359 research outputs found

    Numerical Analysis and Applications of the Process of Nonlinear Supratransmission in Mechanical Systems of Coupled Oscillators with Damping

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    In this paper we develop a finite-difference scheme to approximate radially symmetric solutions and (1 + 1)-dimensional solutions of the initial-value problem with smooth initial conditions Ý2w Ýt2. Þ2w. ƒÀ Ý Ýt..Þ2w + ƒÁ Ýw Ýt + m2w + GŒ(w) = 0, subject to : ( w(Px, 0) = ƒÓ(Px), Px ¸ D, Ýw Ýt (Px, 0) = ƒÕ(Px), Px ¸ D, in an open sphere D around the origin, where the internal and external damping coefficients ƒÀ and ƒÁ, respectively, are constant. The functions ƒÓ and ƒÕ are radially symmetric in D, they are small at infinity, and rƒÓ(r) and rƒÕ(r) are also assumed to be small at infinity. We prove that our scheme is consistent order O( t2) + O( r2) for GŒ identically equal to zero, and provide a necessary condition for it to be stable order n. A cornerstone of our investigation will be the study of potential applications of our model to discrete versions involving nonlinear systems of coupled oscillators. More concretely, we make use of the process of nonlinear supratransmission of energy in these chain systems and our numerical techniques in order to transmit binary information. Our simulations show that, under suitable parametric conditions, the transmission of binary signals can be achieved successfully

    A Numerical Method for Computing Radially Symmetric Solutions of a Dissipative Nonlinear Modified Klein-Gordon Equation

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    In this paper we develop a finite-difference scheme to approximate radially symmetric solutions of a dissipative nonlinear modified Klein-Gordon equation in an open sphere around the origin, with constant internal and external damping coefficients and nonlinear term of the form G\u27 (w) = w ^p, with p an odd number greater than 1. We prove that our scheme is consistent of quadratic order, and provide a necessary condition for it to be stable order n. Part of our study will be devoted to study the effects of internal and external damping

    Numerical Analysis and Applications of the Process of Nonlinear Supratransmission in Mechanical Systems of Coupled Oscillators with Damping

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    In this paper we develop a finite-difference scheme to approximate radially symmetric solutions and (1 + 1)-dimensional solutions of the initial-value problem with smooth initial conditions Ý2w Ýt2. Þ2w. ƒÀ Ý Ýt..Þ2w + ƒÁ Ýw Ýt + m2w + GŒ(w) = 0, subject to : ( w(Px, 0) = ƒÓ(Px), Px ¸ D, Ýw Ýt (Px, 0) = ƒÕ(Px), Px ¸ D, in an open sphere D around the origin, where the internal and external damping coefficients ƒÀ and ƒÁ, respectively, are constant. The functions ƒÓ and ƒÕ are radially symmetric in D, they are small at infinity, and rƒÓ(r) and rƒÕ(r) are also assumed to be small at infinity. We prove that our scheme is consistent order O( t2) + O( r2) for GŒ identically equal to zero, and provide a necessary condition for it to be stable order n. A cornerstone of our investigation will be the study of potential applications of our model to discrete versions involving nonlinear systems of coupled oscillators. More concretely, we make use of the process of nonlinear supratransmission of energy in these chain systems and our numerical techniques in order to transmit binary information. Our simulations show that, under suitable parametric conditions, the transmission of binary signals can be achieved successfully

    Loop quantization of spherically symmetric midi-superspaces : the interior problem

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    We continue the study of spherically symmetric vacuum space-times in loop quantum gravity by treating the interior of a black hole. We start from a midi-superspace approach, but a simple gauge fixing leads to a Kantowski--Sachs form for the variables. We show that one can solve the quantum theory exactly in the (periodic) connection representation, including the inner product. The evolution can be solved exactly by de-parameterizing the theory and can be easily interpreted as a semi-classical evolution plus quantum corrections. A relational evolution can also be introduced in a precise manner, suggesting what may happen in situations where it is not possible to de-parameterize. We show that the singularity is replaced by a bounce at which quantum effects are important and that the extent of the region at the bounce where one departs from classical general relativity depends on the initial data.Comment: 12 Pages, to appear in Proceedings of the Third Mexican Meeting on Mathematical and Experimental Physics, A. Macias, C. Laemmerzahl, A. Camacho, editors, AIP conference series. Small correction

    Êxodo urbano, gentrificação rural e o futuro da paisagem

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    Mestrado em Arquitetura Paisagista - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaPortugal is presently facing rural territories based in two main differences. One that is next to big cities and another, which is characteristically deserted and almost forgotten. In recent years, Europe has been growing with policies that attempt to refresh this space, due to the concern of rural development. The objectives of this dissertation are: to verify the existence of migratory trends, specifically the movement of urban population to rural areas; to identify the main reasons that are taking this people to move from urban to rural; to characterize the neo-rural population in Portugal; to know which is the knowledge of this situation by the local authorities and residents; and attempt to demonstrate what effects, caused by urban exodus and rural gentrification, might have in Urban Planning, Spatial Planning and Landscape. Since one of the main goals of spatial planning is to manage its occupation in order to use its human, cultural and natural resources, ensuring the respective sustainability, the use of migration trends may be a basis for promotion to a different and benefic space occupation. The methodology has shown in the national case, the existence of a current tendency to return to rural by the urban population, although with some specifications, this process of gentrification and urban rural exodus can be seen as an engine for rural development. The demand for a better quality of life and life close to nature, is an opportunity to refresh the rural identity, offering dynamism that attracts its residents and providing a major role in a country deeply marked by its rurality

    Relación entre el nivel de la hormona Antimulleriana con desarrollo folicular, respuesta superovulatoria y porcentaje de embriones viables en bovinos

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    Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Escuela de Posgrado. Doctorado en Ciencia AnimalLa hormona antimülleriana (AMH) es secretada en las células de la granulosa de folículos pre antrales y antrales pequeños, se ha propuesto como marcador hormonal para estimar la reserva folicular ovárica. Con el fin de determinar la relación del nivel de AMH sobre la dinámica folicular, la respuesta superovulatoria y porcentaje de embriones viables. Se utilizó un diseño experimental completamente aleatorizado con arreglo factorial, el factor A correspondió a la categoría del animal vaquillas entre 24 y 30 meses (n=30), y vacas con más de 3 años de edad (n=30) y el factor B correspondió a los niveles de la hormona antimülleriana 300 ρg/ml. El análisis de regresión entre los niveles AMH con el número de folículos pequeños, grandes y total de folículos (p<0,05); resultando ajustes cuadráticos para folículos pequeños (R2=0,66), folículos grandes (R2=0,51) y tota de folículos (R2=0,67). Los valores promedios obtenidos muestran que en los rangos 200-300 y 300-450 (ρg/ml ) ocurren los mayores valores de estructuras ováricas (p<0,05). Con respecto a embriones viables se alcanzarón los mayores promedios en los niveles comprendidos 300- 450 (ρg/ml). Los niveles plasmáticos de AMH y la respuesta superovulatoria (p<0,05), presentaron ajuste lineal positiva (R 2=0,73). El número de embriones viables tambien presentaron ajuste lineal (R2=0,73). Se concluye que la población folicular antral, número de estructuras ováricas ynúmero de embriones viables, es mayor a medida que aumentan los niveles de AMH. Y que la edad tiene un ajuste lineal inverso con relación al nivel plasmático de AMHThe antimüllerian hormone (AMH) is secreted in the granular cells of pre-antral and small antral follicles, it has been proposed as a hormonal marker to estimate ovarian follicular reserve. In order to determine the relationship of the AMH level on follicular dynamics, the superovulatory response and percentage of viable embryos. A completely randomized experimental design with factorial arrangement was used, factor A corresponded to the category of animal heifers between 24 and 30 months (n = 30), and cows with more than 3 years of age (n = 30) and factor B corresponded to antimüllerian hormone levels 300 ρg / ml. Regression analysis between AMH levels with the number of small, large follicles and total follicles (p <0.05); resulting in quadratic adjustments for small follicles (R2 = 0.66), large follicles (R2 = 0.51) and total follicles (R2 = 0.67). The average values obtained show that in the ranges 200-300 and 300-450 (ρg / ml) the highest values of ovarian structures occur (p <0.05). With respect to viable embryos, the highest averages were reached at levels between 300-450 (ρg / ml). The plasma levels of AMH and the superovulatory response (p <0.05) presented positive linear adjustment (R2 = 0.73). The number of viable embryos also presented linear adjustment (R2 = 0.73). It is concluded that the antral follicular population, number of ovarian structures and number of viable embryos, is greater as AMH levels increase. And that age has an inverse linear adjustment in relation to the plasma level of AM

    Estado y estructura poblacional de la tilapia negra Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Perciformes: Cichlidae) en la represa La Esperanza, Quiroga - Manabí.

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    En la represa La Esperanza se ha evidenciado un descenso en las capturas de tilapia negra. Debido a la importancia que tiene Oreochromis niloticus para el sustento económico y de subsistencia para las comunidades cercanas a La Esperanza, el objetivo de este estudio fue realizar un análisis del estado y estructura poblacional tilapia negra. Se realizaron monitoreos desde de abril a septiembre 2014. Se determinó la composición de la población clasificando individuos intervalos de talla. Se estimaron parámetros de crecimientos mediante ELEFAN I, se estableció la curva de crecimiento mediante la ecuación descrita por Von Bertalanffy, además se estimó la relación longitud-peso. Se estableció la talla media de madurez sexual. Se establecieron tasas de mortalidad, y posteriormente se determinó el coeficiente de explotación. Los resultados mostraron una talla media de captura de 29,6 y 28,0 cm LT para machos y hembras respectivamente, ELEFAN I estableció una LT∞=44,1 cm y un K de 0,83/año. La relación longitud-peso determinó que esta especie consta de un crecimiento isométrico. La talla media de madurez sexual en hembras se encontró en 30,8 cm de LT. Se establecieron altas tasas de mortalidad, registrándose posteriormente el coeficiente de explotación (E=0,64). De acuerdo a los resultados de la presente investigación se determinó que de O. niloticus en La Esperanza se encuentra en estado de sobreexplotación, además las hembras extraídas se encuentran por debajo de la talla media de madurez sexual, lo cual está ocasionado un desequilibrio de la sostenibilidad de la actividad pesquera de O. niloticus.In the dam La Esperanza has seen a decline in catches of black tilapia. Because of the importance of Oreochromis niloticus for economic sustenance and livelihood for communities near La Esperanza, the aim of this study was to analyze the status and population structure black tilapia. Monitoring were conducted from April to September 2014 the composition of the population was determined intervals categorizing individuals of stature. It growth parameters estimated by ELEFAN I, the growth curve was established by the equation described by Von Bertalanffy, plus the length-weight relationship was estimated. The average size at maturity was established. Mortality rates were established, and then the operating ratio was determined. The results showed an average catch size 28.0 cm and 29.6 LT for males and females respectively, ELEFAN I established a LT∞ = 44.1 cm and 0.83 K / year. The length-weight relationship determined that this species has isometric growth. The average size of sexual maturity in females was found in 30.8 cm LT. High mortality rates were established and subsequently remeasured the operating ratio (E = 0.64). According to the results of this investigation it was determined that O. niloticus in La Esperanza is overexploited, besides females are drawn below the average size of sexual maturity, which is caused an imbalance in the sustainability of fishing activity of O. niloticus

    Societal fear : portrait of a market failure

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    Some entities, members of the Ideological Superstructure, have the power to influence consumers taste and behavior. In doing so, fear has proven to be a very efficient tool to achieve their profit-seeking goals. The purpose of the thesis is to study fear as a market economy determinant and byproduct. I will follow an inductive analysis in which in Chapter 2 I will part from the individual and study how we shape our reservation prices. This chapter will be based on Witte’s (1992) study on fear appeal theory and her Extended Parallel Processing Model and also on Caplin’s (2002). Later on Chapter 3 I will go into a broader scope and analyze the monopolist production decisions when faced with the power of shifting up demand with fear and its consequences on social welfare. Chapter 4 will analyze how competition on an oligopoly structure changes the overall picture. These last couple of chapters will present an extension of Dixit & Norman’s model (1978). I will try to show that even though fear is bare non ethereal information, it will have parallel effects as any corporeal pollutant and the problems aroused will be related in nature to the same type of market failures that are present on them


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    A 46 year-old male patient with HIV-1/HCV coinfection and liver cirrhosis admitted with fever, prostration, and asthenia. On physical examination, scarce necrotic pustules on an erythematous base on the fingers and toes with swelling, pain and functional limitation of the left tibiotarsal joint were noted. Laboratory revealed only slight elevation of liver enzymology and CRP. We admitted the diagnostic hypotheses of endocarditis, meningococcemia or gonococcemia. After isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from a blood culture, intravenous ceftriaxone was started with clinical improvement. Pharyngeal swab PCR positivity for N. gonorrhoeae confirmed the diagnosis of pharyngeal origin disseminated gonococcemia. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection caused by Gram-negative diplococcus Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Disseminated gonococcemia in the form of the classical "arthritis-dermatitis" syndrome accompanies only 1-2% of mucosal infections. Pharyngeal gonorrhea is often asymptomatic in men and women, probably constituting an important reservoir of the agent. The rise in gonorrhea incidence makes this case very pertinent in any dermatologist’s clinical practice today.Apresenta-se o caso de um doente de 46 anos, com coinfecção VIH-1/VHC e cirrose hepática, internado por febre, prostração e astenia. Ao exame objetivo, observavam-se escassas pústulas necróticas em base eritematosa acantonadas aos dedos das mãos e pés com edema, dor e limitação funcional dos mesmos e da articulação tíbio-társica esquerda. Analiticamente, apenas elevação ligeira da enzimologia hepática e da PCR. Admitiram-se as hipóteses diagnósticas de endocardite, meningococcémia ou gonococcémia. Após isolamento de Neisseria gonorrhoeae em hemocultura, iniciou-se ceftriaxone 1g/dia EV com melhoria clínica. A positividade da PCR para N. gonorrhoeae no exsudado orofaríngeo confirmou o diagnóstico de gonococcémia disseminada de ponto de partida orofaríngeo. A gonorreia é uma infeção sexualmente transmitida causada pelo diplococo Gram negativo Neisseria gonorrhoeae. A gonococcémia disseminada na forma da síndrome clássica “dermatite-artrite” acompanha apenas 1-2% das infeções mucosas. A gonorreia orofaríngea é geralmente assintomática em homens e mulheres, constituindo provavelmente um reservatório importante do agente. O aumento da incidência de gonorreia torna este caso pertinente na prática clínica actual do dermatologista

    Identidades fragmentadas y espacio público; la construcción social de los barrios en una ciudad turística de litoral, Puerto Vallarta Jal.

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    En este artículo se analizan cuatro factores que integran la identidad de los habitantes en los barrios o colonias de la ciudad turística y se retoma el valor de la calidad del espacio público. En los últimos años, de la mano de nuevos procesos económicos, políticos Y culturales, en muchos barrios se han producido cambios de fisionomía y de composición poblacional, de actividades, y con ello ciertos imaginarios han tendido a desaparecer a la vez que surgen otros nuevos. El espacio público destinado a las áreas de encuentro que han perdido el sentido de identidad por parte de la sociedad es por consecuencia un espacio que deja de ser considerado como lugar. Estos sitios conllevan a un abandono y al desperdicio del espacio físico en el cual se encuentran, propiciando aversión de los vecinos y visitantes a éstos espacios al mismo tiempo, se convierten en espacios degradados que la ciudadanía evita y elimina de su imaginario urbano. Dado este escenario, el presente trabajo intentara dilucidar a que remite esta “identidad barrial”, entendiendo que la pregunta por la génesis de este tipo de identidad resulta un paso previo imprescindible para luego poder analizar los discursos sobre su mutación o desaparición. Con este fin presentamos algunos de estos cambios operados por el mercado y el Estado y frente a los cuales, de acuerdo con los vecinos, la identidad barrial se ve damnificada, sobretodo en pos ya sea del abandono o de la recualificación de ciertos espacios públicos de cara al turismo. El espacio público es el lugar de encuentros e integración social, producto de las relaciones humanas, en el que se lleva a cabo un intercambio tanto social como cultural y recreativo. Tales intercambios, son parte de las necesidades que deberá de abastecer la ciudad a la sociedad que la habita con el fin de mantener a esta en un nivel de calidad de vida no solo aceptable, sino que óptimo. Sin embargo, dichas necesidades no siempre son bien abastecidas por la ciudad, al descuidar los espacios que con anterioridad han sido destinados para llevar a cabo actividades encauzadas a satisfacerlas y generar cohesión social.This article describes four factors that make up the identity of the people in the neighborhoods and colonies of the resort town and the value of the quality of public space is retaken. In recent years, with the help of new economic, political and cultural processes in many neighborhoods there have been changes of the physiognomy and population composition, activities, and thus certain imageries have tended to disappear while new ones emerge . The public space for meeting areas that have lost their sense of identity by society is consequently a space that is no longer considered as a place. These sites are abandonment and turn on a waste of physical space in which they are found, leading aversion of residents and visitors to these areas at the same time, become degraded areas that citizenship prevents and eliminates their urban imagery. Given this scenario, the present study attempted to elucidate forwards this "neighborhood identity", meaning that the question of the genesis of this type of identity is an essential first step to later analyze the discourses on its mutation or loss.Peer Reviewe