83 research outputs found
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der afrikanischen Adoretus-Arten I. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Adoretini).
In die Verwandtschaft des Adoretus obscurus F. gehören mehrere Arten, bzw. Rassen, die zwei Formenkreise bilden. Beide werden durch Adoretus radicosus n. sp., der mit Adoretus ganganus n. sp. und Adoretus vigilans Benderitter den einen Formenkreis (vigilans-Gruppe) bildet, verbunden. Adoretus obscurus F. bildet mit den beiden Rassen togoensis n. ssp. und camerunus n. ssp. die zweite (obscurus-) Gruppe. Die Arten und ihre Rassen werden beschrieben, miteinander verglichen und auf ihre Ausbreitungswege wird hingewiesen.Nomenklatorische Handlungenganganus Machatschke, 1958 (Adoretus), spec. n.radicosus Machatschke, 1958 (Adoretus), spec. n.camerunus Machatschke, 1958 (Adoretus obscurus), sspec. n.togoensis Machatschke, 1958 (Adoretus obscurus), sspec. n.To the relationship of Adoretus obscurus F. belong several species or races, forming two groups, being connected by Adoretus radicosus n. sp., which forms the one group with Adoretus ganganus n. sp. and Adoretus vigilans Benderitter (vigilans-group). The other (obscurus-)group consists of Adoretus obscurus F. with its two races, togoensis n. ssp. and camerunus n. ssp. The species and their races are described and compared. Their ways of expansion are shown. Nomenclatural Actsganganus Machatschke, 1958 (Adoretus), spec. n.radicosus Machatschke, 1958 (Adoretus), spec. n.camerunus Machatschke, 1958 (Adoretus obscurus), sspec. n.togoensis Machatschke, 1958 (Adoretus obscurus), sspec. n
Zur systematischen Stellung des Genus Nongoma Péringuey (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae).
Nomenklatorische Handlungendurbana Machatschke, 1954 (Anomala Anomala calcarata), sspec. n.deserticola Machatschke, 1954 (Anomala Nongoma calcarata), sspec. n.Nomenclatural Actsdurbana Machatschke, 1954 (Anomala Anomala calcarata), sspec. n.deserticola Machatschke, 1954 (Anomala Nongoma calcarata), sspec. n
Drei neue Anomala-Arten der aethiopischen Region (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae).
Nomenklatorische Handlungenbechynea Machatschke, 1955 (Anomala), spec. n.ganganensis Machatschke, 1955 (Anomala), spec. n.zerekoreensis Machatschke, 1955 (Anomala), spec. n.Nomenclatural Actsbechynea Machatschke, 1955 (Anomala), spec. n.ganganensis Machatschke, 1955 (Anomala), spec. n.zerekoreensis Machatschke, 1955 (Anomala), spec. n
Исследование состава и свойств нефтей месторождений Западной Сибири
В данной работе выполнены исследования в области состава и свойств высокопарафинистых нефтей месторождений Западной Сибири. Цель работы: исследование физико-химических свойств нефти со временем эксплуатации скважин месторождений Западной Сибири, для выбора наиболее выгодного метода транспортировки. Для достижения поставленной цели изучили химический состав, промысловую подготовку нефти, рассмотрели проблемы, возникающие при перекачке и способы транспортировки парафинистой нефти, исследовали изменение физико – химических свойств парафинистых нефтей Верхне-Салатского месторождения эксплуатационной скважины № 123.The purpose of the work: study of changes in physical and chemical properties of oil over the time of operation of wells of fields of Western Siberia, in order to choose the most profitable method of transportation. In order to achieve this goal, the chemical composition, field preparation of oil were studied, problems arising during pumping and methods of transportation of paraffinic oil were considered, changes in physical and chemical properties of paraffinic oils of the Verkhne-Salatskoye field of production well No. 123 were investigated
Synopsis of the pelidnotine scarabs (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae, Rutelini) and annotated catalog of the species and subspecies
The pelidnotine scarabs (Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae: Rutelini) are a speciose, paraphyletic assemblage of beetles that includes spectacular metallic species (“jewel scarabs”) as well as species that are ecologically important as herbivores, pollinators, and bioindicators. These beetles suffer from a complicated nomenclatural history, due primarily to 20th century taxonomic and nomenclatural errors. We review the taxonomic history of the pelidnotine scarabs, present a provisional key to genera with overviews of all genera, and synthesize a catalog of all taxa with synonyms, distributional data, type specimen information, and 107 images of exemplar species. As a result of our research, the pelidnotine leaf chafers (a paraphyletic group) include 27 (26 extant and 1 extinct) genera and 420 valid species and subspecies (419 extant and 1 extinct). Our research makes biodiversity research on this group tractable and accessible, thus setting the stage for future studies that address evolutionary and ecological trends. Based on our research, 1 new species is described, 1 new generic synonym and 12 new species synonyms are proposed, 11 new lectotypes and 1 new neotype are designated, many new or revised nomenclatural combinations, and many unavailable names are presented. The following taxonomic changes are made: New generic synonym: The genus Heteropelidnota Ohaus, 1912 is a new junior synonym of Pelidnota MacLeay, 1819. New species synonyms: Plusiotis adelaida pavonacea Casey, 1915 is a syn. n. of Chrysina adelaida (Hope, 1841); Odontognathus gounellei Ohaus, 1908 is a revised synonym of Pelidnota ebenina (Blanchard, 1842); Pelidnota francoisgenieri Moore & Jameson, 2013 is a syn. n. of Pelidnota punctata (Linnaeus, 1758); Pelidnota genieri Soula, 2009 is a syn. n. of Pelidnota punctata (Linnaeus, 1758); Pelidnota lutea (Olivier, 1758) is a revised synonym of Pelidnota punctata (Linnaeus, 1758); Pelidnota (Pelidnota) texensis Casey, 1915 is a revised synonym of Pelidnota punctata (Linnaeus, 1758); Pelidnota (Strigidia) zikani (Ohaus, 1922) is a revised synonym of Pelidnota tibialis tibialis Burmeister, 1844; Pelidnota ludovici Ohaus, 1905 is a syn. n. of Pelidnota burmeisteri tricolor Nonfried, 1894; Rutela fulvipennis Germar, 1824 is syn. n. of Pelidnota cuprea (Germar, 1824); Pelidnota pulchella blanda Burmeister, 1844 is a syn. n. of Pelidnota pulchella pulchella (Kirby, 1819); Pelidnota pulchella scapularis Burmeister, 1844 is a syn. n. of Pelidnota pulchella pulchella (Kirby, 1819); Pelidnota xanthogramma Perty, 1830 is a syn. n. of Pelidnota pulchella pulchella (Kirby, 1819). New or revised statuses: Pelidnota fabricelavalettei Soula, 2009, revised status, is considered a species; Pelidnota rioensis Soula, 2009, stat. n., is considered a species; Pelidnota semiaurata semiaurata Burmeister, 1844, stat. rev., is considered a subspecies. New or comb. rev. and revised status: Plusiotis guaymi Curoe, 2001 is formally transferred to the genus Chrysina (C. guaymi (Curoe, 2001), comb. n.); Plusiotis transvolcanica Morón & Nogueira, 2016 is transferred to the genus Chrysina (C. transvolcanica (Morón & Nogueira, 2016), comb. n.). Heteropelidnota kuhnti Ohaus, 1912 is transferred to the genus Pelidnota (P. kuhnti (Ohaus, 1912), comb. n.); Odontognathus riedeli Ohaus, 1905 is considered a subspecies of Pelidnota rubripennis Burmeister, 1844 (Pelidnota rubripennis riedeli (Ohaus, 1905), revised status and comb. rev.); Pelidnota (Strigidia) acutipennis (F. Bates, 1904) is transferred to the genus Sorocha (Sorocha acutipennis (F. Bates, 1904), comb. rev.); Pelidnota (Odontognathus) nadiae Martínez, 1978 is transferred to the genus Sorocha (Sorocha nadiae (Martínez, 1978), comb. rev.); Pelidnota (Ganonota) plicipennis Ohaus, 1934 is transferred to the genus Sorocha (Sorocha plicipennis (Ohaus, 1934), comb. rev.); Pelidnota similis Ohaus, 1908 is transferred to the genus Sorocha (Sorocha similis (Ohaus, 1908), comb. rev.); Pelidnota (Ganonota) yungana Ohaus, 1934 is transferred to Sorocha (Sorocha yungana (Ohaus, 1934), comb. rev.); Pelidnota malyi Soula, 2010: 58, revised status; Xenopelidnota anomala porioni Chalumeau, 1985, revised subspecies status.
To stabilize the classification of the group, a neotype is designated for the following species: Pelidnota thiliezi Soula, 2009. Lectotypes are designated for the following names (given in their original combinations): Pelidnota brevicollis Casey, 1915, Pelidnota brevis Casey, 1915, Pelidnota debiliceps Casey, 1915, Pelidnota hudsonica Casey, 1915, Pelidnota oblonga Casey, 1915, Pelidnota pallidipes Casey, 1915, Pelidnota ponderella Casey, 1915, Pelidnota strenua Casey, 1915, Pelidnota tarsalis Casey, 1915, Pelidnota texensis Casey, 1915, and Scarabaeus punctatus Linnaeus, 1758. The following published infrasubspecific names are unavailable per ICZN Article 45.6.1: Pelidnota (Odontognathus) cuprea var. coerulea Ohaus, 1913; Pelidnota (Odontognathus) cuprea var. rufoviolacea Ohaus, 1913; Pelidnota (Odontognathus) cuprea var. nigrocoerulea Ohaus, 1913; Pelidnota pulchella var. fulvopunctata Ohaus, 1913; Pelidnota pulchella var. sellata Ohaus, 1913; Pelidnota pulchella var. reducta Ohaus, 1913; Pelidnota unicolor var. infuscata Ohaus, 1913. The following published species name is unavailable per ICZN Article 11.5: Neopatatra synonyma Moore & Jameson, 2013. The following published species name is unavailable per application of ICZN Article 16.1: Parhoplognathus rubripennis Soula, 2008.
Synopsis of the pelidnotine scarabs (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae, Rutelini) 3
The following published species name is unavailable per application of ICZN Article 16.4.1: Strigidia testaceovirens argentinica Soula, 2006, Pelidnota (Strigidia) testaceovirens argentinica (Soula, 2006), and Pelidnota testaceovirens argentinica (Soula, 2006). The following published species names are unavailable per application of ICZN Article 16.4.2: Homonyx digennaroi Soula, 2010; Homonyx lecourti Soula, 2010; Homonyx mulliei Soula, 2010; Homonyx simoensi Soula, 2010; Homonyx wagneri Soula, 2010; Homonyx zovii Demez & Soula, 2011; Pelidnota arnaudi Soula, 2009; Pelidnota brusteli Soula, 2010; Pelidnota chalcothorax septentrionalis Soula, 2009; Pelidnota degallieri Soula, 2010; Pelidnota lavalettei Soula, 2008; Pelidnota lavalettei Soula, 2009; Pelidnota dieteri Soula, 2011; Strigidia gracilis decaensi Soula, 2008, Pelidnota (Strigidia) gracilis decaensi (Soula, 2008), and Pelidnota gracilis decaensi (Soula, 2008); Pelidnota halleri Demez & Soula, 2011; Pelidnota injantepalominoi Demez & Soula, 2011; Pelidnota kucerai Soula, 2009; Pelidnota malyi Soula, 2010: 36-37; Pelidnota mezai Soula, 2009; Pelidnota polita darienensis Soula, 2009; Pelidnota polita orozcoi Soula, 2009; Pelidnota polita pittieri Soula, 2009; Pelidnota punctulata decolombia Soula, 2009; Pelidnota punctulata venezolana Soula, 2009; Pelidnota raingeardi Soula, 2009; Pelidnota schneideri Soula, 2010; Pelidnota simoensi Soula, 2009; Pelidnota unicolor subandina Soula, 2009; Sorocha carloti Demez & Soula, 2011; Sorocha castroi Soula, 2008; Sorocha fravali Soula, 2011; Sorocha jeanmaurettei Demez & Soula, 2011; Sorocha yelamosi Soula, 2011; Xenopelidnota bolivari Soula, 2009; Xenopelidnota pittieri pittieri Soula, 2009. Due to unavailability of the name Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Soula 2009, we describe the species as intentionally new (Pseudogeniates cordobaensis Moore, Jameson, Garner, Audibert, Smith, and Seidel, sp. n.)
Spontaneous Abortion and Preterm Labor and Delivery in Nonhuman Primates: Evidence from a Captive Colony of Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)
Preterm birth is a leading cause of perinatal mortality, yet the evolutionary history of this obstetrical syndrome is largely unknown in nonhuman primate species.We examined the length of gestation during pregnancies that occurred in a captive chimpanzee colony by inspecting veterinary and behavioral records spanning a total of thirty years. Upon examination of these records we were able to confidently estimate gestation length for 93 of the 97 (96%) pregnancies recorded at the colony. In total, 78 singleton gestations resulted in live birth, and from these pregnancies we estimated the mean gestation length of normal chimpanzee pregnancies to be 228 days, a finding consistent with other published reports. We also calculated that the range of gestation in normal chimpanzee pregnancies is approximately forty days. Of the remaining fifteen pregnancies, only one of the offspring survived, suggesting viability for chimpanzees requires a gestation of approximately 200 days. These fifteen pregnancies constitute spontaneous abortions and preterm deliveries, for which the upper gestational age limit was defined as 2 SD from the mean length of gestation (208 days).The present study documents that preterm birth occurred within our study population of captive chimpanzees. As in humans, pregnancy loss is not uncommon in chimpanzees, In addition, our findings indicate that both humans and chimpanzees show a similar range of normal variation in gestation length, suggesting this was the case at the time of their last common ancestor (LCA). Nevertheless, our data suggest that whereas chimpanzees' normal gestation length is ∼20-30 days after reaching viability, humans' normal gestation length is approximately 50 days beyond the estimated date of viability without medical intervention. Future research using a comparative evolutionary framework should help to clarify the extent to which mechanisms at work in normal and preterm parturition are shared in these species
Beitrage zur Kenntnis der afrikanischen Anomala - Arten IX. (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae, Anomalini.)
Volume: 23Start Page: 217End Page: 24
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Adoretini der aethiopischen Region (Coleoptera: Lamellicornia, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). II. Teil.
Es wird die Stellung des Adoretus oedipus Fairmaire, den Ohaus ZU Trigonochilus stellte, geklärt. Die Art gehört in das Genus Trigonostomum Burmeister. - Adoretus truncatus Arrow (= Adoretus simplex Peringuey) ist eigentlich ein Prodoretus. Mit ihm identisch ist Prodoretus pentheri Ohaus.Nomenklatorische Handlungenpentheri Ohaus, 1916 (Prodoretus), syn. n. of Adoretus truncatus Arrow, 1915There is discussed the position of Adoretus oedipus Fairmaire, which was placed into the genus Trigonochilus by Ohaus. It belongs to Trigonostomum Burmeister. - Adoretus truncatus Arrow (= Adoretus simplex Peringuey) is in reality a Prodoretus, and was found conspecific with Prodoretus pentheri Ohaus.Nomenclatural Actspentheri Ohaus, 1916 (Prodoretus), syn. n. of Adoretus truncatus Arrow, 191
Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Geniatini, 2 (Col., Lamellicornia, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). Uber zwei bisher unbekannte Leucothyreus-Arten
Volume: 25Start Page: 143End Page: 14
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