1,882 research outputs found

    Staphylococcus sp, tratamiento antimicrobiano y resistencia en pioderma bacteriana superficial canina

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    En la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, existen pocos estudios sobre la frecuencia del tratamiento antimicrobiano en pioderma canina y el nivel de resistencia antimicrobiana de Staphylococcus sp. Los principales objetivos de este estudio fueron analizar la resistencia antimicrobiana de Staphylococcus sp, la frecuencia del tratamiento antimicrobiano y sus recidivas en caninos con pioderma. Se analizaron 39 caninos con diagnóstico clínico de pioderma, procedentes de clínicas veterinarias privadas del área de Buenos Aires. Se recogieron, en el momento de la pioderma activa, hisopados de lesiones cutáneas para cultivo bacteriano y análisis por espectrometría de masas. Además, se registró raza, sexo, clasificación clínica de la pioderma, tratamiento antimicrobiano y recaídas de la enfermedad. El 76% de los animales estudiados recibieron cefalexina por vía oral después del examen clínico, y dentro de este porcentaje, el 31,6% también recibió otros tipos de agentes antimicrobianos debido a recaídas. El 24% restante recibió como tratamiento antimicrobiano lincomicina, minociclina y/o doxiciclina. En el 60% de los animales estudiados, la pioderma diagnosticada tenía una causa alérgica, que a su vez coincidió con las recaídas y fue similar al porcentaje de resistencia a la meticilina (51%) de los diferentes aislamientos de Staphylococcus sp. El 80% de las resistencias a meticilina observadas se trataron previamente con cefalexina. Inesperadamente, el mayor porcentaje de resistencia observada fue a eritromicina, clindamicina (demostrando fenotipo constitutivo MLSB) y sulfatrimetoprim

    Carbon stars in the X-shooter Spectral Library

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    We provide a new collection of spectra of 35 carbon stars obtained with the ESO/VLT X-shooter instrument as part of the X-shooter Spectral Library project. The spectra extend from 0.3μ\mum to 2.4μ\mum with a resolving power above \sim 8000. The sample contains stars with a broad range of (J-K) color and pulsation properties located in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds. We show that the distribution of spectral properties of carbon stars at a given (J-K) color becomes bimodal (in our sample) when (J-K) is larger than about 1.5. We describe the two families of spectra that emerge, characterized by the presence or absence of the absorption feature at 1.53μ\mum, generally associated with HCN and C2_2H2_2. This feature appears essentially only in large-amplitude variables, though not in all observations. Associated spectral signatures that we interpret as the result of veiling by circumstellar matter, indicate that the 1.53μ\mum feature might point to episodes of dust production in carbon-rich Miras.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures, 9 tables, Accepted for publication in A&

    The oblique firehose instability in a bi-kappa magnetized plasma

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    In this work, we derive a dispersion equation that describes the excitation of the oblique (or Alfv\'en) firehose instability in a plasma that contains both electron and ion species modelled by bi-kappa velocity distribution functions. The equation is obtained with the assumptions of low-frequency waves and moderate to large values of the parallel (respective to the ambient magnetic field) plasma beta parameter, but it is valid for any direction of propagation and for any value of the particle gyroradius (or Larmor radius). Considering values for the physical parameters typical to those found in the solar wind, some solutions of the dispersion equation, corresponding to the unstable mode, are presented. In order to implement the dispersion solver, several new mathematical properties of the special functions occurring in a kappa plasma are derived and included. The results presented here suggest that the superthermal characteristic of the distribution functions leads to reductions to both the maximum growth rate of the instability and of the spectral range of its occurrence

    Abelian subgroups of Garside groups

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    In this paper, we show that for every abelian subgroup HH of a Garside group, some conjugate g1Hgg^{-1}Hg consists of ultra summit elements and the centralizer of HH is a finite index subgroup of the normalizer of HH. Combining with the results on translation numbers in Garside groups, we obtain an easy proof of the algebraic flat torus theorem for Garside groups and solve several algorithmic problems concerning abelian subgroups of Garside groups.Comment: This article replaces our earlier preprint "Stable super summit sets in Garside groups", arXiv:math.GT/060258

    Characterization of the acoustic community of vocal fishes in the Azores

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    Sounds produced by teleost fishes are an important component of marine soundscapes, making passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) an effective way to map the presence of vocal fishes with a minimal impact on ecosystems. Based on a literature review, we list the known soniferous fish species occurring in Azorean waters and compile their sounds. We also describe new fish sounds recorded in Azores seamounts. From the literature, we identified 20 vocal fish species present in Azores. We analysed long-term acoustic recordings carried out since 2008 in Condor and Princesa Alice seamounts and describe 20 new putative fish sound sequences. Although we propose candidates as the source of some vocalizations, this study puts into evidence the myriad of fish sounds lacking species identification. In addition to identifying new sound sequences, we provide the first marine fish sound library for Azores. Our acoustic library will allow to monitor soniferous fish species for conservation and management purposes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular and ampelographic characterization of genotypes used for Pajarete wine, an old Denomination of Origin from Huasco and Elqui Valleys in northern Chile

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    The characterization of 30 grape accessions used to produce Pajarete wine is presented, one of the first American "Denomination of Origin" (D.O.). Accessions were collected from small vineyards from the Huasco Valley in the Atacama Region, northern Chile, which are very heterogeneous for varietal assortment, as was demonstrated by microsatellite marker analysis. Eighteen different genotypes were identified, including the two varieties considered the founders of American viticulture, 'Listán Prieto' (syn. 'País') and 'Muscat of Alexandria'. A series of criolla varieties was also identified, some of them already described plus others not yet included in international databases. Based on nine SSR markers, allelic matchings suggest that four of these new criolla varieties (NN-311, NN-313, NN-368 and NN-370) derives from 'Listán Prieto' x 'Muscat of Alexandria', but three (NN-314, NN-276 and NN-369) are derived from 'M. of Alexandria' crossed with a yet undetermined parent. Seven criolla accessions were described by ampelography, including some not yet recorded in the European Vitis International Variety Catalogue (VIVC) or in the Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) database. Three accessions were considered as not appropriate for the production of Pajarete wine since two of them are table grape varieties and the other is the American variety 'Isabella' (Vitis labrusca x V. vinifera), all considered of poor quality for winemaking. All these findings are very useful to direct the conservation of this unique germplasm, as well as for small producers of Pajarete wine, since based on this information on the overall variety assortment of the area, they can now make informed decisions to improve their vineyard management and wine production

    Racismo e cidadania

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    O racismo – fenómeno existente antes e depois da invenção do conceito de raça – tem marcado os debates sobre cidadania desde meados do século XX, circulando de forma marcante em todas as esferas da vida quotidiana devido às representações sociais e históricas que persistem na sociedade portuguesa, sobretudo devido ao seu passado colonial (Araújo, 2007)