123 research outputs found

    Different MMSE domains are associated to cognitive decline and education

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    The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a long-established test to screen for dementia, estimate the severity and monitor the progression of cognitive impairment. The MMSE total score is dependent upon demographic factors, particularly education, but little is known about how education influences the 6 distinct MMSE cognitive domains. The present study aims to understand how the performances in the MMSE cognitive domains reflect clinical diagnosis and educational level. The study recruited 1043 participants, comprising 388 healthy controls, 360 patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and 295 patients with dementia. The association of the MMSE cognitive domains scores with clinical diagnosis (healthy, MCI, dementia) and educational level (primary education, middle school, high school and university/college) was analyzed with a multivariate ordinal regression model. The scores in all MMSE domains were generally higher in healthy controls as compared to patients with MCI, and higher in these as compared to patients with dementia. The MMSE domain Constructional ability was associated to the education level, the domains Orientation, Recall and Language were associated to diagnosis, Attention and calculation was associated to both education level and diagnosis, and Registration was not associated to either education or diagnosis. In conclusion, impairment in specific MMSE domains pinpoints cognitive decline, probably indicating brain areas affected by neurodegeneration, and impairment in others reflects lower education levels and the lack of acquisition of relevant schooling abilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Time perspective and amnestic mild cognitive impairment

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    Objective. We examined time perspective in patients with amnesic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). Prior research has shown that aMCI is associated with difficulties in experiencing time duration and succession. However, this line of inquiry has not been extended to time perspective. We examined associations between aMCI and multiple dimensions of time perspective including perceived orientations and relationships among the past, present, and future. Method. Thirty aMCI patients and thirty-three healthy controls participated. Measures were the Time Orientation Scale (TOS), the Time Relation Scale (TRS), and the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI), as well as a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation. Results. The TRS was associated with aMCI. Patients with aMCI were more likely to perceive that time was unrelated than the healthy older adults. Among patients with aMCI, an unrelated time perspective was associated with poorer performance in executive function measures. However, aMCI was not associated with the TOS or the ZTPI. Conclusions. Patients with aMCI have difficulty in perceiving relationships among the past, present, and future. This could be the consequence of deficits in executive functions. This research suggests that patients with aMCI may have limited understanding for how their current behaviours are related to both their past and future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The update of semantic memories in amnestic mild cognitive impairment

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    It is still controversial to what extent neocortical consolidated memories are susceptible of change by processes of reconsolidation and transformation throughout experience, and whether the medial temporal lobes are necessary for this update of semantic consolidated memories, as they are for episodic remembering. We hypothesize that patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) who have deficits in episodic memory may also have difficulties in updating information on added new features of objects. Sixteen participants with aMCI and 20 healthy control participants performed a semantic word-to-picture task, in which they were asked to identify as belonging to a given semantic category NEW objects, that have incorporated novel features, as well as OLD items, semantically and visually SIMILAR items and UNRELATED items. Patients with aMCI made a greater percentage of errors than healthy controls. Participants globally made greater percentages of errors in difficult types of items, namely NEW and SIMILAR, as compared to easier ones, OLD and UNRELATED. Importantly, an item by diagnostic group interaction effect was observed, and post hoc analysis showed that patients with aMCI made a higher percentage of errors than controls in NEW items only. In conclusion, patients with aMCI had a particular difficulty in identifying the NEW items of the word-to-picture task as compared to the control participants, supporting the concept of a flexible and dynamic conceptual knowledge system, involving the update of semantic memories and the integration of new attributes in a constant transformation process, which is impaired in these patients.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Food choices are influenced by many factors, such as emotional. When people eat, driven by emotional factors, they often lose control, which may lead to eating disorders. Therefore, this work aimed at studying the influence that emotional determinants had on people’s food choices. It was undertaken a descriptive cross-sectional study by means of a questionnaire on a non-probabilistic sample of 1314 participants. The data was collected among a sample of the Portuguese population and measured if people´s food choices were influenced by emotional determinants.The results revealed that the participants’ food choices were, in general, slightly influenced by emotional determinants (mean scores between –0.5 and 0.5, on a scale from –2 to +2). There were found significant differences in all of the variables under study. The participants, who already experienced an episode of binge-eating, were the ones that obtained the highest mean score (0.63±0.79), meaning that in this case those participants’ food choices were influenced by emotional determinants. These results support the premise that emotional determinants are influenced by the characteristics of each individual and also the existence of a positive association between emotional eating and the presence of eating disorders, especially, binge-eating

    Food Literacy Scale: Validation Through Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis in a Sample of Portuguese University Students

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    Eating behaviors and healthy food choices are associated with food literacy, and they have a huge impact on one’s health status. For that reason, to increase food literacy is a way to effectively help individuals make appropriate choices that help maintain health and diminish the incidence of non-communicable diseases. The objective of this work was to test and validate a scale to assess food literacy. The validation was conducted on a sample of 924 Portuguese university students. The scale was composed of 50 items, which were submitted to exploratory and confirmatory factors analysis. The final validated scale corresponded to a second-order model with a global factor called “Food literacy”, which retained 26 items distributed by three factors: F1—literacy about the nutritional composition of foods (10 items), F2—literacy about labelling and food choices (7 items), and F3—literacy about healthy eating practices (9 items). The internal consistency of the scale is very high, with an alpha higher than 0.9, and the Pierson correlations between the three factors and the global are also higher than 0.9. In conclusion, the present scale has been validated and can therefore be utilized to measure food literacy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Development of a Questionnaire to Assess Knowledge and Perceptions about Edible Insects

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    Edible insects (EI) have been consumed as traditional foods in many parts of the globe, but in other regions, they are not readily accepted, particularly in Western countries. However, because EI are suggested to constitute a more sustainable protein food as compared with other sources of animal protein, they can be considered a future food that could help mitigate hunger and malnutrition. Additionally, new gastronomic trends are already targeting this area for exploring new potentialities. The objective of this work was to develop and validate a questionnaire to assess consumers’ perceptions and knowledge about EI in seven different domains: D1. Culture and Tradition, D2. Gastronomic Innovation and Gourmet Kitchen, D3. Environment and Sustainability, D4. Economic and Social Aspects, D5. Commercialization and Marketing, D6. Nutritional Aspects and D7. Health Effects. The 64 items were subjected to item analysis and reliability analysis for validation, and factor analysis was also conducted to identify a grouping structure. The results validated all the items of the seven subscales with high values of Cronbach’s alpha (α = 0.732 for D1, α = 0.795 for D2, α = 0.882 for D3, α = 0.742 for D4, α = 0.675 for D5, α = 0.799 for D6 and α = 0.788 for D7). However, by eliminating 17 items, the final values of the alpha increased in all subscales. Factor analysis with extraction by principal component analysis with varimax rotation extracted 14 factors that explained, in total, 65% of the variance, although the first two factors were the most important (35.7% variance explained). In conclusion, the confirmed usefulness of the questionnaire has been hereby validated for assessing consumer perceptions of and knowledge about EI.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O projecto nacional de educação pelos pares da Fundação Portuguesa “A comunidade contra a sida” em escolas EB2/3 do Porto

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    O Projecto Nacional de Educação pelos Pares, focado na sexualidade e prevenção do VIH/ SIDA, foi criado pela Fundação Portuguesa “A Comunidade Contra a SIDA” no âmbito do Centro de Aconselhamento e Orientação de Jovens (CAOJ). O processo de aprendizagem, desenvolvido a partir do diagnóstico das necessidades de formação do público-alvo, recorre a metodologias activas que visam educar os adolescentes para uma vivência gratificante da sua sexualidade e prepará-los para assumirem o seu papel de “pares educadores” de colegas mais jovens. Esta educação de pares dirigida a alunos que frequentam o 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico é dinamizada, numa primeira fase, por jovens voluntários universitários organizados em Brigadas Universitárias de Intervenção (BUI) e no Teatro Universitário de Intervenção (TUI). Estes voluntários, com o acompanhamento de professores destacados para o CAOJ, responsáveis pela sua formação pedagógica, desenvolvem o projecto com alunos do 7º ao 9º ano de escolaridade. No terceiro ano de formação, os alunos do 3º ciclo organizados em Brigadas Escolares de Intervenção (BEI) iniciam a sua acção como educadores dos colegas mais novos, geralmente dos 2º e 1º ciclos. Esta comunicação, pretende mostrar a dinâmica deste Projecto desenvolvido em cinco escolas EB2/3 do Porto e discutir, com base em evidências recolhidas junto dos professores, voluntários e alunos envolvidos, alguns resultados obtidos neste ano lectivo

    A Step Forward in Breast Cancer Research: From a Natural-Like Experimental Model to a Preliminary Photothermal Approach

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    Supplementary Materials - The following are available online at https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/21/24/9681/s1, Figure S1: GNPs’ size distribution by intensity (%) obtained by DLS.Breast cancer is one of the most frequently diagnosed malignancies and common causes of cancer death in women. Recent studies suggest that environmental exposures to certain chemicals, such as 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA), a chemical present in tobacco, may increase the risk of developing breast cancer later in life. The first-line treatments for breast cancer (surgery, chemotherapy or a combination of both) are generally invasive and frequently associated with severe side effects and high comorbidity. Consequently, novel approaches are strongly required to find more natural-like experimental models that better reflect the tumors’ etiology, physiopathology and response to treatments, as well as to find more targeted, efficient and minimally invasive treatments. This study proposes the development and an in deep biological characterization of an experimental model using DMBA-tumor-induction in Sprague-Dawley female rats. Moreover, a photothermal therapy approach using a near-infrared laser coupled with gold nanoparticles was preliminarily assessed. The gold nanoparticles were functionalized with Epidermal Growth Factor, and their physicochemical properties and in vitro effects were characterized. DMBA proved to be a very good and selective inductor of breast cancer, with 100% incidence and inducing an average of 4.7 tumors per animal. Epigenetic analysis showed that tumors classified with worst prognosis were hypomethylated. The tumor-induced rats were then subjected to a preliminary treatment using functionalized gold nanoparticles and its activation by laser (650–900 nm). The treatment outcomes presented very promising alterations in terms of tumor histology, confirming the presence of necrosis in most of the cases. Although this study revealed encouraging results as a breast cancer therapy, it is important to define tumor eligibility and specific efficiency criteria to further assess its application in breast cancer treatment on other species.The APC was funded by Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra and Coimbra Chemistry Centre, Department of Chemistry, University of Coimbra. This work was also supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal under the project’s references UIDB/00645/2020 and UID/DTP/04138/2019. TFG was supported by FCT, Portugal under the reference SFRH/BD/147306/2019. Thanks to FCT/MCTES for the financial support to CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020), through national funds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Neuropsychological profile of amyloid-positive versus amyloid-negative amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Patients diagnosed with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) are at high risk of progressing to dementia. It became possible, through the use of biomarkers, to diagnose those patients with aMCI who have Alzheimer's disease. However, it is presently unfeasible that all patients undergo biomarker testing. Since neuropsychological testing is required to make a formal diagnosis of aMCI, it would be interesting if it could be used to predict the amyloid status of patients with aMCI.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Corncob as carbon source in the production of xanthan gum in different strains Xanthomonas sp.

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    Xanthan gum (XG) is a biopolymer obtained in fermentation and used as a rheology control agent in aqueous systems and in stabilizing emulsions and suspensions. XG, together with other polysaccharides, can form soft, cohesive composite gels. The carbon source in the fermentative process is responsible for one-third of the production costs, and the search for less expensive and sustainable alternatives is ongoing. The use of agricultural residues such as the corncob is highly suggestive due to their abundance. This study aims to evaluate the use of derived hemicellulose fractions from the alkaline extraction of corncob as a carbon source in the production of XG in trials using four strains of Xanthomonas sp. (629, 1078, 254, and S6). The results indicate that strain 629 provides the higher yield (8.37 ± 5.75 g L−1) while using a fermentation medium containing a carbon source of saccharose (1.25%), hemicellulose fractions (3.75%), and salts. In this same medium, the strain 629 produces gum in 3% aqueous solution, showing the higher apparent viscosity (9298 ± 31 mPa s−1) at a shear rate of 10 s−1 at 25 °C. In conclusion, corncob is proven to be a promising sustainable alternative carbon source in the obtention of XG, improving the economic viability of the process within a biorefinery context. Saccharose must, however, also be included in the fermentation medium.0F1A-358B-43B5 | Fernando Jorge Ribeiro da MataN/