712 research outputs found

    A Teacher\u27s Guide to Plurilingual Pedagogy

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    Language teaching practices have been dominated by monolingual, deficit approaches in which students are expected to compartmentalize languages, ignore prior knowledge, and emulate how natives speak the target language—though there have also been many teachers who have challenged these approaches through the years. Plurilingualism and plurilingual pedagogy reject such ideas and practices and instead seek to cultivate linguistic repertoires (including partial or uneven skills across languages), engage prior knowledge and lived experience, and develop metalinguistic and metacognitive competencies. Drawing on decades of research in applied linguistics and associated fields, plurilingual pedagogy aims to teach language in a way that is more reflective of how it is used in real-world settings. While it has been widely discussed in academic circles, it has yet to be fully incorporated into educators’ practices, especially outside of Canada and Europe. As both an approach and a practice, this pedagogy allows instructors to bring equity into the classroom by valuing students\u27 linguistic and cultural identities while also building student confidence. After introducing plurilingual pedagogy, comparing it to other language teaching approaches, and exploring its benefits, this paper explores four associated teaching practices. Finally, the Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, and Awareness framework for teacher development (Freeman, 1989) is adapted to help teachers link the larger goals of plurilingual pedagogy to specific learning objectives. The goal of this paper is to synthesize current research on plurilingual pedagogy and promote its ideas in a way that is pedagogically and methodologically useful for practitioners in the field

    Discipline‐centered post‐secondary science education research: Understanding university level science learning

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99001/1/tea21099.pd

    Õpilaste kaasamine STEM-haridusse

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    In this manuscript we focus on how to develop STEM learning environments, and how STEM can be implemented in K-12 schools. We focus on the following question: “How can we support students in building a deep, integrated knowledge of STEM so that they have the practical knowledge and problem solving skills necessary to live in and improve the world?” We also discuss criteria for evaluating STEM learning environments and the challenges teachers face in implementing STEM. We define STEM as the integration of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics to focus on solving pressing individual and societal problems. Engaging students in STEM also means engaging learners in the design process. Design is integral to student thinking in the STEM world. The design process is very non-linear and iterative in its nature but requires clearly articulating and identifying the design problem, researching what is known about the problem, generating potential solutions, developing prototype designs (artifacts) that demonstrate solutions, and sharing and receiving feedback. With the integration of design, STEM education has the potential to support students in learning big ideas in science and engineering, as well as important scientific and engineering practices, and support students in developing important motivational outcomes such as ownership, agency and efficacy. Moreover, students who engage in STEM learning environments will also develop 21st century capabilities such as problem solving, communication, and collaboration skills

    Õpilaste kaasamine STEM-haridusse

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    Artiklis kĂ€sitletakse STEM-Ă”pikeskkonna arendamise vĂ”imalusi ning STEMi rakendamist pĂ”hi- ja keskkooliastmes, keskendudes jĂ€rgmisele kĂŒsimusele: kuidas aidata Ă”pilastel omandada pĂ”hjalikke ja integreeritud STEM-valdkonna teadmisi, et neil oleks praktilised teadmised ja probleemilahendusoskused, mis aitaks neil maailmas hakkama saada ja seda paremaks muuta? Lisaks tutvustatakse STEMĂ”ppeks sobiva keskkonna hindamise kriteeriume ning kĂ€sitletakse probleeme, millega Ă”petajatel tuleb STEM-ainete Ă”petamisel kokku puutuda. Meie mÀÀratluse jĂ€rgi on STEM loodusteaduste, tehnoloogia, inseneriteaduse ja matemaatika ĂŒhendamine eesmĂ€rgiga lahendada pakilisi isiklikke ja ĂŒhiskondlikke probleeme. Õpilaste kaasamine STEM-valdkonda tĂ€hendab nende kaasamist disainiprotsessi. STEM-maailmas on disain Ă”pilaste mĂ”ttemaailma lahutamatu osa. Disainiprotsess on mittelineaarne ja oma olemuselt korduv, kuid nĂ”uab disainiprobleemi kindlaksmÀÀramist ja selget sĂ”nastamist, probleemi kohta juba teada oleva teabe uurimist, vĂ”imalike lahenduste pakkumist, prototĂŒĂŒpide (tehisesemete) vĂ€ljatöötamist, et lahendusi demonstreerida, ning tagasiside jagamist ja saamist. Disainile keskenduva STEM-hariduse kaudu on vĂ”imalik toetada Ă”pilasi suurte loodus- ja inseneriteaduslike ideede ning oluliste praktiliste loodus- ja inseneriteaduslike teadmiste omandamisel. Samuti vĂ”imaldab STEM-haridus motiveerida Ă”pilasi, et neil tekiks omanikutunne ning vajadus oma ideid tutvustada ja tulemuslikult tegutseda. Enamgi veel, STEM-Ă”pikeskkonda kaasatud Ă”pilased saavad arendada selliseid 21. sajandil vajalikke oskusi nagu probleemilahendus- ja suhtlemisoskus ning koostöövĂ”ime.  Full tex

    Remarks on Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory and gauge invariance

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    Two problems relative to the electromagnetic coupling of Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau (DKP) theory are discussed: the presence of an anomalous term in the Hamiltonian form of the theory and the apparent difference between the Interaction terms in DKP and Klein-Gordon (KG) Lagrangians. For this, we first discuss the behavior of DKP field and its physical components under gauge transformations. From this analysis, we can show that these problems simply do not exist if one correctly analyses the physical components of DKP field.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    Absence of Klein's paradox for massive bosons coupled by nonminimal vector interactions

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    A few properties of the nonminimal vector interactions in the Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory are revised. In particular, it is shown that the space component of the nonminimal vector interaction plays a peremptory role for confining bosons whereas its time component contributes to the leakage. Scattering in a square step potential with proper boundary conditions is used to show that Klein's paradox does not manifest in the case of a nonminimal vector coupling

    Announcement from Publisher

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    No Abstract.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64529/1/20362_ftp.pd

    Discipline‐centered post‐secondary science education research: Distinctive targets, challenges and opportunities

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/108082/1/tea21165.pd

    Knowledge In Use: Designing For Play In Kindergarten Science Contexts

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    Decades of research support integrating play in kindergarten to benefit young students’ social, emotional, and cognitive development. As academic readiness becomes a focus, time for play has decreased. As a result, there has been a demand for integration of play with content. This study modifies a project-based science curriculum about how living things grow to include both child-initiated play and teacher-guided play to meet disciplinary learning goals. The curriculum was initially designed to address reform science standards based on knowledge-in-use. We explore how play invites all students to access and understand the phenomenon. The qualitative study involves 18 kindergarteners and their teacher in a Great Lakes state in the U.S. highlighting four lessons during the enactment that emphasized play. Data include observation, audio recording, transcription of interviews, children involved in play,  classroom dialogue, and the examination of artifacts. Thematic coding and analysis of field notes, interviews, and dialogue suggest that child-initiated imaginary play and teacher-guided play can promote the science practice, science ideas, and crosscutting concept of patterns needed to explain the phenomenon
