460 research outputs found

    Observations of shallow convective clouds generated by solar heating of dark smoke plumes

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    The SEVIRI instrument on the Meteosat Second Generation satellite with both fine spatial and temporal resolution allows to detect and follow the dynamics of fast developing meteorological events like spreading smoke plumes and the lifecycles of convective clouds. Smoke plumes have the ability to change the atmospheric heat content due to absorption and reduced reflection of solar radiation. By these means they can trigger formation of shallow convective clouds at their edge. A heavy smoke plume emerging from burning Lebanese oil tanks and spreading over adjacent deserts on 17 July 2006 has been observed as an example of such an effect. This study suggests a physical explanation of the observed convection along the edge of the smoke plume, namely the strong thermal contrast resulting from solar heating of the smoke layer

    Evaluation of the shortwave cloud radiative effect over the ocean by use of ship and satellite observations

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    In this study the shortwave cloud radiative effect (SWCRE) over ocean calculated by the ECHAM 5 climate model is evaluated for the cloud property input derived from ship based measurements and satellite based estimates and compared to ship based radiation measurements. The ship observations yield cloud fraction, liquid water path from a microwave radiometer, cloud bottom height as well as temperature and humidity profiles from radiosonde ascents. Level-2 products of the Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM~SAF) from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) have been used to characterize clouds. Within a closure study six different experiments have been defined to find the optimal set of measurements to calculate downward shortwave radiation (DSR) and the SWCRE from the model, and their results have been evaluated under seven different synoptic situations. Four of these experiments are defined to investigate the advantage of including the satellite-based cloud droplet effective radius as additional cloud property. The modeled SWCRE based on satellite retrieved cloud properties has a comparable accuracy to the modeled SWCRE based on ship data. For several cases, an improvement through introducing the satellite-based estimate of effective radius as additional information to the ship based data was found. Due to their different measuring characteristics, however, each dataset shows best results for different atmospheric conditions

    Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acid Structure: Energy and Sampling

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    An overview of computer simulation techniques as applied to nucleic acid systems is presented. This unit expands an accompanying overview unit (UNIT ) by discussing methods used to treat the energy and sample representative configurations. Emphasis is placed on molecular mechanics and empirical force fields.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143698/1/cpnc0708.pd

    Training deep neural density estimators to identify mechanistic models of neural dynamics

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    Mechanistic modeling in neuroscience aims to explain observed phenomena in terms of underlying causes. However, determining which model parameters agree with complex and stochastic neural data presents a significant challenge. We address this challenge with a machine learning tool which uses deep neural density estimators-- trained using model simulations-- to carry out Bayesian inference and retrieve the full space of parameters compatible with raw data or selected data features. Our method is scalable in parameters and data features, and can rapidly analyze new data after initial training. We demonstrate the power and flexibility of our approach on receptive fields, ion channels, and Hodgkin-Huxley models. We also characterize the space of circuit configurations giving rise to rhythmic activity in the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion, and use these results to derive hypotheses for underlying compensation mechanisms. Our approach will help close the gap between data-driven and theory-driven models of neural dynamics

    Retinal metric: a stimulus distance measure derived from population neural responses

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    The ability of the organism to distinguish between various stimuli is limited by the structure and noise in the population code of its sensory neurons. Here we infer a distance measure on the stimulus space directly from the recorded activity of 100 neurons in the salamander retina. In contrast to previously used measures of stimulus similarity, this "neural metric" tells us how distinguishable a pair of stimulus clips is to the retina, given the noise in the neural population response. We show that the retinal distance strongly deviates from Euclidean, or any static metric, yet has a simple structure: we identify the stimulus features that the neural population is jointly sensitive to, and show the SVM-like kernel function relating the stimulus and neural response spaces. We show that the non-Euclidean nature of the retinal distance has important consequences for neural decoding.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys Rev Let

    Solar radiative transfer simulations in Saharan dust plumes: particle shapes and 3-D effect

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    Radiative fields of three-dimensional inhomogeneous Saharan dust clouds have been calculated at solar wavelength (0.6 ÎŒm) by means of a Monte Carlo radiative transfer model. Scattering properties are taken from measurements in the SAMUM campaigns, from light scattering calculations for spheroids based on the MIESCHKA code, from Mie theory for spheres and from the geometric optics method assuming irregular shaped particles. Optical properties of different projected area equivalent shapes are compared. Large differences in optical properties are found especially in the phase functions. Results of radiative transfer calculations based on the Monte Carlo method are shown exemplarily for one dust cloud simulated by the cloud resolving atmospheric circulation model LM-MUSCAT-DES. Shape-induced differences in the radiation fluxes are pronounced, for example, the domain averaged normalized radiance is about 30% lower in the case of a dust plume consisting of spheroids or irregular particles compared to spheres. The effect of net horizontal photon transport (3-D effect) on the reflected radiance fields is only notable at the largest gradients in optical thickness. For example, the reflectance at low sun position differs locally about 15% when horizontal photon transport is accounted for. ‘Sharp edges' due to 1-D calculations are smoothed out in the 3-D case

    3D-Laser-Scanning Technique Applied to Bulk Density Measurements of Apollo Lunar Samples

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    In order to better interpret gravimetric data from orbiters such as GRAIL and LRO to understand the subsurface composition and structure of the lunar crust, it is import to have a reliable database of the density and porosity of lunar materials. To this end, we have been surveying these physical properties in both lunar meteorites and Apollo lunar samples. To measure porosity, both grain density and bulk density are required. For bulk density, our group has historically utilized sub-mm bead immersion techniques extensively, though several factors have made this technique problematic for our work with Apollo samples. Samples allocated for measurement are often smaller than optimal for the technique, leading to large error bars. Also, for some samples we were required to use pure alumina beads instead of our usual glass beads. The alumina beads were subject to undesirable static effects, producing unreliable results. Other investigators have tested the use of 3d laser scanners on meteorites for measuring bulk volumes. Early work, though promising, was plagued with difficulties including poor response on dark or reflective surfaces, difficulty reproducing sharp edges, and large processing time for producing shape models. Due to progress in technology, however, laser scanners have improved considerably in recent years. We tested this technique on 27 lunar samples in the Apollo collection using a scanner at NASA Johnson Space Center. We found it to be reliable and more precise than beads, with the added benefit that it involves no direct contact with the sample, enabling the study of particularly friable samples for which bead immersion is not possibl

    Linear-scaling density-functional simulations of charged point defects in Al2O3 using hierarchical sparse matrix algebra

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    We present calculations of formation energies of defects in an ionic solid (Al(2)O(3)) extrapolated to the dilute limit, corresponding to a simulation cell of infinite size. The large-scale calculations required for this extrapolation are enabled by developments in the approach to parallel sparse matrix algebra operations, which are central to linear-scaling density-functional theory calculations. The computational cost of manipulating sparse matrices, whose sizes are determined by the large number of basis functions present, is greatly improved with this new approach. We present details of the sparse algebra scheme implemented in the ONETEP code using hierarchical sparsity patterns, and demonstrate its use in calculations on a wide range of systems, involving thousands of atoms on hundreds to thousands of parallel processes
