273 research outputs found

    Cuidados prestados à mulher na visita domiciliar da “Primeira Semana de Saúde Integral”

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    Objetivo: Avaliar o cuidado prestado à mulher na visita domiciliar da “Primeira Semana de Saúde Integral”.Método: Estudo transversal realizado em serviço especializado do Recife, Pernambuco. Entre setembro e dezembro de 2013, 190 puérperas cadastradas na Estratégia Saúde da Família responderam a um questionário para verificar a existência de associação entre a visita domiciliar e as variáveis investigadas, utilizando o teste Qui-quadrado, com nível de confiança de 95%.Resultados: Predominou idade de até 29 anos (68,5%) e risco gestacional alto (59,5%), sendo 46,9% primíparas. Na primeira semana pós-alta, 42,1% receberam visita. Constatou-se associação entre atenção pré-natal em nível local e visita na primeira semana (p=0,049). A participação do enfermeiro na visita estava associada à maior realização de exame de mama (p=0,000), abdômen (p=0,000) e investigação de condições emocionais (p=0,029).Conclusões: Evidencia-se a necessidade de instituir um planejamento rotineiro para efetuar a visita domiciliar programática, priorizando as puérperas de risco.Palavras-chave: Período pós-parto. Visita domiciliar. Estratégia Saúde da Família. Saúde da mulher. Avaliação em saúde

    Classical kinetic energy, quantum fluctuation terms and kinetic-energy functionals

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    We employ a recently formulated dequantization procedure to obtain an exact expression for the kinetic energy which is applicable to all kinetic-energy functionals. We express the kinetic energy of an N-electron system as the sum of an N-electron classical kinetic energy and an N-electron purely quantum kinetic energy arising from the quantum fluctuations that turn the classical momentum into the quantum momentum. This leads to an interesting analogy with Nelson's stochastic approach to quantum mechanics, which we use to conceptually clarify the physical nature of part of the kinetic-energy functional in terms of statistical fluctuations and in direct correspondence with Fisher Information Theory. We show that the N-electron purely quantum kinetic energy can be written as the sum of the (one-electron) Weizsacker term and an (N-1)-electron kinetic correlation term. We further show that the Weizsacker term results from local fluctuations while the kinetic correlation term results from the nonlocal fluctuations. For one-electron orbitals (where kinetic correlation is neglected) we obtain an exact (albeit impractical) expression for the noninteracting kinetic energy as the sum of the classical kinetic energy and the Weizsacker term. The classical kinetic energy is seen to be explicitly dependent on the electron phase and this has implications for the development of accurate orbital-free kinetic-energy functionals. Also, there is a direct connection between the classical kinetic energy and the angular momentum and, across a row of the periodic table, the classical kinetic energy component of the noninteracting kinetic energy generally increases as Z increases.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure. To appear in Theor Chem Ac

    Aromatase expression is increased in BRCA1 mutation carriers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Until recently, the molecular mechanisms explaining increased incidence of ovarian and breast cancers in carriers of <it>BRCA1 </it>gene mutations had not been clearly understood. Of significance is the finding that BRCA1 negatively regulates aromatase expression <it>in vitro</it>. Our objective was to characterise aromatase gene <it>(CYP19A1) </it>and its promoter expression in breast adipose and ovarian tissue in <it>BRCA1 </it>mutation carriers and unaffected controls.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We measured aromatase transcripts, total and promoter-specific (PII, PI.3, PI.4) in prophylactic oophorectomy or mastectomy, therapeutic mastectomy, ovarian and breast tissue from unaffected women.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that the lack of functional BRCA1 protein correlates to higher aromatase levels in 85% of <it>BRCA1 </it>mutation carriers. This increase is mediated by aberrant transcriptional regulation of aromatase; in breast adipose by increases in promoter II/I.3 and I.4-specific transcripts; and in the ovary with elevation in promoter I.3 and II-specific transcripts.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Understanding the link between BRCA1 and aromatase is significant in terms of understanding why carcinogenesis is restricted to estrogen-producing tissues in <it>BRCA1 </it>mutation carriers.</p

    Unexpected Course of Nonlinear Cardiac Interbeat Interval Dynamics during Childhood and Adolescence

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    The fluctuations of the cardiac interbeat series contain rich information because they reflect variations of other functions on different time scales (e.g., respiration or blood pressure control). Nonlinear measures such as complexity and fractal scaling properties derived from 24 h heart rate dynamics of healthy subjects vary from childhood to old age. In this study, the age-related variations during childhood and adolescence were addressed. In particular, the cardiac interbeat interval series was quantified with respect to complexity and fractal scaling properties. The R-R interval series of 409 healthy children and adolescents (age range: 1 to 22 years, 220 females) was analyzed with respect to complexity (Approximate Entropy, ApEn) and fractal scaling properties on three time scales: long-term (slope β of the power spectrum, log power vs. log frequency, in the frequency range 10−4 to 10−2 Hz) intermediate-term (DFA, detrended fluctuation analysis, α2) and short-term (DFA α1). Unexpectedly, during age 7 to 13 years β and ApEn were higher compared to the age <7 years and age >13 years (β: −1.06 vs. −1.21; ApEn: 0.88 vs. 0.74). Hence, the heart rate dynamics were closer to a 1/f power law and most complex between 7 and 13 years. However, DFA α1 and α2 increased with progressing age similar to measures reflecting linear properties. In conclusion, the course of long-term fractal scaling properties and complexity of heart rate dynamics during childhood and adolescence indicates that these measures reflect complex changes possibly linked to hormonal changes during pre-puberty and puberty

    Induced autotetraploidy in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)

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    In chickpea, out of three colchicine concentrations and two treatment durations used (combinations of 0.25, 0.05, 0.025% colchicine and 4 and 6 h duration), seed treatment with 0.25% for 4 h proved to be the most effective in producing autotetraploids. Colchicine treatment on seedlings failed. The induced tetraploidy was accompanied by larger leaves, flowers, stomata, pollen grains and seeds. Mean percentage stainable pollen and podset were reduced, but some plants had relatively normal meiosis and produced as many pods as the diploid parent, indicating the potential of induced autotetraploids in chickpea improvement

    Assessing the importance of car meanings and attitudes in consumer evaluations of electric vehicles

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    This paper reports findings from a research study which assesses the importance of attitudinal constructs related to general car attitudes and the meanings attached to car ownership over evaluations of electric vehicles (EVs). The data are assessed using principal component analysis to evaluate the structure of the underlying attitudinal constructs. The identified constructs are then entered into a hierarchical regression analysis which uses either positive or negative evaluations of the instrumental capabilities of EVs as the dependent variable. Results show that attitudinal constructs offer additional predictive power over socioeconomic characteristics and that the symbolic and emotive meanings of car ownership are as, if not more, effective in explaining the assessment of EV instrumental capability as compared to issues of cost and environmental concern. Additionally, the more important an individual considers their car to be in their everyday life, the more negative their evaluations are of EVs whilst individuals who claim to be knowledgeable about cars in general and EVs in particular have a lower propensity for negative EV attitudes. However, positive and negative EV attitudes are related to different attitudinal constructs suggesting that it is possible for someone to hold both negative and positive assessments at the same time

    The Signaling Petri Net-Based Simulator: A Non-Parametric Strategy for Characterizing the Dynamics of Cell-Specific Signaling Networks

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    Reconstructing cellular signaling networks and understanding how they work are major endeavors in cell biology. The scale and complexity of these networks, however, render their analysis using experimental biology approaches alone very challenging. As a result, computational methods have been developed and combined with experimental biology approaches, producing powerful tools for the analysis of these networks. These computational methods mostly fall on either end of a spectrum of model parameterization. On one end is a class of structural network analysis methods; these typically use the network connectivity alone to generate hypotheses about global properties. On the other end is a class of dynamic network analysis methods; these use, in addition to the connectivity, kinetic parameters of the biochemical reactions to predict the network's dynamic behavior. These predictions provide detailed insights into the properties that determine aspects of the network's structure and behavior. However, the difficulty of obtaining numerical values of kinetic parameters is widely recognized to limit the applicability of this latter class of methods

    Protocol for a randomized controlled study of Iyengar yoga for youth with irritable bowel syndrome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Irritable bowel syndrome affects as many as 14% of high school-aged students. Symptoms include discomfort in the abdomen, along with diarrhea and/or constipation and other gastroenterological symptoms that can significantly impact quality of life and daily functioning. Emotional stress appears to exacerbate irritable bowel syndrome symptoms suggesting that mind-body interventions reducing arousal may prove beneficial. For many sufferers, symptoms can be traced to childhood and adolescence, making the early manifestation of irritable bowel syndrome important to understand. The current study will focus on young people aged 14-26 years with irritable bowel syndrome. The study will test the potential benefits of Iyengar yoga on clinical symptoms, psychospiritual functioning and visceral sensitivity. Yoga is thought to bring physical, psychological and spiritual benefits to practitioners and has been associated with reduced stress and pain. Through its focus on restoration and use of props, Iyengar yoga is especially designed to decrease arousal and promote psychospiritual resources in physically compromised individuals. An extensive and standardized teacher-training program support Iyengar yoga's reliability and safety. It is hypothesized that yoga will be feasible with less than 20% attrition; and the yoga group will demonstrate significantly improved outcomes compared to controls, with physiological and psychospiritual mechanisms contributing to improvements.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Sixty irritable bowel syndrome patients aged 14-26 will be randomly assigned to a standardized 6-week twice weekly Iyengar yoga group-based program or a wait-list usual care control group. The groups will be compared on the primary clinical outcomes of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, quality of life and global improvement at post-treatment and 2-month follow-up. Secondary outcomes will include visceral pain sensitivity assessed with a standardized laboratory task (water load task), functional disability and psychospiritual variables including catastrophizing, self-efficacy, mood, acceptance and mindfulness. Mechanisms of action involved in the proposed beneficial effects of yoga upon clinical outcomes will be explored, and include the mediating effects of visceral sensitivity, increased psychospiritual resources, regulated autonomic nervous system responses and regulated hormonal stress response assessed via salivary cortisol.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrials.gov <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01107977">NCT01107977</a>.</p