION: Voice therapy is effective in improving voice quality as assessed by self rated and observer rated methods

    Triplet superconductivity in a one-dimensional ferromagnetic t-J model

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    In this paper we study the ground state phase diagram of a one-dimensional tUJt-U-J model, at half-filling. In the large-bandwidth limit and for ferromagnetic exchange with easy-plane anisotropy, a phase with gapless charge and massive spin excitations, characterized by the coexistence of triplet superconducting (TSTS) and spin density wave (SDWzSDW^{z}) instabilities is realized in the ground state. With reduction of the bandwidth, a transition into an insulating phase showing properties of the spin-1/2 XY model takes place. In the case of weakly anisotropic antiferromagnetic exchange the system shows a long range dimerized (Peierls) ordering in the ground state. The complete weak-coupling phase diagram of the model, including effects of the on-site Hubbard interaction, is obtained

    An official American thoracic society workshop report: Translational research in rare respiratory diseases

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    Rare respiratory diseases (RRDs) are a heterogeneous group of disorders that collectively represent a significant health care burden. In recent years, strong advocacy and policy initiatives have led to advances in the implementation of research and clinical care for rare diseases. The development of specialized centers and research networks has facilitated support for affected individuals as well as emerging programs in basic, translational, and clinical research. In selected RRDs, subsequent gains in knowledge have informed the development of targeted therapies and effective diagnostic tests, but many gaps persist. There was therefore a desire to identify the elements contributing to an effective translational research program in RRDs. To this end, a workshop was convened in October 2015 with a focus on the implementation of effective transnational research networks and collaborations aimed at developing novel diagnostic and therapeutic tools. Key elements included an emphasis on molecular pathogenesis, the continuing engagement of patient advocacy groups and policy makers, the effective use of preclinical models in the translational research pipeline, and the detailed phenotyping of patient cohorts. During the course of the workshop, current logistical and knowledge gapswere identified, and new solutions or opportunities were highlighted

    Organic Superconductors: when correlations and magnetism walk in

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    This survey provides a brief account for the start of organic superconductivity motivated by the quest for high Tc superconductors and its development since the eighties'. Besides superconductivity found in 1D organics in 1980, progresses in this field of research have contributed to better understand the physics of low dimensional conductors highlighted by the wealth of new remarkable properties. Correlations conspire to govern the low temperature properties of the metallic phase. The contribution of antiferromagnetic fluctuations to the interchain Cooper pairing proposed by the theory is borne out by experimental investigations and supports supercondutivity emerging from a non Fermi liquid background. Quasi one dimensional organic superconductors can therefore be considered as simple prototype systems for the more complex high Tc materials.Comment: 41 pages, 21 figures to be published in Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetis

    On the mechanisms governing gas penetration into a tokamak plasma during a massive gas injection

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    A new 1D radial fluid code, IMAGINE, is used to simulate the penetration of gas into a tokamak plasma during a massive gas injection (MGI). The main result is that the gas is in general strongly braked as it reaches the plasma, due to mechanisms related to charge exchange and (to a smaller extent) recombination. As a result, only a fraction of the gas penetrates into the plasma. Also, a shock wave is created in the gas which propagates away from the plasma, braking and compressing the incoming gas. Simulation results are quantitatively consistent, at least in terms of orders of magnitude, with experimental data for a D 2 MGI into a JET Ohmic plasma. Simulations of MGI into the background plasma surrounding a runaway electron beam show that if the background electron density is too high, the gas may not penetrate, suggesting a possible explanation for the recent results of Reux et al in JET (2015 Nucl. Fusion 55 093013)

    Velocity-space sensitivity of the time-of-flight neutron spectrometer at JET

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    The velocity-space sensitivities of fast-ion diagnostics are often described by so-called weight functions. Recently, we formulated weight functions showing the velocity-space sensitivity of the often dominant beam-target part of neutron energy spectra. These weight functions for neutron emission spectrometry (NES) are independent of the particular NES diagnostic. Here we apply these NES weight functions to the time-of-flight spectrometer TOFOR at JET. By taking the instrumental response function of TOFOR into account, we calculate time-of-flight NES weight functions that enable us to directly determine the velocity-space sensitivity of a given part of a measured time-of-flight spectrum from TOFOR

    Relationship of edge localized mode burst times with divertor flux loop signal phase in JET

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    A phase relationship is identified between sequential edge localized modes (ELMs) occurrence times in a set of H-mode tokamak plasmas to the voltage measured in full flux azimuthal loops in the divertor region. We focus on plasmas in the Joint European Torus where a steady H-mode is sustained over several seconds, during which ELMs are observed in the Be II emission at the divertor. The ELMs analysed arise from intrinsic ELMing, in that there is no deliberate intent to control the ELMing process by external means. We use ELM timings derived from the Be II signal to perform direct time domain analysis of the full flux loop VLD2 and VLD3 signals, which provide a high cadence global measurement proportional to the voltage induced by changes in poloidal magnetic flux. Specifically, we examine how the time interval between pairs of successive ELMs is linked to the time-evolving phase of the full flux loop signals. Each ELM produces a clear early pulse in the full flux loop signals, whose peak time is used to condition our analysis. The arrival time of the following ELM, relative to this pulse, is found to fall into one of two categories: (i) prompt ELMs, which are directly paced by the initial response seen in the flux loop signals; and (ii) all other ELMs, which occur after the initial response of the full flux loop signals has decayed in amplitude. The times at which ELMs in category (ii) occur, relative to the first ELM of the pair, are clustered at times when the instantaneous phase of the full flux loop signal is close to its value at the time of the first ELM

    From dysphonia to dysphoria: Mokken scaling shows a strong, reliable hierarchy of voice symptoms in the Voice Symptom Scale questionnaire

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    Symptoms of hoarseness (dysphonia) are common and often associated with psychological distress. The Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS) is a 30-item self-completed questionnaire concerning voice and throat symptoms. Psychometric and clinical studies on the VoiSS show that it has good reliability and validity, and a clear factorial structure. The present article presents a further advance in voice measurement from the patient's point of view. To date, there has been no examination of whether voice-related symptoms form a hierarchy; that is, whether people who suffer voice problems progress through a reliable set of problems from mild to severe. To address this question, the technique of Mokken scaling was applied to the VoiSS in 480 patients with dysphonia. A strong and reliable Mokken scale-a symptom hierarchy-was found, which included 17 of the 30 items. This new information on dysphonia shows that voice symptoms progress from voice-oriented difficulties, through practical problems, to disturbances of social relationships and mood (dysphoria). The results add infirmation about the structured phenomenology of voice problems, further establish the relationship between voice impairment and psychosocial impairment, and suggest practical applications in the assessment of dysphonic voices. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved