277 research outputs found

    Exocometary gas structure, origin and physical properties around β Pictoris through ALMA CO multitransition observations

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    Recent ALMA observations unveiled the structure of CO gas in the 23 Myr-old β\beta Pictoris planetary system, a component that has been discovered in many similarly young debris disks. We here present ALMA CO J=2-1 observations, at an improved spectro-spatial resolution and sensitivity compared to previous CO J=3-2 observations. We find that 1) the CO clump is radially broad, favouring the resonant migration over the giant impact scenario for its dynamical origin, 2) the CO disk is vertically tilted compared to the main dust disk, at an angle consistent with the scattered light warp. We then use position-velocity diagrams to trace Keplerian radii in the orbital plane of the disk. Assuming a perfectly edge-on geometry, this shows a CO scale height increasing with radius as R0.75R^{0.75}, and an electron density (derived from CO line ratios through NLTE analysis) in agreement with thermodynamical models. Furthermore, we show how observations of optically thin line ratios can solve the primordial versus secondary origin dichotomy in gas-bearing debris disks. As shown for β\beta Pictoris, subthermal (NLTE) CO excitation is symptomatic of H2_2 densities that are insufficient to shield CO from photodissociation over the system's lifetime. This means that replenishment from exocometary volatiles must be taking place, proving the secondary origin of the disk. In this scenario, assuming steady state production/destruction of CO gas, we derive the CO+CO2_2 ice abundance by mass in β\beta Pic's exocomets to be at most \sim6%, consistent with comets in our own Solar System and in the coeval HD181327 system.LM acknowledges support by STFC and ESO through graduate studentships and, together with MCW and QK, by the European Union through ERC grant number 279973. Work of OP is funded by the Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship, and AMH gratefully acknowledges support from NSF grant AST-1412647.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Oxford University Press via https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stw241

    Systematic review of safety checklists for use by medical care teams in acute hospital settings - limited evidence of effectiveness

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Patient safety is a fundamental component of good quality health care. Checklists have been proposed as a method of improving patient safety. This systematic review, asked "In acute hospital settings, would the use of safety checklists applied by medical care teams, compared to not using checklists, improve patient safety?"</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We searched the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, CINAHL, and EMBASE for randomised controlled trials published in English before September 2009. Studies were selected and appraised by two reviewers independently in consultation with colleagues, using inclusion, exclusion and appraisal criteria established a priori.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine cohort studies with historical controls studies from four hospital care settings were included-intensive care unit, emergency department, surgery, and acute care. The studies used a variety of designs of safety checklists, and implemented them in different ways, however most incorporated an educational component to teach the staff how to use the checklist. The studies assessed outcomes occurring a few weeks to a maximum of 12 months post-implementation, and these outcomes were diverse.</p> <p>The studies were generally of low to moderate quality and of low levels of evidence, with all but one of the studies containing a high risk of bias.</p> <p>The results of these studies suggest some improvements in patient safety arising from use of safety checklists, but these were not consistent across all studies or for all outcomes. Some studies showed no difference in outcomes between checklist use and standard care without a checklist. Due to the variations in setting, checklist design, educational training given, and outcomes measured, it was unfeasible to accurately summarise any trends across all studies.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The included studies suggest some benefits of using safety checklists to improve protocol adherence and patient safety, but due to the risk of bias in these studies, their results should be interpreted with caution. More high quality and studies, are needed to enable confident conclusions about the effectiveness of safety checklists in acute hospital settings.</p

    Circumstellar discs: What will be next?

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    This prospective chapter gives our view on the evolution of the study of circumstellar discs within the next 20 years from both observational and theoretical sides. We first present the expected improvements in our knowledge of protoplanetary discs as for their masses, sizes, chemistry, the presence of planets as well as the evolutionary processes shaping these discs. We then explore the older debris disc stage and explain what will be learnt concerning their birth, the intrinsic links between these discs and planets, the hot dust and the gas detected around main sequence stars as well as discs around white dwarfs.Comment: invited review; comments welcome (32 pages

    The Northern Arc of ε Eridani’s Debris Ring as Seen by ALMA

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    We present the first Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of the closest known extrasolar debris disc. This disc orbits the star ε Eri, a K-type star just 3.2 pc away. Due to the proximity of the star, the entire disc cannot fit within the ALMA field of view. Therefore, the observations have been centred 18" North of the star, providing us with a clear detection of the Northern arc of the ring, at a wavelength of 1.3 mm. The observed disc emission is found to be narrow with a width of just 11–13 AU. The fractional disc width we find is comparable to that of the Solar system’s Kuiper Belt and makes this one of the narrowest debris discs known. If the inner and outer edges are due to resonances with a planet then this planet likely has a semi-major axis of 48 AU. We find tentative evidence for clumps in the ring, although there is a strong chance that at least one is a background galaxy. We confirm, at much higher significance, the previous detection of an unresolved emission at the star that is above the level of the photosphere and attribute this excess to stellar chromospheric emission.MB acknowledges support from a FONDECYT Postdoctoral Fellowship, project no. 3140479 and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through project no. Kr 2164/15-1. AJ and SC acknowledge financial support from the Millennium Nucleus RC130007 (Chilean Ministry of Economy). AJ acknowledges support from FONDECYT project no. 1130857, BASAL CATA PFB-06 and the Ministry for the Economy, Development, and Tourism’s Programa Iniciativa Cient´ıfica Milenio through grant no. IC 120009, awarded to the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS). MCW acknowledges the support of the European Union through ERC grant no. 279973. GMK is supported by the Royal Society as a Royal Society University Research Fellow. JCA acknowledges support from PNP/CNES. This paper makes use of the following ALMA data: ADS/JAO.ALMA#2013.1.00645.S. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada), NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), and KASI (Republic of Korea), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. This research made use of Astropy, a community-developed core PYTHON package for Astronomy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013)

    Variable-temperature, variable-field magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopic study of NifEN-bound precursor and “FeMoco”

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    NifEN plays a key role in the biosynthesis of the iron–molybdenum cofactor (FeMoco) of nitrogenase. A scaffold protein that hosts the conversion of a FeMoco precursor to a mature cofactor, NifEN can assume three conformations during the process of FeMoco maturation. One, designated ΔnifB NifEN, contains only two permanent [Fe4S4]-like clusters. The second, designated NifENPrecursor, contains the permanent clusters and a precursor form of FeMoco. The third, designated NifEN“FeMoco”, contains the permanent [Fe4S4]-like clusters and a fully complemented, “FeMoco”-like structure. Here, we report a variable-temperature, variable-field magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopic investigation of the electronic structure of the metal clusters in the three forms of dithionite-reduced NifEN. Our data indicate that the permanent [Fe4S4]-like clusters are structurally and electronically conserved in all three NifEN species and exhibit spectral features of classic [Fe4S4]+ clusters; however, they are present in a mixed spin state with a small contribution from the S > ½ spin state. Our results also suggest that both the precursor and “FeMoco” have a conserved Fe/S electronic structure that is similar to the electronic structure of FeMoco in the MoFe protein, and that the “FeMoco” in NifEN“FeMoco” exists, predominantly, in an S = 3/2 spin state with spectral parameters identical to those of FeMoco in the MoFe protein. These observations provide strong support to the outcome of our previous EPR and X-ray absorption spectroscopy/extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis of the three NifEN species while providing significant new insights into the unique electronic properties of the precursor and “FeMoco” in NifEN

    Litter Size Variation in Hypothalamic Gene Expression Determines Adult Metabolic Phenotype in Brandt's Voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii)

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    Early postnatal environments may have long-term and potentially irreversible consequences on hypothalamic neurons involved in energy homeostasis. Litter size is an important life history trait and negatively correlated with milk intake in small mammals, and thus has been regarded as a naturally varying feature of the early developmental environment. Here we investigated the long-term effects of litter size on metabolic phenotype and hypothalamic neuropeptide mRNA expression involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis, using the offspring reared from large (10-12) and small (3-4) litter sizes, of Brandt's voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii), a rodent species from Inner Mongolia grassland in China.Hypothalamic leptin signaling and neuropeptides were measured by Real-Time PCR. We showed that offspring reared from small litters were heavier at weaning and also in adulthood than offspring from large litters, accompanied by increased food intake during development. There were no significant differences in serum leptin levels or leptin receptor (OB-Rb) mRNA in the hypothalamus at weaning or in adulthood, however, hypothalamic suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) mRNA in adulthood increased in small litters compared to that in large litters. As a result, the agouti-related peptide (AgRP) mRNA increased in the offspring from small litters.These findings support our hypothesis that natural litter size has a permanent effect on offspring metabolic phenotype and hypothalamic neuropeptide expression, and suggest central leptin resistance and the resultant increase in AgRP expression may be a fundamental mechanism underlying hyperphagia and the increased risk of overweight in pups of small litters. Thus, we conclude that litter size may be an important and central determinant of metabolic fitness in adulthood

    A study of association between common variation in the growth hormone-chorionic somatomammotropin hormone gene cluster and adult fasting insulin in a UK Caucasian population

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    BACKGROUND: Reduced growth during infancy is associated with adult insulin resistance. In a UK Caucasian cohort, the CSH1.01 microsatellite polymorphism in the growth hormone-chorionic somatomammotropin hormone gene cluster was recently associated with increases in adult fasting insulin of approximately 23 pmol/l for TT homozygote males compared to D1D1 or D2D2 homozygotes (P = 0.001 and 0.009; n = 206 and 92, respectively), but not for females. TT males additionally had a 547-g lower weight at 1 year (n = 270; P = 0.008) than D2D2 males. We sought to replicate these data in healthy UK Caucasian subjects. We genotyped 1396 subjects (fathers, mothers and children) from a consecutive birth study for the CSH1.01 marker and analysed genotypes for association with 1-year weight in boys and fasting insulin in fathers. RESULTS: We found no evidence for association of CSH1.01 genotype with adult male fasting insulin concentrations (TT/D1D1 P = 0.38; TT/D2D2 P = 0.18) or weight at 1 year in boys (TT/D1D1 P = 0.76; TT/D2D2 P = 0.85). For fasting insulin, our data can exclude the previously observed effect sizes as the 95 % confidence intervals for the differences observed in our study exclude increases in fasting insulin of 9.0 and 12.6 pmol/l for TT relative to D1D1 and D2D2 homozygotes, respectively. Whilst we have fewer data on boys' 1-year weight than the original study, our data can exclude a reduction in 1-year weight greater than 557 g for TT relative to D2D2 homozygotes. CONCLUSION: We have not found association of the CSH1.01 genotype with fasting insulin or weight at 1 year. We conclude that the original study is likely to have over-estimated the effect size for fasting insulin, or that the difference in results reflects the younger age of subjects in this study relative to those in the previous study

    Postnatal Growth after Intrauterine Growth Restriction Alters Central Leptin Signal and Energy Homeostasis

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    Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is closely linked with metabolic diseases, appetite disorders and obesity at adulthood. Leptin, a major adipokine secreted by adipose tissue, circulates in direct proportion to body fat stores, enters the brain and regulates food intake and energy expenditure. Deficient leptin neuronal signalling favours weight gain by affecting central homeostatic circuitry. The aim of this study was to determine if leptin resistance was programmed by perinatal nutritional environment and to decipher potential cellular mechanisms underneath

    Effect of chemokine receptor CXCR4 on hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension and vascular remodeling in rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>CXCR4 is the receptor for chemokine CXCL12 and reportedly plays an important role in systemic vascular repair and remodeling, but the role of CXCR4 in development of pulmonary hypertension and vascular remodeling has not been fully understood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study we investigated the role of CXCR4 in the development of pulmonary hypertension and vascular remodeling by using a CXCR4 inhibitor AMD3100 and by electroporation of CXCR4 shRNA into bone marrow cells and then transplantation of the bone marrow cells into rats.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the CXCR4 inhibitor significantly decreased chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension and vascular remodeling in rats and, most importantly, we found that the rats that were transplanted with the bone marrow cells electroporated with CXCR4 shRNA had significantly lower mean pulmonary pressure (mPAP), ratio of right ventricular weight to left ventricular plus septal weight (RV/(LV+S)) and wall thickness of pulmonary artery induced by chronic hypoxia as compared with control rats.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The hypothesis that CXCR4 is critical in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in rats has been demonstrated. The present study not only has shown an inhibitory effect caused by systemic inhibition of CXCR4 activity on pulmonary hypertension, but more importantly also has revealed that specific inhibition of the CXCR4 in bone marrow cells can reduce pulmonary hypertension and vascular remodeling via decreasing bone marrow derived cell recruitment to the lung in hypoxia. This study suggests a novel therapeutic approach for pulmonary hypertension by inhibiting bone marrow derived cell recruitment.</p