1,062 research outputs found

    МЕТОДИКА НАВЧАННЯ ПУНКТУАЦІЇ ЗА ПІДРУЧНИКОМ «АЗБУКА ПРАВОПИСУ» Д.ТИХОМИРОВА: МОРАЛЬНО-ЕТИЧНА СПРЯМОВАНІСТЬ ВИДАННЯ. (Methods of teaching punctuation on the base of the «ABC spelling}} textbook by D.Tykhomyrov: moral and ethical orientation of the textbook.)

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    У статті проаналізовано посібник «Азбука правопису» видатного вченого-філолога кінця ХІХ - початку ХХ століття Д.Тихомирова. Автор акцентував на використанні принципів доступності, системності, переходу від простішого до складнішого, розвитку логічного мислення, читацьких інтересів дітей. (The article analyzes the textbook «ABC spelling» by outstanding philologist of the XIX - XX century D. Tykhomyrov. The author focused on the using of the principles of accessibility, the transition from simpler to more complex material, the logical thinking, the reading interests of children.

    X-ray spectroscopy at TEXTOR

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    At TEXTOR, an X-ray spectrometer in a Johann mount is utilized to measure the X-ray spectra of He-like elements with intermediate Z. Up to now, the spectra of He-like argon have been investigated. The spectra have been modeled with the most recent atomic data using physically relevant parameters only. Good agreement has been found both in modeling the experimental spectra and in the determination of the plasma parameters, such as ion temperature and plasma motion and electron temperature. The deviations between the theoretical and experimental spectra are below 7% for all lines; the precision of the plasma parameters obtained by X-ray spectroscopy agrees with the accuracy of the standard diagnostics at TEXTOR.In addition, the abundance of Li-/He-like ions, as well as the H-/He-like ions, has been measured. For the higher densities, the abundance approaches the coronal expectation. Larger deviations to the coronal limit have been found with neutral beam injection. The system is now being upgraded for spatial resolution

    Особливості управління персоналом підприємства в сучасних умовах

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    Система управління персоналом є складовою частиною загальної системи управління підприємством і за сучасних умов від її успішної побудови, і ефективності роботи залежить досягнення головних цілей функціонування організації. Основою системи управління персоналом підприємства є механізм управління, що включає в себе принципи, функції, методи управління і стиль керівництва


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    Tibial fractures are very common injuries that require surgical management. For many cases, when the fracture involves the joint further complications occur, such as joint stiffness, osteoarthritis, aseptic necrosis of articular surfaces, ankylosis, infection complications, etc. To prevent joint stiffness open reduction and internal fracture fixation is used. That allows better positioning of fracture fragments forming joint surface and improve outcome. The article analyses results of surgical treatment of intraarticular fractures as well as biomechanical factors that are affecting the joint within the healing process and in later outcome period. Various treatment procedures are suggested to prevent development of osteoarthritis or to decrease its severity. The following options are used on all stages of treatment starting since the moment of injury, primary surgical procedures, rehabilitation period, and further non-surgical treatment in the internal medicine department. Important roles are assigned for use of chondroprotective drugs, intraarticular injections of Hyaluronic acid, physiotherapy and physical activity.Tibial fractures are very common injuries that require surgical management. For many cases, when the fracture involves the joint further complications occur, such as joint stiffness, osteoarthritis, aseptic necrosis of articular surfaces, ankylosis, infection complications, etc. To prevent joint stiffness open reduction and internal fracture fixation is used. That allows better positioning of fracture fragments forming joint surface and improve outcome. The article analyses results of surgical treatment of intraarticular fractures as well as biomechanical factors that are affecting the joint within the healing process and in later outcome period. Various treatment procedures are suggested to prevent development of osteoarthritis or to decrease its severity. The following options are used on all stages of treatment starting since the moment of injury, primary surgical procedures, rehabilitation period, and further non-surgical treatment in the internal medicine department. Important roles are assigned for use of chondroprotective drugs, intraarticular injections of Hyaluronic acid, physiotherapy and physical activity

    Психолінгвістичні особливості прийомів сугестії (на матеріалі українських телепередач)

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    У статті розглядаються психолінгвістичні прийоми сугестії у мовленні ведучих інформаційних випусків новин українських телеканалів, визначається їх вплив на формування світогляду пересічного українця і вивчається специфіка подачі різними каналами інформації про одні і ті ж події (This article develops the psycholinguistic methods of suggestion in Ukrainian news anchormen’s speech, determines their infuence upon the forming of the world outlook of the average Ukrainian and learns the specifcity of presenting the information about the identical events by different channels.

    Phase Equilibria in the Sm(Ho)2S3–PbS–SnS2 Systems at 770 K

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    На основании результатов рентгенофазового анализа исследовано физико-химическое взаимодействие компонентов в квазитройных системах Sm2S3–PbS–SnS2 и Ho2S3–PbS–SnS2. Построены изотермические сече- ния исследуемых систем при температуре 770 К Interaction of the components in the Sm2S3 – PbS – SnS2 and Ho2S3 – PbS – SnS2 systems have been investigated using X-ray phase analysis. Isothermal sections of the investigated systems have been constructed at 770 К

    Method of Determination of Natural Frequencies and Forms of Nonlinear Vibrations for Layered Cylindrical Panels

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    The technique of finding a finite number of first natural frequencies for geometrically nonlinear vibrations of layered elongated cylindrical panels at discrete consideration of components is proposed and verified. The influence of the radius of curvature on the natural frequencies of three- and five-layered panels is investigated. The dependence between the volume of filler three-layer panels and the lowest natural frequency has been established