457 research outputs found

    The reception in Spain of African literature written in English: Statistical data generation using the specialised bibliographic database BDÁFRICA

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    El presente artículo examina la recepción de la literatura africana en lengua inglesa en España basándonos en BDÁFRICA, una base de datos bibliográfica que recoge obras de autores nacidos en África y publicadas en español y en España entre 1972 y 2014. Se ofrece una reflexión crítica de las dificultades para definir la literatura africana como objeto de estudio, debido a su complejidad y heterogeneidad. Se propone, además, un conciso recorrido historiográfico por la conformación del canon de dicha literatura que se ha realizado desde Occidente. Asimismo, se demuestra la falta de estudios estadísticos sobre la recepción de literatura africana en lengua inglesa en España. Respondiendo a esta necesidad, el objetivo del artículo es detallar y analizar los datos estadísticos inéditos que proporciona la base de datos, adoptando una metodología descriptiva. Los resultados de este estudio, que aporta datos cuantitativos y cualitativos fiables y novedosos, son originales en tanto en cuanto reflejan y señalan los problemas de la traducción de la literatura africana en lengua inglesa en España. BDÁFRICA, que es gratuita y está disponible en red, pretende ser un recurso y una fuente que estimule el desarrollo de la investigación en literatura poscolonial en España. Sin duda, esta base de datos bibliográfica especializada es una herramienta muy valiosa, especialmente para investigadores, traductores y editoriales interesados en literatura africana.English translation of abstract: This paper explores the reception in Spain of African literature written originally in English by focusing on BDÁFRICA, a bibliographical database of works of fiction by African-born authors published in Spain, in Spanish between 1972 and 2014. It provides a critical reflection on the constraints of defining the object of study when African literature is discussed, due to the complexity and heterogeneity of such literature. It also proposes a concise historiographical journey through the Western canon formation of African literature in English. Additionally, it evidences the lack of quantitative studies on the reception in Spain of African literature in English. To cater to this need, the aim of this paper is to report and analyse the groundbreaking statistical data the database itself provides by following a descriptive approach. The findings of this study, which provides reliable and unprecedented quantitative and qualitative data, are original in the sense that they map and highlight the problems of the reception of African literature in English, and translated in Spain. This shows BDÁFRICA, which is free and available online, as a primary (re)source for work to pave the way for the development of postcolonial literature research in Spain. This specialised bibliographical database is undoubtedly an invaluable tool, especially for researchers, translators and publishing houses interested in African literature.Published versio

    BDAFRICA: Design and implementation of a database of Postcolonial African literature published in Spain

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    Este trabajo demuestra que no existe un repositorio que incluya los autores poscoloniales africanos publicados hasta el momento en España y que permita, por ende, realizar estudios cuantitativos y cualitativos del impacto de esta literatura con la precisión deseable. Esto supone una carencia tanto para investigaciones académicas como para el sector editorial a la hora de analizar tendencias de selección y recepción en el mercado. Ante esta situación, el objetivo primordial de este trabajo es diseñar e implementar una base de datos, basada en MySQL y delimitada por unos parámetros muy concretos, que recoja todas las obras de autores africanos publicadas en castellano en España entre 1972 (año en que España se unió al sistema ISBN) y 2014. Tras determinar unos criterios de diseño y unos protocolos de compilación específcos, el desarrollo metodológico se ha dividido en cuatro fases: recopilación, almacenamiento, tratamiento y difusión de los datos. Así, la base de datos BDÁFRICA consigue un doble objetivo: por un lado, proporciona a los investigadores datos fables en los que basar sus estudios y, por otro, permitiría ofrecer por primera vez datos estadísticos de la evolución de la publicación de obras de autores africanos en España en los últimos 42 años.English version of abstract: This paper evidences the absence of a repository or database that scompiles the publications of Postcolonial African writing in Spain, thus precluding comprehensive quantitative or qualitative studies on the impact of these works. This is a significant obstacle for both academic research and the book market, which up to now has been unable to analyse market selection and reception trends. To cater for this need, the aim of this paper is to describe the design and implementation of a relational database, based on MySQL and set up using specific and accurate parameters, that includes all the literary works penned by African writers and published in Spain and in Spanish from 1972 (when Spain first joined the ISBN system) to 2014. After determining a number of specific design criteria and compilation protocols, the methodology has been divided into four steps: data collection, storage, statistical processing and online dissemination. Thus, the database BDAFRICA achieves a twofold objective: firstly, it provides researchers with unbiased data as a framework for their studies, and secondly, it offers unprecedented statistics on the evolution of the publication of African literature in Spain over the last 42 years.Published versio

    Desarrollo gradual de las competencias transversales en el grado de farmacia. Metodologías y herramientas de evaluación para el “profesional en formación”

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    Aim: To set different levels of acquisition of some cross-curricular competencies in the Pharmacy Degree and to design and implement methodologies and tools to allow their development and evaluation along the whole curriculum.Matherial and Method: Different active methodologies have been used, and tasks and evaluation rubrics have been prepared to be applied in the different levels defined for the cross-curricular competencies selected: written communication skills, information seeking, and teamwork. Similarly, a student satisfaction survey has been designed in order to evaluate the implementation of the experience.Results: The results obtained in the core subjects of the 1st and 2nd year of the Pharmacy Degree (Physical Chemistry, Immunology and General Microbiology and Parasitology) for the competences of written communication skills, teamwork and information seeking, in levels 1 and 2, have been very successful in terms of the acquisition of competences and in the suitability of the different tasks and evaluation tools proposed.Conclusions: The tools designed to evaluate these cross-curricular competencies can be adapted to any subject and knowledge field, in addition, they allow the student to be aware of the criteria used for his evaluation. The present work has strengthened the formation and development of teaching groups and has eased the coordination among the different subjects of the Pharmacy Degree.Objetivo: Establecer niveles de dominio de algunas competencias transversales del Grado de Farmacia y diseñar e implementar metodologías y herramientas que permitan su desarrollo y evaluación a lo largo de la Titulación.Material y Método: Se han utilizado metodologías activas, diseñado actividades y elaborado rúbricas de evaluación para utilizar en los distintos niveles definidos para las competencias transversales elegidas: comunicación escrita, búsqueda de información y trabajo en equipo. Se ha elaborado una encuesta de satisfacción, que ha permitido valorar la experiencia realizada.Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos en tres asignaturas de primer y segundo curso de Farmacia (Fisicoquímica, Inmunología y Microbiología y Parasitología General) para las competencias de la comunicación escrita, trabajo en equipo y búsqueda de información, en los niveles de dominio 1 y 2, han sido muy positivos en la adquisición de las competencias y en la adecuación de actividades y herramientas de evaluación.Conclusiones: Las herramientas diseñadas, se pueden adaptar a cualquier materia y área de conocimiento para valorar estas competencias transversales, además, permiten al alumno conocer los criterios con los que va a ser evaluado. El presente trabajo ha potenciado la creación y desarrollo de grupos docentes y favorecido la coordinación entre asignaturas de la titulación

    Treatment of bone tumours by radiofrequency thermal ablation

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    Radiofrequency thermal ablation (RFTA) is considered the treatment of choice for osteoid osteomas, in which it has long been safely used. Other benign conditions (chondroblastoma, osteoblastoma, giant cell tumour, etc.) can also be treated by this technique, which is less invasive than traditional surgical procedures. RFTA ablation is also an option for the palliation of localized, painful osteolytic metastatic and myeloma lesions. The reduction in pain improves the quality of life of patients with cancer, who often have multiple morbidities and a limited life expectancy. In some cases, these patients are treated with RFTA because conventional therapies (surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, etc.) have been exhausted. In other cases, it is combined with conventional therapies or other percutaneous treatments, e.g., cementoplasty, offering faster pain relief and bone strengthening. A multidisciplinary approach to the management of these patients is recommended to select the optimal treatment, including orthopaedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, medical and radiation oncologists and interventional radiologists

    Spain: Underwater Exploration on a Narrow Continental Shelf

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    In spite of Spain’s long coastline (nearly 8000 km) and its well-established tradition in underwater archaeology, the prehistoric settlement of the continental shelf is practically unknown with very few finds. Underwater research has focused on naval archaeology and, until very recently, no attempt had been made to look for prehistoric underwater sites. In the past decade,new research projects have been launched to explore selected areas on the Cantabrian shelf and offshore of Gibraltar. This chapter summarises the currently available evidence of submerged prehistoric archaeology and the preliminary results of these new project

    Efficacy and safety of a multifactor intervention to improve therapeutic adherence in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): protocol for the ICEPOC study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Low therapeutic adherence to medication is very common. Clinical effectiveness is related to dose rate and route of administration and so poor therapeutic adherence can reduce the clinical benefit of treatment. The therapeutic adherence of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is extremely poor according to most studies. The research about COPD adherence has mainly focussed on quantifying its effect, and few studies have researched factors that affect non-adherence. Our study will evaluate the effectiveness of a multifactor intervention to improve the therapeutic adherence of COPD patients.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A randomized controlled clinical trial with 140 COPD diagnosed patients selected by a non-probabilistic method of sampling. Subjects will be randomly allocated into two groups, using the block randomization technique. Every patient in each group will be visited four times during the year of the study. Intervention: Motivational aspects related to adherence (beliefs and behaviour): group and individual interviews; cognitive aspects: information about illness; skills: inhaled technique training. Reinforcement of the cognitive-emotional aspects and inhaled technique training will be carried out in all visits of the intervention group.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Adherence to a prescribed treatment involves a behavioural change. Cognitive, emotional and motivational aspects influence this change and so we consider the best intervention procedure to improve adherence would be a cognitive and emotional strategy which could be applied in daily clinical practice. Our hypothesis is that the application of a multifactor intervention (COPD information, dose reminders and reinforcing audiovisual material, motivational aspects and inhalation technique training) to COPD patients taking inhaled treatment will give a 25% increase in the number of patients showing therapeutic adherence in this group compared to the control group.</p> <p>We will evaluate the effectiveness of this multifactor intervention on patient adherence to inhaled drugs considering that it will be right and feasible to the clinical practice context.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials <a href="http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISCTN18841601">ISCTN18841601</a></p

    Is it possible to diagnose the therapeutic adherence of patients with COPD in clinical practice? A cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Therapeutic adherence of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is poor. It is therefore necessary to determine the magnitude of non-adherence to develop strategies to correct this behaviour. The purpose of this study was to analyse the diagnostic validity of indirect adherence methods.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sample: 195 COPD patients undergoing scheduled inhaled treatment attending 5 Primary Care Centres of Malaga, Spain. Variables: Sociodemographic profile, illness data, spirometry, quality of life (St. George Respiratory Questionnaire: SGRQ), and inhaled medication counting (count of dose/pill or electronic monitoring) were collected. The patient's knowledge of COPD (Batalla test:BT),their attitude towards treatment (Morisky-Green test: MGT) and their self-reported therapeutic adherence (Haynes-Sackett test: HST) were used as methods of evaluating adherence. The follow-up consisted four visits over one year (the recruitment visit: V0; and after 1 month:V1; 6 months:V2; and 1 year:V3).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean age was 69.59 (95% CI, 68.29-70.89) years old and 93.8% were male. Other findings included: 85.4% had a low educational level, 23.6% were smokers, 71.5% mild-moderate COPD stage with a FEV1 = 56.86 (SD = 18.85); exacerbations per year = 1.41(95% CI, 1-1.8). The total SGRQ score was 44.96 (95% CI, 42.46-47.46), showing a mild self-perceived impairment in health. The prevalence of adherence (dose/pill count) was 68.1% (95% CI, 60.9-75.3) at V1, 80% (95% CI, 73-87) at V2 and 84% (95% CI, 77.9) at V3. The MGT showed a specificity of 67.34% at V1, 76.19% at V2 and 69.62% at V3. The sensitivity was 53.33% at V1, 66.66% at V2 and 33.33% at V3.The BT showed a specificity of 55.1% at V1, 70.23% at V2 and 67.09% at V3. The sensitivity was 68.88% at V1, 71.43% at V2 and 46.66% at V3. Considering both tests together, the specificity was 86.73% at V1, 94.04% at V2 and 92.49% at V3 and the sensitivity was 37.77% at V1, 47.62% at V2 and 13.3% at V3.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The prevalence of treatment adherence changes over time. Indirect methods (dose/pill count and self-reported) can be useful to detect non-adherence in COPD patients. The combination of MGT and BT is the best approach to test self-reported adherence.</p

    Use of tocilizumab in kidney transplant recipients with COVID-1

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    Acute respiratory distress syndrome associated with coronavirus infection is related to a cytokine storm with large interleukin-6 (IL-6) release. The IL-6-receptor blocker tocilizumab may control the aberrant host immune response in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) . In this pandemic, kidney transplant (KT) recipients are a high-risk population for severe infection and showed poor outcomes. We present a multicenter cohort study of 80 KT patients with severe COVID-19 treated with tocilizumab during hospital admission. High mortality rate was identified (32.5%), related with older age (hazard ratio [HR] 3.12 for those older than 60 years, P = .039). IL-6 and other inflammatory markers, including lactic acid dehydrogenase, ferritin, and D-dimer increased early after tocilizumab administration and their values were higher in nonsurvivors. Instead, C-reactive protein (CRP) levels decreased after tocilizumab, and this decrease positively correlated with survival (mean 12.3 mg/L in survivors vs. 33 mg/L in nonsurvivors). Each mg/L of CRP soon after tocilizumab increased the risk of death by 1% (HR 1.01 [confidence interval 1.004-1.024], P = .003). Although patients who died presented with worse respiratory situation at admission, this was not significantly different at tocilizumab administration and did not have an impact on outcome in the multivariate analysis. Tocilizumab may be effective in controlling cytokine storm in COVID-19 but randomized trials are needed

    The Emotional and Attentional Impact of Exposure to One's Own Body in Bulimia Nervosa: A Physiological View

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    Background: Body dissatisfaction is the most relevant body image disturbance in bulimia nervosa (BN). Research has shown that viewing one's own body evokes negative thoughts and emotions in individuals with BN. However, the psychophysiological mechanisms involved in this negative reaction have not yet been clearly established. Our aim was to examine the emotional and attentional processes that are activated when patients with BN view their own bodies. Method: We examined the effects of viewing a video of one's own body on the physiological (eye-blink startle, cardiac defense, and skin conductance) and subjective (pleasure, arousal, and control ratings) responses elicited by a burst of 110 dB white noise of 500 ms duration. The participants were 30 women with BN and 30 healthy control women. The experimental task consisted of two consecutive and counterbalanced presentations of the auditory stimulus preceded, alternatively, by a video of the participant's own body versus no such video. Results: The results showed that, when viewing their own bodies, women with BN experienced (a) greater inhibition of the startle reflex, (b) greater cardiac acceleration in the first component of the defense reaction, (c) greater skin conductance response, and (d) less subjective pleasure and control combined with greater arousal, compared with the control participants. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that, for women with BN, peripheral-physiological responses to self-images are dominated by attentional processes, which provoke an immobility reaction caused by a dysfunctional negative response to their own body.The present research was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [PSI2009-08417 and PSI2012-31395]. P.P. was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and University Jaume I [ECO2011-23634, P1-1B2012-27, and JCI-2010-06790]