12 research outputs found

    Les ateliers du hameau Les Noires Terres à Messein (Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine, France) :

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    L’occupation altomĂ©diĂ©vale (VIe-VIIIe s.) au lieu-dit Les Noires Terres sur la commune de Messein, au sud de Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, fouille 2003-2004), associe des unitĂ©s composĂ©es d’un bĂątiment d’habitation et de structures de type agricole (greniers, silos, enclos, cabanes excavĂ©es
) Ă  des ateliers de production et de travail du fer (prĂ©paration du minerai, fabrication du charbon de bois, fourneaux de rĂ©duction, forgeage du fer). La prĂ©sence des dĂ©chets relevant d’une chaĂźne opĂ©ratoire complĂšte (de la prĂ©paration du minerai Ă  l’élaboration de produits finis), documentĂ©e par l’étude palĂ©omĂ©tallurgique, ainsi que le volume de production estimĂ© au vu de leur quantitĂ© (plusieurs dizaines de tonnes de fer), suggĂšrent qu’il s’agit de l’activitĂ© principale des occupants et non pas d’une activitĂ© d’appoint aux pratiques agricoles. La nature de l’occupation est donc discutĂ©e : les vestiges dĂ©couverts correspondraient aux unitĂ©s d’habitation d’artisans spĂ©cialisĂ©s, avec leurs ateliers, comportant l’ensemble des installations et Ă©quipements nĂ©cessaires Ă  leur subsistance et Ă  leur vie quotidienne. On peut ainsi Ă©mettre l’hypothĂšse qu’il s’agit d’une des formes d’organisation de la production du fer dans le monde franc au cours du premier Moyen Âge, et qu’elle correspond peut-ĂȘtre Ă  ce que nous laissent entrevoir les polyptiques de la pĂ©riode carolingienne.The Altomedieval occupation (6th-8th c.) at Les Noires Terres in Messein, to the south of Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, excavation 2003-2004), associates elements composed of a dwelling and agricultural structures (granaries, silos, enclosures, excavated huts, etc.) with iron production and transformation workshops (iron ore preparation, wood charcoal production, reduction furnaces, iron forging). The presence of waste products corresponding to a complete chaĂźne opĂ©ratoire (production sequence) (from iron ore preparation to finished products), documented by the paleo-metallurgical study and the production volume estimated from their quantity (several dozen tons of iron), suggest that this was the main activity of the occupants, rather than an activity secondary to agricultural activities. The nature of the occupation is thus discussed : the remains discovered could correspond to the dwellings of the specialized artisans, with their workshops, including all the installations and equipment necessary for their subsistence and daily life. We can thus propose the hypothesis that this was one of the forms of iron production organization employed by the Franks during the Early Middle Ages, and that if might correspond to that which is suggested by the polyptyques of the Carolingian period.Die frĂŒhmittelalterliche Besiedlung (6.-8. Jh.) von Les Noires Terres auf dem Gebiet der Gemeinde Messein, sĂŒdlich von Nancy (Departement Meurthe-et-Moselle, Frankreich, Ausgrabung 2003-2004), besteht aus Siedlungseinheiten, die sich jeweils aus einem Wohnbau mit landwirtschaftlichen Einrichtungen (Speicherbauten, Silos, Einfriedungen, GrubenhĂ€user
) und WerkstĂ€tten fĂŒr die Eisengewinnung und -verarbeitung (Erzaufbereitung, Holzkohlengewinnung, Rennöfen, Eisenschmieden) zusammensetzen. Die AbfĂ€lle, die von einem kompletten, durch die palĂ€ometallurgische Studie dokumentierten VerhĂŒttungsprozess (von der Erzaufbereitung bis hin zur Formgebung der Endprodukte) zeugen, sowie das anhand der AbfĂ€lle geschĂ€tzte Produktionsvolumen (mehrere Dutzend Tonnen Eisen) legen nahe, dass es sich hier um die HauptbeschĂ€ftigung der Bewohner handelte und nicht um eine NebentĂ€tigkeit. Demzufolge steht die Art der Besiedlung zur Diskussion: Die Funde und Befunde wĂŒrden einer auf die Eisengewinnung und -verarbeitung spezialisierte Handwerkersiedlung entsprechen mit allen fĂŒr die Arbeit und den Alltag der Bewohner notwendigen Anlagen und Einrichtungen, WohnhĂ€usern und WerkstĂ€tten. So können wir die Hypothese vorlegen, dass es sich um eine der Organisationsformen der frĂŒhmittelalterlichen frĂ€nkischen Eisenmetallurgie handelt, welche die Urbare der karolingischen Periode erahnen lassen

    Détecteur de puissance intégré sur silicium stabilisé en température basé sur un coupleur compact pour applications spatiales en bande Ka

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    National audienceCe papier dĂ©crit la conception d’un dĂ©tecteur de puissance linĂ©aire compact Ă  trĂšs faible impact sur la chaĂźne RF (moins de 0,1 dB de pertes d’insertion), forte dynamique linĂ©aire (20 dB) et faible sensibilitĂ© aux variations de tempĂ©rature (moins de 0,5 dB entre -10 °C et 65 °C) en bande Ka pour des applications de communication par satellite dans la bande 17,3-20,2 GHz. Le dĂ©tecteur proposĂ© est entiĂšrement intĂ©grĂ© sur silicium en technologie BiCMOS 130 nm de STMicroelectronics et consomme moins de 4 mW. Il est basĂ© sur un nouveau coupleur capacitif trĂšs compact

    Les ateliers du hameau Les Noires Terres à Messein (Meurthe-et-Moselle, Lorraine, France): une illustration de l’une des formes d’organisation de la production du fer au cours du premier Moyen Âge ?

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    International audienceDie frĂŒhmittelalterliche Besiedlung (6.-8. Jh.) von Les Noires Terres auf dem Gebiet der Gemeinde Messein, sĂŒdlich von Nancy (Departement Meurthe-et-Moselle, Frankreich, Ausgrabung 2003-2004), besteht aus Siedlungseinheiten, die sich jeweils aus einem Wohnbau mit landwirtschaftlichen Einrichtungen (Speicherbauten, Silos, Einfriedungen, GrubenhĂ€user
) und WerkstĂ€tten fĂŒr die Eisengewinnung und -verarbeitung (Erzaufbereitung, Holzkohlengewinnung, Rennöfen, Eisenschmieden) zusammensetzen. Die AbfĂ€lle, die von einem kompletten, durch die palĂ€ometallurgische Studie dokumentierten VerhĂŒttungsprozess (von der Erzaufbereitung bis hin zur Formgebung der Endprodukte) zeugen, sowie das anhand der AbfĂ€lle geschĂ€tzte Produktionsvolumen (mehrere Dutzend Tonnen Eisen) legen nahe, dass es sich hier um die HauptbeschĂ€ftigung der Bewohner handelte und nicht um eine NebentĂ€tigkeit. Demzufolge steht die Art der Besiedlung zur Diskussion: Die Funde und Befunde wĂŒrden einer auf die Eisengewinnung und -verarbeitung spezialisierte Handwerkersiedlung entsprechen mit allen fĂŒr die Arbeit und den Alltag der Bewohner notwendigen Anlagen und Einrichtungen, WohnhĂ€usern und WerkstĂ€tten. So können wir die Hypothese vorlegen, dass es sich um eine der Organisationsformen der frĂŒhmittelalterlichen frĂ€nkischen Eisenmetallurgie handelt, welche die Urbare der karolingischen Periode erahnen lassen.The Altomedieval occupation (6th-8th c.) at Les Noires Terres in Messein, to the south of Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, excavation 2003-2004), associates elements composed of a dwelling and agricultural structures (granaries, silos, enclosures, excavated huts, etc.) with iron production and transformation workshops (iron ore preparation, wood charcoal production, reduction furnaces, iron forging). The presence of waste products corresponding to a complete chaĂźne opĂ©ratoire (production sequence) (from iron ore preparation to ïŹnished products), documented by the paleo-metallurgical study and the production volume estimated from their quantity (several dozen tons of iron), suggest that this was the main activity of the occupants, rather than an activity secondary to agricultural activities. The nature of the occupation is thus discussed : the remains discovered could correspond to the dwellings of the specialized artisans, with their workshops, including all the installations and equipment necessary for their subsistence and daily life. We can thus propose the hypothesis that this was one of the forms of iron production organization employed by the Franks during the Early Middle Ages, and that if might correspond to that which is suggested by the polyptyques of the Carolingian period.L’occupation altomĂ©diĂ©vale (vie-viiie s.) au lieu-dit Les Noires Terres sur la commune de Messein, au sud de Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, fouille 2003-2004), associe des unitĂ©s composĂ©es d’un bĂątiment d’habitation et de structures de type agricole (greniers, silos, enclos, cabanes excavĂ©es
) Ă  des ateliers de production et de travail du fer (prĂ©paration du minerai, fabrication du charbon de bois, fourneaux de rĂ©duction, forgeage du fer). La prĂ©sence des dĂ©chets relevant d’une chaĂźne opĂ©ratoire complĂšte (de la prĂ©paration du minerai Ă  l’élaboration de produits ïŹnis), documentĂ©e par l’étude palĂ©omĂ©tallurgique, ainsi que le volume de production estimĂ© au vu de leur quantitĂ© (plusieurs dizaines de tonnes de fer), suggĂšrent qu’il s’agit de l’activitĂ© principale des occupants et non pas d’une activitĂ© d’appoint aux pratiques agricoles. La nature de l’occupation est donc discutĂ©e : les vestiges dĂ©couverts correspondraient aux unitĂ©s d’habitation d’artisans spĂ©cialisĂ©s, avec leurs ateliers, comportant l’ensemble des installations et Ă©quipements nĂ©cessaires Ă  leur subsistance et Ă  leur vie quotidienne. On peut ainsi Ă©mettre l’hypothĂšse qu’il s’agit d’une des formes d’organisation de la production du fer dans le monde franc au cours du premier Moyen Âge, et qu’elle correspond peut-ĂȘtre Ă  ce que nous laissent entrevoir les polyptiques de la pĂ©riode carolingienne

    International recommendations to manage post-stroke Equinovarus Foot deformity validated by a panel of experts using DELPHI.

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    This study intended to establish international recommendations for the management of spastic equinovarus foot deformity. Delphi method SETTING: International study PARTICIPANTS: 24 international experts in neuro-orthopedic deformities, from different specialties (Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine physicians, neurologists, geriatricians, orthopaedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, and plastic surgeons) INTERVENTIONS: Experts answered three rounds of questions related to important aspects of diagnosis, assessment and treatment of spastic equinovarus foot deformity. A consensus was established when at least 80% of experts agreed on a statement RESULTS: : A total of 52 items reached consensus. Experts recommend assessing impact of the deformity on functional activities before treatment. Before treatment, it is crucial to differentiate spastic muscle overactivity from soft tissue contractures, identify which muscles are involved in the deformity and evaluate the activity of antagonist muscles. Motor nerve blocks, two-dimensional video analysis and radiological exams are often required to complement a clinical exam. The treatment of equinovarus foot depends on the correctability of the deformity, but also the patient's ability to stand or walk. The preoperative assessment should include an interdisciplinary consultation that must finalize a formal agreement between doctors and the patient, which will define personalized attainable goals before surgery. The establishment of guidelines on managing equinovarus foot will help physicians and surgeons, specialists, and non-specialists to diagnoses and assess the deformity and direct patients to a network of experts, in order to optimize patient functional recovery and improve their autonomy

    Characteristics and prognosis of bloodstream infection in patients with COVID-19 admitted in the ICU: an ancillary study of the COVID-ICU study

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    International audienceBackground Patients infected with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV 2) and requiring intensive care unit (ICU) have a high incidence of hospital-acquired infections; however, data regarding hospital acquired bloodstream infections (BSI) are scarce. We aimed to investigate risk factors and outcome of BSI in critically ill coronavirus infectious disease-19 (COVID-19) patients. Patients and methods We performed an ancillary analysis of a multicenter prospective international cohort study (COVID-ICU study) that included 4010 COVID-19 ICU patients. For the present analysis, only those with data regarding primary outcome (death within 90 days from admission) or BSI status were included. Risk factors for BSI were analyzed using Fine and Gray competing risk model. Then, for outcome comparison, 537 BSI-patients were matched with 537 controls using propensity score matching. Results Among 4010 included patients, 780 (19.5%) acquired a total of 1066 BSI (10.3 BSI per 1000 patients days at risk) of whom 92% were acquired in the ICU. Higher SAPS II, male gender, longer time from hospital to ICU admission and antiviral drug before admission were independently associated with an increased risk of BSI, and interestingly, this risk decreased over time. BSI was independently associated with a shorter time to death in the overall population (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) 1.28, 95% CI 1.05–1.56) and, in the propensity score matched data set, patients with BSI had a higher mortality rate (39% vs 33% p = 0.036). BSI accounted for 3.6% of the death of the overall population. Conclusion COVID-19 ICU patients have a high risk of BSI, especially early after ICU admission, risk that increases with severity but not with corticosteroids use. BSI is associated with an increased mortality rate

    Correction to: Characteristics and prognosis of bloodstream infection in patients with COVID‑19 admitted in the ICU: an ancillary study of the COVID‑ICU study

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    Inborn errors of OAS–RNase L in SARS-CoV-2–related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children

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    International audienceMultisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a rare and severe condition that follows benign COVID-19. We report autosomal recessive deficiencies of OAS1 , OAS2 , or RNASEL in five unrelated children with MIS-C. The cytosolic double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)–sensing OAS1 and OAS2 generate 2â€Č-5â€Č-linked oligoadenylates (2-5A) that activate the single-stranded RNA–degrading ribonuclease L (RNase L). Monocytic cell lines and primary myeloid cells with OAS1, OAS2, or RNase L deficiencies produce excessive amounts of inflammatory cytokines upon dsRNA or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) stimulation. Exogenous 2-5A suppresses cytokine production in OAS1-deficient but not RNase L–deficient cells. Cytokine production in RNase L–deficient cells is impaired by MDA5 or RIG-I deficiency and abolished by mitochondrial antiviral-signaling protein (MAVS) deficiency. Recessive OAS–RNase L deficiencies in these patients unleash the production of SARS-CoV-2–triggered, MAVS-mediated inflammatory cytokines by mononuclear phagocytes, thereby underlying MIS-C