30 research outputs found

    Space-Time-Frequency Machine Learning for Improved 4G/5G Energy Detection

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    In this paper, the future Fifth Generation (5G New Radio) radio communication system has been considered, coexisting and sharing the spectrum with the incumbent Fourth Generation (4G) Long-Term Evolution (LTE) system. The 4G signal presence is detected in order to allow for opportunistic and dynamic spectrum access of 5G users. This detection is based on known sensing methods, such as energy detection, however, it uses machine learning in the domains of space, time and frequency for sensing quality improvement. Simulation results for the considered methods: k-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest show that these method significantly improves the detection probability

    Space-Time-Frequency Machine Learning for Improved 4G/5G Energy Detection

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    In this paper, the future Fifth Generation (5G New Radio) radio communication system has been considered, coexisting and sharing the spectrum with the incumbent Fourth Generation (4G) Long-Term Evolution (LTE) system. The 4G signal presence is detected in order to allow for opportunistic and dynamic spectrum access of 5G users. This detection is based on known sensing methods, such as energy detection, however, it uses machine learning in the domains of space, time and frequency for sensing quality improvement. Simulation results for the considered methods: k-Nearest Neighbors and Random Forest show that these method significantly improves the detection probability

    Manifestations of the pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome temporally related with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS) in the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems.

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    Introduction and objective: The course of the pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS) is not fully understood. In most cases, complications are so severe that the patients require hospitalization. The aim of this study is to discuss the most common symptoms in the course of PIMS in the individual systems. Review methods: The Medline database (Pubmed) was searched in March 2022 using the keywords: PIMS symptoms, MIS-C manifestations, hyperinflammation, post-COVID. English and Polish language papers published between 2020 and 2022 were selected. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Studies show that the most frequently occuring symptoms are fever, followed by gastrointestinal manifestations. However, the most serious complications have been reported in thecardiovascular system. It is estimated that up to half of the patients develop left ventricular failure or shock, and a quarter may develop coronary artery aneurysms. A large percentage of patients diagnosed with PIMS also manifest nervous system symptoms. In addition to symptoms, organic brain lesions have been described in imaging studies. In contrast to COVID-19 disease, respiratory complications are rare in PIMS. Respiratory failure, if present, usually develops secondary to cardiovascular failure. Summary: The current reports allow to state that PIMS is a rare, but serious disease affecting children most often in school age. Symptoms are not specific and may be different for each patient. Since the disease is difficult to diagnose, criteria have been developed that include the most common symptoms as well as a link to SARS-CoV-2 exposure. Key words: PIMS symptoms; MIS-C manifestations; hyperinflammation; post-COVIDWprowadzenie i cel pracy: Przebieg wielouk艂adowego zespo艂u zapalnego zwi膮zanego z SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS) nie jest do ko艅ca poznany. W wi臋kszo艣ci przypadk贸w powik艂ania s膮 na tyle powa偶ne, 偶e pacjenci wymagaj膮 hospitalizacji. Celem pracy jest om贸wienie najcz臋艣ciej wyst臋puj膮cych objaw贸w w przebiegu PIMS w poszczeg贸lnych uk艂adach. Materia艂 i metoda: W marcu 2022 roku zosta艂a przeszukana baza danych Medline (Pubmed) przy u偶yciu s艂贸w kluczowych: PIMS symptoms, MIS-C manifestations, hyperinflammation, post-COVID. Wybrane zosta艂y prace w j臋zyku angielskim i polskim, opublikowane w latach 2020-2022. Opis stanu wiedzy: Badania pokazuj膮, 偶e najcz臋艣ciej, zaraz po gor膮ce, wyst臋puj膮 dolegliwo艣ci ze strony uk艂adu pokarmowego. Najpowa偶niejsze powik艂ania odnotowano jednak w uk艂adzie sercowo-naczyniowym. Szacuje si臋, 偶e nawet u po艂owy pacjent贸w dochodzi do niewydolno艣ci lewokomorowej lub wstrz膮su, a u jednej czwartej mog膮 rozwin膮膰 si臋 t臋tniaki t臋tnic wie艅cowych. Du偶y odsetek chorych z rozpoznanym PIMS manifestuje r贸wnie偶 objawy ze strony uk艂adu nerwowego. Poza objawami podmiotowymi opisywano r贸wnie偶 zmiany organiczne m贸zgu. W przeciwie艅stwie do choroby COVID-19 powik艂ania w uk艂adzie oddechowym wyst臋puj膮 rzadko. Niewydolno艣膰 oddechowa, je偶eli wyst臋puje, najcz臋艣ciej rozwija si臋 wt贸rnie do niewydolno艣ci uk艂adu kr膮偶enia. Podsumowanie: Dotychczasowe doniesienia pozwalaj膮 stwierdzi膰, 偶e PIMS jest rzadk膮, aczkolwiek powa偶n膮 chorob膮 dotykaj膮c膮 dzieci najcz臋艣ciej w wieku szkolnym. Objawy wyst臋puj膮ce w jej przebiegu nie s膮 swoiste i mog膮 by膰 r贸偶ne u ka偶dego pacjenta. Rozpoznanie choroby jest trudne, dlatego opracowano kryteria obejmuj膮ce najcz臋艣ciej wyst臋puj膮ce objawy, a tak偶e powi膮zanie z ekspozycja na wirusa SARS-CoV-2. S艂owa klucz: PIMS symptoms; MIS-C manifestations; hyperinflammation; post-COVID &nbsp

    Complications after SARS-CoV2 virus infection in the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous systems and in the kidneys.

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    Introduction and objective: The mechanism by which the sars-cov-2 virus attacks organs and causes their long-term complications is not yet fully understood. Many patients who have had COVID-19 complain of various ailments more and more often, and some of them are admitted to hospitals as an emergency. The aim of the study is to present the most common complications after sars-cov-2聽 infection in selected systems and organs, as well as their consequences. Review methods: In February 2022, the Medline (PubMed) and Google Scholar databases were searched using the following keywords: after COVID-19 complications, long-term sequelae of covid-19, mortality after covid-19, post-covid, long covid . Works in English, French and German published in 2020-2022 were selected. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Accumulated statistics show that COVID-19 very often leaves fibrotic changes in the lungs and nonspecific symptoms such as shortness of breath, persistent headache and loss of taste and smell. Symptoms of right ventricular failure and heart attacks of various etiologies are often observed, and vascular endothelium activated by infection can lead to thrombotic disorders in the lungs, brain and peripheral vascular systems. There was also an increase in the incidence of acute kidney injury during the pandemic. Summary: The reports so far allow to state that the disease process associated with covid-19 does not stop once the main symptoms resolve.Inflammatory changes in the body can continue for a long time and can lead to irreversible complications, sometimes with catastrophic consequences.Wprowadzenie i cel pracy: Mechanizm w jaki wirus sars-cov-2 atakuje narz膮dy i powoduje ich d艂ugotrwa艂e powik艂ania nie jest do ko艅ca poznany. Wielu pacjent贸w, kt贸rzy przebyli COVID-19 coraz cz臋艣ciej skar偶y si臋 na r贸偶ne dolegliwo艣ci, a cz臋艣膰 z nich przyjmowana jest do szpitali trybie pilnym. Celem pracy jest przybli偶enie najcz臋艣ciej wyst臋puj膮cych komplikacji po infekcji sars-cov-2  w wybranych uk艂adach i narz膮dach, a tak偶e ich nast臋pstw. Materia艂 i metoda: W lutym 2022 roku przeszukano bazy danych Medline (PubMed) oraz Google Scholar przy u偶yciu s艂贸w kluczowych: after COVID-19 complications, long-term sequelae of covid-19, mortality after covid-19, post-covid, long covid . Zosta艂y wybrane prace w j臋zykach angielskim, francuskim i niemieckim opublikowane w latach 2020-2022. Opis stanu wiedzy: Zgromadzone statystyki pokazuj膮, 偶e COVID-19 bardzo cz臋sto pozostawia zmiany zw艂贸knieniowe w p艂ucach oraz niespecyficzne objawy takie jak duszno艣膰, utrzymuj膮cy si臋 b贸l g艂owy czy utrata smaku i w臋chu. Cz臋sto obserwuje si臋 symptomy niewydolno艣ci prawej komory serca i zawa艂y serca r贸偶nej etiologii, a aktywowany zaka偶eniem 艣r贸db艂onek naczy艅 mo偶e prowadzi膰 do zaburze艅 zakrzepowych w p艂ucach, m贸zgu i w obwodowym uk艂adzie naczyniowym. Podczas pandemii zanotowano tak偶e wzrost ilo艣ci przypadk贸w ostrego uszkodzenia nerek. Podsumowanie: Dotychczasowe doniesienia pozwalaj膮 stwierdzi膰, 偶e proces chorobowy zwi膮zany z covid-19 nie ko艅czy si臋 w momencie ust膮pienia g艂贸wnych objaw贸w. W organizmie zmiany zapalne mog膮 toczy膰 si臋 jeszcze d艂ugi czas i prowadzi膰 do nieodwracalnych powik艂a艅, niekiedy katastrofalnych w skutkach. S艂owa klucz: after covid complications; long-term sequelae of covid-19; mortality after covid-19; post-covid; long covi

    Measles: A disease that鈥檚 making a comeback

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    Introduction: Measles is a highly contagious viral disease that occurs around the world, featured by fever and the characteristic maculopapular rash, which can also be associated with cough, conjunctivitis or coryza. In recent years, there has been an alarming increase in the amount of measles cases in many countries around the world. The aim of this study is to review the literature and systematize knowledge about measles.Brief description of the state of knowledge: The disease is caused by the measles virus, which is highly infectious, and its only reservoir is humans. The infection occurs via droplets, and the disease is a three-phase course. Unfortunately, measles is behind multiple complications, which may lead to death. In view of no specific antiviral therapies available for the treatment of measles, controlling the spread of the disease depends on prophylaxis, that is the use of widely available and effective vaccination against measles. Despite the presence of vaccines, there is still a substantial risk of further endemic outbreaks.  Conclusions: Nowadays, the elimination of measles is a major challenge due to increasing population density, ongoing wars, pandemics and other social and political factors. Hence, it remains paramount to make every effort to increase the quantity of people vaccinated against measles and to control its spread globally

    Selected effects of combined oral contraceptives use

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    Introduction and objective:: Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are one of the most popular methods of contraception worldwide. The universality of this method leads to the constant analysis of its influence on the female body. The purpose of this study is to discuss selected side effects of COC use. Review methods: In July 2022, articles found in the Medline (Pubmed) and Google Scholar databases were selected by using the following keywords: oral contraceptive use; risk of cancer; depression; side effects of hormonal contraception; venous thrombosis. Brief description of the state of knowledge: COC use has been shown to be associated with a 2-6 fold increase in the risk of developing venous thromboembolism (VTE). The component responsible for this side effect was initially thought to be synthetic estrogen - ethinylestradiol. It is now recognized as having the greatest influence on mood disorders. An increased risk of cancer has been reported in women taking COCs in case of breast cancer and liver cancer. Inverse relationship was observed in colorectal cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer. Summary: COC use can have side effects, but it also has many health benefits. Therefore, it is important to constantly learn about this topic and minimize the risk of adverse side effects

    The effectiveness of negative pressure wound therapy compared to the traditional method in the treatment of diabetic foot

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    Introduction and objective: Diabetes is one of the most common metabolic diseases in the world. Diabetic foot ulcers, which are often the result of the disease, are undoubtedly a nursing challenge. Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a new therapeutic method supporting wound healing, which has been useful in patients with diabetic foot. The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of negative pressure therapy in comparison to the standard method in the treatment of diabetic foot. Review methods: In February 2023, articles found in the Medline (Pubmed) and Google Scholar databases were selected by using the following keywords: negative pressure wound therapy; VAC therapy; traditional dressing; standard moist wound care; diabetic foot. Brief description of the state of knowledge: NPWT has been proven to be associated with reduced healing time and faster appearance of granulation tissue, which is a sign of wound healing. Patients using this method require fewer dressing changes and surgical cleanings. Negative pressure therapy reduces the time to rehospitalisation and聽 the risk of amputation or resection of the diabetic foot. Summary: Negative pressure wound therapy is more effective in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers than traditional therapy. Despite the costs associated with NPWT being higher, the method proves to be more profitable. It is important to remember about good therapy technique and proper selection of patients

    Spatio-temporal distribution of cell wall components in the placentas, ovules and female gametophytes of Utricularia during pollination

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    In most angiosperms, the female gametophyte is hidden in the mother tissues and the pollen tube enters the ovule via a micropylar canal. The mother tissues play an essential role in the pollen tube guidance. However, in Utricularia, the female gametophyte surpasses the entire micropylar canal and extends beyond the limit of the integument. The female gametophyte then invades the placenta and a part of the central cell has direct contact with the ovary chamber. To date, information about the role of the placenta and integument in pollen tube guidance in Utricularia, which have extra-ovular female gametophytes, has been lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of the placenta, central cell and integument in pollen tube pollen tube guidance in Utricularia nelumbifolia Gardner and Utricularia humboldtii R.H. Schomb. by studying the production of arabinogalactan proteins. It was also determined whether the production of the arabinogalactan proteins is dependent on pollination in Utricularia. In both of the examined species, arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) were observed in the placenta (epidermis and nutritive tissue), ovule (integument, chalaza), and female gametophyte of both pollinated and unpollinated flowers, which means that the production of AGPs is independent of pollination; however, the production of some AGPs was lower after fertilization. There were some differences in the production of AGPs between the examined species. The occurrence of AGPs in the placental epidermis and nutritive tissue suggests that they function as an obturator. The production of some AGPs in the ovular tissues (nucellus, integument) was independent of the presence of a mature embryo sac

    Symptoms of ectodermal dysplasia according to Freire-Maia and Pinheiro

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    Ectodermal dysplasia (ED) is a脗聽congenital syndrome of developmental disorders in tissues derived from the ectoderm. The inheritance of ED may be autosomal dominant or recessive. The distinctive features of this syndrome involve the skin and appendages, dentition, eye, ear, adrenal glands, nervous system and facial part of the skull. Over 200 forms of this disease are described, about 120 include symptoms located in the oral cavity and dentition. One of the several classifications, by Freire-Maia and Pinheiro, is based on the presence of four leading clinical symptoms: hair disorders, dental anomalies, nail disorders and dyshidrosis. ED needs multidisciplinary treatment because of the multitude and variety of its symptoms

    Influence of perinatal factors on gene expression of IAPs family and main factors of pluripotency: OCT4 and SOX2 in human breast milk stem cells : a preliminary report

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    Due to their therapeutic potential, mesenchymal stem cells are the subject of intensive research on the use of their potential in the treatment of, among others, neurodegenerative diseases or immunological diseases. They are among the newest in the field of medicine. The presented study aimed to evaluate the expression of eight genes from the IAP family and the gene regulating IAP鈥擷AF1鈥攊n stem cells derived from human milk, using the qPCR method. The relationships between the expression of genes under study and clinical data, such as maternal age, maternal BMI, week of pregnancy in which the delivery took place, bodyweight of the newborn, the number of pregnancies and deliveries, and the time elapsed since delivery, were also analyzed. The research was carried out on samples of human milk collected from 42 patients hospitalized in The Clinic of Obstetrics and Perinatology of the Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4, in Lublin. The conducted research confirmed the expression of the following genes in the tested material: NAIP, BIRC2, BIRC3, BIRC5, BIRC6, BIRC8, XIAP, XAF1, OCT4 and SOX2. Moreover, several dependencies of the expression of individual genes on the maternal BMI (BIRC5, XAF1 and NAIP), the time since childbirth (BIRC5, BIRC6, XAF1 and NAIP), the number of pregnancies and deliveries (BIRC2, BIRC5, BIRC6 and XAF1), the manner of delivery (XAF1 and OCT4), preterm labor (BIRC6 and NAIP) were demonstrated. Additionally, we found positive relationships between gene expression of BIRC7, BIRC8 and XAF1 and the main factors of pluripotency: SOX2 and OCT4. This work is the first to investigate the expression of genes from the IAPs family in mother鈥檚 milk stem cells