39 research outputs found

    From the industrial district to the innovative milieu: Contribution to an analysis of territorialised productive organisations

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    The interest shown in territorialized productive organizations does not simply account for a geographical phenomenon but above all highlights the territorial dimension of development and innovation processes. In the wake of the work done on Italian industrial districts, numerous studies have been conducted that have made it possible to identify similar forms of localized productive organizations. The aim of the present paper is to attempt a synthesis of the way in which these territorialized productive organizations work. To do so, we shall select two concepts: the localized production system and the milieu. The fundamental question is then to identify which logic influences the way a localized production system works: the milieu-actuated territorial logic or the functional logic, which corresponds to industrial organization of an hierarchical natur

    From the industrial district to the innovative milieu : Contribution to an analysis of territorialised productive organisations

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    The interest shown in territorialized productive organizations does not simply account for a geographical phenomenon but above all highlights the territorial dimension of development and innovation processes. In the wake of the work done on italian industrial districts, numerous studies have been conducted that have made it possible to identify similar forms of localized productive organizations. The aim of the present paper is to attempt a synthesis of the way in which these territorialized productive organizations work. To do so, we shall select two concepts : the localized production system and the milieu. The fundamental question is then to identify which logic influences the way a localized production system works : the milieu-actuated territorial logic or the functional logic, which corresponds to the industrial organization of an hierarchical nature.

    A silent cry for leadership : organizing for leading (in) clusters

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    Leadership research so far has neglected clusters as a particular context for leadership, while research on networks and clusters has hardly studied leadership issues. This paper fills this dual gap in the abundant research on leadership on the one hand and on networks/clusters on the other by investigating leadership in photonics clusters from a structuration perspective. Apart from giving an insight into the variety and patterns of leadership practices observed, the paper addresses the dilemma that regional innovation systems such as clusters usually have a critical need of some kind of leadership, but that neither individual nor organizational actors wish to be led. This dilemma can only be ‘managed’ by organizing for leading (in) clusters in a certain way

    L'immigration en Suisse. Évolution de la politique d'immigration et conséquences économiques

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    Maillat Denis. L'immigration en Suisse. Évolution de la politique d'immigration et conséquences économiques. In: Les travailleurs étrangers en Europe occidentale. Actes du Colloque organisé par la Commission nationale pour les études et les recherches interethniques, Paris-Sorbonne, du 5 au 7 juin 1974. Nice : Institut d'études et de recherches interethniques et interculturelles, 1976. pp. 105-119. (Publications de l'Institut d'études et de recherches interethniques et interculturelles, 6

    Logique de l'espace industriel

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    Maillat Denis. Logique de l'espace industriel. In: Espace géographique, tome 11, n°2, 1982. pp. 154-155

    Logique de l'espace industriel

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    Maillat Denis. Logique de l'espace industriel. In: Espace géographique, tome 11, n°2, 1982. pp. 154-155

    La revitalisation des régions de tradition industrielle : le rôle des PME et du milieu

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    Certaines régions de tradition industrielle ont montré qu’elles pouvaient revitaliser leur système de production. Elles sont capables de mutations (la mutation est un événement à caractère plus ou moins aléatoire qui introduit un changement à l'intérieur des éléments constitutifs d'une entité). Ces mutations se manifestent par une recombinaison de leurs composantes qui, en liaison avec une partie du potentiel d’origine, donne naissance à un caractère nouveau. Il est donc important d'analyser les capacités d'un tissu industriel traditionnel à provoquer des phénomènes d'adaptation et d'innovation technologique. A partir d’une impulsion initiale, on observera comment les entreprises adaptent leur processus de production, en tenant compte des compétences, des opportunités et du potentiel existant dans leur environnement. Cette recomposition du système économique local, dépend de l’émergence des PME, de leur ancrage régional et du milieu.Some traditional areas have proved themselves to be capable of revival. They are capable of undergoing mutations (a mutation being a somewhat random event that produces a change within the elements of a given entity). These mutations manifest themselves through the reorganization of an area’s component which, combined with certain aspects of its original potential, produces a whole new character it is therefore important to analyse the exent to which the traditional industrial fabric is capable of provoking technological adaptation and innovation. Based on the initial impetus, it is possible to observe how companies adapt their production process by taking into account their abilities, their opportunities and their environmental potential. This reorganization of the local economic system is dependent upon the emergence of SME’s and their foothold in a given region and on the environment itself.Ciertas regiones de producción industrial han demostrado poder revivificar su sistema de producción. Ellas son capaces de mutaciones (siendo la mutación un evento de caracter mas o menos aleatorio que introduce un cambio al interior de los elementos constituyentes de una entidad). Estas mutaciones se manifestan por medio de una reorganización de sus componentes, que combinada con una parte del potencial original produce un caracter nuevo. Es por eso importante analyzar la capacidad de un tejido industrial tradicional para provocar fenomenos de adaptación y de innovación tecnológicas. A partir de un impulso inicial se puede observar como las empresas adaptan su proceso de producción al tener en cuenta la competencia, las oportunidades y el potencial existente en su medio ambiente. Esta recomposicion del sistema economico local depende de la emergencia de las P.M.E. de su sujeción regional y del medio