1,637 research outputs found

    Preliminary Identification of Ground-Water Nitrate Sources Using Nitrogen and Carbon Stable Isotopes, Kansas

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    Increasing nitrate-N in ground water is a problem in many areas with limited ground-water supplies, such as west-central Kansas. However, potential sources of nitrate-N are not known. Nitrate-N concentrations in ground water in the Hays study area in Ellis County, west-central Kansas, range from 0.9 to 26 mg/L. The δ15N signatures of the ground waters are more enriched (+16.8 to +28.7‰) than those of the soils (+8.4 to +13.7‰), strongly suggesting that nitrogen sources are not from mineralized and labile nitrogen present in the unsaturated zone. In this study, nitrate-N values greater than the U.S. EPA drinking water limit of 10 mg/L occur with δ15N values of greater than +10‰. This relationship between high nitrate-N concentrations and enriched δ15N values (greater than +10‰) in ground water has been observed in other studies in Kansas and is usually related to a human- and/or animal-waste source. Soil cores collected near municipal wells had mean total nitrogen values of 1.2-15 mg/kg. Increased δ15N with depth in several of the cores suggests that microbial mineralization, denitrification, or volatilization processes caused the enriched δ15N signatures. Decreasing total nitrogen and nitrate-N values with depth also help support the idea of microbial processes. Stable carbon isotopes provide supporting evidence that soils are not a major contributor to the observed nitrate-N concentration in the ground water. δ13C values of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in soils generally were more enriched (-11.6 to -18.8‰) while corresponding ground-water δ13C values were more depleted (-19.9 to -22.2‰), suggesting that the source of the DOC in ground water is not from the soils

    A stable isotopic study to determine carbon and nitrogen cycling in a disturbed southern Californian forest ecosystem

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    This study utilized isotope analyses to contrast nitrogen and carbon dynamics at four sites located along an air pollution gradient in the San Bernardino National Forest in southern California. Natural N-15 and C-13 abundances along with nutritional and edaphic properties were determined in soil, litter, and vegetation samples. Mean bulk nitrogen delta(15)N values of soil and vegetation at Camp Paivika (CP), the most polluted site, were at least 1.7 parts per thousand more enriched than the other, less polluted sites. Mean soil delta(15)NH(4)(+) was also significantly enriched in N-15 at CP compared to Barton Flats (BF), the least polluted site, by 3.8 parts per thousand. Soil delta(15)NO(3)(-) signatures were not statistically different among sites. The litter delta(15)NH(4)(+) values followed a trend similar to that of the soil. Furthermore, the litter delta(15)NO(3)(-) at CP was significantly depleted in N-15 compared to the other sites. The isotopic discrimination for the eventual production of nitrate from organic nitrogen in soil and litter was maximized at CP and minimized at BF. A stable carbon isotopic gradient of decreasing soil, litter, and foliar delta(13)C was also observed with increasing site pollution level. These results support the hypothesis that chronic atmospheric deposition has enhanced nitrogen cycling processes and has affected carbon metabolism at CP

    Синтез и свойства силикатов висмута, приготовленных методом механической активации

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    В настоящей работе были синтезированы серии силикатов висмута методоммеханической активации, а также исследованы их свойства такими методами, как ТГ-ДСК анализ и РФА-спектроскопия. Установлено, что для серии, приготовленной с соотношением реагентов Bi:Si = 2:1 после 800 °С наступает плавление, тогда как для серии с эквиатомным соотношением Bi и Si в исходных реагентах плавления в этом температурном интервале не наблюдается. Показано, что при увеличении температуры прокаливания с 500˚С до 700 °С фаза метасиликата висмута (Bi2SiO5) полностью переходит в ортосиликат висмута (Bi4Si3O12), а доля фазы силленита (Bi12SiO20) увеличивается при увеличении соотношения Bi:Si

    Ecosystem-scale spatial heterogeneity of stable isotopes of soil nitrogen in African savannas

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    Author's manuscript made available in accordance with the publisher's policy.Soil 15N is a natural tracer of nitrogen (N) cycling. Its spatial distribution is a good indicator of processes that are critical to N cycling and of their controlling factors integrated both in time and space. The spatial distribution of soil δ15N and its underlying drivers at sub-kilometer scales are rarely investigated. This study utilizes two sites (dry vs. wet) from a megatransect in southern Africa encompassing locations with similar soil substrate but different rainfall and vegetation, to explore the effects of soil moisture and vegetation distribution on ecosystem-scale patterns of soil δ15N. A 300-m long transect was set up at each site and surface soil samples were randomly collected for analyses of δ15N, %N and nitrate content. At each soil sampling location the presence of grasses, woody plants, Acacia species (potential N fixer) as well as soil moisture levels were recorded. A spatial pattern of soil δ15N existed at the dry site, but not at the wet site. Woody cover distribution determined the soil δ15N spatial pattern at ecosystem-scale; however, the two Acacia species did not contribute to the spatial pattern of soil δ15N. Grass cover was negatively correlated with soil δ15N at both sites owing to the lower foliar δ15N values of grasses. Soil moisture did not play a role in the spatial pattern of soil δ15N at either site. These results suggest that vegetation distribution, directly, and water availability, indirectly, affect the spatial patterns of soil δ15N through their effects on woody plant and grass distributions

    Phenomenology of iron-assisted ion beam pattern formation on Si(001)

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    Pattern formation on Si(001) through 2 keV Kr+ ion beam erosion of Si(001) at an incident angle of # = 30° and in the presence of sputter codeposition or co-evaporation of Fe is investigated by using in situ scanning tunneling microscopy, ex situ atomic force microscopy and electron microscopy. The phenomenology of pattern formation is presented, and experiments are conducted to rule out or determine the processes of relevance in ion beam pattern formation on Si(001) with impurities. Special attention is given to the determination of morphological phase boundaries and their origin. Height fluctuations, local flux variations, induced chemical inhomogeneities, silicide formation and ensuing composition-dependent sputtering are found to be of relevance for pattern formation

    Importance of Suspended Particulates in Riverine Delivery of Bioavailable Nitrogen to Coastal Zones

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    Total nitrogen (TN) loadings in riverine sediments and their coastal depocenters were compared for Il river systems worldwide to assess the potential impact of riverine particulates on coastal nitrogen budgets. Strong relationships between sediment specific surface area and TN allow these impacts to be estimated without the intense sampling normally required to achieve such budgets. About half of the systems showed higher nitrogen loadings in the riverine sediments than those from the coastal depocenter. In spite of uncertainties, these comparisons indicate that large, turbid rivers, such as the Amazon, Huanghe, and the Mississippi, deliver sediments that in turn release significant or major fractions of the total riverine nitrogen delivery. Riverine particulates must therefore be considered an essential factor in watershed nutrient loading to coastal ecosystems and may affect delivered nutrient ratios as well as total nutrient loading. The relative importance of particulate versus dissolved delivery has decreased over recent decades in the Mississippi as a result of damming and fertilizer use in the watershed