103 research outputs found

    Czy politologia to „nauka interdyscyplinarna”? Kilka słów o przedmiocie poznania i tożsamości dyscypliny

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    The article provides a short and synthetic analysis about condition of political science in Poland. It is a voice in the debate about the subject of cognition in the discipline. The article focuses on the problem of interdisciplinarity in political science. Author argues that the lack of reflection on the subject of discipline knowledge leads to the impoverishment of its achievements

    Wielka Gra” na Oceanie Indyjskim. Chiny, Indie i Stany Zjednoczone w regionalnej rywalizacji mocarstw

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    The Indian Ocean constitutes an area which is rich in resources and vital to shipping. In this region there are some strategic sealines that enable communication of China and India with this resourceful area. Due to the fact that the Indian Ocean region is rich in oil, China and India seek dominance in this part of the world. The article explains and describes the dynamic of greatpower rivalry in various aspects. It also analyzes the role of the Unites States as stabilizing power in the new political and economic environment in Asia

    Czy politologia to „nauka interdyscyplinarna”? Kilka słów o przedmiocie poznania i tożsamości dyscypliny

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    The article provides a short and synthetic analysis about condition of political science in Poland. It is a voice in the debate about the subject of cognition in the discipline. The article focuses on the problem of interdisciplinarity in political science. Author argues that the lack of reflection on the subject of discipline knowledge leads to the impoverishment of its achievements

    Development of a CFD model for propeller simulation.

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    The article presents a development of numerical model for a single propeller simulation and comparison of obtained results with experimental data available from a test campaign in scale 1:1. Described simulation is a steady state computation taking advantage of Multiple Reference Frame model implemented in Ansys CFX. The paper includes an analysis of rotating domain thickness influence on numerical values of thrust and power. The results indicate that this type of simulation may be sensitive to the sizing of rotating domain especially when disc solidity is low, or when the number of blades is 2, a frequent situation in all electric flight vehicles. The analysis shows that performing simulations, using one domain sizing, for a number of flight scenarios requiring analysis of a few rotational speeds can produce unintuitive results. Therefore, it is suggested to calibrate the model, preferably by experimental results


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    The aim of this paper is to examine main causes and determinants that have contributed to the destabilization of Iraq after the withdrawal of American forces in 2011. The focus will be on the factors that caused the increase in sectarian violence, especially in respect to Shia–Sunni relations. The paper also explains main chain of events that created favorable conditions for the emergence of the Islamic State. An organization which pose a threat to the entire region and can lead to disintegration of Iraq.Celem artykułu jest ukazanie dynamiki wydarzeń, które doprowadziły do destabilizacji sytuacji w Iraku po wycofaniu się z tego państwa wojsk amerykańskich. Wyjaśnione zostały czynniki, które doprowadziły do wzrostu napięcia w relacjach międzywyznaniowych oraz uwarunkowania wzrostu znaczenia ugrupowań ekstremistycznych. Kluczowym punktem analizy jest wyjaśnienie przyczyn sukcesu tzw. Państwa Islamskiego, stanowiącego zagrożenie o charakterze ponadregionalnym. Działalność tej organizacji doprowadzić może do rozpadu Iraku oraz destabilizacji całego Bliskiego Wschodu


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    Charred microscopic plant remains, other than charcoal, uncovered in the contents of grave pits, provide information on the use of plants as grave goods and other aspects of the burial rite, as well as on the taxonomic composition of the plant cover of the cemetery and the landscape around it. This paper presents the results of an analysis and interpretation of such eco-facts from the Bogaczewo culture cemetery at Paprotki Kolonia site 1 in the Masurian Great Lakes District. All of the charred plant remains came from the contents of 87 grave pits with pyre remains and contents of urns, dated, in general, to the early Roman Period and phase C1. Thirty-six taxons of different kinds were represented among them, including cereals and wild plants of different habitats. An analysis of the age, sex, number of individuals and social status of the deceased, defined on the basis of the grave goods and the use of plants in the burial rite, showed no pattern. The only probable rule seems to be the fact of the domination of wheat among the cereals uncovered in grave pits. The interpretation of the function of plants put intentionally on the pyre in the burial rite showed that their use was connected with universal and complicated symbols of cereals and plant food. Wild plants might have been used in the rite for their medicinal or magic properties. Some plants discovered in the contents of grave pits might also have overgrown the sites of the pyres and their close vicinity. Their taxonomic set shows that at the time of the use of the cemetery at the Paprotki Kolonia site 1, its surface was deforested and overgrown with herbal plants. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/ab.v18i0.69 Key words: environmental archaeology, Roman Period, Bogaczewo culture, plants, burial ritual

    System kontroli i regulacji międzynarodowego handlu uzbrojeniem

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    The international arms trade constitutes an important factor that shapes global security system. For many countries, greater international control over export sales is essential to strengthen international stability. The article identifies and analizes main control and regulation instruments in international arms trade: arms embargoes imposed by the UN Security Council; the UN Register of Conventional Arms; informal regimes through the example Wassenaar Arrangement; regional regimes through the example of the European Union regulations; national regulations on arms export. It also describes international efforts to create legally-binding arms trade regime with global scope. Their main goal is a treaty that requires strong national laws against the selling and brokering of illegal arms deals.Międzynarodowy handel bronią stanowi istotny czynnik kształtujący system bezpieczeństwa na świecie. Większość państw uznaje konieczność utrzymywania ścisłej kontroli obrotu materiałami wojskowymi. W artykule analizie poddano najważniejsze formy kontroli i regulacji międzynarodowego handlu bronią: sankcje w postaci embarga na broń wprowadzane przez RB ONZ; Rejestr Uzbrojenia Konwencjonalnego ONZ; porozumienia nieformalne na przykładzie Porozumienia z Wassenaar; reżimy regionalne na przykładzie instrumentów Unii Europejskiej; narodowe regulacje eksportowe. Omówiono również przebieg prac nad stworzeniem globalnego reżimu kontroli handlu uzbrojeniem, jakie toczą się na forum ONZ. Celem tych działań jest ustanowienie traktatu zapobiegającego nielegalnej sprzedaży uzbrojenia