5,956 research outputs found

    Development of dynamic calibration methods for POGO pressure transducers

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    Two dynamic pressure sources are described for the calibration of pogo pressure transducers used to measure oscillatory pressures generated in the propulsion system of the space shuttle. Rotation of a mercury-filled tube in a vertical plane at frequencies below 5 Hz generates sinusoidal pressures up to 48 kPa, peak-to-peak; vibrating the same mercury-filled tube sinusoidally in the vertical plane extends the frequency response from 5 Hz to 100 Hz at pressures up to 140 kPa, peak-to-peak. The sinusoidal pressure fluctuations can be generated by both methods in the presence of high pressures (bias) up to 55 MPa. Calibration procedures are given in detail for the use of both sources. The dynamic performance of selected transducers was evaluated using these procedures; the results of these calibrations are presented. Calibrations made with the two sources near 5 Hz agree to within 3% of each other

    A dynamic pressure source for the calibration of pressure transducers

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    A dynamic pressure source is described for producing sinusoidally varying pressures of up to 34 kPa zero to peak, over the frequency range of approximately 50 Hz to 2 kHz. The source is intended for the dynamic calibration of pressure transducers. The transducer to be calibrated is mounted near the base of the thick walled aluminum tube forming the vessel so that the pressure sensitive element is in contact with the liquid in the tube. A section of the tube is filled with small steel balls to damp the motion of the 10-St dimethyl siloxane working fluid in order to extend the useful frquency range to higher frequencies than would be provided by an undamped system. The dynamic response of six transducers provided by the sponsor was evaluated using the pressure sources; the results of these calibrations are given

    A Review of Lightweight Thread Approaches for High Performance Computing

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    High-level, directive-based solutions are becoming the programming models (PMs) of the multi/many-core architectures. Several solutions relying on operating system (OS) threads perfectly work with a moderate number of cores. However, exascale systems will spawn hundreds of thousands of threads in order to exploit their massive parallel architectures and thus conventional OS threads are too heavy for that purpose. Several lightweight thread (LWT) libraries have recently appeared offering lighter mechanisms to tackle massive concurrency. In order to examine the suitability of LWTs in high-level runtimes, we develop a set of microbenchmarks consisting of commonly-found patterns in current parallel codes. Moreover, we study the semantics offered by some LWT libraries in order to expose the similarities between different LWT application programming interfaces. This study reveals that a reduced set of LWT functions can be sufficient to cover the common parallel code patterns andthat those LWT libraries perform better than OS threads-based solutions in cases where task and nested parallelism are becoming more popular with new architectures.The researchers from the Universitat Jaume I de Castelló were supported by project TIN2014-53495-R of the MINECO, the Generalitat Valenciana fellowship programme Vali+d 2015, and FEDER. This work was partially supported by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (SC-21), under contract DEAC02-06CH11357. We gratefully acknowledge the computing resources provided and operated by the Joint Laboratory for System Evaluation (JLSE) at Argonne National Laboratory.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Molecular and mass spectroscopic analysis of isotopically labeled organic residues

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    Experimental studies aimed at understanding the evolution of complex organic molecules on interstellar grains were performed. The photolysis of frozen gas mixtures of various compositions containing H2O, CO, NH3, and CH4 was studied. These species were chosen because of their astrophysical importance as deducted from observational as well as theoretical studies of ice mantles on interstellar grains. These ultraviolet photolyzed ices were warmed up in order to produce refractory organic molecules like the ones formed in molecular clouds when the icy mantles are being irradiated and warmed up either by a nearby stellar source or impulsive heating. The laboratory studies give estimates of the efficiency of production of such organic material under interstellar conditions. It is shown that the gradual carbonization of organic mantles in the diffuse cloud phase leads to higher and higher visual absorptivity - yellow residues become brown in the laboratory. The obtained results can be applied to explaining the organic components of comets and their relevance to the origin of life

    Across-wafer nonuniformity of long throw sputter deposition

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    A. A. Mayo et al., Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena 15, 1788 (1997) https://doi.org/10.1116/1.58952

    Field theory of the inverse cascade in two-dimensional turbulence

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    A two-dimensional fluid, stirred at high wavenumbers and damped by both viscosity and linear friction, is modeled by a statistical field theory. The fluid's long-distance behavior is studied using renormalization-group (RG) methods, as begun by Forster, Nelson, and Stephen [Phys. Rev. A 16, 732 (1977)]. With friction, which dissipates energy at low wavenumbers, one expects a stationary inverse energy cascade for strong enough stirring. While such developed turbulence is beyond the quantitative reach of perturbation theory, a combination of exact and perturbative results suggests a coherent picture of the inverse cascade. The zero-friction fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) is derived from a generalized time-reversal symmetry and implies zero anomalous dimension for the velocity even when friction is present. Thus the Kolmogorov scaling of the inverse cascade cannot be explained by any RG fixed point. The beta function for the dimensionless coupling ghat is computed through two loops; the ghat^3 term is positive, as already known, but the ghat^5 term is negative. An ideal cascade requires a linear beta function for large ghat, consistent with a Pad\'e approximant to the Borel transform. The conjecture that the Kolmogorov spectrum arises from an RG flow through large ghat is compatible with other results, but the accurate k^{-5/3} scaling is not explained and the Kolmogorov constant is not estimated. The lack of scale invariance should produce intermittency in high-order structure functions, as observed in some but not all numerical simulations of the inverse cascade. When analogous RG methods are applied to the one-dimensional Burgers equation using an FDT-preserving dimensional continuation, equipartition is obtained instead of a cascade--in agreement with simulations.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX 4. Material added on energy flux, intermittency, and comparison with Burgers equatio

    Immunospecific Antibody Concentration in Egg Yolk of Chickens Orally Immunised with Varying Doses of Bovine Serum Albumin and the Mucosal Adjuvant, RhinoVax®, using Different Immunization Regimes

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    Antibody harvested from eggs of immunised chickens, IgY, has proven to be a non-invasive alternative to  antibodies purified from serum of mammals. Taking the non-invasive concept further, the development of  oral immunization techniques combined with IgY harvest from chicken eggs may subsequently eliminate  all regulated procedures from polyclonal antibody production. In the present study, we report the effects of  varying the temporal administration mode of the antigen (immunogen) comparing dosing on three consecutive  days with dosing on five consecutive days, and of incorporating a mucosal adjuvant. Two antigen  doses were compared: 30 mg bovine serum albumin (BSA) and 300 mg BSA, with and without the mucosal  adjuvant, RhinoVax®, administered to laying chickens. The egg yolk of chickens dosed with BSA in combination  with 20% RhinoVax®, contained significantly higher concentrations of immunospecific IgY than  did egg yolks of chickens fed with BSA without adjuvant. The most efficient dose in the RhinoVax®-treated  groups was 300 mg BSA regardless of whether the chickens were initially immunised daily for three or  five days. A 3-day dosing regime with BSA alone also induced immunospecific IgY production. This study  confirms that RhinoVax® is an efficient oral adjuvant. It also demonstrates the efficacy of daily immunizations  on three or five consecutive days on immunospecific IgY production. The chickens received oral  booster immunizations one and two months after the initial immunization. No real effect could be recorded  after the second and third immunization, although the study did provide some evidence of memory  based on an optimum IgY concentration recorded after the 2nd immunization.

    Black hole polarization and new entropy bounds

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    Zaslavskii has suggested how to tighten Bekenstein's bound on entropy when the object is electrically charged. Recently Hod has provided a second tighter version of the bound applicable when the object is rotating. Here we derive Zaslavskii's optimized bound by considering the accretion of an ordinary charged object by a black hole. The force originating from the polarization of the black hole by a nearby charge is central to the derivation of the bound from the generalized second law. We also conjecture an entropy bound for charged rotating objects, a synthesis of Zaslavskii's and Hod's. On the basis of the no hair principle for black holes, we show that this last bound cannot be tightened further in a generic way by knowledge of ``global'' conserved charges, e.g., baryon number, which may be borne by the object.Comment: 21 pages, RevTex, Regularization of potential made clearer. Error in energy of the particle corrected with no consequence for final conclusions. New references adde

    Dynamic Management of Resource Allocation for OmpSs Jobs

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    Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016) Timisoara, Romania. February 8-11, 2016.The main purpose of this thesis is to research in the relation between task-based programming models and resource management systems in order to provide a smart autonomous load-balancing and fault-tolerant system. Thus, taking advantage of MPI malleable applications and execution models such as SMPD and MPMD we will dig in the principle of the dynamical reconfiguration. Apart from providing an overview of the thesis idea, this paper explains our initial motivation and reviews briefly the most remarkable work done in this field.European Cooperation in Science and Technology. COSTThis work is partially supported by EU under the COST Program Action IC1305: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS); and the Project TIN2014-53495-R from MINECO and FEDER

    Efficient Scalable Computing through Flexible Applications and Adaptive Workloads

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    In this paper we introduce a methodology for dynamic job reconfiguration driven by the programming model runtime in collaboration with the global resource manager. We improve the system throughput by exploiting malleability techniques (in terms of number of MPI ranks) through the reallocation of resources assigned to a job during its execution. In our proposal, the OmpSs runtime reconfigures the number of MPI ranks during the execution of an application in cooperation with the Slurm workload manager. In addition, we take advantage of OmpSs offload semantics to allow application developers deal with data redistribution. By combining these elements a job is able to expand itself in order to exploit idle nodes or be shrunk if other queued jobs could be initiated. This novel approach adapts the system workload in order to increase the throughput as well as make a smarter use of the underlying resources. Our experiments demonstrate that this approach can reduce the total execution time of a practical workload by more than 40% while reducing the amount of resources by 30%.This work is supported by the Project TIN2014-53495-R and TIN2015-65316-P from MINECO and FEDER. Antonio J. Peña is cofinanced by MINECO under Juan de la Cierva fellowship number IJCI-2015-23266. Special thanks to José I. Aliaga for the conjugate gradient code.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft