338 research outputs found

    The classroom of Physical Education and students with disabilities

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    Este estudio versa sobre el proceso de construcción y validación de un instrumento estandarizado cuyo objetivo ha sido analizar la realidad educativa de los docentes de Educación Física en la etapa de primaria ante alumnado con discapacidad motora y derivar del mismo los elementos clave que justifiquen la construcción de un plan de formación permanente del profesorado en este ámbito. El proceso llevado a cabo paso por llevar a cabo en primer lugar un juicio de expertos y expertas para posteriormente someter el borrador de aquí derivado a un pilotaje con un total de 57 docentes de Córdoba. El cuestionario definitivo goza de las suficientes garantías para ser aplicado, analizado e interpretado y ha permitido extraer como dimensiones formativas las siguientes: didáctica de la Educación Física, herramientas didáctico educativas, estrategias de trabajo en el aula, habilidades para el ejercicio de la docentes y recursos tecnológicos

    Challenges to Foster Resilience

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    The work aims to provoke critical educational reflections on the current state of the scientific-pedagogical conception of inclusive education in the university context. In this sense, we are aware of the existence of an extremely positive conceptual evolution in recent times. It is necessary to articulate new discourses and teaching practices that project and illuminate the idea that inclusive education as a permanent process of change in education and for which the development of psychological activities outlined in resilience can play an important role. The Ecuadorian higher education system has experienced, for a few years, changes of great pedagogical interest. In this framework, a whole process of generating educational policies and inclusive education is shown, taking as a framework the professors and managers of the Technical University of Manabí (UTM) (Ecuador), to contribute to the greater inclusive development of the said university. The main challenges for university institutions regarding fostering the resilience of the academic process are presented

    Phytoplankton pigment distribution in the northwestern Alboran Sea and meteorological forcing: A remote sensing study

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    A set of weekly-composite SeaWiFS (Sea-viewing Wide Field of view Sensor) imagery (from 1998 to 2004) has been used to asses the temporal and spatial variability of the surface chlorophyll distribution in the Northwestern Alboran Sea. Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis of the images series shows the existence of three different regions in which surface chlorophyll presents a homogeneous temporal behavior in the neighborhood of the Strait of Gibraltar.The temporal patterns of surface chlorophyll concentrations in each region have been characterized by studying the role of several forcing factors, mainly the zonal component of the wind field.The first identified region occupies the coastal area in front of Estepona and Málaga and shows the highest chlorophyll concentration in the entire region of study in absence of easterly winds. A second region is located far offshore, in the zone usually occupied by the Atlantic jet entering the Alboran Sea, showing high concentrations of chlorophyll when the easterlies blow. Finally, a third region has been situated in the normal location of the Western Alboran Gyre (WAG).The zonal wind field arises as a main forcing function in the modulation of the intensity and location of the upwelling processes in the area, while the entrance of the Atlantic jet seems to be the main agent feeding of all these processes

    Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski-like solutions in metric-affine gravity

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    We consider a (non--Riemannian) metric--affine gravity theory, in particular its nonmetricity--torsion sector ``isomorphic'' to the Einstein--Maxwell theory. We map certain Einstein--Maxwell electrovacuum solutions to it, namely the Pleba\'nski--Demia\'nski class of Petrov type D metrics.Comment: 12 pages of a LaTeX-fil

    El aula de Educación Física y el alumnado con discapacidad

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    This study focuses on the process of construction and validation of a standardized instrument whose aim was to analyze the educational reality of teachers of physical education at the primary stage before pupils with motor disabilities and derive the same key elements that would justify the construction of a permanent training of teachers in this area plan. The process carried out step to carry out first a judgement of experts for subsequently derived here draft will undergo a pilot with a total of 57 teachers from Córdoba. The final questionnaire enjoys sufficient safeguards to be applied, analysed and interpreted and allowed extract as dimensions training as follows: Didactics of physical education, educational teaching tools and strategies of work in the classroom, skills for the exercise of the teachers and technological resources. Este estudio versa sobre el proceso de construcción y validación de un instrumento estandarizado cuyo objetivo ha sido analizar la realidad educativa de los docentes de Educación Física en la etapa de primaria ante alumnado con discapacidad motora y derivar del mismo los elementos clave que justifiquen la construcción de un plan de formación permanente del profesorado en este ámbito. El proceso llevado a cabo pasó por llevar a cabo en primer lugar un juicio de expertos y expertas para posteriormente someter el borrador de aquí derivado a un pilotaje con un total de 57 docentes de Córdoba. El cuestionario definitivo goza de las suficientes garantías para ser aplicado, analizado e interpretado y ha permitido extraer como dimensiones formativas las siguientes: didáctica de la Educación Física, herramientas didáctico educativas, estrategias de trabajo en el aula, habilidades para el ejercicio de la docencia y recursos tecnológicos

    Volume elements of spacetime and a quartet of scalar fields

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    Starting with a `bare' 4-dimensional differential manifold as a model of spacetime, we discuss the options one has for defining a volume element which can be used for physical theories. We show that one has to prescribe a scalar density \sigma. Whereas conventionally \sqrt{|\det g_{ij}|} is used for that purpose, with g_{ij} as the components of the metric, we point out other possibilities, namely \sigma as a `dilaton' field or as a derived quantity from either a linear connection or a quartet of scalar fields, as suggested by Guendelman and Kaganovich.Comment: 7 pages RevTEX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Role of drug transporters in the sensitivity of acute myeloid leukemia to sorafenib

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    [EN]Chemoresistance often limits the success of the pharmacological treatment in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. Although positive results have been obtained with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), such as sorafenib, especially in patients with Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3)-positive AML, the success of chemotherapy is very heterogeneous.The sensitivity to sorafenib-induced cell death (MTT test and anexin V/7-AAD method) was evaluated in five different cell lines: MOLM-13, OCI-AML2, HL-60, HEL and K-562. The transportome was characterized by measuring mRNA using RT-qPCR. Drug uptake/efflux was determined by flow cytometry using specific substrates and inhibitors. The cytostatic response to sorafenib was: MOLM-13»OCI-AML2>HL- 60>HEL≈K-562. Regarding efflux pumps, MDR1 was highly expressed in HEL>K- 562≈MOLM-13, but not in OCI-AML2 and HL-60. BCRP and MPR3 expression was low in all cell lines, whereas MRP4 and MRP5 expression was from moderate to high. Flow cytometry studies demonstrated that MRP4, but not MRP5, was functional

    North Atlantic oscillation affects the physical condition of migrating bullet tuna Auxis rochei (Risso, 1810) from the Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Climate oscillations exert direct control over the environment in which they occur and may influence the physical condition of migratory marine species, such as tuna, as reported by several authors. The main aim of thisstudywastoexploretheassociationbetweenthepotentialeffectsoftheNorthAtlanticOscillation(NAO)on thefitness condition of bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) migrating to the Spanish Mediterranean Sea. A total of 2357 length-weight pairs of data obtained from individuals collected on the Spanish Mediterranean coast were analysed. A non-parametric Spearman test was used to investigate correlations between the atmospheric oscillation indexes and two physical condition indexes. The results suggest that, in general, positive phases of the NAO index improve the physical condition offish migrating to spawning grounds in the Mediterranean Sea. These results could be explained by changes in the dominant winds, which could favour pre-spawning migration, and by nutrients availability, which guarantees their recovery after the spawning period.En prens

    Levodopa-Induced Dyskinesia in Parkinson Disease Specifically Associates with Dopaminergic Depletion in Sensorimotor-Related Functional Subregions of the Striatum

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    [Purpose] To determine whether the development of levodopa-induced dyskinesia (LID) in Parkinson disease (PD) specifically relates to dopaminergic depletion in sensorimotor-related subregions of the striatum.[Methods] Our primary study sample consisted of 185 locally recruited PD patients, of which 73 (40%) developed LID. Retrospective 123I-FP-CIT SPECT data were used to quantify the specific dopamine transporter (DAT) binding ratio within distinct functionally defined striatal subregions related to limbic, executive, and sensorimotor systems. Regional DAT levels were contrasted between patients who developed LID (PD + LID) and those who did not (PD-LID) using analysis of covariance models controlled for demographic and clinical features. For validation of the findings and assessment of the evolution of LID-associated DAT changes from an early disease stage, we also studied serial 123I-FP-CIT SPECT data from 343 de novo PD patients enrolled in the Parkinson Progression Marker’s Initiative using mixed linear model analysis.[Results] Compared with PD-LID, DAT level reductions in PD + LID patients were most pronounced in the sensorimotor striatal subregion (F = 5.99, P = 0.016) and also significant in the executive-related subregion (F = 5.30, P = 0.023). In the Parkinson Progression Marker’s Initiative cohort, DAT levels in PD + LID (n = 161, 47%) were only significantly reduced compared with PD-LID in the sensorimotor striatal subregion (t = −2.05, P = 0.041), and this difference was already present at baseline and remained largely constant over time.[Conclusion] Measuring DAT depletion in functionally defined sensorimotor-related striatal regions of interest may provide a more sensitive tool to detect LID-associated dopaminergic changes at an early disease stage and could improve individual prognosis of this common clinical complication in PD.Peer reviewe