9 research outputs found

    Being a father of a premature newborn at neonatal intensive care unit: from parenthood to fatherhood Being a father of a premature newborn at NICU

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    Ser pai de recém-nascido prematuro na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal: da parentalidade a paternidade Cómo ser padre de un recién-nascido prematuro en una unidad neonatal de cuidados intensivos: de la distancia del parentesco a la paternidad Os pais demonstraram viver a transição social e cultural da paternidade, com superação ainda tímida do modelo hegemônico. Ao mesmo tempo, entendem seu papel fundamental de provisão financeira e demonstram desejo em cuidar do seu filho. Os profissionais de saúde devem proporcionar essa aproximação para fortalecimento da paternidade. Participaron veintidós hombres cuyos hijos prematuros estaban hospitalizados. Los dados fueron colectados por medio de diario de campo, observación participante y encuestas semiestructuradas. Resultados: El padre tiene un papel fundamental en el proceso reproductivo, además de proteger la mujer durante el embarazo y después del parto. Él también vivencia intensa realización en el nacimiento. Sin embargo, tener un prematuro hospitalizado es una experiencia inesperada y difícil. Palavras-chave: Conclusión: Los padres pasan por un proceso de transición social y cultural en la paternidad, con tímida superación del modelo hegemónico, a pesar del entendimiento del papel de responsable financiero y del deseo de cuidar. Los profesionales de salud deben proporcionar tal aproximación para el fortalecimiento de la paternidad

    Disruption of temporally organized behavior by morphine.

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    Four pigeons pecked keys in two different procedures commonly used in the study of timing, or temporal discrimination. Sessions consisted of 40 trials. During half of the trials, two keys were presented for 50 s. Left-key pecks were reinforced according to a variable-interval 67.86-s schedule during the first 25 s of the trial, and right-key pecks were not reinforced. During the second 25 s of the trial, right-key pecks were reinforced according to the same schedule, and left-key pecks were not reinforced. In the other half of the 40-trial session, the center key was presented. The majority of these trials arranged fixed-interval 2.5-s schedules. Occasionally a probe, or peak-interval, trial was presented. These trials were 100 s in duration and terminated without reinforcement. These two procedures were used to examine the effects of morphine on indexes of timing and on patterns of responding. Morphine altered behavior in a race-dependent manner in both procedures. Low baseline (saline) response rates were increased following morphine administration, and high baseline rates were either unaffected or decreased slightly. Rate-dependent effects appeared as leftward shifts in the timing index for two-key trials and decreases in the index of curvature for fixed-interval trials. Despite large changes in response rates, no consistent shift of the peak time was observed during peak-interval trials. These results are discussed primarily in terms of rate dependency; that is, rates of responding following drug administration tend to be determined in large part by rates of responding under baseline conditions