1,797 research outputs found

    Measuring the Performance of Beat Tracking Algorithms Using a Beat Error Histogram

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    Еженедельник советской юстиции. 1925. № 21

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    0|1|Три съезда [c. 1]0|4|Наш Гражданский Кодекс перед судом сравнительного правоведения. / С. Членов [c. 4]0|6|Необходимо установить уголовную ответственность клиентов банков по ссудным операциям. / М. Зельдович [c. 6]0|8|Ст. 24. Угол. Кодекса. / Г. Рогинский [c. 8]0|10|Статистика раскрытия преступлений / С. Тагер [c. 10]0|11|О характере и программе прокурорских обследований в деревне. / Н. Лаговиер [c. 11]0|14|Коллективное поручительство за обвиняемого на предварительном следствии. / Вл. Громов [c. 14]0|16|Судоустройство на Сев. Кавказе / В. Петров [c. 16]0|18|Заметки кстати и некстати / Алексей Плюшков [c. 18]0|19|Обзор советского законодательства за время с 17 по 23 мая 1925 года / М. Брагинский [c. 19]0|22|Из деятельности Верховного Суда РСФСР [c. 22]1|22|Определения гражд. кассационной коллегии [c. 22]0|23|Хроника [c. 23]0|25|ПО АВТОНОМНЫМ РЕСПУБЛИКАМ / В. Поскребалов [c. 25]0|27|На местах / Н. Пушков [c. 27]0|28|Библиография [c. 28]0|30|Официальная часть [c. 30]1|30|Циркуляры Наркомюста [c. 30]2|30|Об обязательном в подлежащих случаях засвидетельствовании и совершении договоров в нотариальном порядке. [c. 30]2|30|О порядке расходования кредитов по § 4 сметы НКЮ [c. 30]2|30|О пределах давности по правонарушениям, предусмотренным 1 ч. ст. 139 а УК. [c. 30]2|31|О представлении отчетности по зарплате [c. 31]2|31|Об изменении циркуляра НКВД и НКЮ № 367 за 1924 г. о порядке зафиксирования и обеспечения органами дознания гражданского иска. [c. 31]2|31|О порядке рассмотрения жалоб о возврате штрафа за неуплату сельхозналога 1924—25 г. [c. 31]1|32|Разъяснение пленума Верховного Суда. (Протокол пленума № 6 от 4 мая 1925 года). [c. 32

    On Solving Multistage Stochastic Programs with Coherent Risk Measures

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    Eco city development in China: addressing the policy implementation challenge

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    Over the last few decades, China has seen a steep rise in diverse eco city and low carbon city policies. Recently, attention has begun to focus on the perceived shortcomings in the practical delivery of related initiatives, with several publications suggesting a gap between ambitious policy goals and the emerging realities of the newly built environment. To probe this further, in this article we examine – based on the policy network approach – how the gap between high-level national policies and local practice implementation can be explained in the current Chinese context. We develop a four-pronged typology of eco city projects based on differential involvement of key (policy) actor groups, followed by a mapping of what are salient policy network relations among these actors in each type. Our analysis suggests that, within the overall framework of national policy, a core axis in the network relations is that between local government and land developers. In some cases, central government agencies– often with buy-in from international architecture, engineering and consulting firms – seek to influence local government planning through various incentives aimed at rendering sustainability a serious consideration. However, this is mostly done in a top-down manner, which overemphasizes a rational, technocratic planning mode while underemphasizing interrelationships among actors. This makes the emergence of a substantial implementation gap in eco city practice an almost predictable outcome. Consequently, we argue that special attention be paid in particular to the close interdependency between the interests of local government actors and those of land and real estate developers. Factoring in this aspect of the policy network is essential if eco city implementation is to gain proper traction on the ground

    Design and Culture in the Making of Happiness

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    Design responds to the needs of individuals, being happiness and wellbeing the subject of an increasing number of studies, which gave rise to a new discipline, Positive Psychology. From these new approaches and concerns related to subjective well-being comes Positive Design, whose objective is to promote the well-being of individuals and communities in connection with a culture of innovation. The cultural routes made accessible through wayfinding systems, make it possible to put Heritage in dialogue, emphasize the culture, memory and history of communities, providing citizens with meaningful experiences that will have an impact both in the short and long run, thus becoming agents for the happiness of individuals. This article discusses the concept of Positive Design based on Positive Psychology, analyzes the evolution and importance of Heritage in the Culture of peoples and communities, questioning how the Wayfinding Systems developed for cultural promotion can integrate the practice of Positive Design and how this contributes to the subjective well-being of individuals

    Appearance, happiness and success: ‘what is beautiful is good’

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    In our beauty-obsessed world, where incessant dissatisfaction with appearance is considered to be ‘normal’, it can seem as though those with ‘good looks’ are the ones who have it all. But is it the case that being beautiful can get you further in life? Nicola Stock explores the human fascination with keeping up appearances and highlights the impact of attempting to meet modern unrealistic ideals of beauty

    The role of regular asymptomatic testing in reducing the impact of a COVID-19 wave

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    Testing for infection with SARS-CoV-2 is an important intervention in reducing onwards transmission of COVID-19, particularly when combined with the isolation and contact-tracing of positive cases. Many countries with the capacity to do so have made use of lab-processed Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing targeted at individuals with symptoms and the contacts of confirmed cases. Alternatively, Lateral Flow Tests (LFTs) are able to deliver a result quickly, without lab-processing and at a relatively low cost. Their adoption can support regular mass asymptomatic testing, allowing earlier detection of infection and isolation of infectious individuals. In this paper we extend and apply the agent-based epidemic modelling framework Covasim to explore the impact of regular asymptomatic testing on the peak and total number of infections in an emerging COVID-19 wave. We explore testing with LFTs at different frequency levels within a population with high levels of immunity and with background symptomatic PCR testing, case isolation and contact tracing for testing. The effectiveness of regular asymptomatic testing was compared with ‘lockdown’ interventions seeking to reduce the number of non-household contacts across the whole population through measures such as mandating working from home and restrictions on gatherings. Since regular asymptomatic testing requires only those with a positive result to reduce contact, while lockdown measures require the whole population to reduce contact, any policy decision that seeks to trade off harms from infection against other harms will not automatically favour one over the other. Our results demonstrate that, where such a trade off is being made, at moderate rates of early exponential growth regular asymptomatic testing has the potential to achieve significant infection control without the wider harms associated with additional lockdown measures

    Real-time beat-synchronous audio effects

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    Herpetic geometric glossitis: Acyclovir resistant case in a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia

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    Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections in an immunocompromised host may be atypical in location and morphology. Lesions are more extensive and aggressive, slow healing or nonhealing and extremely painful. Intraoral lesions are ulcerative and may involve any intraoral, oropharyngeal, or esophageal site. Herpetic geometric glossitis is a recently described form of lingual HSV infection in an immunocompromised patient. It was described as ulcer on the dorsum of the tongue sensitive for acyclovir therapy. A patient is presented with acute myelogenous leukemia that developed herpetic geometric glossitis which was acyclovir resistant.53113313

    Women are warmer but no less assertive than men: gender and language on Facebook

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    Using a large social media dataset and open-vocabulary methods from computational linguistics, we explored differences in language use across gender, affiliation, and assertiveness. In Study 1, we analyzed topics (groups of semantically similar words) across 10 million messages from over 52,000 Facebook users. Most language differed little across gender. However, topics most associated with self-identified female participants included friends, family, and social life, whereas topics most associated with self-identified male participants included swearing, anger, discussion of objects instead of people, and the use of argumentative language. In Study 2, we plotted male- and female-linked language topics along two interpersonal dimensions prevalent in gender research: affiliation and assertiveness. In a sample of over 15,000 Facebook users, we found substantial gender differences in the use of affiliative language and slight differences in assertive language. Language used more by self-identified females was interpersonally warmer, more compassionate, polite, and—contrary to previous findings—slightly more assertive in their language use, whereas language used more by self-identified males was colder, more hostile, and impersonal. Computational linguistic analysis combined with methods to automatically label topics offer means for testing psychological theories unobtrusively at large scale.This work was supported by the Templeton Religion Trust