461 research outputs found

    Sustainable and conventional banking in Europe

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    At the end of the 20th century a new banking model, the so-called ethical banking, emerged becoming the maximum exponent of a socially responsible investment. The financial crisis in 2008 led to a distrust of the conventional financial system and consequently investors began to look with interest this new banking, which only invests in ethical activities and products, with social and environmental criteria, total transparency and a democratic management. The aim of this article is to analyze the economic structure of ethical banking, compared to that of conventional banking, by paying attention to its liquidity, coverage and solvency. Specifically, We compare the financial statements of Triodos Bank, the main European ethical bank belonging to the Global Alliance for Banking on Values, with two of the main conventional banks of each of the five countries in Europe in which it operates. To do this, we apply a financial and economic analysis to the period from 2015 to 2018, the means difference test and analysis of variance on an array of financial ratios and, finally, probit regressions. The results reveal that ethical banking is growing more than conventional banking and it presents greater liquidity and solvency, although, in general terms, its profitability is not higher. In conclusion, both savers and investors have guarantees that their savings are invested not only in a responsible but also in a confident way in ethical banking

    Factors Affecting Infestation by Triatoma infestans in a Rural Area of the Humid Chaco in Argentina: A Multi-Model Inference Approach

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    Vector-borne transmission of Chagas disease remains a major public health problem in parts of Latin America. Triatoma infestans is the main vector in the countries located in the South American Cone, particularly in the Gran Chaco ecoregion where residual insecticide control has achieved only a moderate, irregular impact. To contribute to improved control strategies, we analyzed the factors associated with the presence and abundance of T. infestans in 327 inhabited houses in a well-defined rural area with no recent vector control interventions in the humid Argentine Chaco. Bugs were found mainly in domiciles, kitchens, storerooms, and chicken coops and nests, particularly where adequate refuge and animal hosts (humans, dogs, cats or poultry) were available. Domiciles constructed from mud were the most often infested, but brick-and-cement domiciles, even in good conditions, were also found infested. Availability of refuge and hosts for T. infestans are key targets for vector control. Ten-fold variations in domestic infestation observed across neighboring villages, and differences in the relevant factors for T. infestans presence with respect to other areas of the Gran Chaco region suggest that host management, building techniques and insecticide use need to be tailored to the local environment, socio-economic characteristics, and climatic conditions

    Modeling Disease Vector Occurrence when Detection Is Imperfect: Infestation of Amazonian Palm Trees by Triatomine Bugs at Three Spatial Scales

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    Blood-sucking bugs of the genus Rhodnius are major vectors of Chagas disease. Control and surveillance of Chagas disease transmission critically depend on ascertaining whether households and nearby ecotopes (such as palm trees) are infested by these vectors. However, no bug detection technique works perfectly. Because more sensitive methods are more costly, vector searches face a trade-off between technical prowess and sample size. We compromise by using relatively inexpensive sampling techniques that can be applied multiple times to a large number of palms. With these replicated results, we estimate the probability of failing to detect bugs in a palm that is actually infested. We incorporate this information into our analyses to derive an unbiased estimate of palm infestation, and find it to be about 50% – twice the observed proportion of infested palms. We are then able to model the effects of regional, landscape, and local environmental variables on palm infestation. Individual palm attributes contribute overwhelmingly more than landscape or regional covariates to explaining infestation, suggesting that palm tree management can help mitigate risk locally. Our results illustrate how explicitly accounting for vector, pathogen, or host detection failures can substantially improve epidemiological parameter estimation when perfect detection techniques are unavailable

    Ecological factors related to the widespread distribution of sylvatic Rhodnius ecuadoriensis populations in southern Ecuador

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Chagas disease transmission risk is a function of the presence of triatomines in domestic habitats. <it>Rhodnius ecuadoriensis </it>is one of the main vectors implicated in transmission of <it>Trypanosoma cruzi </it>in Ecuador. This triatomine species is present in domestic, peridomestic and sylvatic habitats in the country. To determine the distribution of sylvatic populations of <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>and the factors related to this distribution, triatomine searches were conducted between 2005 and 2009 in southern Ecuador.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Manual triatomine searches were conducted by skilled bug collectors in 23 communities. Sylvatic searched sites were selected by a) directed sampling, where microhabitats were selected by the searchers and b) random sampling, where sampling points where randomly generated. Domiciliary triatomine searches were conducted using the one man-hour method. Natural trypanosome infection was determined by microscopic examination and PCR. Generalized linear models were used to test the effect of environmental factors on the presence of sylvatic triatomines.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In total, 1,923 sylvatic individuals were collected representing a sampling effort of 751 man-hours. Collected sylvatic triatomines were associated with mammal and bird nests. The 1,219 sampled nests presented an infestation index of 11.9%, a crowding of 13 bugs per infested nest, and a colonization of 80% of the nests. Triatomine abundance was significantly higher in squirrel (<it>Sciurus stramineus</it>) nests located above five meters from ground level and close to the houses. In addition, 8.5% of the 820 examined houses in the same localities were infested with triatomines. There was a significant correlation between <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>infestation rates found in sylvatic and synanthropic environments within communities (<it>p </it>= 0.012). Parasitological analysis revealed that 64.7% and 15.7% of the sylvatic bugs examined (n = 300) were infected with <it>Trypanosoma cruzi </it>and <it>T. rangeli </it>respectively, and 8% of the bugs presented mixed infections.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The wide distribution of sylvatic <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>populations may jeopardize the effectiveness of control campaigns conducted to eliminate domestic populations of this species. Also, the high <it>T. cruzi </it>infection rates found in sylvatic <it>R. ecuadoriensis </it>populations in southern Ecuador could constitute a risk for house re-infestation and persistent long-term Chagas disease transmission in the region.</p

    Spindle Assembly Checkpoint Protein Dynamics Reveal Conserved and Unsuspected Roles in Plant Cell Division

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    Background: In eukaryotes, the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) ensures that chromosomes undergoing mitosis do not segregate until they are properly attached to the microtubules of the spindle. Methodology/Principal Findings: We investigated the mechanism underlying this surveillance mechanism in plants, by characterising the orthogolous SAC proteins BUBR1, BUB3 and MAD2 from Arabidopsis. We showed that the cell cycle-regulated BUBR1, BUB3.1 and MAD2 proteins interacted physically with each other. Furthermore, BUBR1 and MAD2 interacted specifically at chromocenters. Following SAC activation by global defects in spindle assembly, these three interacting partners localised to unattached kinetochores. In addition, in cases of 'wait anaphase', plant SAC proteins were associated with both kinetochores and kinetochore microtubules. Unexpectedly, BUB3.1 was also found in the phragmoplast midline during the final step of cell division in plants. Conclusions/Significance: We conclude that plant BUBR1, BUB3.1 and MAD2 proteins may have the SAC protein functions conserved from yeast to humans. The association of BUB3.1 with both unattached kinetochore and phragmoplast suggests that in plant, BUB3.1 may have other roles beyond the spindle assembly checkpoint itself. Finally, this study of the SAC dynamics pinpoints uncharacterised roles of this surveillance mechanism in plant cell division

    Nanostructured Systems Containing Rutin: In Vitro Antioxidant Activity and Photostability Studies

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    The improvement of the rutin photostability and its prolonged in vitro antioxidant activity were studied by means of its association with nanostructured aqueous dispersions. Rutin-loaded nanocapsules and rutin-loaded nanoemulsion showed mean particle size of 124.30 ± 2.06 and 124.17 ± 1.79, respectively, polydispersity index below 0.20, negative zeta potential, and encapsulation efficiency close to 100%. The in vitro antioxidant activity was evaluated by the formation of free radical ·OH after the exposure of hydrogen peroxide to a UV irradiation system. Rutin-loaded nanostructures showed lower rutin decay rates [(6.1 ± 0.6) 10−3 and (5.1 ± 0.4) 10−3 for nanocapsules and nanoemulsion, respectively] compared to the ethanolic solution [(35.0 ± 3.7) 10−3 min−1] and exposed solution [(40.1 ± 1.7) 10−3 min−1] as well as compared to exposed nanostructured dispersions [(19.5 ± 0.5) 10−3 and (26.6 ± 2.6) 10−3, for nanocapsules and nanoemulsion, respectively]. The presence of the polymeric layer in nanocapsules was fundamental to obtain a prolonged antioxidant activity, even if the mathematical modeling of the in vitro release profiles showed high adsorption of rutin to the particle/droplet surface for both formulations. Rutin-loaded nanostructures represent alternatives to the development of innovative nanomedicines

    Microsatellites Reveal a High Population Structure in Triatoma infestans from Chuquisaca, Bolivia

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    Chagas disease is a protozoan infection caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. Chagas is prevalent throughout Central and South America, and it remains a chief concern in Bolivia. A movement that began in 1991 called the Southern Cone Initiative has been successful in reducing the incidence of Chagas disease in the Southern Cone countries of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay; but due to socio-economic and other factors, incidence remains high in Bolivia. The most important mode of transmission of T. cruzi to humans and other mammals is through feces of triatomine bugs. Thus, disease control and transmission prevention focus on elimination of triatomine vectors, and more specifically in Bolivia, it focuses on the elimination of Triatoma infestans. This study focuses on T. infestans in the Department of Chuquisaca, Bolivia. Ten highly variable microsatellite markers were used to analyze the population structure of insects collected in different towns. Statistical analyses show that T. infestans are highly structured, which means that they colonize on a small geographic scale. The results also suggest little active dispersal. These findings should be implemented during control efforts so that insecticide spraying focuses on geographic areas of colonization and re-colonization

    Phylogeographic pattern and extensive mitochondrial DNA divergence disclose a species complex within the Chagas disease vector Triatoma dimidiata.

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    ABSTARCT: Previous studies have shown that "bioequivalent" generic products of vancomycin are less effective in vivo against Staphylococcus aureus than the innovator compound. Considering that suboptimal bactericidal effect has been associated with emergence of resistance, we aimed to assess in vivo the impact of exposure to innovator and generic products of vancomycin on S. aureus susceptibility. A clinical methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strain from a liver transplant patient with persistent bacteremia was used for which MIC, minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC), and autolytic properties were determined. Susceptibility was also assessed by determining a population analysis profile (PAP) with vancomycin concentrations from 0 to 5 mg/liter. ICR neutropenic mice were inoculated in each thigh with ∼7.0 log(10) CFU. Treatment with the different vancomycin products (innovator and three generics; 1,200 mg/kg of body weight/day every 3 h) started 2 h later while the control group received sterile saline. After 24 h, mice were euthanized, and the thigh homogenates were plated. Recovered colonies were reinoculated to new groups of animals, and the exposure-recovery process was repeated until 12 cycles were completed. The evolution of resistance was assessed by PAP after cycles 5, 10, 11, and 12. The initial isolate displayed reduced autolysis and higher resistance frequencies than S. aureus ATCC 29213 but without vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus (VISA) subpopulations. After 12 cycles, innovator vancomycin had significantly reduced resistant subpopulations at 1, 2, and 3 mg/liter, while the generic products had enriched them progressively by orders of magnitude. The great capacity of generic vancomycin to select for less susceptible organisms raises concerns about the role of therapeutic inequivalence of any antimicrobial on the epidemiology of resistance worldwide

    Chemical composition and antigenotoxic properties of Lippia alba essential oils

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    The present work evaluated the chemical composition and the DNA protective effect of the essential oils (EOs) from Lippia alba against bleomycin-induced genotoxicity. EO constituents were determined by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometric (GC-MS) analysis. The major compounds encountered being citral (33% geranial and 25% neral), geraniol (7%) and trans-β-caryophyllene (7%) for L. alba specimen COL512077, and carvone (38%), limonene (33%) and bicyclosesquiphellandrene (8%) for the other, COL512078. The genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity of EO and the compounds citral, carvone and limonene, were assayed using the SOS Chromotest in Escherichia coli. The EOs were not genotoxic in the SOS chromotest, but one of the major compound (limonene) showed genotoxicity at doses between 97 and 1549 mM. Both EOs protected bacterial cells against bleomycin-induced genotoxicity. Antigenotoxicity in the two L. alba chemotypes was related to the major compounds, citral and carvone, respectively. The results were discussed in relation to the chemopreventive potential of L. alba EOs and its major compounds
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