107 research outputs found

    Vision and Foraging in Cormorants: More like Herons than Hawks?

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    Background Great cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo L.) show the highest known foraging yield for a marine predator and they are often perceived to be in conflict with human economic interests. They are generally regarded as visually-guided, pursuit-dive foragers, so it would be expected that cormorants have excellent vision much like aerial predators, such as hawks which detect and pursue prey from a distance. Indeed cormorant eyes appear to show some specific adaptations to the amphibious life style. They are reported to have a highly pliable lens and powerful intraocular muscles which are thought to accommodate for the loss of corneal refractive power that accompanies immersion and ensures a well focussed image on the retina. However, nothing is known of the visual performance of these birds and how this might influence their prey capture technique. Methodology/Principal Findings We measured the aquatic visual acuity of great cormorants under a range of viewing conditions (illuminance, target contrast, viewing distance) and found it to be unexpectedly poor. Cormorant visual acuity under a range of viewing conditions is in fact comparable to unaided humans under water, and very inferior to that of aerial predators. We present a prey detectability model based upon the known acuity of cormorants at different illuminances, target contrasts and viewing distances. This shows that cormorants are able to detect individual prey only at close range (less than 1 m). Conclusions/Significance We conclude that cormorants are not the aquatic equivalent of hawks. Their efficient hunting involves the use of specialised foraging techniques which employ brief short-distance pursuit and/or rapid neck extension to capture prey that is visually detected or flushed only at short range. This technique appears to be driven proximately by the cormorant's limited visual capacities, and is analogous to the foraging techniques employed by herons

    A toothed turtle from the Late Jurassic of China and the global biogeographic history of turtles

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    Turtles (Testudinata) are a successful lineage of vertebrates with about 350 extant species that inhabit all major oceans and landmasses with tropical to temperate climates. The rich fossil record of turtles documents the adaptation of various sub- lineages to a broad range of habitat preferences, but a synthetic biogeographic model is still lacking for the group.Results: We herein describe a new species of fossil turtle from the Late Jurassic of Xinjiang, China, Sichuanchelys palatodentata sp. nov., that is highly unusual by plesiomorphically exhibiting palatal teeth. Phylogenetic analysis places the Late Jurassic Sichuanchelys palatodentata in a clade with the Late Cretaceous Mongolochelys efremovi outside crown group Testudines thereby establishing the prolonged presence of a previously unrecognized clade of turtles in Asia, herein named Sichuanchelyidae. In contrast to previous hypotheses, M. efremovi and Kallokibotion bajazidi are not found within Meiolaniformes, a clade that is here reinterpreted as being restricted to Gondwana.Conclusions: A revision of the global distribution of fossil and recent turtle reveals that the three primary lineages of derived, aquatic turtles, including the crown, Paracryptodira, Pan-Pleurodira, and Pan- Cryptodira can be traced back to the Middle Jurassic of Euramerica, Gondwana, and Asia, respectively, which resulted from the primary break up of Pangaea at that time. The two primary lineages of Pleurodira, Pan-Pelomedusoides and Pan-Chelidae, can similarly be traced back to the Cretaceous of northern and southern Gondwana, respectively, which were separated from one another by a large desert zone during that time. The primary divergence of crown turtles was therefore driven by vicariance to the primary freshwater aquatic habitat of these lineages. The temporally persistent lineages of basal turtles, Helochelydridae, Meiolaniformes, Sichuanchelyidae, can similarly be traced back to the Late Mesozoic of Euramerica, southern Gondwana, and Asia. Given the ambiguous phylogenetic relationships of these three lineages, it is unclear if their diversification was driven by vicariance as well, or if they display a vicariance-like pattern. The clean, primary signal apparent among early turtles is secondarily obliterated throughout the Late Cretaceous to Recent by extensive dispersal of continental turtles and by multiple invasions of marine habitats

    Sequence-defined multifunctional polyethers via liquid-phase synthesis with molecular sieving

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    Synthetic chemists have devoted tremendous effort towards the production of precision synthetic polymers with defined sequences and specific functions. However, the creation of a general technology that enables precise control over monomer sequence, with efficient isolation of the target polymers, is highly challenging. Here, we report a robust strategy for the production of sequence-defined synthetic polymers through a combination of liquid-phase synthesis and selective molecular sieving. The polymer is assembled in solution with real-time monitoring to ensure couplings proceed to completion, on a three-armed star-shaped macromolecule to maximize efficiency during the molecular sieving process. This approach is applied to the construction of sequence-defined polyethers, with side-arms at precisely defined locations that can undergo site-selective modification after polymerization. Using this versatile strategy, we have introduced structural and functional diversity into sequence-defined polyethers, unlocking their potential for real-life applications in nanotechnology, healthcare and information storage

    The neuropathology of autism: defects of neurogenesis and neuronal migration, and dysplastic changes

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    Autism is characterized by a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations including qualitative impairments in social interactions and communication, and repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Abnormal acceleration of brain growth in early childhood, signs of slower growth of neurons, and minicolumn developmental abnormalities suggest multiregional alterations. The aim of this study was to detect the patterns of focal qualitative developmental defects and to identify brain regions that are prone to developmental alterations in autism. Formalin-fixed brain hemispheres of 13 autistic (4–60 years of age) and 14 age-matched control subjects were embedded in celloidin and cut into 200-μm-thick coronal sections, which were stained with cresyl violet and used for neuropathological evaluation. Thickening of the subependymal cell layer in two brains and subependymal nodular dysplasia in one brain is indicative of active neurogenesis in two autistic children. Subcortical, periventricular, hippocampal and cerebellar heterotopias detected in the brains of four autistic subjects (31%) reflect abnormal neuronal migration. Multifocal cerebral dysplasia resulted in local distortion of the cytoarchitecture of the neocortex in four brains (31%), of the entorhinal cortex in two brains (15%), of the cornu Ammonis in four brains and of the dentate gyrus in two brains. Cerebellar flocculonodular dysplasia detected in six subjects (46%), focal dysplasia in the vermis in one case, and hypoplasia in one subject indicate local failure of cerebellar development in 62% of autistic subjects. Detection of flocculonodular dysplasia in only one control subject and of a broad spectrum of focal qualitative neuropathological developmental changes in 12 of 13 examined brains of autistic subjects (92%) reflects multiregional dysregulation of neurogenesis, neuronal migration and maturation in autism, which may contribute to the heterogeneity of the clinical phenotype

    Die Stoffwechselwirkungen der Schilddrüsenhormone

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    QCD and strongly coupled gauge theories : challenges and perspectives

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    We highlight the progress, current status, and open challenges of QCD-driven physics, in theory and in experiment. We discuss how the strong interaction is intimately connected to a broad sweep of physical problems, in settings ranging from astrophysics and cosmology to strongly coupled, complex systems in particle and condensed-matter physics, as well as to searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. We also discuss how success in describing the strong interaction impacts other fields, and, in turn, how such subjects can impact studies of the strong interaction. In the course of the work we offer a perspective on the many research streams which flow into and out of QCD, as well as a vision for future developments.Peer reviewe

    Metacognitive therapy home-based self-help for cardiac rehabilitation patients experiencing anxiety and depressive symptoms : study protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (PATHWAY Home-MCT)

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    BACKGROUND: Anxiety and depression are common among patients attending cardiac rehabilitation services. Currently available pharmacological and psychological interventions have limited effectiveness in this population. There are presently no psychological interventions for anxiety and depression integrated into cardiac rehabilitation services despite emphasis in key UK National Health Service policy. A new treatment, metacognitive therapy, is highly effective at reducing anxiety and depression in mental health settings. The principal aims of the current study are (1) to evaluate the acceptability of delivering metacognitive therapy in a home-based self-help format (Home-MCT) to cardiac rehabilitation patients experiencing anxiety and depressive symptoms and conduct a feasibility trial of Home-MCT plus usual cardiac rehabilitation compared to usual cardiac rehabilitation; and (2) to inform the design and sample size for a full-scale trial. METHODS: The PATHWAY Home-MCT trial is a single-blind feasibility randomised controlled trial comparing usual cardiac rehabilitation (control) versus usual cardiac rehabilitation plus home-based self-help metacognitive therapy (intervention). Economic and qualitative evaluations will be embedded within the trial. Participants will be assessed at baseline and followed-up at 4 and 12 months. Patients who have been referred to cardiac rehabilitation programmes and have a score of ≥ 8 on the anxiety and/or depression subscales of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale will be invited to take part in the study and written informed consent will be obtained. Participants will be recruited from the National Health Service in the UK. A minimum of 108 participants will be randomised to the intervention and control arms in a 1:1 ratio. DISCUSSION: The Home-MCT feasibility randomised controlled trial will provide evidence on the acceptability of delivering metacognitive therapy in a home-based self-help format for cardiac rehabilitation patients experiencing symptoms of anxiety and/or depression and on the feasibility and design of a full-scale trial. In addition, it will provide provisional point estimates, with appropriately wide measures of uncertainty, relating to the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the intervention. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03129282 , Submitted to Registry: 11 April 2017

    Coloured noise from stochastic inflows in reaction-diffusion systems

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    In this paper we present a framework for investigating coloured noise in reaction-diffusion systems. We start by considering a deterministic reaction-diffusion equation and show how external forcing can cause temporally correlated or coloured noise. Here, the main source of external noise is considered to be fluctuations in the parameter values representing the inflow of particles to the system. First, we determine which reaction systems, driven by extrinsic noise, can admit only one steady state, so that effects, such as stochastic switching, are precluded from our analysis. To analyse the steady state behaviour of reaction systems, even if the parameter values are changing, necessitates a parameter-free approach, which has been central to algebraic analysis in chemical reaction network theory. To identify suitable models we use tools from real algebraic geometry that link the network structure to its dynamical properties. We then make a connection to internal noise models and show how power spectral methods can be used to predict stochastically driven patterns in systems with coloured noise. In simple cases we show that the power spectrum of the coloured noise process and the power spectrum of the reaction-diffusion system modelled with white noise multiply to give the power spectrum of the coloured noise reaction-diffusion system

    Resistance of porcine blood clots to lysis relates to poor activation of porcine plasminogen by tissue plasminogen activator

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    In-vitro experimentation was performed on porcine and human blood to determine their comparative responsiveness to a novel fibrinolytic inhibitor and thereby assess whether the pig is a suitable animal model for subsequent in-vivo testing of this inhibitor. Thromboelastography showed the clots formed from porcine whole blood to be highly resistant to tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA)-catalyzed lysis, and this communication offers the resistance of porcine plasminogen to activation by t-PA as an explanation. Porcine blood containing 100 and 1500 IU/ml added t-PA lysed very slowly, having LY30 values of 1.9 +/- 1.4 and 2.9 +/- 1.9%, respectively. In contrast, the LY30 values for the human clots containing 100 and 1500 IU/ml t-PA were 77.1 +/- 6.3 and 93.3 +/- 1.3%, respectively. Moreover, purified porcine plasminogen was activated very slowly by added t-PA in the presence of both human and porcine fibrin. Activation of plasminogen by the endogenous activators, as measured by the euglobulin clot lysis time, was greatly prolonged for the pig (22 +/- 3 h) compared with the human (3.5 +/- 1.5 h). These results suggest caution in using the pig as an experimental model when studying the effects of various agents on fibrinolysis