440 research outputs found

    Religiöse Situation der Jugendlichen in Europa. Ein Versuch der Erklärung und ein Vorschlag zum Wirken

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    Nakon što je ponudio nekoliko elemenata za tumačenje aktualne religiozne krize, koja se očituje u pogoršanju posredovanja kršćanskog sustava i u posljedičnom prekidu njegova prenošenja, autor članka iznosi potrebu za promjenom modela u shvaćanju same Crkve. To uključuje prijelaz iz "pocrkvenjenja" prema poosobljenom kršćanstvu. Drugim riječima, autor predlaže pastoral usredotočen na njegovanje vjerskog iskustva: vjera se učvršćuje i proširuje po iskustvu.Nachdem er ein paar Elemente zum Erläutern der aktuellen religiösen Krise angeboten hat, welche sich in der Verschlechterung der Vermittlung des christlichen Systems und in dem konsekutiven Abbruch seines Übergebens reflektiere, bringe der Artikel das Bedürfnis nach der Modellabänderung in der Auffassung der Kirche hervor. Dies begreife den Übergang aus der "Verkirchlichung" dem verkörperten Christentum gegenüber ein. Mit anderen Worten, schlage der Autor eine Pastorale vor, die auf die Pflege der religiösen Erfahrung konzentriert sei: der Glaube verfestige sich und erweitere sich nach der Erfahrung

    Cirugía mínimamente invasiva. Nuevo paradigma en el tratamiento de la hernia inguinal

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    La hernia inguinal es una patología muy prevalente, cuya reparación representa la intervención quirúrgica más realizada en los servicios de Cirugía General. Desde las primeras referencias a la misma en el Papiro de Ebers hasta la actualidad, la herniorrafía inguinal ha ido evolucionando desde reparaciones abiertas sin fijación, hasta la introducción de cambios revolucionarios como la reparación libre de tensión de Lichenstein en la década de 1980. En la última década del siglo XX, se introduce la laparoscopia en la hernioplastia inguinal, utilizándose desde entonces como abordajes más comunes el TAPP y el TEP. Este estudio observacional, descriptivo, prospectivo, describe las complicaciones que aparecieron en pacientes operados de hernia inguinal en el Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega de Valladolid y el Hospital de Medina del Campo operados mediante abordaje laparoscópico TAPP y TEP entre 2006 y 2021. Para la Serie Global, que incluye todas las hernioplastias TAPP y TEP, las complicaciones locales representaron un 7.7% del total, mientras que las recidivas supusieron un 3%, todas ellas tras TAPP. El subgrupo TEP, con un seguimiento menor debido a la más reciente generalización del abordaje, obtuvo resultados de dolor a las 24 horas en la escala EVA de 2.7 de media, con un porcentaje de complicaciones locales del 8.2%, un 6.7% presentó dolor moderado en un tiempo menor de 3 meses, y para el seguimiento realizado no se observaron recidivas. La búsqueda de una técnica ideal en la reparación de la hernia inguinal, que suponga los menores riesgos y el mayor beneficio para el paciente sigue siendo uno de los retos para la cirugía actual, siendo preciso realizar más estudios que aporten evidencia al respecto.Grado en Medicin

    Evaluation of an environmental education program using a cross-sectoral approach to promote the sustainable use of domestic drains

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    The discharge of hygienic waste down domestic drains has become a socio-environmental problem that is causing serious damage to aquatic ecosystems and wastewater management systems. In this paper, we report the results of our study to determine the effectiveness of an environmental education (EE) program to raise awareness of this problem among primary school students. A longitudinal study was carried out using a survey methodology. A questionnaire, including Likert-scale items, was designed (n = 4362). A study of the reliability and validity of the measure was carried out using validations conducted by experts, Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, factor analysis, and the categorical analysis of principal components (CATPCA). The analyses showed that there were significant differences between the educational cycles of primary education and two different versions of the program. For example, a second version of the EA program, with a more positive approach, produced an improvement in the acquisition of knowledge, behaviors, and attitudes regarding the development of good habits concerning the use of household drains. The conclusions show the suitability of this cross-sectoral EE program for actively involving students and their families in the proper management of household hygienic waste

    Nonuniversal large-size asymptotics of the Lyapunov exponent in turbulent globally coupled maps

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    Globally coupled maps (GCMs) are prototypical examples of high-dimensional dynamical systems. Interestingly, GCMs formed by an ensemble of weakly coupled identical chaotic units generically exhibit a hyperchaotic “turbulent” state. A decade ago, Takeuchi et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 124101 (2011)] theorized that in turbulent GCMs the largest Lyapunov exponent (LE), λ(N), depends logarithmically on the system size N: λ∞−λ(N)≃c/lnN. We revisit the problem and analyze, by means of analytical and numerical techniques, turbulent GCMs with positive multipliers to show that there is a remarkable lack of universality, in conflict with the previous prediction. In fact, we find a power-law scaling λ∞−λ(N)≃c/Nγ, where γ is a parameter-dependent exponent in the range 0<γ≤1. However, for strongly dissimilar multipliers, the LE varies with N in a slower fashion, which is here numerically explored. Although our analysis is only valid for GCMs with positive multipliers, it suggests that a universal convergence law for the LE cannot be taken for granted in general GCMs.D.V. acknowledges support by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain), and European Social Fund (EU) under Grant No. BES-2017-081808 of the FPI Programme. We acknowledge support by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Spain), and European Regional Development Fund (EU) under Project No. FIS2016-74957-P (AEI/FEDER, EU)

    Environmental Education to Change the Consumption Model and Curb Climate Change

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    Environmental education plays a fundamental role in the fight against climate change and the transformation towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly socio-economic model. This study shows how to evaluate the effectiveness of a program for compulsory education students in Spain. The subject of the program focused on the effects of climate change in relation to our consumption model and the generation of waste. A mixed research methodology is proposed that combines a quantitative (10 items on the Likert scale, n = 714) and qualitative approach (category construction and analysis on open-ended questions). A study of the reliability and validity of the measure was carried out through a categorical principal component analysis (CATPCA). The multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) correlates the gender and educational level of the students to the learning acquired in the program. For example, the results show how students are convinced that adopting minimal pro-environmental habits (turning off lights and unplugging electronics, choosing public transport to get around, or using solar and wind power to produce electricity) can help mitigate climate change. The conclusions show the difficulties and challenges of education for responsible consumption, emphasizing the development of environmental education programs for reducing the effects of climate change

    Un framework de programación dinámica para IoT

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    El crecimiento del Internet of Things está permitiendo la conexión a la red de muchos dispositivos. La tecnología debería permitir a estos dispositivos adaptarse automáticamente a las necesidades de sus usuarios. Con este propósito, desarrollamos en trabajos anteriores la arquitectura de referencia People as a Service, para crear perfiles virtuales de los usuarios almacenados en sus smartphones. Sin embargo, para la obtención de un perfil completo necesitamos información de contexto, que solo pueden proporcionarnos estos dispositivos del entorno. Nuestro objetivo es desarrollar un framework en el que usuarios y dispositivos conectados se integren de manera transparente y dinámica, permitiendo una actualización programática de los perfiles y el comportamiento de los dispositivos. De esta forma, damos un primer paso hacia un Mundo Programable.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Complex event processing for health monitoring

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    The increase of the life expectancy has become a problem in regions with a low population density. This fact is caused by the existence of small towns all far from one another and with the peculiarity of many elders with special health care living there. This situation increases in a high percentage the health costs of the region having to attend daily all these elders who need a close mon-itoring. We live in a IoT era with a huge quantity of new connected devices with lots of sensors. Taking advantage of this, it is possible to monitor these elders from the distance without having to cover the complete area of the region every day. This way, our approach is using a mobile centric architecture that permits the elders having a device which infers a health virtual profile of them with data from its sensors and from other smart devices like bands with pulsometers. At this point we propose using Complex Event Processing techniques to combine the data coming from all sources and analyze it to extract meaningful information for the doctors and caregivers and even detect important events like falls in real time.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Support vector machines for classification of input vectors with different metrics

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    In this paper, a generalization of support vector machines is explored where it is considered that input vectors have different ℓp norms for each class. It is proved that the optimization problem for binary classification by using the maximal margin principle with ℓp and ℓq norms only depends on the ℓp norm if 1 ≤ p ≤ q. Furthermore, the selection of a different bias in the classifier function is a consequence of the ℓq norm in this approach. Some commentaries on the most commonly used approaches of SVM are also given as particular cases

    Towards dynamically programmable devices using beacons

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    With the grow of the Web of Things, lots of devices are being connected to the network. Many of these devices require human interaction when using them. In a desirable scenario, technology should allow to automatically adapt the behavior of these devices to the needs and expectations of their us-ers. To this extent, in previous work we proposed the Internet of People model to automatically develop virtual profiles of people, stored in their smartphones. However, in order to build a complete virtual profile with in-formation about the user’s environment and context, we need also the con-tribution of these surrounding devices. Our goal is to develop a framework in which users and smart devices are integrated seamlessly and in real time, al-lowing programmatic adaptation and update of both virtual user profiles and surrounding devices. As a proof of concept, in this paper we propose the use of beacons for dynamically downloading and executing in the smartphone scripts for updating the virtual profile with context information, and trigger actions both in the smartphone and the devices. This way, we take a first step to an effective Programmable World, in which everyday objects con-nected to the network can be programmatically adapted to their users.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech