1,530 research outputs found

    Ionospheric response to the corotating interaction region-driven geomagnetic storm of October 2002

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    Unlike the geomagnetic storms produced by coronal mass ejections (CMEs), the storms generated by corotating interaction regions (CIRs) are not manifested by dramatic enhancements of the ring current. The CIR-driven storms are however capable of producing other phenomena typical for the magnetic storms such as relativistic particle acceleration, enhanced magnetospheric convection and ionospheric heating. This paper examines ionospheric plasma anomalies produced by a CIR-driven storm in the middle- and high-latitude ionosphere with a specific focus on the polar cap region. The moderate magnetic storm which took place on 14–17 October 2002 has been used as an example of the CIR-driven event. Four-dimensional tomographic reconstructions of the ionospheric plasma density using measurements of the total electron content along ray paths of GPS signals allow us to reveal the large-scale structure of storm-induced ionospheric anomalies. The tomographic reconstructions are compared with the data obtained by digital ionosonde located at Eureka station near the geomagnetic north pole. The morphology and dynamics of the observed ionospheric anomalies is compared qualitatively to the ionospheric anomalies produced by major CME-driven storms. It is demonstrated that the CIR-driven storm of October 2002 was able to produce ionospheric anomalies comparable to those produced by CME-driven storms of much greater Dst magnitude. This study represents an important step in linking the tomographic GPS reconstructions with the data from ground-based network of digital ionosondes

    PRE‐dialysis survey on anaemia management

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    Background. The PRE‐dialysis survey on anaemia management (PRESAM) was designed to assess the care given to pre‐dialysis patients in the 12 months before haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, with emphasis on anaemia management. Methods. For this epidemiological study, a retrospective chart review was conducted for patients who started haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis between 1 August, 1999 and 6 April, 2000. All adult patients who entered one of the 779 participating centres in 21 European countries, Israel or South Africa were included, except for patients who underwent dialysis only during an acute episode. In addition to demographic characteristics, the study examined the prevalence of anaemia, anaemia management including the use of iron supplementation and epoetin, source of referral to the dialysis centre, comorbidities and major clinical events. Results. A total of 4333 new dialysis patients were included in the survey. At the first visit to the dialysis centre, 68% of the patients had a haemoglobin (Hb) concentration ≤11.0 g/dl; Hb concentration was positively correlated with creatinine clearance rate (r=0.43, P<0.01). Patients who received epoetin had a mean Hb concentration of 8.8 g/dl at the start of epoetin treatment, and 96% of these patients had an Hb concentration ≤11.0 g/dl. Only 26.5% of the patients received epoetin before dialysis. The length of time under the care of a nephrologist was associated with meeting the European Best Practice Guidelines (EBPG) target Hb concentration, as well as receiving epoetin. Conclusions. Few pre‐dialysis patients met the EBPG target for Hb concentration, despite regular nephrology car

    Association of anaemia in primary care patients with chronic kidney disease: cross sectional study of quality improvement in chronic kidney disease (QICKD) trial data.

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    BACKGROUND: Anaemia is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and treating anaemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD) may improve outcomes. However, little is known about the scope to improve primary care management of anaemia in CKD. METHODS: An observational study (N = 1,099,292) with a nationally representative sample using anonymised routine primary care data from 127 Quality Improvement in CKD trial practices (ISRCTN5631023731). We explored variables associated with anaemia in CKD: eGFR, haemoglobin (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), iron status, cardiovascular comorbidities, and use of therapy which associated with gastrointestinal bleeding, oral iron and deprivation score. We developed a linear regression model to identify variables amenable to improved primary care management. RESULTS: The prevalence of Stage 3-5 CKD was 6.76%. Hb was lower in CKD (13.2 g/dl) than without (13.7 g/dl). 22.2% of people with CKD had World Health Organization defined anaemia; 8.6% had Hb ≤ 11 g/dl; 3% Hb ≤ 10 g/dl; and 1% Hb ≤ 9 g/dl. Normocytic anaemia was present in 80.5% with Hb ≤ 11; 72.7% with Hb ≤ 10 g/dl; and 67.6% with Hb ≤ 9 g/dl; microcytic anaemia in 13.4% with Hb ≤ 11 g/dl; 20.8% with Hb ≤ 10 g/dl; and 24.9% where Hb ≤ 9 g/dl. 82.7% of people with microcytic and 58.8% with normocytic anaemia (Hb ≤ 11 g/dl) had a low ferritin (<100 ug/mL). Hypertension (67.2% vs. 54%) and diabetes (30.7% vs. 15.4%) were more prevalent in CKD and anaemia; 61% had been prescribed aspirin; 73% non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); 14.1% warfarin 12.4% clopidogrel; and 53.1% aspirin and NSAID. 56.3% of people with CKD and anaemia had been prescribed oral iron. The main limitations of the study are that routine data are inevitably incomplete and definitions of anaemia have not been standardised. CONCLUSIONS: Medication review is needed in people with CKD and anaemia prior to considering erythropoietin or parenteral iron. Iron stores may be depleted in over >60% of people with normocytic anaemia. Prescribing oral iron has not corrected anaemia

    Surface collective modes in the topological insulators Bi2_2Se3_3 and Bi0.5_{0.5}Sb1.5_{1.5}Te3x_{3-x}Sex_{x}

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    We used low-energy, momentum-resolved inelastic electron scattering to study surface collective modes of the three-dimensional topological insulators Bi2_2Se3_3 and Bi0.5_{0.5}Sb1.5_{1.5}Te3x_{3-x}Sex_{x}. Our goal was to identify the "spin plasmon" predicted by Raghu and co-workers [S. Raghu, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 116401 (2010)]. Instead, we found that the primary collective mode is a surface plasmon arising from the bulk, free carrers in these materials. This excitation dominates the spectral weight in the bosonic function of the surface, χ"(q,ω)\chi "(\textbf{q},\omega), at THz energy scales, and is the most likely origin of a quasiparticle dispersion kink observed in previous photoemission experiments. Our study suggests that the spin plasmon may mix with this other surface mode, calling for a more nuanced understanding of optical experiments in which the spin plasmon is reported to play a role.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Wave activity (planetary, tidal) throughout the middle atmosphere (20-100km) over the CUJO network: Satellite (TOMS) and Medium Frequency (MF) radar observations

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    Planetary and tidal wave activity in the tropopause-lower stratosphere and mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) is studied using combinations of ground-based (GB) and satellite instruments (2000-2002). The relatively new MFR (medium frequency radar) at Platteville (40&amp;deg; N, 105&amp;deg; W) has provided the opportunity to create an operational network of middle-latitude MFRs, stretching from 81&amp;deg; W-142&amp;deg; E, which provides winds and tides 70-100km. CUJO (Canada U.S. Japan Opportunity) comprises systems at London (43&amp;deg; N, 81&amp;deg; W), Platteville (40&amp;deg; N, 105&amp;deg; W), Saskatoon (52&amp;deg; N, 107&amp;deg; W), Wakkanai (45&amp;deg; N, 142&amp;deg; E) and Yamagawa (31&amp;deg; N, 131&amp;deg; E). It offers a significant 7000-km longitudinal sector in the North American-Pacific region, and a useful range of latitudes (12-14&amp;deg;) at two longitudes. Satellite data mainly involve the daily values of the total ozone column measured by the Earth Probe (EP) TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) and provide a measure of tropopause-lower stratospheric planetary wave activity, as well as ozone variability. &lt;P style=&quot;line-height: 20px;&quot;&gt; Climatologies of ozone and winds/tides involving frequency versus time (wavelet) contour plots for periods from 2-d to 30-d and the interval from mid 2000 to 2002, show that the changes with altitude, longitude and latitude are very significant and distinctive. Geometric-mean wavelets for the region of the 40&amp;deg; N MFRs demonstrate occasions during the autumn, winter and spring months when there are similarities in the spectral features of the lower atmosphere and at mesopause (85km) heights. Both direct planetary wave (PW) propagation into the MLT, nonlinear PW-tide interactions, and disturbances in MLT tides associated with fluctuations in the ozone forcing are considered to be possible coupling processes. The complex horizontal wave numbers of the longer period oscillations are provided in frequency contour plots for the TOMS satellite data to demonstrate the differences between lower atmospheric and MLT wave motions and their directions of propagation