167 research outputs found

    Cálculo del área de una superficie vía un método no monótono

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    En este trabajo se presenta una forma novedosa de resolver un problema de optimización clásico que se adapta a cursos avanzados de Análisis Numérico y Optimización. En particular se sugiere como proyecto sobre métodos iterativos para problemas de optimización irrestrictos. El problema consiste en hallar la supeficie de área mínima en un recinto rectangular dados los valores en la frontera del mismo. El método propuesto para resolverlo es el de gradiente espectral al cual se le ha incorporado una estrategia de globalización. Para resolver el problema, se desarrolló un algoritmo codificado en MATLAB. Se presentan resultados numéricos que muestran el comportamiento del método en este caso

    Stock de carbono en especies arbóreas del espinal entrerriano

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    El objetivo fue estimar el stock de carbono (C) en la biomasa arbórea de los bosques nativos del Espinal y valorar el servicio ecosistémico que prestan como secuestradores de C ante escenarios de cambio climático. El estudio se desarrolló en el área de bosques nativos de Entre Ríos. Se cuantificó la biomasa arbórea aérea y la fracción de C por componente (fuste, ramas ≥5cm de diámetro y <5cm) de las especies dominantes (Prosopis affinis, Vachellia caven y P.nigra). Se obtuvieron para cada especie, modelos alométricos de alta precisión y factores de expansión de la biomasa, que constituyen herramientas de utilidad para estimar el C almacenado en estos ecosistemas. Los bosques nativos del Espinal entrerriano almacenan en promedio en su biomasa arbórea aérea, un stock de 43,99±10,43 tC/ha, que representan 161,44 t CO2/ha capturados de la atmósfera. Se estimó una tasa promedio de captura y fijación de C de 0,75±0,17 tC/ha/año. Este valor indica que en promedio, 1 ha de bosque nativo secuestra 2,75 t CO2/año. La información generada permite valorar el servicio ambiental que brindan los bosques nativos del Espinal entrerriano como sumidero de C en un escenario de cambio climático, siendo prioritaria su protección contra la deforestación y degradación. ARK: http://id.caicyt.gov.ar/ark:/s22504559/1pkod656v

    Population genetics of wild-type CAG repeats in the Machado-Joseph disease gene in Portugal

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    To gain insights on the molecular mechanisms of mutation that led to the emergence of expanded alleles in the MJD gene, by studying the behavior of wild-type alleles and testing the association of its distribution with the representation of the disease. Methods: The number of CAG motifs in the MJD gene was determined in a representative sample of 1000 unrelated individuals. Associations between the repeat size and the epidemiological representation of MJD were tested. Results: The allelic profi le of the total sample was in the normal range (13–41 repeats), with mode (CAG) 23 . No intermediate alleles were present. Allelic size distribution showed a negative skew. The correlation between the epidemiological representation of MJD in each district and the frequency of small, medium and large normal alleles was not signifi cant. Further correlations performed grouping the districts also failed to produce signifi cant results. Conclusions: The absence of association between the size of the repeats and the representation of MJD demonstrates that prevalence is not an indirect refl ection of the frequency of large normal alleles. Globally the results obtained are in accordance with a model that postulates the occurrence of a few mutations on the basis of most of the MJD cases worldwide

    Challenging SO(10) SUSY GUTs with family symmetries through FCNC processes

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    We perform a detailed analysis of the SO(10) SUSY GUT model with D3 family symmetry of Dermisek and Raby (DR). The model is specified in terms of 24 parameters and predicts, as a function of them, the whole MSSM set of parameters at low energy scales. Concerning the SM subset of such parameters, the model is able to give a satisfactory description of the quark and lepton masses, of the PMNS matrix and of the CKM matrix. We perform a global fit to the model, including flavour changing neutral current (FCNC) processes Bs --> mu+ mu-, B --> Xs gamma, B --> Xs l+ l- and the B(d,s) - bar B(d,s) mass differences Delta M(d,s) as well as the flavour changing (FC) process B+ --> tau+ nu. These observables provide at present the most sensitive probe of the SUSY mass spectrum and couplings predicted by the model. Our analysis demonstrates that the simultaneous description of the FC observables in question represents a serious challenge for the DR model, unless the masses of the scalars are moved to regions which are problematic from the point of view of naturalness and probably beyond the reach of the LHC. We emphasize that this problem could be a general feature of SUSY GUT models with third generation Yukawa unification and weak-scale minimal flavour violation.Comment: 1 + 37 pages, 5 figures, 11 tables. v3: minor typos fixed. Matches JHEP published versio

    Recomendações Para O Tratamento Da Crise Migranosa - Um Consenso Brasileiro

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    In this article, a group of experts in headache management of the Brazilian Headache Society developed through a consensus strategic measurements to treat a migraine attack in both the child and the adult. Particular emphasis was laid on the treatment of migraine in women, including at pregnancy, lactation and perimenstrual period. © 2016, Associacao Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria. All rights reserved.74326227

    Satietogenic Protein from Tamarind Seeds Decreases Food Intake, Leptin Plasma and CCK-1r Gene Expression in Obese Wistar Rats

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    Objective: This study evaluated the effect of a protein, the isolated Trypsin Inhibitor (TTI) from Tamarindus indica L. seed, as a CCK secretagogue and its action upon food intake and leptin in obese Wistar rats. Methods: Three groups of obese rats were fed 10 days one of the following diets: Standard diet (Labina®) + water; High Glycemic Index and Load (HGLI) diet + water or HGLI diet + TTI. Lean animals were fed the standard diet for the 10 days. Food intake, zoometric measurements, plasma CCK, plasma leptin, relative mRNA expression of intestinal CCK-related genes, and expression of the ob gene in subcutaneous adipose tissue were assessed. Results: TTI decreased food intake but did not increase plasma CCK in obese animals. On the other hand, TTI treatment decreased CCK-1R gene expression in obese animals compared with the obese group with no treatment (p = 0.027). Obese animals treated with TTI presented lower plasma leptin than the non-treated obese animals. Conclusion: We suggest that TTI by decreasing plasma leptin may improve CCK action, regardless of its increase in plasma from obese rats, since food intake was lowest

    Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to a bbˉb\bar{b} pair in events with no charged leptons and large missing transverse energy using the full CDF data set

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    We report on a search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a vector boson in the full data set of proton-antiproton collisions at s=1.96\sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV recorded by the CDF II detector at the Tevatron, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9.45 fb1^{-1}. We consider events having no identified charged lepton, a transverse energy imbalance, and two or three jets, of which at least one is consistent with originating from the decay of a bb quark. We place 95% credibility level upper limits on the production cross section times standard model branching fraction for several mass hypotheses between 90 and 150GeV/c2150 \mathrm{GeV}/c^2. For a Higgs boson mass of 125GeV/c2125 \mathrm{GeV}/c^2, the observed (expected) limit is 6.7 (3.6) times the standard model prediction.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to a bb pair in events with one charged lepton and large missing transverse energy using the full CDF data set

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    We present a search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a W boson in sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV p-pbar collision data collected with the CDF II detector at the Tevatron corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9.45 fb-1. In events consistent with the decay of the Higgs boson to a bottom-quark pair and the W boson to an electron or muon and a neutrino, we set 95% credibility level upper limits on the WH production cross section times the H->bb branching ratio as a function of Higgs boson mass. At a Higgs boson mass of 125 GeV/c2 we observe (expect) a limit of 4.9 (2.8) times the standard model value.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett (v2 contains clarifications suggested by PRL